unit test polly retry c#

unit test polly retry c#

First you create a retry policy, and then you use it to execute the error prone code: This retry policy means when an exception of type TransientException is caught, it will delay 1 second and then retry. Ideally when you need to mock something that is not and abstract class or interface you could always wrap it a class that implements interface which you could mock later. You would use Mountebank or HttpClientInterception to stub the outbound call from HttpClientService to return something the policy handles eg HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, in order to trigger the Polly retry policy. In this case, the policy is configured to try six times with an exponential retry, starting at two seconds. We'll try using SystemClock in our unit tests. I want to find out how Polly retry polly configured via Startup.ConfigureServices() can be tested. If you want to test the Polly policy configured on IHttpClientService within your app, via an end-to-end integration test of your app orchestrated by WebApplicationFactory, then you will have to fire the whole request at http://localhost:1234/api/v1/car/ (as your test code is already doing), and somehow stub out whatever downstream call http://localhost:1234/api/v1/car/ is making through HttpClientService. Post an issue on the issues board. When you retry without a delay, it means youll be changing something that should fix the problem so that the retries succeed. Do we want customer to have a slower experience while retrying to reach the API although we know the last few calls have been unsuccessful? What my code should do if there was no policy in place. So heres an example of writing a unit test for test scenario 2. Add a jitter strategy to the retry policy privacy statement. Repeat for any more headers. You can also explore and run the Polly-samples to see policies working individually, and in combination. For Google Test documentation, see Google Test primer. Although there are abundant resources about Polly on the web I wanted to write a post with a lot of sample code to provide a quick and practical example of how easy it is to use Polly to create advanced exception handling with APIs. After the final attempt, it stopped retrying and let the exception bubble up. If you want to know more of how to easily retry and make your application more resilient to poor and unstable network connection check articleIncrease service resilience using Polly and retry pattern in ASP.NET Core. For example, lets say youre implementing an algorithm to calculate predictions and its prone to transient errors. Have a question about this project? So, lets add some simple retry (this is kind of pseudo-code, just for demonstration purpose): Although it is not the most beautiful code, it might actually work for you. Run CTest tests from the CMake main menu. Why did US v. Assange skip the court of appeal? Discover .NET - Polly When you use code like this in a production environment you will quickly find out that there is a need of exception handling. To produce a test result, use the static methods in the Assert class to test actual results against expected results. If you write your own integration tests around policies in your project, note the possibility to manipulate Polly's abstracted SystemClock. using Polly; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net.Cache; using System.Net.Http; public class RetryClient { private HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient (new WebRequestHandler () { CachePolicy = new HttpRequestCachePolicy (HttpRequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore) }); public HttpResponseMessage PostAsyncWithRetry ( String url, in order to trigger Polly's fault and resilience policies such as WaitAndRetry. C# "internal" access modifier when doing unit testing. Where a test would usually incur a delay (for example, waiting the time for a circuit-breaker to transition from open to half-open state), manipulating the abstracted clock can avoid real-time delays. (in response to "I cannot retrieve the HttpClient that has been configured with the Polly polly"), (to respond to the question title: "Test Polly retry polly configured via Startup.ConfigureServices() with ASP.NET Core API"). An understandable desire when introducing Polly to a project is to want to check the Polly policy does what it says on the tin. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! When I first tried the circuit breaker I made a trivial mistake: I initialized the breaker on every call, resulting in a recount at every call so the circuit would never break. I think most of us, at some point in time, we saw code like this, trying to implement some kind of retry logic. you directly to GitHub. For example: it causes the policy to throw SocketException with a probability of 5% if enabled, For example: it causes the policy to return a bad request HttpResponseMessage with a probability of 5% if enabled. The RetryAsync () helper method will execute the API call a fixed number of times if it fails with a TooManyRequests status code. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and (It's slightly questionable whether SystemClock should really be public that inherited from before AppvNext stewardship of Polly SystemClock is really an internal concern but it does have this benefit for user testing.). Notice the last line. 565), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. Passing negative parameters to a wolframscript, Reading Graduated Cylinders for a non-transparent liquid. You may want to test how your code reacts to results or faults returned by an execution through Polly. Implement the retry delay calculation that makes the most sense in your situation. The WeatherClient contains this single HttpClient instance. I Honestly love this approach, thanks for the article, this was really helpful, i was able to get a simple retry working using this. @reisenberger I think it's good to let consumers of the Polly API be able to provide a time-provider. One of these classes come from namespace System.IO for file and folder operations, but luckily there are libraries that help you write testable code using System.IO classes. The microsoft example also sets .SetHandlerLifetime (TimeSpan.FromMinutes (5)). ErrorProneCode.cs is the unreliable class that I will mock and pass mocked policies into. Want to learn more about Polly? If we got to HttpClient class definition you will see that it does not implement any interface we can mock. The class below implements this calculation: (1 second * 2^attemptCount-1) + random jitter between 10-200ms. In your production code, inject the real policy you want to use. Polly defines a NoOpPolicy for this scenario. I'm trying to write a unit test for polly, but it looks like the return is cached. Can I use my Coinbase address to receive bitcoin? sleepDurationProvider: retryDelayCalculator.Calculate, "https://localhost:12345/weatherforecast", Executing logic between retries with the onRetry parameter, Full example Retrying HttpClient requests with Polly, WeatherClient Retries HttpClient requests with Polly, WeatherService A service stub that intentionally returns errors, Retry delay calculation: Exponential backoff with jitter, C# Check if a string contains any substring from a list. Define and run tests inside one or more test projects. This is useful if you have many concurrent requests because it spreads out retry attempts. It will authenticate first (the authentication service itself will also use Polly) and try to get products. Right-click on the failing test for a pop-up menu. Please view the original page on GitHub.com and not this indexable Perhaps you have code modules for which you already had unit tests, including success and failure cases. There are many overloads that you can choose to implement. If the test code doesn't export the functions that you want to test, add the output .obj or .lib files to the dependencies of the test project. Whenever youre dealing with code that can run into transient errors, its a good idea to implement retries. Can I use an 11 watt LED bulb in a lamp rated for 8.6 watts maximum? (As at Polly v6.0, the Polly codebase has around 1700 tests per target framework.). According to my understanding in your provided sample you are making asserting only against the result. At the end, Ill show a full example of retrying HttpClient requests with Polly. So, this code does not test any part of the original code. You should only retry if the attempt has a chance of succeeding. Please view the original page on GitHub.com and not this indexable A TEST_METHOD returns void. Retry & Circuit Breaker Patterns in C# with Polly Retry and circuit-breaker patterns are the 2 most common approaches when coding for resiliency. Visual Studio 2017 and later (Professional and Enterprise editions). I closed the my issue as it's not relevant anymore. How to add clean Retrying in .NET Core using Polly - YouTube Polly is able to wrap different policies to handle different scenarios: While this is not the way I would structure my code in a real app, I believe this is understandable and maintainable code. It must be manually configured. In other words, it's a full end-to-end integration test. rev2023.5.1.43404. privacy statement. I offer this variant in case you just want the shortest possible test of the functionality declared in a method like .SetWaitAndRetryPolicy1(). I should add another retry around the retrieval of the access token, handle more cases in the switch statement, in short, this simple API is becoming an unmaintainable mess. Create the retry policy. What are the advantages of running a power tool on 240 V vs 120 V? SystemClock.Sleep allows me to mock the internal timer for Polly, which causes the sleeps to really not sleep. There are no ads in this search engine enabler service. This was helpful when manually testing my worker as its a console application. Please note the new name SetWaitAndRetryPolicy2. Ill show the client and service (stubbed to return the error response) code below and the results of running it. You can download the Google Test adapter and Boost.Test Adapter extensions on the Visual Studio Marketplace. Please note the new name RetryPolicyTests2 . While this is not a complete solution it can already handle some issues. Assert.Equal (4, Add (2, 2)); } In order to skip a test (or fact) you need to pass in the skip parameter, followed by a reason why you decided to skip the test. Install nuget Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly. Unexpected uint64 behaviour 0xFFFF'FFFF'FFFF'FFFF - 1 = 0? Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Hi, There is a nice way to test these type of scenario using Http interceptions - using JustEat nuget, checkthis out ->. CodeLens lets you quickly see the status of a unit test without leaving the code editor. When sending concurrent requests with HttpClient, its a good idea to use the same instance repeatedly. Using an Ohm Meter to test for bonding of a subpanel. This can be done with a simple DummyMethod that keeps track of its invocations and has a sorted and predefined collection of response http status codes. Now all client instances with name "sitemap" we use in our code will already have predefined base URL and retry policy configured by Polly. A Software Engineer with a passion for quality, testing and sharing knowledge. The ability to manipulate Pollys abstracted, ambient-context SystemClock is intended to provide exactly this: you can manipulate time so that tests which would otherwise incur a time delay, dont. In addition, it creates and contains the AsyncRetryPolicy (Note: You could pass it in instead). .NET Core has done a great job by introducing interface for most of classes which makes them easy to write unit tests around them. Polly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, Rate-limiting and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner. Alternatively, you could write your own very short StubDelegatingHandler. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. That could be with a full DI container, or just simple constructor injection or property injection, per preference. How my code behaves when a policy becomes active and changes the outcome of a call, such as when an unreliable request works because Polly performs a retry. The .cpp file in your test project has a stub class and method defined for you. For more information on unit testing, see Unit test basics. With both previous methods, we can use this retry logic in C# for both, Actionand Funcdelegates. The Assert class contains many other methods to compare expected results with actual results. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? Too me, this is one of the most important (and fun) parts. How do I test what my code does without Polly 'interfering'? The unit test itself does not look so sophisticated as it would be as if you would wrap HttpClient class to implementation of an interface, but this way you get to keep using IHttpClientFactorywhich is more beneficial for your application than adapting it to much to have simpler unit tests. Unit testing retry policies with timeout intervals, http://www.introtorx.com/Content/v1.0.10621.0/16_TestingRx.html#TestScheduler. There is no need for any WebApplicationFactory, IHost, IHostedService or anything from ASP.NET. HttpClient relies on the HttpMessageHandler.SendAsync method, so we can mock this method and class and pass it to the constructor or HttpClient class instance. This is a great way how to easily implement retrials when using .NET Core dependency injection, but in case of using Autofac with .NET Framework 4.x you do not have many out of the box solutions. Why is it shorter than a normal address? 1. To add a new test project to an existing solution. Queston 1: Am I missing something? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. You can do retries with and without delays. For more information, see How to: Use Google Test in Visual Studio. Write unit tests for C/C++ - Visual Studio (Windows) A test project creates a separate app that calls the code in your executable and reports on its behavior. TL:DR; Polly's NoOpPolicy allows you to stub out Polly, to test your code as if Polly were not in the mix. How to verify that method was NOT called in Moq? result.StatusCode.Should().Be(expectedHttpStatusCode); https://www.stevejgordon.co.uk/polly-using-context-to-obtain-retry-count-diagnostics, https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly/issues/505, https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly/wiki/Polly-and-HttpClientFactory#use-case-exchanging-information-between-policy-execution-and-calling-code, injected HttpClient with mocked out http responses, Implement HTTP call retries with exponential backoff with IHttpClientFactory and Polly policies, https://www.thecodebuzz.com/httpclient-resiliency-http-polly-csharp-netcore/, https://josephwoodward.co.uk/2020/07/integration-testing-polly-policies-httpclient-interception, https://anthonygiretti.com/2019/03/26/best-practices-with-httpclient-and-retry-policies-with-polly-in-net-core-2-part-2/, https://nodogmablog.bryanhogan.net/2019/03/testing-your-code-when-using-polly/, TCP Socket Action Probe In Worker (Liveness), 2nd => HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout (408), 1st => HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError (500). In this simple example, I will demonstrate how to . The test can be read as a specification of the resilience behaviour for that piece of code. For more information about using Test Explorer, see Run unit tests with Test Explorer. Therefore it makes sense to be prepared and implement retry logic. About GitHub Wiki SEE, a search engine enabler for GitHub Wikis It will break when the configured number of exceptions have been thrown. Which language's style guidelines should be used when writing code that is supposed to be called from another language? For more information, see Install third-party unit test frameworks. Therefore, the call to Random.Next() has to be locked. Choose the icon for more information, or to run or debug the unit test: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, To link the tests to the object or library files, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.CppUnitTestFramework API reference, Boost Test library: The unit test framework. For failed tests, the message displays details that help to diagnose the cause. Generic Doubly-Linked-Lists C implementation. This class is passed into the client so it can be used as the sleepDurationProvider Polly parameter. Can you still use Commanders Strike if the only attack available to forego is an attack against an ally? On retry attempts, you want to change the parameters to reduce the chances of transient errors during the next retry attempt: Note: The Fallback policy might have been a good option here, but the purpose of this is to show how to do retries without delaying. [TestMethod()] public void TestProcessor_WhenError_Retries() { //arrange var mockProcessor = new Mock(); mockProcessor.SetupSequence(p => p.Process()) .Throws() //1st attempt .Throws() //retry 1 .Throws() //retry 2 .Pass(); //retry 3 succeeds (note: it's a void method, hence Pass() instead of Returns()). If it fails with a different exception or status code, it propagates the exception to the caller. The simplest way to check how many times code was executed is by using a mock. So for the test to succeed, your app must be configured such that invoking the http://localhost:1234/api/v1/car/ endpoint eventually chains on internally to something (via HttpClientService?) There's a ton of other articles already. In this testing approach, you typically stub or mock out the underlying systems called (for instance you might stub out a call to some endpoint to return TimeoutException), then check your configured policy does handle that. In the next case I verify that the application has correctly used the retry policy method. Lets say you want to check if your code was retried 3 times and then successfully completed on the final attempt. Does a password policy with a restriction of repeated characters increase security? This will add quite a few extra scenarios where things can go wrong, the most commonly be timeouts and expiration of tokens. Transient errors, by definition, are temporary and subsequent attempts should succeed. Polly has many options and excels with it's circuit breaker mode and exception handling. Why do men's bikes have high bars where you can hit your testicles while women's bikes have the bar much lower? Choose Add > Reference. For more information on unit testing, see Unit test basics. From version 6.0.1, Polly targets .NET Standard 1.1 and 2.0+. This will be my full AuthenticationService: Now I can test the behavior with Moq to mock the API: Let us dive a bit deeper into policies and Polly and combine different policies (and even add two more). Lets try and create a unit test to test the behavior of the circuit breaker. And, even better, a mechanism to do some retries before throwing an exception. Content Discovery initiative April 13 update: Related questions using a Review our technical responses for the 2023 Developer Survey. Already on GitHub? For more information on using Test Explorer, see Run unit tests with Test Explorer. NoOpPolicy does nothing but execute the governed delegate as if Polly was not involved. With Polly it is possible to create complex and advanced scenarios for error handling with just a few lines of code. P.S. PolicyResult and PolicyResult have public factory methods, allowing you to mock .ExecuteAndCapture() overloads to return the PolicyResult of your choice. We use it so often to make web requests. As I stated in this answer you can't unit test such code, since the retry policy is attached to the HttpClient via the DI. Lets say I created a micro service to create orders. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Thank you for asking and answering the question. I am getting answers right away here. If somebody changes the configuration, the test provides regression value by failing. It has a project template that you can add to a solution. Type #include ", and then IntelliSense activates to help you choose. C# Quicktip: In Xunit how to skip a unit test from being run It will retry up to 3 times. Since this application is ASP.NET Core application I will inject the service directly to controller using constructor. Initialize CodeLens for a C++ unit test project in any of the following ways: After it's initialized, you can see the test status icons above each unit test. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. When theres an error, it retries, and then succeeds 3. I want an advanced scenario that looks like this: I will not implement authentication in this flow but I guess you can already imagine: a) the flow will be much more complicated, b) it will still be quite easy to implement with Polly using the example from above. Implement HTTP call retries with exponential backoff with Polly Since there is a time element (during which the circuit breaker breaks), the number of retries can vary. In .NET Core we got IHttpClientFactory which allows us to have multiple configurations for HttpClient instances so that we do not need to repeat client setup. For examples taking this concept further with PolicyRegistry or a policy factory, see our Unit testing with examples page. When all retry attempts fail, it fails. This integration can be tested via an integration or component test. It is possible simply to new up a ServiceCollection; configure a named client using HttpClientFactory; get the named client back from the IServiceProvider; and test if that client uses the policy. Does anyone know who is caching the response, and how do I disable it? For more information, see To link the tests to the object or library files. See these example links: 1; 2; 3; 4. You signed in with another tab or window. For insight into how to do this, pull down the codebase and check out how Polly's own unit tests manipulate the clock. The following table shows the calculated delay ranges using the formula above: Note: The reason it needs a lock when calling Random.Next() is because Random isnt threadsafe. Let's check it: Executor.Execute(FirstSimulationMethod, 3); This week I was connecting an eCommerce web application to an ERP system with REST APIs. Theres only one instance of Random, and there could be multiple threads making requests concurrently. tar command with and without --absolute-names option. It reduces pressure on the server, which decreases the chances of running into transient errors. I am using Refit because it is quick and easy to use with REST APIs but Polly can be used with any kind of C# code. When you add new source files to your project, update the test project dependencies to include the corresponding object files. The signatures use the TEST_CLASS and TEST_METHOD macros, which make the methods discoverable from the Test Explorer window. Changing it to () => responses.Dequeue() works now. I actually just found what I was looking for in Polly itself! Is there a generic term for these trajectories? This can be facilitated by using dependency injection to pass policies into code. If there are going to be many concurrent requests, then it makes sense to use the exponential backoff with jitter strategy. C# - Retry Pattern with Polly - Code4Noobz If you havent already, install the Polly nuget package by executing this command (this is using View > Other Windows > Package Manager Console): After that, to use Polly, add the following using statement: The onRetry parameter allows you to pass in a lambda that will be executed between retries. The Polly .NET library helps simplify retries by abstracting away the retry logic, allowing you to focus on your own code. This means every outbound call that the named-client "test" makes would return HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; it's a minimal example of what HttpClientInterception does, but HttpClientInterception does more, does it with much more configurability, and with a nice fluent syntax. EDIT: Improved the Unit-testing wiki to highlight this. 0 comments Enigma94 commented on Apr 28, 2020 What I am trying to do: Throw SqlException in ExecuteAsync 2 times 3rd time return true What actually happens: Throws SqlException in ExecuteAsync 1 time Unit test fails Then you would know the retry had been invoked. public void PassingTest () {. Of course, you could make StubDelegatingHandler more sophisticated, to return the error only 2 times or whatever. Please tell me if you have started using Polly. The app-under-test in their sample app is also using typed-clients from IHttpClientFactory; and is also using WebApplicationFactory to orchestrate the tests; so is a close fit for the test approach you have already started on. The only difference is I made it randomly return the 429 error status code. invoking the "test" configuration from HttpClientFactory (as I believe it should, from what you have described as the code intention). English version of Russian proverb "The hedgehogs got pricked, cried, but continued to eat the cactus". Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. rendering errors, broken links, and missing images. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.

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