raf benson station warrant officer

raf benson station warrant officer

There were nine suchcamps in the British zone, all guarded by British troops. [38], Aircraft hangars at Benson date from the Second World War and comprise four C-type (known as hangars A to D) and a T2 hangar. HOSP TRAIN No. Group Headquarters would be commanded by a staff of 1 Medical Officer assisted by 22 other Officers and 142 EM. HOSP TRAIN No. 169th GEN HOSP ETO Jul 44 England 11th MED DEP CO ETO Nov 44 France (operated M-402, later M-407) The Puma is a medium-lift helicopter used for tactical troop and load movements across the battlefield. HOSP TRAIN No. The French joined them the following year. [53], The station is home to two K8 telephone kiosks which are grade II listed. Late 1940, the Medical Department dispatched an official Observer (Col. Raymond W. Bliss) to report on Hospitalization and Evacuation methods. 122d GEN HOSP ETO 1 Aug 44 England 810th HOSP CEN (established Jan 45, never operational) 16th GEN HOSP ETO 7 Jul 44 England 24 Jun 45 France Belgium Browse by reference through PMG 44 to find records of pensions paid to relatives of deceased RAF officers from 1916 to 1920. 186th GEN HOSP USAFBI Mar 43 ETO Apr 44 England In March 1948, the Soviet Union withdrew from the Allied Control Council after learning of Alliedproposals to create a new West German state. In 1945, British troops occupied Germany alongside their wartime Soviet allies. 5th AUX SURG GP ETO 44 France, 33d MED BN ETO May 44 England For example, a packet of NAAFI-issued cigarettes, which cost 1-2 shillings (5-10p), could be sold for 160RM on the black market, worth 4 at the official rate of exchange of 40RM to 1. [17], In July of that year, the closure of nearby RAF Abingdon, resulted in several new units moving to Benson, namely the University of London Air Squadron and Oxford University Air Squadron both flying the Scottish Aviation Bulldog T.1 and No. It had already been agreed that Germany and Austria would be divided into four occupation zones:Soviet, American, French and British. 118th EVAC HOSP ETO Apr 45 Germany (responsible for PWs,DPs and RAMPS servicing) 65th MED GP ETO 44 Luxembourg 44 Belgium Mar 45 Germany HOSP TRAIN No. It employs around 70 personnel and trains RAF, Royal Navy, British Army, NATO and foreign crews. 8278th GEN HOSP ETO 22 Apr 45 France (Provisional German PW Hospital) 229th GEN HOSP ETO Feb 45 France 4th CONV HOSP 16 Oct 43 USAFBI ETO 28 Jun 44 France 2 Oct 44 Holland 26 Oct 44 Belgium 22 Mar 45 Germany Initially, RMs were accepted in Army canteens and stores and could be used to buy more goods, or converted into sterling and sent home as money orders. 134th GEN HOSP ETO Apr 44 England 57th MED BN ETO Aug 44 France 18 Dec 44 Belgium 198th GEN HOSP ETO 12 Feb 45 France 6 Air Experience Flight, both flying the Grob Tutor T1 light training aircraft used for student and cadet flying training. HOSP TRAIN No. 227th GEN HOSP ETO Dec 44 France 94th MED GAS TREAT BN ETO Sep 44 France Apr 45 Germany HOSP TRAIN No. 9th EVAC HOSP USAFBI 26 Sep 42 1 Nov 44 France (constitued with elements of 6th EVAC HOSP, disbanded 24 Aug 42, supplied enlisted personnel to other units, including this Hospital) Archives, Open Government Licence The base currently houses Aviation regiments of the US Army. 61st MED BN ETO 6 Jun 44 France (component of 5th ESB) The unit was renamed the Queen's Flight on the coronation of Elizabeth II in June 1953. 179th MED BN ETO Dec 44 Belgium In a speech inMarch 1946, less than a year after the wars end, Winston Churchill denounced the Soviet imposition of Communism on the nations of Eastern Europe. 250th GEN HOSP ETO 24 Apr 45 France 96th GEN HOSP ETO 9 Jan 44 England (possessed psychiatric facilities for prolonged treatment and rehabilitation of patients) Eventually, most German refugeesobtained accommodation and work as the economy recovered. National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Road, London, SW3 4HTRegistered Charity Number: 237902, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Active Edge: The Army, Germany and the Cold War. The Centers centralized receiving, evacuation, supply, utilities, sanitation, transportation, laboratory, and guard activities, which resulted in an economy of personnel and an increased efficiency of operation. II Hospital Group (Prov) Blandford, Dorset, UK 814th HOSP CEN Paris, France (established Feb 45) 50th GEN HOSP USAFBI 29 Dec 43 15 Jul 44 France (activated 4 Sep 42) (inactivated 27 Oct 45 ZI) Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin. 203d GEN HOSP USAFBI 8 Jan 44 ETO 22 Jul 44 France 4 Aug 45 Belgium 14 Sep 45 France (to ZI 18 Nov 45, arrived 29 Nov 45, and inactivated) Look in series AIR 2 and AIR 20 for records of courts martial policy. 107th EVAC HOSP ETO 9 Mar 44 N. Ireland ETO 12 Jul 44 France 1 Oct 44 Luxembourg 17 Dec 44 Belgium 21 Dec 44 Belgium 22 Dec 44 France 21 Jan 45 Belgium 1 Mar 45 Luxembourg 16 Mar 45 Germany (helped with medical care at KZ-Buchenwald starting 22 Apr 45) 68th STA HOSP USAFBI 23 May 43 ETO 6 Sep 44 France (closed for operations 10 Dec 45) Your email address will not be published. 127th GEN HOSP ETO 20 Aug 44 France 39th FLD HOSP ETO 11 Mar 44 England 22 Jun 44 France 30 Sep 44 Belgium 11 Mar 45 Holland 30 Mar 45 Belgium 24 Apr 45 Germany 18 Jun 45 France (first assignment to Ninth US Air Force/IX Army Air Force Service Command (AAF Sta519),as a USAAF Hospital, each of the 3 Platoons operated as separate Air Force Clearing Stations) While the British got on with administering their zone, relations with the Soviet Union within the Allied Control Council gradually declined. 540 Squadron reformed in December 1947 to fly the Mosquito. [9] Spitfire and Mosquito aircraft flew missions over occupied Europe, including the provision of battle damage assessment images after Operation Chastise, the attack on German dams by No. 110th EVAC HOSP ETO 25 Aug 44 France 31 Sep 44 Luxembourg 17 Dec 44 Belgium Mar 45 Germany EVACUATION HOSPITAL 400 beds > 296 Off & EM (other sources 375 Off & EM) [11], During the war Vera Lynn, known as 'the forces Sweetheart', visited Benson to entertain the troops, reportedly singing "The White Cliffs of Dover" at the station. A first Rehabilitation Center opened on April 19, 1943 in Worcestershire, followed by a second on October 5, 1943 in Warwickshire. 15, Hq, UK Base. Furnishing hospitalization facilities for overseas areas became another phase of the US War Department plans. 1st GEN HOSP USAFBI 28 Dec 43 ETO 16 Jun 44 England Sep 44 France (activated 10 Jun 43, returned to ZI Oct 45) [6] The unit was the first to discover the Germany Navy battleship Bismarck, near Bergen in May 1941. The American medical build-up gathered momentum in summer andfall of 1942 with the steady increase of US troops in the European Theater . 252d GEN HOSP ETO Feb 45 France Official Site: https://installations.militaryonesource.mil/in-depth-overview/usag-rheinland-pfalz-baumholder. [47], RAF Benson Flying Club (RAFBFC) operate a number of civilian registered light aircraft from the site. To find out more about how we collect, store and use your personal information, read our Privacy Policy. 55 ETO 27 Jul 44 England 2 Aug 44 Wales 44 France Rhineland Ardennes-Alsace HOSP TRAIN No. Plans to activate 14 Hospital Centers on the continent were therefore launched, based on T/O 8-500 dated 1 January 1945 and T/O 8-500 amended 18 January 1945, with authorized reduced personnel! Within the War Department, and among some elements of the SOS, such as the Quartermaster Corps and the Medical Department, functions, responsibilities, authority, control, and matters of activation, training, and supply became critical subjects for constant review among AGF and SOS staff, leading to disputes about general planning for Hospitalization and Evacuation! Official Site: https://home.army.mil/wiesbaden/index.php. 43d FLD HOSP USAFBI Dec 43 Mid-46, only 21 Hospitals remained with a total of12,000 beds. The plan negotiated between British and Americans provided for a total of 94,108 beds 14,896 of them in former British and EMS Hospitals 51,220 in newly constructed installations and 27,992 in convertible troop camps (such as the one illustrated). Partial view of the385th Station Hospital, at Nrnberg, Germany, in Sep 45. 59 6 Sep 44 England During the 1970s, various communications and administrative units were present and in the early 1990s the station began its association with the support helicopter force. [10], By December 1944, Benson had two runways extending to 609 metres (666yd; 1,998ft) which had been constructed using concrete and wood-chips. Sports 79th FLD HOSP- ETO 9 Jan 45 England 26 Mar 45 France 17 Apr 45 Germany (activated ZI 21 Sep 44) (redeployed for service in the Philippines 11 Aug 45, redirected to ZI 15 Aug 45, transferred to ASF Tng Cen, Cp Crowder, Missouri, 17 Oct 45, unit absorbed by Mayo Gen Hosp 9 Nov 45) 61st GEN HOSP ETO England The wartime Reichsmark (RM)was almost worthless, so goods like cigarettes and coffee served asmakeshift currency. Thisformer German Hospital was taken over by the US Army 9 Jun 45, after the fall of the town. Kilmer 6 Aug 45 and inactivated 5 Nov 45) Many displaced persons who wereformer residents of the Soviet Union, or from nations in Eastern Europe and the Balkans recently taken over by Communists, had no wish to return. 59th EVAC HOSP MTO 25 Aug 44 Southern France 26 Mar 45 Germany (after serving in French Morocco, Tunisia, Sicily, Italy, and Southern France, the unit was transferred from NATOUSA to ETOUSA, 1 Nov 44; on 10 May 45, part of the Hospital staff was detailed to the recently liberated KZ-Dachau, where the 59th EVAC HOSP C.O. In February 1948 alone, over 4,200 people were arrested for black market activities in the British zone. 31st MED DEP CO ETO 6 Jun 44 France (organized M-3, later operated M-407) 67th GEN HOSP USAFBI 24 Nov 42 (activated 1 Sep 42) 130th GEN HOSP ETO England France Nov 44 Belgium (NP HOSP maintaining psychiatric services and treatment facilities) 57 25 Feb 44 England (inactivated 12 Nov 45) [17], With the departure of the Argosys, the only flying unit which remained at Benson was the Queen's Flight. 14th FLD HOSP ETO 44 7428th GEN HOSP ETO 15 Jun 45 France (Provisional German PW Hospital) On 21 July 1945, the British held a victory parade through Berlin to commemorate and celebrate the end of the war. Soldiers of all ranks resisted the ban on fraternisation. 93d MED GAS TREAT BN ETO Jun 44 England 15 Jun 44 France V Hospital Group (Prov) Great Malvern, Worcs., UK (ex-12th Hospital Center) 343d MED BN ETO Nov 44 France M-414 MED DEP ETO 15 Feb 45 France The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) was therefore formed in April 1949 with General Dwight Eisenhower as the first Supreme Allied Commander Europe. 28th FLD HOSP Alaska (Kiska) 22 Aug 43 ZI 20 Feb 44 ETO May 44 England 16 Aug 44 France 24 Mar 45 Germany 26 May 45 Austria 2 Sep 45 Germany 306th STA HOSP USAFBI 24 Nov 43 18 Mar 44 England (operated as Reception Unit for incoming troops arriving in the UK, no longer effective as Hospital) (assigned to 15th HOSP CEN 22 Dec 44) (primarily caring for wounded German PWs from 3 Jul 44 to 8 May 45) 8277th GEN HOSP ETO 13 Sep 45 France (Provisional German PW Hospital) 112th GEN HOSP ETO 8 Jul 44 England (activated 23 Dec 43, returned to ZI 15 Jun 45, inactivated 4 Oct 45) For more information about the RAF, you may wish to: Visit The National Archives bookshop for a range of publications on Royal Air Force personnel and the associated records. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, https://installations.militaryonesource.mil/in-depth-overview/usag-rheinland-pfalz-baumholder, https://installations.militaryonesource.mil/in-depth-overview/usag-bavaria-garmisch, https://home.army.mil/rheinland-pfalz/index.php, https://home.army.mil/stuttgart/index.php, https://home.army.mil/wiesbaden/index.php, Good Conduct Medal & Ribbon Explained For All 5 Branches, Sea Service Ribbon: All 5 Military Branches Explained, Overseas Service Ribbon Explained For All 6 Military Branches, Headquarters US Air Forces in Europe Air Forces Africa, 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 702nd Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, 4th Battalion, 319th Field Artillery Regiment, 928th Contracting Battalion (Regional Contracting Office), 4th Platoon, 3rd Battalion, 58th Aviation Regiment, Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization, NSA/CSS Representative Europe office (NCEUR)[5]. GENERAL HOSPITAL 1000 beds > 662 Off & EM (other sources 692 Off & EM, 734 Off & EM) There are discrepancies amongst sources regarding the opening date of the station, with both 1 February and 1 April 1939 quoted in RAF and other publications. 123d EVAC HOSP ETO Jan 45 France Mar 45 Germany Jul 45 France Sep 45 Germany While an integral part of the Victory in Europe (VE) celebrations, these events also helped enforce a sense of defeat on the Germans and served to remind them that they were occupied. These centers were at first staffed by personnel from the 16th Station Hospital, reinforced by 5 Officers and 7 EM who had trained in British Convalescent camps. 134th MED GP ETO 44 France Dec 44 Belgium Apr 45 Germany, 706th MED SN CO ETO Aug 44 France 161 Squadron at RAF Newmarket, to which responsibility for the transportation of royalty was transferred. 1 Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (No. 230 Squadron flying the Puma, No. Facilities | RAF Benson | Royal Air Force HOSP TRAIN No. 78th STA HOSP MTO 44 Italy ETO 13 Sep 44 France Kilmer, New Jersey, 2 Jan 46) [47], No. 91st EVAC HOSP USAFBI 8 Nov 43 ETO 10 Jun 44 France 7 Sep 44 Holland 15 March 44 Germany (ex-6th SURG HOSP, to ZI 2 Sep 45) HOSP TRAIN No. RAF Odiham on Twitter: "Today we bid farewell to the @RAF_Odiham 541 Squadron received the Gloster Meteor in December 1950, before relocating to Germany in June 1951. This was granted on 22 November 1944, whereby the Groups would now be known as Hospital Centers. The BAOR was responsible for pursuing suspected war criminals in its zone of north-west Germany. HOSP TRAIN No. US President Harry Trumans intention to support any nations threatened by Communism (the so-called Truman Doctrine of 1947) raised the stakes even higher. 136th STA HOSP USAFBI 27 Aug 43 (remained in the United Kingdom for the duration of its overseas service) [27] However, in November of that year, the Puma force was brought together when No. (note: apparently the 9th 10th 11th 16th 17th 18th 19th 24th Hospital Centers planned, of which a few were briefly in operation, were all quickly inactivated). 65th GEN HOSP USAFBI 13 Oct 43 (activated 15 Jul 42) 124th EVAC HOSP ETO Apr 44 England France 17 Sep 44 Belgium 27 Sep 45 Germany 43d GEN HOSP MTO 44 Algeria ETO 19 Sep 44 (activated 1 Sep 42) (transferred to Southern France, where it operated under ETO jurisdiction) STATION HOSPITAL 200 beds > 161 Off & EM 27 Squadron at Odiham moved in during February 1998. Once a member of the Royal Air Force has reached the rank of warrant officer or master aircrew, they are eligible to apply to be a SWO. 250th STA HOSP ETO 18 Jan 44 England 24 Apr 45 France 23 Jun 45 Germany (merged with 249th STATION HOSPITAL in the ZI 1 Aug 43) 297th GEN HOSP USAFBI Jun 43 ETO 30 May 44 England (activated 10 Jun 43) The lion relates to the Manor of Benson, having been granted in the 13th century to the Earl of Cornwall in whose Armorial Bearings a lion appears. Official Site: https://home.army.mil/bavaria/index.php. Official Site: https://installations.militaryonesource.mil/in-depth-overview/usag-bavaria-garmisch, Related Article Military Bases In Virginia. Troops arrive at RAF Gatow to reinforce the British garrison,Berlin Blockade, 1949. The first of six aircraft arrived on 20 November 1961 to form the Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) which trained Argosy crews. 95th GEN HOSP ETO Mar 44 England Aug 44 France late 44 Belgium (part of the 819th HOSP CEN 18-28 Oct 44, went into strategic reserve Jun 45 in France) 1 for Officers, active 19 Apr 43 1 Sep 43, ceased operations 30 Dec 44, remained in France and moved to Germany 2 Jun 45) (reopened 23 Jul 45 in Germany) 63d GEN HOSP USAFBI Jan 43 ETO 44 (supplied enlisted personnel to affiliated units that embarked for overseas between Jan-Jul 42, embarked for overseas 15 Jan 43) RAF Regiment instructors are responsible for training all Royal Air Force personnel .

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