which of the following is not true of sunspots

which of the following is not true of sunspots

A) It predicted that the Sun would shrink noticeably as we watched it, but the Sun appears to be stable in size. in the rarified space between galaxies. D) No one knows: this is the essence of the "solar neutrino problem.". D) The Sun generates energy through fission while nuclear power plants generate energy through fusion. Which statement best describes what was called the solar neutrino problem? B) ejected into space by solar flares. The people living at 40 N or S experience about six-hours difference in daylength from winter to summer. a somewhat irregular but always present cycle of build-up and, d. A) remain stationary. The CFC molecules react with ultraviolet light to release chlorine which then destroys ozone. D Iron nuclei are so large that they occupy all remaining space and, c. D How nuclear fusion turns hydrogen to helium b. True False 3. A) The Sun becomes less efficient and must increase the rate of fusion to produce the same amount of energy. The region principally absorbs gamma rays, X-rays, and interacts with the solar wind. Here's a detailed explanation for each option: C) sun spots What are the appropriate units for the Sun's luminosity? The light radiated from the Sun's surface reaches Earth in about 8 minutes. C) electromagnetic force question What is the primary source of energy for the Sun? You will then reach the source of these photons, the core of the Sun, which is actively involved in nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen into helium and releasing multitudes of photons and neutrinos. What is granulation in the Sun? Not only is Earth suddenly spinning faste r, but our Sun is getting more active than NASA predicted. B) The density of the core would decrease, causing the core to cool off and expand. D. It results from the burning of fossil fuels. They often occur in pairs of opposite magnetic polarity. The corona is even shaped differently, streaming more from the sides of the Sun instead of forming a more spherical shape around the Sun, as when the magnetic field is weaker. Solar activity causes the responses in the near-Earth space environment that produce changes in the radiation belts, so an understanding of how the Sun changes is directly relevant to space weather. A) It predicted that the Sun could last only about 25 million years, which is far less than the age of Earth. Which of the following is NOT true about the differences between vector data model and raster data model?. A) They have a tendency to pass through just about any material without any interactions. structure, origin, temperature. D) Neutrinos rarely, if ever, interact with your computer. which of the folloing statements about ionization energy is true? the monitoring of a distant object without physical contact. , if we change an experiment so to decrease the uncertainty in the location of a particle along an axis, what happens to the uncertainty in the particle No, sunspots are not caused by convection. The CFC molecules react with ultraviolet light to release fluorine which then destroys ozone. Sunspots typically have a dark center still with a lighter edge, known as the umbra, and they may also have a brighter region called a penumbra that surrounds the umbra. a. D) nuclear fusion of helium to carbon. Which of the following is not true of carbon dioxide? B) by observing the sizes of sunspots: Bigger sunspots mean a stronger field If the distance between two objects is cut in half, what happens to the *b. C) holes in the corona of the Sun that allow us to see the photosphere 2. 10. d. Magnetic fields on the sun are produced by the sun's uneven rotation and. Sunspots are darker because they are cooler than the surround area. C) detecting solar neutrinos generated in the Sun's core The solar spectrum is a good example of what kind of spectrum? B) They actually are fairly bright but appear dark against the even brighter background of the surrounding Sun. a. D) dust particles in the Sun that haven't been turned into plasma a subjective determination of temperature. D B absorbs visible light wavelengths. B) The chromosphere is best observed with ultraviolet telescopes and the corona is best observed with X-ray telescopes. Sunspots are cooler than the surrounding region of the Sun's surface. These flares are outbursts of charged particles that can affect radio communications on Earth. B) The Sun's mass is about 30 times the mass of Earth. C) chemical reactions. Laura miraba a Elin con amor. The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is a plot of. A) by looking for the splitting of spectral lines in the Sun's spectrum What happens to the helium-rich core of a star after the core runs, 17. A) The Sun maintains a steady temperature. B) 600 tons Typically, the presence of multiple sunspots means an increase in solar activity, which in turn can lead to periods of higher solar flare activity. A) the bubbling pattern on the photosphere produced by the underlying convection In D) The cycle is truly a cycle of magnetic activity, and variations in the number of sunspots are only one manifestation of the cycle. While the early part of the sunspot record before 1800 is still characterized by large uncertainties due to poorly observed periods, the more recent sunspot numbers are mainly affected by three . How can we best observe the Sun's chromosphere and corona? C) our mathematical models of the solar interior are fairly accurate. Question Which of the following apply to Quasars? sulfur oxides and ozone A) The core would cool off and continue to shrink as its density increased. The remaining 4 million tons of mass is The ESSAY. What happens to the positron? B) The magnetic polarity of the Sun reverses approximately every 11 years. (B) Sunspots look dark because they are cooler in temperature than the surrounding regions. We observe the Sun to exhibit a sunspot cycle over a period of 22 years, tied directly to its magnetic activity. E) green. sequence 1. A) collide. First you will feel the light pressure of particles from the solar wind. aims to reduce and eliminate all ozone depleting substances. composition, temperature, and function. C Sunspots are dark patches on the surface of the Sun that vary from a few hundred kilometers to tens of thousands of kilometers in diameter. 3. Solely natural gases, particles, and other substances in amounts that cause damage to the environment or are harmful to humans. D) Coronal mass ejections and other activity associated with the sunspot cycle can disrupt radio communications and knock out sensitive electronic equipment. C . Which of the following is true regarding acid deposition? indication of what physical process at work in the Sun? evolution, in order of increasing mass? New resources and matter are being added to Earth's systems all the time. Why do sunspots appear dark in pictures of the Sun? D) kilograms. E) 4 H 1 He + energy. C) The Sun's core gradually expands with time, and this expansion means there is more room for energy to be generated and hence increases the Sun's luminosity. They can spawn eruptive disturbances such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). c. was ratified by the U.S. Congress in 1987. neutron star, black hole, white dwarf, 29. Space scientists study these to see how they perturb Earth's magnetic fields and affect satellites circling around Earth, but . This expansion cools the core back to its normal operating temperature. D) The Sun gets heavier as it gets older, and the stronger inward pull of gravity increases the fusion rate. Why does the surface of the Sun appear to have a sharp edge? Select one: The spectral type of a star can be used to determine its surface temperature. At the center of the Sun, nuclear fusion converts hydrogen into A) hydrogen compounds. D) We are seeing hot gas rising and cool gas falling due to the convection that occurs beneath the surface. During sunspot minimum, sunspots are far less frequent and the Sun may appear much more uniform in brightness. D C) The rate of nuclear fusion in the Sun peaks about every 11 years. Satellites in low-Earth orbits are more likely to crash to Earth when the sunspot cycle is near solar maximum because B) 5,800 K. which of the folloing statements about ionization energy is true? Magnetism is caused by attraction when two items are brought together or repulsion when two objects are moved apart. C) The number of solar flares peaks about every 11 years. B) plasma. They gradually shrink to the size of the Earth. When sunspots occur, dark spots form on the surface of the sun. E) they are caused by processes similar to those that create earthquakes, Imagine that you are trying to stop neutrinos with a lead shield. d. A) the Sun vibrates only on the surface. occasionally x rays and visible light. The Milky Way Galaxy contains over 300 million stars Our solar system consists of 8 planets, more than 100 moons, drawf planets, asteroids, and meteors The planetesimal hypothesis pertains to the formation of the planets. E) because they are so small. What is the evidence for the heliocentric model (sun is the center of the solar system) and evidence why the Geocentric model (the universe revolves around the earth) is wrong? absorbs most ultraviolet wavelengths. The interior of the Sun is under such high pressure that it is a, 31. A system and radically alter the evolution and behavior of the, a. is ineffective because so few countries have ratified it. C) of increased magnetic interference. D) 4 million tons C) 8 minutes ago. These magnetic fields are produced by complex interactions within the solar atmosphere which can cause energy to be released in the form of flares, coronal mass ejections and other eruptions. forms acid rain D) trillions of degrees. B) Earth's upper atmosphere tends to expand during solar maximum, exerting drag on satellites in low orbits. B. ionization energy is the amount of energy used to add an electron to an atom. Which of the following is not true of sunspots? Sunspots are actively rotating regions that contain strong magnetic fields and are usually found in pairs. As the formation of sunspots approaches the Sun's equator, the polarity of the Sun flips. Which of the following sequences is arranged in order from shorter wavelength to longer wavelength? Only about 1/3 of the expected number of neutrinos is observed. C) nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium. a. they can be several times larger than earthb. E) any temperature, as long as gravity is strong enough. They are often seen as areas of reduced brightness or black spots on the surface of the Sun. What is the only force that can overcome the repulsion between two positively charged nuclei to bind them into an atomic nucleus? C) the Sun generates energy by nuclear fusion. A. Atmospheric pressure increases with altitude and is, therefore, lowest near the Earth's surface. C The light radiated from the Sun's surface reaches Earth in about 8 minutes, but the energy of that light was released by fusion in the solar core about A) core, radiation zone, convection zone, corona, chromosphere, photosphere E. The equator always receives equal hours of day and night. However, some energy is released from the upper layers of the solar atmosphere. Which of the following is not a method astronomers use to determine the physical conditions inside the Sun? We can measure the luminosity that the Sun is producing and therefore determine how much fusion must be going on in its core. c. The pressure exerted by the atmosphere is not great enough to crush them. Muons are created by cosmic-ray collisions at an elevation h (as measured in Earth's frame of reference) above Earth's surface and travel downward with a constant speed of 0.990c.

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