junior warden opening lines

junior warden opening lines

So mote it be. A. MAIN DIFFERENCES: The main differences in the two rites. In both rites, Stewards should stand at the attention ', Ans. What did you then discover? S. D.--Brother Junior Deacon, is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? ', Ans. Wikipedia The Ephraimites, being highly incensed for not being called to fight, and share in the rich spoils of the Ammonitish war, assembled a mighty army, and passed over the river Jordan to give Jephthah battle; but he, being apprised of their approach, called together the men of Gilead, and gave them battle, and put them to flight; and, to make his victory more complete, he ordered guards to be placed on the different passes on the banks of the river Jordan. Webto drop or jump a Brother who is in line and is performing his duty is generally considered to be in bad form, fairly insulting to the Brother, and not very Masonic behavior. They did, viz. Junior Warden S. D. (for candidate.) 'At the right hand of the Worshipful Master in the east.' --Brother Gabe, who has been regularly initiated Apprentice, and now wishes to receive more light in Masonry, by being passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft. You are not to palliate, or aggravate, the offences of your brethren; but, in the decision of every trespass against our rules, you are to judge with candor, admonish with friendship, and reprehend judge with justice. The second section gives an account of the ancient division of our institution into operative and speculative Masons, and by striking emblems directs the candidate to an attentive study of the liberal arts and sciences.--Lexicon. These chapiters have on the top of each a globe, or ball; these globes are two artificial spherical bodies; on the convex surfaces of which are represented the countries, seas, and various parts of the earth, the face of the heavens, the planetary revolutions; and are said to be thus extensive, to denote the universality of Masonry, and that a Mason's charity ought to be equally extensive. It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties which, as a Mason, you are bound to discharge, or to enlarge on the necessity of a strict adherence to them, as your own experience must have established their value. up your wands (both rites) turn left and walk to the West, turn right and in The Junior Warden should continue working very closely with the new Master Mason's Mentor, as well as the Lodge Education Officer, and the Lodge Instructor of Work, reviewing his progress frequently with the Worshipful Master. The Senior Warden sits in the west, symbolic of the setting sun, and assists the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the lodge. WebAt the right of the Worshipful Master. Ans. SW: Conductor--I have not; but I have a pass, token, token of the pass, grip, and word. When Stewards or Deacons are called up from their Chair by the Worshipful A. I did, by the order of the Worshipful Master, and the assistance of the brethren. By being divested of all metals, neither naked nor clothed, barefoot nor shod, hoodwinked, with a cable-tow twice about my right arm, in which condition I was conducted to the door of a Lodge by a brother. First Ritual as Junior Warden Wikipedia head. (In the time of Morgan, it WM: Brother Senior Warden. .D., while holding the candidate by this grip: S. D.--From the real grip of an Entered Apprentice to the pass grip of a Fellow Craft. 1 These are representations of the two pillars erected at the outer porch of King Solomon's Temple. WebThe Junior Warden is charged with the supervision of the Lodge while it is "at refreshment" (in recess for meals or other social purposes). Q. and commanded, if the Ephraimites passed that way, Say ye Shibboleth; but they, being of a different tribe, could not frame to pronounce it aright, and pronounced it Sibboleth;1 which trifling defect proved them to be spies, and cost them their lives; and there fell at that time, at the different passes on the banks of the river Jordan, forty and two thousand. (See Fig. Pedestal, turn off the second lesser light, forward to the Altar, the back to (conductor.) He is the second in command, like the vice president, and if the Master is unable to attend the meeting, he may open and conduct business. At the moment when the young neophyte is about to receive the physical light, he should also prepare himself to receive the moral light. After you have returned to your chair and you are waiting for instructions to be Our laws and regulations you are strenuously to support, and be always ready to assist in seeing them duly executed. We can easily understand the peculiarity of comformation in the organs of speech which produced this defect. lights the three lesser lights, salutes the Worshipful Master and returns the A. W. M.--Why leave you the west, and travel toward the east? south side and back to his chair. Webwelcome and needed. about to open a Lodge of Entered Apprentices, and direct him to tyle accordingly. . "SALUTING:" - When carrying the wand around the Lodge Room, you never salute. [i.e., furnish them with an apron. A. - (SD) In the South. and leaves for his chair, bring your wands back to the attention position, turn the South side to the Junior Wardens Pedestals turn off the third lesser light between the Senior Warden and the Altar. A. Magazines Online] The seven Sabbatical years, seven years of famine, seven years of war, seven years in building the Temple, seven golden candlesticks, seven wonders of the world, seven planets; but, more especially, the seven liberal arts and sciences, which are grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. One rap calls the lodge to orderone calls up the Junior and Senior Deaconstwo raps call up all the subordinate officers, and three, all the members of the lodge. Master, they may salute before they pick up their wand but never afterwards. S. D.) and the candidate. balls or black cubes. W. M.--Then, if you have no objections, you will say, I, and repeat your name after me (here the Master gives two raps with his gavel (), which is the signal for all the brethren to assemble around the altar). B., who has been regularly initiated Entered Apprentice, and now wishes to receive more light in Masonry, by being passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. You are now entitled to wages, as such; which are, the Corn of nourishment, the Wine of refreshment, and the Oil of joy, which denote peace, harmony, and strength. Difficult. All this I most solemnly promise and swear with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or self-evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under no less penalty than of having my breast torn open2 ( see sign of Fellow Craft, Fig. This is essential, for in their absence, tradition holds that the officers move up in line to fill in during an absence. A. I was conducted twice around the Lodge to the Junior Warden in the south, where the same questions were asked and like answers returned as at the door. Start to Focus on the Future: The Junior Warden should start to develop his the Candidate around the Lodge, he may be on the right side and would therefore W. M.--The pass is right. ', Master to the Junior Warden, 'The Senior Warden's place in the lodge? to the Altar, then South to the Junior Warden's Pedestal, turn on third lesser Closing in the third Degree, after the Senior Warden is invited to give the words to the Worshipful Master, the Junior Deacon picks up his Wand and with the Senior Warden on his Left walks up the North side of the Lodge to a point just in front of the Senior Deacon, who then follows in line with the Junior Deacon and the Senior Warden. tldubb, Ripcord22A Site Benefactor Mar 21, 2016 #2 (For duegard and sign see Figs. The Junior Deacon advances through the door, followed by the. This being accomplished, the candidate is duly and truly prepared. The right foot and knee of the candidate are made bare by rolling up the drawers, and a slipper should be put on his left foot. Conductor--Brother Gabe, an obligated Fellow Craft. Webthe ritual for the Senior Deacon and Junior Warden during the opening and closing of the Lodge on each Degree, and the ritual for the conduction of business during a Stated Meeting. After the Distinguished visitor has been received in the East, he will instruct 'The better to observe the Worshipful Master's will and pleasure, record the proceedings of the lodge; transmit a copy of the same to the Grand Lodge, if required; receive all moneys and money bills from the hands of the Brethren, pay them over to the Treasurer, and take his receipt for the same. Destroy the ballot in view of everyone present and return to chair. Ans. the W.M. A. p. 174. The first is considered to be the most correct. Webwelcome and needed. The architect began to design, and the plans which he laid down, being improved by experience and time, have produced works which are the admiration of every age. When the Lodge is opened on the Fellow Craft Degree, the altar is arranged as represented in the accompanying engraving. OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE LODGE: "YORK RITE" - Senior Deacon upon instruction Secretary. A. Net-work, from its connection, denotes union; lily-work, from its whiteness and purity, denotes peace; and pomegranates, from the exuberance of their seed, denote plenty. about to open a Lodge of Entered Apprentices, and direct him to tyle accordingly. Illustrations of Masonry, by William Morgan, [1827], at sacred-texts.com. an exception. S. D.--By the pass, and token of the pass of a Fellow Craft. --Amos vii. Were those columns adorned with any thing further? Tools and implements of architecture are selected by the fraternity, to imprint on the memory wise and serious truths; and thus, through a succession of ages, are transmitted unimpaired the excellent tenets of our institution. (Some say "Jachin," without halving.). 'At the right hand of the Worshipful Master. Conductor--The pass grip of a Fellow Craft? WebThe Junior Warden is charged with the supervision of the Lodge while it is "at refreshment" (in recess for meals or other social purposes). Have you ever worked as a Fellow Craft? WM: Brother Senior Warden. - (SD) In the South. Opening A. (See Fig. When processing in and out, Junior Deacon in conjunction with Senior Deacon will lead the procession under the direction of DC and ADC (Cross wands at exit). Q. A. One point of the compasses elevated above the square, which was to signify that I had received light in Masonry by points. 'To wait on the Worshipful Master and Wardens, act as their proxy in the active duties of the lodge, attend to the preparation and introduction of candidates, and welcome and clothe all visiting Brethren. Conductor.--Ja. light, then back to the Altar and stand just behind the I.P.M. WebThe Junior Warden is charged with the supervision of the Lodge while it is "at refreshment" (in recess for meals or other social purposes). They also allude to the three principal supports in Masonry, namely, Wisdom, Strength. J. W.--The pass is right, and the token is right; pass on. (4 votes) Very easy. Jewel of Junior Warden Is a key office for the conduct of all three Degree Ceremonies In conjunction with and under the direction of the WM will assist in Opening and Closing of each Degree; practice the 3rd Degree Closing with the SW 10. Junior Warden. just to the West of the sacred law. The conductor and candidate now pass on to the Senior Warden in the west, where they pass precisely the same examination as that just described with the Junior Warden. The closing in the first degree, only involves the Senior Deacon and he will the March position. The first three allude to the three principal stages of human life, namely, youth, manhood, and old age. . Difficult. want to be a Junior Deacon Webto drop or jump a Brother who is in line and is performing his duty is generally considered to be in bad form, fairly insulting to the Brother, and not very Masonic behavior. What are the five orders in architecture? Step back a few paces and wait for the Worshipful Master tldubb, Ripcord22A Site Benefactor Mar 21, 2016 #2 On arrival at your chair, drop wand to attention Chair, Senior Steward just goes to his chair. WebBipin Pitrola (Beadle), Wayne Warlow (Senior Warden), Windsor Coles (Master) and Sarah Cockbill (Junior Warden) Liverymen in finery for parade VoxPupils Pupils of All Saints reveal their favourite green projects Jack Scholes, 10, said: "I have been a junior warden which involves persuading others not to graffiti or misbehave." SW: Brother Junior Deacon. Excluding degree work, the Junior Warden does not have an excessive amount of ritual work, so there is little reason for you not to master it. ), Junior Deacon whispers in the Senior Deacon's ear the pass-word, "Shibboleth.". 'As the sun in the south at high meridian is the beauty and glory of the day, so stands the Junior Warden in the south, the better to observe the time, call the crafts from labor to refreshment, superintend them during the hours thereof, see that none convert the hours of refreshment into that of intemperance or excess; and call them out again in due season, that the Worshipful Master may have honor, and they profit and pleasure thereby. i. p. 167. Stewards are to carry their wands and perform their duties while doing the floor The attentive ear receives the sound from the instructive tongue, and the mysteries of Masonry are safely lodged in the repository of faithful breasts. After the candidate is out of the room, the Lodge is arranged for his second reception and the completion of the Degree. Conductor--The sign of a Fellow Craft Mason. (Some say--our Junior Warden.). (They move their thumbs, as already described.). 'By a Master Mason without the door, armed with the proper implement of his office. he word prepared in Hebrew is NIKAJ." ', Master to the Senior Warden, 'His duty there? Upon arriving here, he (the Senior Deacon) says to the candidate: Brother, we are now approaching the outer door of King Solomon's Temple, which appears to be tyled or guarded by the Junior Warden. or opinion ', Master to the Secretary, 'Your duty there, Brother Secretary? A. side and the Senior on the South. 67.). The attentive ear receives the sound from the instructive tongue, and the mysteries of Masonry are lodged in the repository of a faithful breast. 12, p. 65:3 The breast being the abode of fortitude, we are taught by the second sign to suppress the risings of apprehension and discontent; and to endure with patience the attacks of adversity, or distress, pain, or disappointment, rather than induce, by a weak and temporizing compliance with the persuasion of friends, or the denunciations of enemies, the bitter stings of remorse which must inevitably result from a betrayal of secrets with which we have been intrusted on the faith of a solemn obligation.--Theo. The Senior Warden sits in the west, symbolic of the setting sun, and assists the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the lodge. S. W.--The word is right, and the grip is right; pass on, brother. S. D.--Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding degree? 14, p. and Beauty; for it is necessary that there should be wisdom to contrive, strength to support, and beauty to adorn all great and important undertakings. He has two stewards that are his assistants. Pronunciation of jarden with 2 audio pronunciations. attention position, until the official visitor enters the Lodge room, then cross corner and to the When escorting Official Guests into the Lodge room, you will then WM: your place in the lodge brother Tiler. Both Deacons and Stewards do The word in Hebrew has two signification: 1. . First Ritual as Junior Warden Warrior1256 Mar 21, 2016 Warrior1256 Site Benefactor Mar 21, 2016 #1 Tonight we will be inducting a candidate into the lodge as an Entered Apprentice, my first ritual as JW. WebJD: Worshipful Master. ), The five human senses are hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting, the first three of which have ever been highly es-teemed among Masons: hearing, to hear the word; seeing, to see the sign; feeling, to feel the grip, whereby one Mason may know another in the dark as well as in the light. Opening The closing dedicated to the holy STS. ', Ans. When processing in and out, Junior Deacon in conjunction with Senior Deacon will lead the procession under the direction of DC and ADC (Cross wands at exit). I hope that I have the S.E. WM: Attend to that duty and inform the Tyler that I am. Conductor gives the duegard of a Fellow Craft (see Fig. What was the name of the one on the left hand? The principal use of these globes, besides serving as maps, to distinguish the outward parts of the earth, and the situation of the fixed stars, is to illustrate and explain the phenomena arising from the annual revolution and the diurnal rotation of the earth around its own axis. The Deacon here ties a hoodwink, or hand-kerchief, over both eyes. The Senior Warden sits in the west, symbolic of the setting sun, and assists the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the lodge. Candidate kisses the book once (some Lodges say twice). (left to right: Master. Web2 /5. A. Even the Temple of Solomon, so spacious and magnificent, and constructed by so many celebrated artists, escaped not the unsparing ravages of barbarous force. Opening Did any thing in particular strike your attention on your return? A. Opening 3, p. 17), and makes the candidate or candidates--if there are more than one--do likewise. 'As the sun rises in the east to open and adorn the, day, so presides the Worshipful Master in the east to open and adorn his lodge, set his crafts to work with good and wholesome laws, or cause the same to be done.' 86:1 LECTURE. Altar, South to the Altar, prepares the volume of Sacred Law or Holy Bible, (YORK RITE) move both ways along the North and South sides, cross over the Lodge ', Ans. Start to Focus on the Future: The Junior Warden should start to develop his chair, walks West along the North side of the Lodge to a point just North of the [Here lodges differ very much. Q. I furthermore promise and swear that I will stand to, and abide by, all the laws, rules, and regulations of the Fellow Craft Degree, as far as the same shall come to my knowledge. Q. JD: Brother Senior Warden. Q. Very difficult. 11, p. S. W.--Give me the grip (here give the real grip of a Fellow Craft--Fig. We will suppose the Lodge to be opened on the Fellow Craft Degree, and Mr. Gabe, who has previously taken the degree of Entered Apprentice, and been elected to that of Fellow Craft, is in the ante-room in waiting. WM: The first great care of Masons when convened. How to pronounce jarden Because in six days God created the heavens and the earth, and rested on the seventh day; the seventh day, therefore, our ancient brethren consecrated as a day of rest from their labors, thereby enjoying more frequent opportunities to contemplate the glorious works of creation, and adore their great Creator.

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