why do i feel like allah is punishing me

why do i feel like allah is punishing me

YET HES NOT LISTENING. In Islam you may be punished for what you committed, but not for your thoughts as long as they are not been practiced (and then evaluated as sinful). Im scared to practice my new religion in my parents presence. Thatll beyond devastating. He knows Ive never tried to intentionally hurt someone or lie about them. Another is braveness. First time I gave A Levels, I got mediocre grades you know. Answer. I have never had so many bad thoughts and temptations in my head compared to before but I cant give in to that. Do you study? in their you will enjoy and you will be granted all of your desires. Al-Hujurat(9), Surely Allah loves those who maintain justice. Im a Moslem cross-breed from a Christian father & a Moslem mother, but my father convert to Moslem though. I pray to Allah about this, but still nothing. Clear?, good now lets keep that good deeds rolling on the streets. We are here for you if you need anything. In addition to that, you feel your sisters are better, smarter, and more beautiful than you. Mean while my other elder sister was diagnosed blood cancer and she couldnt survive and died in 1998. Then also Allah will do with me what he want? I love my Muslim boyfriend but he already has a wife. You must read it! Don't let Shaiton get between you and Allah. It's exactly like that, that's how I feel sometimes. Hope is dependent on one's love for Allah The Almighty. He does nothing to you. How to control bad thoughts about sex, swearing, etc.? I probably could have changed millions of lives. For more information, please see our And this is the point of the misery and suffering and trials you face. Now answering your question, i know you have some hardship my dear friend Satan is enemy of human because he has ego, he do not want to Sajda human, this is why he disobey ALLAH, because he was jealous of human he feel ego. People fake their feelings , appreciation , for those who seem pretty good,,, who are not ill . Do not make yourself tired on income, trust on me and be a person i like, and if you dont Ill make you run like a animal in jungle running for food, but still you will only get what was written for you, And Prophet Sallalaho alaihi wasallim said When I read replies from brother to anonymous I cry even harder and make dua for both of them that those are who make me fall in love again to Allah. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 MuslimMatters: Because Muslims Matter, : : : . Which more of His favours would you deny?? This is more than all of that. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month. their father tried to zibah them, by putting all trust on ALLAH and by determining his mind that i am a creature of ALLAH he is my LORD if he want me to do this, then no matter what i will do this. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Also, seek counselling for your OCD and perhaps even try cbt. I can not even begin to comprehend and put myself in your shoes. The peers at school bullied me. One is journaling. I hope this helps! K. But i am addicted to sins. Have you not listen the story of Hazrat Ismail A.S? Will I be punished? Your suffering and your pain in this world will wipe out any suffering and pain in the Hereafter for your sins. Sometime you have to prove that you really love and you can give everything for this love. Al-Barakah(222), Then indeed, Allah loves the God-fearing. Dr. Phil | 13K views, 122 likes, 2 loves, 23 comments, 7 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from DrPhil Show 2023: Dr.Phil Show 2023 - Sleeping With the Enemy The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Keep on remembering that Allah will be happy with you if you try your best to remain a good muslim, and don't let shaiton whisper bad things to you. Questions on Muslim culture or behaviour unrelated to the teachings of Islam are off-topic here. Answer. I (no longer, alhamdulillah) was in a haram relationship for a while and hoped for it to lead to marriage. You whining about having daughters. If I dont feel like praying on a particular day, I wont. That's what I've been currently doing to 'combat' it. Web on a more spiritual level, while it may feel like allah subhanahu wa ta'alaa is punishing you, he is probably actually just testing you. I think I was really in a black pit when I wrote this. One one of the main things I desire in this dunya is to get married, yet it seems so unattainable for me. You only need to do is, recite this: I seek refuge from God against the devil. Believe me theres onething u should think Allah loves you and has made you. why do you need to have degrees? Again I have teachers who really could care less about me which breaks my heart. I truly doubt that your parents and family and friends are disgusted by you and that your reputation has been ruined because you have a disease. why ? I don't want to say how. Could a subterranean river or aquifer generate enough continuous momentum to power a waterwheel for the purpose of producing electricity? Like you said, those other things would be more 'desirable' tests for me, which I would have no problem taking. Your email really touched me sister. I also suggest doing dhikr and understanding Allah (Swt) 99 names. I am fed up of everything. ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. As if that is the proof or something.. so what then? When you are stuck in traffic, you are being protected from being in a place where something worse would happen to you at the time you would have been there if you had not been delayed. So many non muslims also there who have their some wishes full filled and some non fullfilled so praying in front of allah and ghairullah is same becouse who pray for allah has same that some wishes full filled and some are not, May oUr hearts find peace. Jazakallahul khair Hence some of the salaf said: "The gift of the believer is death.". ALLAH has control over each and every thing from micro to macro level in this universe, then why all this happens to mankind. I found you a beautiful and inspiring article from a brother. Everything has caved in. May ALLAH guide us. Another is getting inspiration through those who had a really rough life but became successful despite. Read his life story, or if you have read it already read it again but this time take notes of his hardships. It's gotten a bit better. Dear Talha Habib, There are many people like you who are struggling and above all Allah is ALWAYS with you. Yes, my anxiety and OCD do feed me negative thoughts, so I've tried stopping thinking in a bad way but more in a positive way. Third is embracing the emptiness of the loved ones. But I feel like I am drowning in this program and sometimes I feel like what am I doing here? did you, me and all other human kind wanted to be in this world ? The Prophet said: there isnt a single Muslim who makes a dua, as long as it is not for something that is haram or that breaks the ties of kinship, except that Allah would give him or her 1 of 3 things: (what are these 3 things?). Don't think that. 3. Yet we ask everyone else first, and then turn to him as a last resort. I also didnt understand that I had to study so much since A Levels are a huge jump from O Levels. My things never work out. There is simply no way to get help from friends or doctors. I am left by myself to deal with this, and no matter what I do it's always like that. Its in the Quran.. How do people expect to walk on the straight path when they havent a clue what the straight path is How do they expect to hold on to the rope of Allah when they dont have a clue what the rope of Allah is.. You might think that you don't have any control over yourself to be a good muslim. He knows what toll all of this is taking upon me and how fragile and broken and vulnerable I am turning from inside, he knows I was never like that. Ok if Allah doesnt respond to me in this dunya, life, nor He lifts a hardship that was about to fall upon me, then whats the 3rd option? Mashallah, it is a strength to be honest. Horrible! Not only that, he lost his beloved wife and the person who raised him up in the same year. (Surat arRad 11). You must be humble, as it is one of the greatest forms of worship. How can you develop and get through them as the winner? And yes there have been a hard time for me to interpret the relation between myself and my god Allah just like everyone else but I feel shy (embarrassed) to share with details because that will put a shame to me. Am I just destined to be this way and go to Hell? I'm trying my best to live as a good muslim and please my family. The work I chose would not only serve people, but Allah as well. No, the prophet did not endure these moments less lightly just because he was a prophet. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Answer for first question: you asked why ALLAH created us, when he tell us to worship and he also didnt required us to worship because he do not rely on us or our prayers right? Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? But find a time slot where you can work a lot because I have given A Levels and trust me it is a lot of work. You feel bad about yourself. ###Loveing Allah is just cure of every wound I was sixteen at that time but still all i am seeing is the situation getting worse and worst. I am a convert sister who became a Muslim in her late teens. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I think he doesn't care at all about me - along with everyone else. InshAllah, everything will get better hopefully! Yeah, now most people will understand that these unanswered prayers are just another psychologically Attitude problems rather than the divine faith problems. Allah will do what Allah want? Since its says thst Allah wont give us the burden which we cannot bare? All my friends did so well and at that time, my teachers taunted me because in their opinion I was not smart enough to take so many subjects. My conclusion is even with just with my first point is sufficient that Unanswered Prayers is a nonsense. I found this article with googling Why Allah doesnt speak to us, got this 2y.o article and Im astounded for Anonymous said. Worshiping ALLAH is basically thanking ALLAH for this life, by having this life we thank him, we may find our self in hardship, that is to purify and verified a person that he really trust his GOD by passing his given test we earn his trust his love his blessing his rewards in this world and in hereafter. My prayer was invalid, but time ran out before I could redo it. Although if there were no hardship, we would not develop. Dont make any sense, what was the response of the brother you went to see????? Question. One time I was so upset I ran out in the rain and spent hours walking in the cold telling myself not to go back home. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Another sign is, if you perform mustahab deed and every time you make zikr, Allah loves you. rev2023.5.1.43405. when i had my first baby as daughter, i controlled myself, satan tried to deviate me from my lord, but with the help of ALLAH i was able to get rid off of him. As-Saf(4). Do you work? He cares about all of us and wants us to be happy in Jenna inshalla after life. Your only true friend who died when you were only 10. If I lost a family member I would, and I'm ashamed to say this, but I would bear it. ), he still made it to the masjid. Ive been trying to ignore them but they are too bad and I always ask for forgiveness but I still dont know what to do. God does test those people whom He loves most. Im So Angry at Allah, I Lost My Love for Him. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Are you not aware? These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. I had many hospital admissions for similar problems now life completely changed alhumdulila: husband children and I am a Muslim, I feel broken reading yoir comment my father is a retired teach and was very late married. I understand that you have heard a lot about patience and this is not what I am going to talk to you about. Once you don't worship, you remove yourself from the ground and take yourself away from the water. Use your journal to explore this. Think about it. Sometimes like right now I am so depressed and just want to give up because my dreams are so high and I feel like a dwarf with short legs that can never reach up to grab them. Ali 'Imran(148), Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him]. As Muslims, our first and foremost inspiration is our Prophet Muhammad. So for example, you would say: O Allah please cure me and lets say Allah has decreed that you get afflicted with a more serious disease such as cancer. You may say for worshiping him, so next question arises that why ALLAH needs to be worshipped ? Bro. It was also a way of worship for me. All the purposes I had have been taken away. The greater one's love for Allah The Almighty, the more he has hope and fear. Identify blue/translucent jelly-like animal on beach. Do you think ALLAH will snatch your money/income or snatch your persons? why ? Then I've been seeing so many wedding adverts and wedding lectures on youtube like some teasing thing I've been getting alot of waswasa and I've sadly been giving into them. Allah has made you especially on His Earth. I don't understand why is it that when I stand up for myself and confront the person for their rude behaviour, I get treated like dirt and I become the bad, selfish, arrogant person. why some are beautiful and also rich, while others are ugly and poor why isnt there balance. Is "I didn't think it was serious" usually a good defence against "duty to rescue"? So what if life gets harder the more we try to do good.. Now my question remains here that why were we being created and then being put into test in this world ? I'm kind of shy too and to be honest I'd rather not see a therapist. salam brother, i hope u r doing better now. Actually, no, Allah did answer it and there was a benefit in your duaa. But the Truth is that we Live Twice! So the first one falls out. 1 Either Allah responds to caller by giving him/her what was asked for in this dunya For example they someone would say: "O Allah I am sick, please cure me." And Allah cures them. You need to find some one who can help you understand how your mind is causing you all this illness. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. [Quran, 30:21] I thought he was unfair as life has always dealt me a bad hand. Allah says: "And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you."" (Quran 40:60) And the Prophet says: all my prayers and not only that of mine, my wifes, my mothers, my fathers and my in-law mothers prayers are all denied and this time i couldnt resist to the satan Its mean that Allah leave me alone ? I do not need anyones anything, I am sufficient. Verily! They are the ones who will usually care for their parents eventhough the real caretaking job should be on the sons shoulders. Can I use the spell Immovable Object to create a castle which floats above the clouds? Am I going to hell because I'm gay? ___ Even a Dog knows how to make his owner happy and how to love his owner and how to obey his owner, Why Human cant understand they are batter then dog, they must love, they must obey their Owner, their maker. and also being put against an enemy very strong and whom we cannot see, cannot touch, and he is given the strength to run through our veins just like blood. I also have OCD or I guess 'whisperings of shaytan' which is killing me on the side as well. Cant Allah know our hearts condition? You will be fine, the Lord is listening my friend. It's not uncommon for people who have untreatable diseases to develop emotional problems and that's clearly what's happening to you, and it's coloring your perception of everything around you. My family hasn't either. One one of the main things I desire in this dunya is to get married, yet it seems so unattainable for me. I have question cant ALLAH give us what we want and also what he wants ? I also want to study hard, learn from the best minds in the world and broaden my mind so as to do something good for this world. Yes, I see now that Allah cares about us. My Dear Friend, Please contact me, I can address you and i can answer you all question one by one, you can be in my touch, please add me in Skype for instant responses and all clarification, prothinker00@hotmail.com is my mail, live:talhahabib00 is my skype. Four years ago a guy proposed me, but I refused him as I did not want a haram relationship. You never see him or hear him. After all that work and worship which I do to Allah, I have been making all kinds of different duaas (supplications) to Allah all these past months and not a single duaa was accepted. Once I arrived to his house, I knocked on the door and he opened up. If Allah Is Punishing You For Something, It Doesn't Mean That He Hates You. His message to us ofcourse.. And where is his message to us? I talked to my doctor about my anxiety, and he'll probably want to put me on pills. Also, for your A Levels, do not stress so much. Privacy Policy. Because Allah is Appreciative and Knowing, He will give those who carry the heavy burden of commitment for His sake and persist in doing righteous deeds an immense reward and abundant kindness. May allah give you and all of us sabr. I've tried calming myself down. It's hard to explain. How do I tell my parents I want to marry someone else? Explore yourself. Will we be held accountable for them? satan didnt obeyed was exiled from jannah, then how come or how did he betrayed ADAM to force to eat what was prohibited ? But most of the time, Allah desserts me. My heart is empty, and nothing, no words of encouragement help. Horizontal and vertical centering in xltabular. If you love me, This is your right that i love you, And ALLAH Says That's all. In exchange, maybe we wont get any satisfying answers or even worse, consumed by other people for their own popularity or benefit. About complaining to Allah, there is nothing wrong with that. "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection, the Allied commanders were appalled to learn that 300 glider troops had drowned at sea. He said, Alright, follow me to the basement. So who an I to feel so entitled? Al-Ma'idah(13), Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. Also Allah gives us problems in this life like diseases, loss of money, loss of family and loss of food to help us. Do them again and again and read the solutions carefully! and May ALLAH help you and Bless you and fixes your broken heart. Now I feel I have nothing but to pray, read the Qur'an, and be a recluse. And what happened to the people of Aad? So even then it's not an absolute punishment, because you still have an opportunity to take it from being a punishment to being something else. I have no help from family or doctors. Nice article. He decides through whom he will provide rizq to someone. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. its 20s ( 2015 ) right? She only kept returning to my physical illness which was making me feel sick. But dont look at everything which is painful or difficult as a test, and dont look at happy, easy things in life as a blessing. I complain to God, my select group of loving confidants, and my trusted journal, and I consider myself blessed to have this 3-tier support to fall back on with a head full of worries. Their is hadith e qudsi ( Saying of ALLAH ) ALLAH Says: O Son of Adam, If you love me, it is your right to me that i love you and my brother just open your eyes and see if the ALLAH the power the super power the all knowing is loving you what else can harm you? This applies to al other religions, all of them claiming the existence of a god that they can never provide evidence for. Ur sins are being cleared. 3. It feels like it's my fault, that I must be burning in hell before Judgement Day because I deserve it. See: Islam SE: Not an Muslim Peer Support Group. I can't imagine what it's like to be a depressed atheist. what if ALLAH has created you an animal? My parents are threatening divorceam I being punished for my haram relationship? Why ALLAH created us ? Just try to Love my ALLAH. isnt that the division of ALLAH. because we can find our ways ourselves , if you put Trust in GOD, ALLAH can reward you with power to see unseen. The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Are you sure I was left alone for many years now. When ALLAH created us and he ordered the Malaika to do Sajdah to his creature i.e human being and satan didnt do it. How many Muslims in your shoes would have turned his back toward the deen?! Then write down all your strengths. My family hates me,i got fake friends who doesnt care about me,i am damn ugly, i am not so good in studies and whenever i try to show my talent someone else takes it away from me,i am really popular but people just disrespect me,they abuse me,everyone curses me my family,friends and other kids. So the peace I feel in my heart encompasses the perpetual state of anxiety, grief, sadness and worthlessness I feel. the other comments are giving their best comfort to not to. I just want a spouse and a family. If you act disgraced and disappoint whst do you think you will do to there mental make up.exactly whst your doing to yourself now..woe is meim so worthlessStop it!!!. I know your heart is like broken and you fear that again this time ALLAH will not listen, my dear brother, prove ALLAH My Lord I am here for you, whatever your command is will be executed on me, please my lord look on me, i am suffering and help me, you are the most helping and all knowing. It was treated, but then it came back again, and absolutely worse. And believe me one day some one will come and let u know that u are beautiful and that u are special in a way!! even i dont know what there in my inside body ? Have you ever thought that this may be the act of shaytaan trying to lure you away from Allah? Honestly, this is going to sound so corny but I have no one to discuss this with but here goes. I don't have a single person in my life that supports me and gives guidance to me and now I feel like the loneliest person in the world because I feel like I have lost the love of Allah. When people turn their backs on Allahs message essentially they are turning their backs on Allah And what is worse then that? I suggest that you seek Allah in all avenues of your life. can you get degrees without tests? It's been nearly 6 months since I reverted alhamdulillah, and I'd be lying if I said the loneliness is overwhelming. May Allah bless you with joy and peace. Yeah, you do not have any. Instead of posting on forum, instead of telling people, try to post your words to ALLAH, try to say every complain to ALLAH, people needs time to understand, ALLAH knows already. Because He is The Good there just only 2 world wars. To be honest it doesn't even bother me that much anymore. Because for most people it isnt easy to share the story of their miserable life in details. I tried to keep calm and have patience as Allah told us to always be patient. Well, I'm at a point in my life where I have nothing to do about the pain I'm in. But its okay for you to hate and reject your firstborn for something she has no control of i.e. Thank him in all situations because he knows what you do not. Yes its crushing when people treat you badly. What I learned from that period is that I need to find ways to help myself. When we ask for something halal from ALLAH and that is not given then people around will tell you that this is better for you or ALLAH may have a better reward than you are requesting. Ittaqillah ya Akhi. Be aware of the world around you and look out for situations where you can change something to better. You said. Do this for several times, and trust in God. Very heart lightening article and comments Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Know dear questioner, that all of Allah's creation is good, but Allah may test a slave with sickness or a defect or ugliness and the like due to a wisdom He is aware of, and a benefit He wished for you to attain.

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