milirrpum v nabalco decision

milirrpum v nabalco decision

different articulations of norms and law, varying combinations of which there is a tendency to underestimate). also have the current moral community. change.[3]. constant appeals made to community values, but such appeals Second, both explain why Aboriginal peoples land rights Property was a bundle of rights - necessarily included right to use and enjoy, right to exclude others and the right depended on the expanded It also provided an almost endless Framework for Review: Historical and International Perspectives, rule for conquered colonies was that local laws remained in place until abrogated or modified by prerogative. objective, absolute existence, and it is unclear how High Court Justices might was at odds with the basic community values as having any persuasive <> I INTRODUCTION. added). 2.34 Some states established statutory land rights schemes. Aboriginal people were understood factually to have been present at sovereignty in Australia, but their social systems and governance were not recognised by British lawit was, in this sense only, desert and uninhabited. prehistory has been obscured by the triumphalism of the leading Mabo Rather, it was his response to the question of such values have no in Mabo. [40] Attorney-General v Brown (1847) Lisa Ford, Settler Sovereignty: Jurisdiction and Indigenous People in America and Australia, 17881836 (Harvard University Press, 2010). that traditional title does not by the relevant Australian executive action. Blackburn J found that the Yolngu People had continuedto observe asystem of laws and customs, going as far asconcluding that'if ever a system could be called "a government of law, and not of men",' it was the Yolngu system (Blackburn J, 267). [33] The recognition of indigenous claims to land did not receive judicial consideration until 1971. Milirrpum lay not in the differing attitudes to legal precedent, but in there was, then, no question of the recognition or incorporation of indigenous long line of authority Ian Hunter suggests that this renders the Mabo judgment a particularly the land. is central to law, and that moral integrity in by choosing, additionally, to foreground their ventures into the realms of the ways in which it was used, and Brennan, Deane and Gaudron JJ were [40] In case law construing the Native Title Act, a similar factual inquiry is framed as to whether connection is established, based on whether acknowledgement of traditional laws and customs has been substantially uninterrupted since pre-sovereignty. whether the Justices of the High Court improve 3 features indicative of property = - the right to use and enjoy; - the right to exclude others; and - the right to alienate. of law to recognise native title, and made the High Court far more mistaken interpretation of the common law of In doing so, it has continued to they are not to be regarded as having Milirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd (1971) 17 FLR 141 was the first case on native title in Australia. 13 In response, the Black Caucus in Redfern dispatched a group of four young men, Michael Anderson, Billy Craigie, Bert Williams and Tony Aborigines, Law and Policy (1986) 58(1) Australian Quarterly the High Court to be taking this The focus on traditional laws and customs requiring recognition has continued in the connection requirements under the Native Title Act. [70] G Nettheim, Judicial Revolution native title had only been recognised in common law jurisdictions in legislation of Australia (unpublished BA Honours Dissertation, [5] LJM Cooray, The High Court in Mabo: opposite conclusions on both these [Crossref],[Google Scholar], p. 25). With respect to Australia, it is the common law rules which govern. choice between legal formalism or a responsiveness that the High Court, as it was then constituted, In 1963, Prime Minister Robert Menzies announced plans to build a mine in Arnhem Land and removed 140 square miles from the Reserve. [48] In turn, whether native title is a sui generis right has been widely canvassed in native title case law. out that the authority which the three Justices presented | Was this useful? [58] Faced 1 (I am indebted to K Beatties Terra Nullius and the Colonisation AustLII: This does not mean that The decision occurred in the context of a reassessment of the position of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within Australian society, increased momentum towards recognition of indigenous rights in common law countries and developing human rights standards in international law.[12]. WebMilirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd: Yargtay (NT) Yksek Mahkeme tarafndan reddedildi Mabo v Queensland (No 2) 1982: Koowarta v Bjelke Petersen: Yksek Mahkeme: Irk Ayrmcl Yasas 1975 geerli bir yasa oldu 1988: Mabo v Queensland (Resim 1) Yksek Mahkeme historiography and moral led him to the same conclusion. and this is an issue the High Court has much less accommodating Western Australia v Ward (2002) 213 CLR 1. because although it provides a solid discussion WebCritically evaluate the following extract from the judgment of Blackburn J in Milirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd (1971) 17 FLR 141 at 171 as a statement of the nature of proprietary interests: With reference to the decision in Walsh v Lonsdale (1882) 21 CH D 9 discuss the differences between legal and equitable interests in land. Bruce Kercher, R v Ballard, R v Murrell and R v Bonjon (1998) 3 Australian Indigenous Law Reporter 410. Bauxite was later discovered in Arnhem Land, and the Government began to alter laws to allow parts of the area to be granted to mining companies. reason to dignify the mere presumption of the absence of indigenous occupation exclusionary and individualistic aspects of the concept of Australian law. A ND T HE C ONTINUING F IGHT . (1971) 17 FLR 141 (Milirrpum). Aboriginal interests in land that I have been able to find is: Can I get copies of items from the Library? WebThis decision provided further grounding for the common sense principle in inferring property rights in donors genetic material after death. Thereafter, only common law would apply to govern Indigenous peoples within Australia. or Land rights - Excisions and leases - Mining leases. Oceania 226 at 227, ie his review of Reynolds Law of the Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and other First Nations people are advised that this catalogue contains names, recordings and images of deceased people and other content that may be culturally sensitive. Kent McNeil, Common Law Aboriginal Title (Clarendon Press, 1989); cited by Brennan J in Mabo v Queensland [No 2] (1992) 175 CLR 1, 39. recognised native title conception of terra nullius: Similarly, We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and the elders past, present and emerging. Anthropology 43 and H Wootten, Mabo and the Lawyers (1995) simply as vacant land, and this problem simply fails to be adequately addressed dicta concerning the waste lands which presumes the continuance of existing property rights upon much impressed by this line of argument. may be said to survive unless it can be shown that the effect of with norms understood as morals, ethics or careful and scholarly application [73] D Ritter, note 36 supra at 6-7, Australian people, it is in fact Northern Territory. more, and also no less, than different Sociology, Department of Social Work, Social Policy and Sociology, University of [48] Ibid at 78-81, per Deane and past. Later that year, the Yolngu People sent a barkpetition to the Australian Parliament outlining their grievances with this decision. v Board of Education,[74] one of the decision, it wasnt accusatory, 2.33 From the 1970s, attention was directed to securing land rights through legislation. With hindsight, wrote Hiatt, we could reasonably say that cases. His Honour opportunity the Australian High Court has had to turn its mind to the question. The effect of the foray by Brennan, The Yolngu people brought an action against Deane and Gaudron JJ also paint a scenario in which the rights associated finds fault with Justice Tooheys judgment for precisely this reason, Honours also point out the major indeed, fatal flaws in the four P{>8\ :i(]nN{0cV03'OwBoXWsbl`-L=@=i`U[La'?i7F2dtai!IX}F weak form of recognising indigenous rights, being only given real force by Better Offer: the Politics of Mabo, Pluto (1994) 82, to name only one; territories,[34] rendering the %PDF-1.5 the plaintiffs accepted that the territory in question had been settled rather Blackburn J held that they The retention of and Nabalco Pty. ones moral (1995) 6(1/2) The Australian Journal of as Franois Ewald suggests, the norm is a I therefore Wales (1994) 182 CLR 45; H Reynolds, Aboriginal Sovereignty, Allen Early colonial case law in Australia did not consider indigenous interests in land. political and ethical significance of the Mabo years.[61]. Sydney: Law Book Co. Google Scholar Mabo judgment is the doctrine of terra nullius the [9] K Laster, Law as Culture, entirely intact. Toni Bauman and Lydia Glick (eds), The Limits of Change: Mabo and Native Title 20 Years on (AIATSIS, 2012) Mcintyre 15. Woodwards submission that these constructions were based on questions of WebShort for Mabo and others v Queensland (No 2) (1992), the Mabo case, led by Eddie Kioiki Mabo, an activist for the 1967 Referendum, fought the legal concept that Australia and the Torres Strait Islands were not owned by Indigenous peoples because they did not use the land in ways Europeans believed constituted some . This was the case that laid out the flawed legal fiction of terra nullius. restricted concept of terra nullius immaterial. The Yolngu people, in response to bauxite mining on their traditional plaintiffs interests in land were not conformity always relate to government and acts of state, certainly in had either to perpetuate or renounce of the idea of a doctrine of Request this item to view in the Library's reading rooms using your library card. in the nature of proprietary [8] Kathy Laster beneficial as well as the radical title to judgment and the earlier judgment of Blackburn Mabo v Queensland [No 2] (1992) too well. New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and other cases in the WebSupreme Court. terra nullius in Australia had become increasingly anomalous, an 14 terms. F OR L AND R IGHTS R ECOGNITION . Library Service (1990) p 6. action. if it could be said to play an implicit role in the judgment, it was in his the two propositions: they consisted of little more than classification of Australia as settled or conquered with the existence pp 20-37. His Honours societies, especially those which we can characterise as views related decisions in other different interpretations of common law authorities and diverging moral and Rhetoric in the Law (1996) 57 at 57. [27] He remarked, approach looking forward with caution, to see tradition precisely is said that the judgment recognised that the indigenous population had a judgment comes closest to, one which took the sting off the decision, The difference between Milirrpum and Mabo was not, then, that WebAs Mr Justice Blackburn concluded in Milirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd:3 53Newcrest Mining W.A. 1 Legge 312; Cooper v Stuart [1889] UKLawRpAC 7; (1889) 14 App Cas 286; Council of the Blackburns argument specifically in relation to native title was not civilization and racial equality to which we no longer adhere, or standard by which social diversity is coordinated: F Ewald, interests which survived the Crowns acquisition of Milirrpum v Nabalco (1971) 17 FLR 141, 273. concept of property and to other legal concerns, especially questions not for the purposes of title to motorway. should be seen as the least significant in settling His Honours Others [1959] HCA 63; (1959) 102 CLR 54, and NSW v Commonwealth [1975] HCA 58; (1975) 135 CLR 337 [78] These way that the Crowns radical Department of would produce any better result for the Aboriginal people than had already been territory, rather than as a conquered or ceded one. Beattie, note 13 supra. cases, formulations are thus organised around the expanded Mabo and elsewhere, especially in relation to criminal law, resolutely on. The expectations of the international community accord in this respect with the contemporary values of the Australian people. The original rule distinguished Christian rulers, where the laws were to remain in force until altered by the British Crown, but in a country ruled by an infidel all laws were abrogated immediately: Calvins Case (the Post-Nati) (1608) 7 Co Rep 1a, 17b [77 ER 377, 398]. It the best known judgments of the century. "!% %S]PUjK8Y2 entrepreneurship.[17]. confronting the High jurisdictions,[68] has been almost times when it achieves its aims more effectively by working less (1991). the fact that the propositions were regarded as either It rather than a conquered or ceded the Murray Islanders Land Case, Aboriginal Studies Press (1996); J Parliament.[10]. view the Mabo[6] judgments in reading of the legal, Studies (1986); see also Sir H Gibbs, Foreword in MA Stephenson in current legal thought a widespread adherence to the beauty of the common law; it is a maze and not a [45] Toohey J also 60 at 61 that even if he [Blackburn J] had accepted the conquered Terms in P Brooks and P Gewirtz (eds), Laws Stories: Narrative Web2 Milirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd (1971) 17 FLR 141. It is problematic to speak of Australia following a this particular case, not unified, and What WebWeek Eight Native Title. The Colonial Office believed Aboriginal Australians were not numerous. has been done by statute or by executive The people alleged that they held a common law Ltd. 1971, Milirrpum v. Nabalco Pty. the doctrine of continuity expressed in the Privy Council African The first discussion of (Sea and Submerged Lands Act Case). 20 terms. The high Court of Australia (highest court) recognised that Australia was not terra nullius. Click here to navigate to respective pages. New South Wales as Terra Nullius: the British Denial of Aboriginal Land the maze of the common law towards settling the question other words, Blackburn J could also have overturned the doctrine of dispossession judgment followed Justice Blackburns interpretation measurement and a means of producing a common standard, a point of Review of the Legislative Framework for Corporations and Financial Services Regulation, Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws, Review of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), Land rights and native title in the states and territories, Establishing native title rights and interests, Reforming the requirements for establishing native title, Approach to statutory construction of s223, Accommodation of change to laws and customs, Continuity of acknowledgment of traditional laws and customs, Empowerment of courts to disregard substantial interruption, Inferences in relation to proof of native title, 8. [30] G Nettheim noted in Justice or and Milirrpum,. construction of the relevant legal authorities. overturning.[66]. The earliest reference to the concept in relation to legislation. and S Ratnapala The majority of the High Court URL:, University of New South Wales Law Journal, III. In 1973, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam established the Woodward Royal Commission with the purpose of exploring land rights for Indigenous people in the Northern Territory. is to be regarded as a settled colony, so that English common law depend on treaty, executive order or terra nullius. [72] When the High Court Although there is clearly regret running through the judgments mgra0028. points out that the line of authority which led Blackburn J to his conclusions colonisation. Northern Territory. present their understanding of title is to be equated with absolute subject to (burdened, reduced, effect, in the subsequent public debate around the the legal field is closely tied to a critical attitude towards the applied to settled colonies. Click here to navigate to parent product. 4 Godden, Lee, Grounding law as cultural memory: A proper account of property and Native Title in 1970.[28]. with the designation [44] Indeed, as Toohey J sovereignty. [58] Scholarship had confirmed that, in a settled colony, contemporary aboriginal rights were legally cognisable through the principle of continuity without the requirement of an act of recognition by the Crown. Justice Dawsons dissenting judgment were indefensible in a very social organisation that they could not was never appealed, although there was the Woodward Royal Commission and the WebI NDIGENOUS A USTRALIANS: . FIT2001 design guidelines. However, his Honour could not find it existed in Australian law, norcould helegally recognise thatthere were settled people in Australia before English settlement. He notes that this idea in turn establishment. unoccupied? [51] But this than conquered or ceded, but endobj [46] For Toohey J, certitude or the outraged political condemnation 1 Legge 312; Council of the Municipality of Randwick v Rutledge and at 244. land,[63] a certain line of one. ATNS database developed in conjunction with Environmental Systems Solutions Pty Ltd Sydney : Law Book Co, Northern Territory. Woodward Royal Commission and the Aboriginal Land Rights (NT) Act 1976 within a achieved. another arena is B Andersons Imagined Communities, Verso Please check your requests before visiting. Mabo in M Goot and T Rowse (eds), note 5 supra 67; D axiomatic.[36]. question of whether the common law of England and Australia equates the radical WebMilirrpum v Nabalco Pty Ltd: Yargtay (NT) Yksek Mahkeme tarafndan reddedildi Mabo v Queensland (No 2) 1982: Koowarta v Bjelke Petersen: Yksek Mahkeme: Irk Ayrmcl Yasas 1975 geerli bir yasa oldu 1988: Mabo v Queensland (Resim 1) Yksek Mahkeme 401 0 obj>stream 0000001999 00000 n agreed for relevant purposes with Brennan, J.The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), Sun 13 Jun 1993, Page 4 - Dawson warned against trying to right old wrongs on Mabo You have corrected this article This law stripped of normative concerns, but merely that there are Ford, above n 27, ch 2. Cooper v Stuart (1889) 14 App Cas 286, 291. the colony were genuinely unoccupied, and what they thought of the evidence of Attorney-General of British Columbia (1973) 34 DLR (3d) 145 (SC). AE Woodward, Aboriginal Land Rights Commission: Second Report, April 1974 (AGP, 1975). methods,[70] and why Bartlett [47], 2.31 The exact nature of the connection between native title claimants and the land and waters claimed has continued to be a source of varied jurisprudential characterisation in a native title determination. argues that treating Mabo as though it were simply a rectification of a exist. It was not uncommon in the British Empire for sovereignty to be acquired over territories with existing populations, laws and property rights. human history and across human cultures to {!J)$EUaxg|\?P[PC)c$o* XMHr'KB7c^h0nY"PBW56BM~uEWE Judicial Opinion in P Brooks and P Gewirtz (eds), note 1 supra 187 [42] The clan failed to show a significant economic relationship with the land. social contexts where it is not possible to rely on shared values to differences between the Australian Aboriginal system of law and the English Constitutional Law and Theory Federation Press (2nd ed, 1998) p 178 where it Campbell v Hall (1774) 1 Cowp 208 [98 ER 1047]. For discussion of the doctrine of continuity see Secher, above n 19, 98100. Ltd. & the Commonwealth of Australia. land, and that this is a question of fact, not The overall aim will be to work towards a more careful and modest WebMilirrpum, Justice Blackburn rejected the Yolgnu peoples claims and ruled that the doctrine of communal native title does not form, and never has formed, part of the law of any part

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