vampire diaries monologues bonnie

vampire diaries monologues bonnie

Bonnie is then seen crying with the rest of the group as Alaric decides not to complete his transition into a vampire. Bonnie reveals that the spirits wanted Alaric to turn for some reason. She begins to hear something and she puts her head to the wall and soon hears the voices on the other side. She hears him and she calls out to him. Fearing the stone, her attacks them and finds the stone in Alaric's possession. Anna makes arrangements to meet Stefan and tells Ben to use violence if necessary when dealing with Elena and Bonnie. He reasons that if Arcadius can do it, it would be possible from someone else. Bonnie is irritated that in all their time together, this is the first time he's played the "immortal" card on her. Bonnie, seemingly defeated, tells him that she never gets to have her chance, that she's always giving it up for everyone else and that it sucks. Over the course of three years, they developed a romantic relationship. Bonnie tries but discovers that her powers are blocked. Hearing the whispers of the ancient witches again, she is lured into the cellar. Bonnie hands off a dress to her as she inquires about how Paris was and how Enzo was doing. He instead calls Damon. Bonnie informs her friends the kind of magic Shane has been teaching her is called Expression. Abby is confused about how it was possible without magic but she believes that she must have opened a door to someplace dark and it needs to be closed. They remain close until Kai Parker links their lives together in season six and they are forced to live without each other. In a display of sheer power, Bonnie made Damon feel all of that pain so that her feelings about Kai would be made perfectly clear. By the end of the episode, Abby decides to leave even if Caroline tries to convince her to stay. In After School Special, Bonnie is first seen at the Mystic Falls High School where a gathering is being held in honor of Carol Lockwood, who had been killed. Enzo reveals that her mind is bound to her and that he can't escape from her. Enzo appears at the door and says "Hello, luv". Caroline comes in and gives her some of her blood though it doesn't immediately take effect. He denies it and counters that if someone was with him, it would be better if she didn't know as there was a mind-reading devil on the loose for escaped souls. Bonnie says Damon's name, as she's about to die. It's not my time!" However, when she returned to the physical plane, she had her hair cut into a short bob. Back in the prison world, Bonnie admits that she misses her friends then sets her Christmas tree on fire. Feeling scared and not knowing what is going on, Bonnie rushes off to her grandmother's house. Grams pours her some tea to help quite her mind as they talk about what she needs help with. Bonnie recovers and responds with "the ascendant's this way", and walks off. She then assists Valerie with the spell to keep the Gemini twins within Caroline from preventing the doctors to perform a C-section. Soon Luka joins Bonnie at her table while Jeremy plays pool. At the Mystic Grill, Rudy and Bonnie talk and he tells his daughter how she lost control of her powers and she needed help. Caroline then asks is Bonnie alright and Bonnie replies "Yes, now that I unlinked her." He calls out to her and Bonnie is shocked to see him again. While setting up candles, she's visited by Stefan. He claims he lost a bet. Bonnie is determined to get Enzo far away as she can though Enzo continues to scream in pain as Sybil calls him back to her. Bonnie speaks to Enzo as he rants about her decision to lessen the time she has left. In Growing Pains, Bonnie searches for a way to turn Elena back to her human state before her transition is complete. Bonnie attempts to slow Oscar down is a boundary spell though he learns how to siphon magic and breaks through to find Enzo and Bonnie. Enzo admits that he heard her and Damon's conversation. Then Caroline tells Bonnie that she may be waiting a while. Bonnie decides her grandmother is right and leaves the necklace on, but she just wishes it was a little bit prettier. Once they are done, she leaves him all alone in the prison world, having finally gotten her revenge on him. Caroline tries to reason with her, though Bonnie start asking whether or not Caroline's kids know about her being a vampire. Bonnie is furious and full of tears and Abby tells her that she had to destroy him to break the connection. Then he knew she was dead. She tells Caroline that she knows they have a lot to talks, i.e. Bonnie, however, uses Expression on him, causing balloons to pop and lockers to open, leaving Bonnie for a chance to escape. The doors they are at are unlocked, Enzo giving her the honors and she enters. In Because the Night, Bonnie is now aware that Shane is Silas, although he won't reveal his true form to her. Not long afterwards, Bonnie is in the kitchen drinking the champagne. It hurts. Later, she is seen in the kitchen and when Jamie comes in, he said he talked with Caroline, which Bonnie answers by saying that "Caroline lectured him". As an immortal, he wants her to leave the fighting to him. Bonnie was in a romantic relationship with Lorenzo St. John before his death. Suddenly Anna appears and warns Jeremy that the darkness was there. Bonnie asks Luka if he knows how to break a bind between a talisman and a spell. She then invites him into her home. Bonnie approaches the common room, a women is signing Christmas carols. After she finishes her story and tells them that if Alaric loves his daughters, he will bring them to see her, to make things right. She is seen looking at another patient called Virginia. Jeremy tries to attack Abby, and Bonnie tells him not to and to leave. Bonnie and Damon's bickering is one of the most comedic aspects of The Vampire Diaries' sixth season. Caroline explains that Damon was going to give it to her, Bonnie comments "It's ugly" right before Caroline snatches it. Elena tells Bonnie that Jeremy has had so much pain in his life that he deserves to be happy with someone as amazing as her. Bonnie's psychic abilities are hereditary according to Bonnie, and she says that the psychic powers always skip a generation. Jeremy confronts Bonnie again on why she wants to kill herself for Elena and they are overheard by Damon. When Sheila opens the door, Bonnie is crying and says that she doesn't know what's going on. On his way to leave, Mason accidentally bumps into Bonnie. Enzo, at peace, continues to watch over her. BONNIE: We're okay. However, she tells him that he doesn't and she's using a dark object on loan from the Armory: The Flame of Imprisonment. Witchy, Judgy, Wicked Witch of the West, Medusa, Bonnie the Teenage Witch, Destroyer of Dreams, Bonica-Magica, Sister, Rayna 2.0, Crazy Bitch Bonnie, The Witch of The Five's Unnamed Child/ren , Ben and Bonnie (Ex-Friends/Dated/He was using her). She writes in her journal to Elena Gilbert that she's there to make sure that Alaric does not die of over drinking. Bonnie takes her mother's and and latter calls out to Enzo. their trip to Paris. Then Silas appears and says "Or how deep I am inside your head." Bonnie informs her that the device Isobel wants is a weapon. Bonnie tells her that she doesn't decide who crosses over or not and witnesses Katherine being sucked into the darkness. Stefan arrives to warn the witches about Bonnie's true intentions, but to his horror Aja prepares to slay Bonnie, fearing that after Silas' intervention she's "lost" to them. Bonnie told her she needed her help by giving her Silas' tombstone. He explains that Jenna has been taken. Killed by Later, Stefan is dreaming about his time within the stone and can hear Bonnie and Nora performing the same spell to release his soul from the stone. Damon tells her that he wants them all to be alive and asks if she will help take down the devil. You hear me? In What Are You?, it picks up some short time later from the previous episode. Stefan feeds April his blood and instructs Bonnie to get April out of the school and to safety. Sybil arrives and indicates that she invited both Damon and Stefan. Elena begins to wake and the greet each other for the first time since she was cursed and embrace in a big hug. Lucy tells her that she owed Katherine and had to help her. While enraged, Enzo appears before her as she turns from the closed door. She gives back the ring and removes the stake, both unknown what has transpired with Stefan and Sarah. He starts to kill him, but Klaus croaks that he did not bury the family at sea - the bodies are safe. Once everyone is safely outside, Bonnie is shown to be sealing the Armory itself, to prevent the members and whatever was in the vault from getting out; with Alex screaming out, learning her sister is dead and she is now trap inside the vault with what killed her sister. Damon is the final one to try and wake Bonnie, telling her unconscious body that if they can't reach her good side, then he sure can reach her bad side; he enters her mind. #mattdonovan She is next seen getting out of Damon's car at the Mystic Falls Medical Center, where she takes pain pills and antibiotics while treating her arrow wound. Vicki, with a bandage on her neck, approaches them asks them if they are hear for lunch and wants them to follow her. Bonnie and Enzo rush to the Armory to find out what happened to Damon. Her grandmother explains to Bonnie that the seal has not been broken and that any Vampires entering the tomb will not be allowed back out. I mean, they're all dead. As they chant and stare down the hellfire, generations of Bennett witches, including Lucy, the Witch of the Five, and Ayana, return from peace and aid Bonnie, fighting back the hellire with their collective magic. Currently, Enzo's life is on the line due to the Armory's creature mentally incapacitating him and Bonnie is currently trying to bring him back to himself. Tyler shows up and puts a white rose on the Parent Tree. Gaining the power of Expression, she was able to take down two Original vampires, as well as the very first immortal, Silas. Realizing that she overreacted, Caroline apologized to Bonnie. She is an eighteen year old young witch who originally started off as a human psychic. I'm a witch.". He's determined that they will still have their future and that he doesn't need the cure to be happy, just her. She concocts a plan to travel to the Other Side and bring Elena's spirit back. In Ordinary People, Bonnie helps Alaric and Elena by figuring out the marks and the symbols on the walls in the caves. The figure was only a representation of his true gift to Bonnie; he tells her that he's taking her to Paris and calls her a "Silly Witch". He tells her they want to use the cure that is in Elena to cure Arcadius of his immortality. Bonnie climbs back in Damon's car, where she tries to start the car, but it has been sabotaged by Kai. Hugging her close, Jeremy looks into the mirror behind Bonnie and sees Anna watching them. Bonnie can put out the fire. Bonnie lights his arm with magic where it's wet by the water. Sheila, returning from peace, takes her granddaughter's hand, smiles and gives her a nod. He's in your first. Bonnie." Damon is worried she said something, but she didn't and asks her about April Lyrids. Matt wakes up and notices Bonnie's hand is cut and bleeding, and she tells him she knows who it is. He asks what she feels; se tells him rage and anguish. Alaric and the class runs after her. In the 2009 flashback, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie watch the tree lighting. While Bonnie has become friends with and likes Stefan, she remains cordial with his older brother, Damon, despite Damon's actions that have affected deeply including turning her mother into a vampire. Bonnie's most defining trait, as well as her greatest weakness, is her compassion, her selflessness, and her undying devotion and loyalty to her friends and her willingness to constantly sacrifice or martyr herself for them and for the greater good. I thought you couldn't get inside my head." In the end, she agrees to try. There is also something rather dreamy about her physical appearance. When Bonnie and Elena were kidnapped, Grams got Stefan to save them both. However, the Spirits of Nature decided to retaliate but surprisingly punished Sheila instead, leaving Bonnie distraught and guilt-ridden. Caroline storms in complaining about throwing together a "shotgun Vegas wedding". He tells her that he will help her access Expression once she needs it and that he needs her to stay in control. Just then,the oblivion arrives and Enzo and Silas are suddenly pulled towards it. As she listens to her, she tries to light a candle. To free Damon she needs Enzo's palm for the scanner to work. Once again, Bonnie gives Elena the cold shoulder. Bonnie then wishes herself happy birthday, revealing that February 5 is her birthday. Bonnie tells him that she bought it a couple months ago with the money that he dad had left her, that since no one else knows about it, it makes it the perfect place to stash the bell. The lights go out at the medical center, and Bonnie finds Kai waiting for her in the hallway. Damon meanwhile is drinking under the belief that they're stuck in hell. 60. Moments later, Jeremy's mark grows, allowing everyone to see it. Physically, Bonnie is a very beautiful and attractive young woman. He leaves and Bonnie and Matt follow, where at the high school they discover many other compelled victims hooked up to IV bags. Damon tries to be reasonable; even if someone is there, that doesn't guarantee a way out. #carolineforbes Everything my Grams told me. Bonnie and Stefan are thrown backwards, temporarily knocking him both out. Silas walking towards Bonnie says "I'm curious what was your plan, pow-pow with Qetsiyah, brainstorm ways to put me down, Qetsiyah's not coming she wants me on the other side with her for eternity" Silas then turns into Alaric and says "that sounds familiar, maybe Damon can convince you" "I won't let you" Bonnie says before Silas cuts her off mid-sentence by saying "You won't let me what?" He tries to stop her but suddenly she passes out. She soon discovers that the Moonstone is hidden in a well on the Lockwood property. She asks him how she was able to find and he elaborates that they share a kinship, an awareness of each other. Bonnie in response says that Vicki is here because of him and that he should let Vicki go. In Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bonnie is in college with Elena (Katherine) and Caroline who are planning to go to the Bitter Ball. She takes Tyler down. Some time later, as Bonnie is driving, Enzo wakes up in pain. Bonnie insisted that she didn't need help, but Rudy said that the fact that she thinks she didn't need help only meant that she needed help even more. You owe me big.Alaric: I miss you too, buddy. Of course. #alaricsaltzman In Break On Through, Bonnie is seen in Abby's house. She tells Caroline that she's going to save the world and she needed to get in that car along with her family. In The Murder of One, Klaus threatens Jeremy. As long as Bonnie was alive, Elena would be forced to slumber in a magical coma. Elena and Caroline are up in arms and Bonnie tries to cheer them up with some "magic tea". After Stefan and Damon take off to find Elena, Bonnie and Jeremy wait together in his room. Damon reveals to everyone else that Rayna screwed over their deal, giving Bonnie not only her life but her lifestyle. Bonnie, later, explains to Damon that she spoke to Kai and tells him that they didn't destroy Hell. When she returns to the cabin, she's greeted to a decorated cabin and Enzo, who wants to dance. Then Bonnie starts to use magic and Silas starts to find it hard to move as Bonnie says "I will make the blood clot in your veins, I will make ever bone muscle and joint in your body turn to stone, you won't have power over us anymore." Enzo: I need you to think about me.Bonnie: No. Enzo questions if Siren were also witches, though Bonnie retorts that her Grams used to say witchcraft was rooted in psychic energy and that before she knew she had magic, she though she was a psychic because of the senses and feelings she could divine about others. Also, Bonnie wanted to explore herself after realizing she has changed as a person. As she packs her bag, she asks herself if she had everything. Nora seemed impressed with Bonnie's willingness to help. Jeremy wants to accompany them, but Bonnie kisses him and casts a spell to make him pass out. In Postcards from the Edge, Bonnie is seen performing a spell with Nora to find the Huntress Rayna Cruz. It's Christmas and they are exchanging gifts. Which is why you already know how impossible it is for me to find the words to say goodbye.". Jeremy appeared and told her to wake up. Elena and Damon also ask for Bonnie's help about the lost memories of Stefan.

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