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11.1A An interview is the questioning of a person regarding their involvement or suspected involvement in a criminal offence or offences which, under paragraph 10.1, must be carried out under caution. EU Directive 2010/64 (see paragraph 13.1), Article 2(6) provides Where appropriate, communication technology such as videoconferencing, telephone or the Internet may be used, unless the physical presence of the interpreter is required in order to safeguard the fairness of the proceedings. This Article permits, but does not require the use of a live-link, and the following provisions of this Annex determine whether the use of a live-link is appropriate in any particular case. This includes ensuring that at any time during which the live link is being used: a person cannot see, hear or otherwise obtain access to any such communications unless so authorised or allowed by the custody officer or, in the case of an interview, the interviewer and that as applicable, the confidentiality of any private consultation between a suspect and their solicitor and appropriate adult is maintained. See Note 1L. 17.18 When imposing a requirement to attend an initial assessment and a follow-up assessment the police officer must: (a) inform the person of the time and place at which the initial assessment is to take place; (b) explain that this information will be confirmed in writing; and. Reasons for delaying the initiation or completion of the assessment must be recorded. The purpose of such reviews is to check the particular power under which a detainee is held continues to apply, any associated conditions are complied with and to make sure appropriate action is taken to deal with any changes. When the writing of a statement is finished the person making it shall be asked to read it and to make any corrections, alterations or additions they want. (c) If the custody officer is satisfied that interviewing the detainee by means of a live link would not adversely affect or otherwise undermine or limit the suspects ability to communicate confidently and effectively for the purpose of the interview, the officer must so inform the suspect, their solicitor and (if applicable) the appropriate adult. 17.15 The terms Class A drug and misuse have the same meanings as in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. When a juvenile is arrested at their place of education, the principal or their nominee must be informed. In this case, action to secure the provision of advice if so requested by the appropriate adult shall be taken without delay in the same way as when requested by the person. 12.8 Breaks from interviewing should be made at recognised meal times or at other times that take account of when an interviewee last had a meal. For the purposes of this Code, this includes any decision to authorise a person to be detained and details of any offence(s) with which the person has been charged or for which they have been told they may be prosecuted, see Annex M. whether a suspect can speak and understand English and needs the assistance of an interpreter, see paragraph 13.1 and Notes 13B and 13C; and. The custody officer may supervise the self-administration of, or authorise other custody staff to supervise the self-administration of, drugs listed in Schedule 4 or 5 if the officer has consulted the appropriate healthcare professional authorising their use and both are satisfied self-administration will not expose the detainee, police officers or anyone else to the risk of harm or injury. The audio recording required by that Code is sufficient. Featured. For the purpose of arranging a voluntary interview (see Code G Note 2F), the duty of the interviewer reflects that of the custody officer with regard to detained suspects. Any refusal to sign must be recorded on the custody record. 3.13 If the detainee is a juvenile, the custody officer must, if it is practicable, ascertain the identity of a person responsible for their welfare. of articles for use in frauds) section 7 (making or supplying articles for use in frauds), 3A. If a warrant for further detention is granted under section 43 or extended or further extended under 44, the record shall state the detention period authorised by the warrant and the date and time it was granted or (as the case may be) the period by which the warrant is extended or further extended. 4. E5 For the purposes of Annex E paragraph 1, examples of relevant information that may be available include: E6 The Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice at page 26 describes the range of clinically recognised conditions which can fall with the meaning of mental disorder for the purpose of paragraph 1.13(d). The request may be refused if the officer is satisfied that the translation requested is not essential for the purposes described in paragraph 1 above. This entitlement lasts for 12 months after release. In these cases, a person whose confirmed preference is to be dealt with as being male should be asked in private whether they wish to speak in private with a member of the custody staff of a gender of their choosing about the provision of menstrual products and their personal needs, notwithstanding their confirmed preference (see Note L3A); (ii) if there are grounds to doubt that the preference in (i) accurately reflects the persons predominant lifestyle, for example, if they ask to be treated as a woman but documents and other information make it clear that they live predominantly as a man, or vice versa, they should be treated according to what appears to be their predominant lifestyle and not their stated preference; (iii) If the person is unwilling to express a preference as in (i) above, efforts should be made to determine their predominant lifestyle and they should be treated as such. 8.11 The use of any restraints on a detainee whilst in a cell, the reasons for it and, if appropriate, the arrangements for enhanced supervision of the detainee whilst so restrained, shall be recorded. At Pace Foods, our passion for making salsa dates back more than 74 years, to one loveable craftsman: David Pace. Before an x-ray is taken or an ultrasound scan carried out, a police officer or designated detention officer must tell the detainee:-, (a) that the authority has been given; and. 15.3B Subject to paragraph 15.10, the representations may be made orally in person or by telephone or in writing. Just last month, Prima Taste launched its Ready Meal range. pace ready meals discontinued Note: By virtue of paragraphs 2.1 and 2.3 of Code F, this applies when a visually recording to which Code F applies is made. See paragraph 15.4A for application to live link. (iv) if none of the above apply, the person should be dealt with according to what reasonably appears to have been their sex as registered at birth. Another example would be to inform the suspect by telephone, that an interpreter they will be able to see and hear is being arranged. 17.19 Where a police officer has imposed a requirement to attend an initial assessment and a follow-up assessment in accordance with paragraph 17.17, he must, before the person is released from detention, give the person notice in writing which: (a) confirms their requirement to attend and remain for the duration of the assessments; and. 4. 11ZA The requirement in paragraph 11.1A for a suspect to be given sufficient information about the offence applies prior to the interview and whether or not they are legally represented. This is a taste test/review of the new Pace Ready Meals in the Cheesy Chicken Quesadilla flavor. Nothing shall be done to invite any reply or comment except to: (a) caution the detainee, You do not have to say anything, but anything you do say may be given in evidence.; Where the use of the Welsh Language is appropriate, caution the detainee in the following terms: Does dim rhaid i chi ddweud dim byd, ond gall unrhyw beth yr ydych yn ei ddweud gael ei roi fel tystiolaeth.. At the same time, the operation of the live-link must be explained and demonstrated to them (see Note 12ZC), they must be advised of the chief officers obligations concerning the security of live-link communications under paragraph 13.13 and they must be asked if they wish to make representations that the live-link should not be used or if they require more information about the operation of the arrangements. 2.6 Subject to paragraph 2.6A, all entries in custody records must be timed and signed by the maker. if they have asked for legal advice or (as the case may be) asked for a solicitor to be present when they are interviewed but change their mind and agree to be interviewed without waiting for a solicitor. information about the offence (see paragraphs 10.3, 11.1A and Note 11ZA). If there is any doubt the relevant caution should be given again in full when the interview resumes. 12.5 A suspect whose detention without charge has been authorised under PACE because the detention is necessary for an interview to obtain evidence of the offence for which they have been arrested may choose not to answer questions but police do not require the suspects consent or agreement to interview them for this purpose. If the appropriate adult, having been informed of the right to legal advice, considers legal advice should be taken, the provisions of section 6 apply as if the vulnerable person had requested access to legal advice. 16.4 If, after a detainee has been charged with or informed they may be prosecuted for an offence, an officer wants to tell them about any written statement or interview with another person relating to such an offence, the detainee shall either be handed a true copy of the written statement or the content of the interview record brought to their attention. 8.4 Access to toilet and washing facilities must be provided. Web pace ready meals discontinued. 13.1 Chief officers are responsible for making arrangements (see paragraph 13.1ZA) to provide appropriately qualified independent persons to act as interpreters and to provide translations of essential documents for: (a) detained suspects who, in accordance with paragraph 3.5(c)(ii), the custody officer has determined require an interpreter, and. An officer who takes the decision to exclude an appropriate adult must be in a position to satisfy the court the decision was properly made. Where any duties under this paragraph have been carried out by custody staff at the direction of the custody officer, the outcomes shall, as soon as practicable, be reported to the custody officer who retains overall responsibility for the detainees care and treatment and ensuring that it complies with this Code. the matter shall be reported to an inspector to deal with as a complaint for the purposes of paragraph 9.2 or paragraph 12.9 if the challenge is made during an interview. The Code is published here: E7 When a person is under the influence of drink and/or drugs, it is not intended that they are to be treated as vulnerable and requiring an appropriate adult for the purpose of Annex E paragraph 1 unless other information indicates that any of the factors described in paragraph 1.13(d) may apply to that person. 1D In the case of someone who is vulnerable, it may be more satisfactory if the appropriate adult is someone experienced or trained in their care rather than a relative lacking such qualifications. Frozen Ready Meals Slimwell Ready Meal Meatballs & Pasta 550g Slimwell Ready Meal Meatballs & Pasta 550g 1 Unit Product ref: 4088600209630 Specifications Disclaimer Please read all product labels carefully before use or consumption. Such an exchange is likely to constitute an interview as in paragraph 11.1A and require the associated safeguards in section 11. This publication is available at, CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE DETENTION, TREATMENT AND QUESTIONING OF PERSONS BY POLICE OFFICERS. 15.4 A Following sections 45ZA and 45ZB of PACE, when the reminder and information concerning legal advice and about the use of the live link is given and the detainees consent is sought, the presence of an appropriate adult is required if the detainee in question is a juvenile (see paragraph 1.5) or is a vulnerable adult by virtue of being a person aged 18 or over who, because of a mental disorder established in accordance paragraphs 1.4 and 1.13(d) or for any other reason (see paragraph 15.4B), may have difficulty understanding the purpose of: (a) an authorisation under section 42 of PACE or anything that occurs in connection with a decision whether to give it (see paragraphs 15.2 and 15.2A); or. 6.10 If the interviewer considers a solicitor is acting in such a way, they will stop the interview and consult an officer not below superintendent rank, if one is readily available, and otherwise an officer not below inspector rank not connected with the investigation. See Note 12B. 2. In assessing whether the detainee should be interviewed, the following must be considered: (a) how the detainees physical or mental state might affect their ability to understand the nature and purpose of the interview, to comprehend what is being asked and to appreciate the significance of any answers given and make rational decisions about whether they want to say anything; (b) the extent to which the detainees replies may be affected by their physical or mental condition rather than representing a rational and accurate explanation of their involvement in the offence; (c) how the nature of the interview, which could include particularly probing questions, might affect the detainee. 3E The Detention and Custody Authorised Professional Practice (APP) produced by the College of Policing (see provides more detailed guidance on risk assessments and identifies key risk areas which should always be considered. Pace Ready Meals microwave pouch self-vents Rather, impracticable should be taken to mean that exceptional circumstances render movement of the child impossible or that the juvenile is due at court in such a short space of time that transfer would deprive them of rest or cause them to miss a court appearance. Where the person elects which gender they consider themselves to be under paragraph 4(b)(i) but, following 4(b)(ii) is not treated in accordance with their preference, the reason must be recorded in the search record, in the officers notebook or, if applicable, in the persons custody record. Drinks should be provided at meal times and upon reasonable request between meals. This would include any solicitor, appropriate adult and health care professional and is particularly relevant to communication by telephone or by means of a live link (see paragraphs 12.9A (interviews), 13.12 (interpretation), and 15.3C, 15.11A, 15.11B, 15.11C and 15.11D (reviews and extension of detention)). Slimwell Ready Meal Meatballs & Pasta 550g | ALDI Buddha Bowls Taco Bowls Taco Salad Avocado Chicken Salad Sandwiches 17.3 The arrest condition is met where the detainee: (a) has been arrested for a trigger offence, see Note 17E, but not charged with that offence; or.

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