integrative journal of nursing and medicine predatory

integrative journal of nursing and medicine predatory

However, the list created controversy about how journals and publishers were included. Your message has been successfully sent to your colleague. Search for Similar Articles This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original publication is properly cited, the use is noncommercial (i.e., research or educational use), and no modifications or adaptations are made. 20. Integrative literature reviews follow many of the same methods as systematic reviews, but their scope is broader. Information on the publishers website is often misleading or incomplete. This article shares guidance to help nurses effectively appraise information and their sources, distinguish predatory from legitimate journals, and conduct due diligence. . No predatory nursing journals were indexed in MEDLINE or CINAHL, and only one journal was in Scopus (a journal recently purchased by one of the predatory publishers).16 By using one of these databases to find information to guide clinical practice, nurses can largely avoid predatory journals and associated low-quality research and evidence by extension. On the other hand, authors may benefi from a shorter waiting period from submission to publication and dissemination of their work to a broader audience. He was not involved in the review or decision to accept this manuscript for publication. modify the keyword list to augment your search. That situation presented itself recently when I deleted an invitation to submit a commentary on de-implementation (one of my research areas) in a high-impact, European critical care journal owned by a credible publisher. Ross-White A, Godfrey CM, Sears KA, Wilson R. Predatory publications in evidence syntheses. Journals stating that they follow the ICMJE Recommendations. Grudniewicz A, Moher D, Cobey KD, et al. Your email address will not be published. The publishers of predatory journals engage in unethical publishing practices, thereby endangering the scientific basis of the profession. All authors, reviewers, educators, researchers, editors, and clinicians should be aware of how to identify predatory journals. A cross-sectional comparison. A classic tactic of predatory journals is sending out unsolicited and inappropriate calls for articles. Surgery. Throughout the evolution of predatory publishing, Krawczyk and Kulczycki found that open access and predatory frequently are conflated. Nursing. National Library of Medicine. Second, publication ethics do not permit a duplicate article on the same topic, also known as redundant publication.1 If the results and discussion sections look the same in 2 articles, they have too much similarity and cannot be published again in another journal. Marilyn H. Oermann is the Thelma M. Ingles professor of nursing at Duke University School of Nursing and the editor-in-chief of Nurse Educator and Journal of Nursing Care Quality. Despite claims to the contrary, predatory journals do not provide peer review or editorial services essential steps in validating research methodology and manuscript content nor do they offer transparent policies or processes regarding fees, long-term archiving and/or the management of potential conflicts of interest.2 The challenges incumbent in the academic, peer-reviewed literature associated with predatory journals have now become so substantial that this was the lone topic at the most recent meeting of the Surgery Journal Editors Group (SJEG).3 Although the SJEG does not have any overriding policing authority, it is an engaged group of editors from the most prominent peer-reviewed surgical journals in the world, who determine and evaluate surgical publication policy and requirements. Anna Biszaha, MLIS, and Stephanie J. Schulte, MLIS. Annals of Nursing and Practice is an international, open access, peer reviewed journal that focuses on the best clinical and medical practices for the patients through medication, care, and management of diseases novel approaches and strategies to promote health, prevent illness and cure diseases through knowledge sharing, collaboration and promotion of interdisciplinary scientific research. Zakout YM. Predatory publishing or "phishing" emails purport to invite scholarly activity, but in truth actually seek to collect publishing or registration fees. Integrative Journal of Nursing and Medicine (IJNM) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal with broad scope covering all zones of NURSING and midwifery like nursing research, training, education and practice. Quality of articles published in predatory nursing journals. Are they nursing-focused? Predatory publishers typically oversee a range of journals.11 Their primary goal in publishing these journals is to make money for the publisher. The International Academy of Nursing Editors was one of the first groups to raise awareness of predatory journals in nursing.22 Since then, many predatory publications, including nursing journals, have become more sophisticated and have adjusted their web pages to address early criticisms about the lack of transparency. Eighty patients admitted due to pulmonary dysfunction caused by COVID-19 were randomly allocated into two groups: the . to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without Many tools exist to help nurses evaluate journal quality. While existing databases (e.g., Bealls list and The CalTech Library list of questionable conferences) catalogue many fraudulent senders, the list is ever-expanding. Ball is coeditor-in-chief of CJS. The review question acts as a foundation for an integrative study (Riva et al. Analysis of citation patterns and impact of predatory sources in the nursing literature. The site is secure. Oermann MH, Nicoll LH, Chinn PL, et al. Online ISSN: 2768-3222 | Continuous Publication | Current Volume: 2. Row Title P-ISSN E-ISSN URL 1 Abnormal and Behavioural Psychology 2472-0496 Cortegiani et al. Many (if not all) predatory publishers use an OA publishing model, but not all OA journals are predatory. Oermann and colleagues also found that over 96% of articles analyzed in a sample of predatory nursing journals were of poor-to-average quality. Search for other works by this author on: Suspected redundant publication in a submitted manuscript, Quality of articles published in predatory nursing journals, Negative effects of predatory journals on global health research, Study of predatory open access nursing journals, Characteristics of e-mail solicitations from predatory nursing journals and publishers, Caught in the trap: the allure of deceptive publishers, Citations of articles in predatory nursing journals, Bealls list of predatory journals and publishers, How I became easy prey to a predatory publisher, Think check submit: choose the right journal for your research, 2019 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, This site uses cookies. Unless you are an experienced author with a program of research or clinical expertise, emails that look too exciting to be true, probably are. The email would typically include direct contact information for the editor and information that substantiates the legitimate nature of the journal. National Journal of Community Medicine. For example, systematic reviews of research identify relevant studies to answer a specific clinical question, critically appraise those studies, and integrate findings that can be used by clinicians. Open Access. Characteristics recorded included the site of origin, presence of grammatical errors, contact information provided, relevance of the invitation to the recipients specialty, as well as whether the sender had already been identified as fraudulent by either Bealls list of potential predatory journals and publishers ( or the CalTech Library list of questionable conferences ( Antarctic Journals. Shamseer L, Moher D, Maduekwe O, et al. Leslie H. Nicoll is the editor-in-chief of CIN: Computers, Informatics Nursing and Nurse Author & Editor and the president and owner of Maine Desk LLC. Overly broad scope. Anna Biszaha is an assistant professor and a research and education librarian. A bibliographic database is a collection of journal abstracts and articles, conference proceedings, books, legal publications, reports, and other types of publications. Transforming the ultimate paper: hints for authors. IJNH objective is to provide a platform for the researchers, clinical practitioners and readers who are committed to advancing practice and proficient development by exchanging the knowledge that is directly relevant to all spheres of nursing and midwifery practice. Journal Selection for MEDLINE. Peer review (content reviewed by experts in the topic or, Published journal policy noting two to three reviews of submitted manuscripts by nurses with expertise in topic or. Topics covered include all aspects of integrative medicine, such as acupuncture and moxibustion, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, chiropractic, mind-body medicine, Taichi, Qigong, meditation, and any other modalities of CAM, as well as their integration with the conventional medicine. Patient plus health-care provider interpretation of doing not resuscitate and do not intubate. Log In; Automatic login IP; PUBLISHERS' AREA DISCOVER ISSN SERVICES SEARCH OPEN ACCESS RESOURCES KEEPERS REGISTRY ISSN INTERNATIONAL CENTER. I found some of your innovative works fascinating and feeling glad to communicate through this email. Some nurse authors might submit their manuscript to a predatory journal without realizing it until after the submission or publication of the article. Predatory publishing or phishing emails purport to invite scholarly activity, but in truth actually seek to collect publishing or registration fees.1 Senders from these journals and/or conferences attempt to disguise their intent and platforms. Browse by Title. Briefly, they used Beall's original . Carefully read about the peer-review process and look at a few articles on the journal website for the time for peer review (it should be more than 1-2 weeks). Check. No single criterion will clearly elicit that a journal or publisher is predatory, but you can look for a few characteristics (indicators). For an organization of 100 000 users, earning an average of $100 000 per year, and receiving 6 spam emails a day, the cost in terms of storage, management, downtime, and lost productivity has been estimated to be greater than $16 million per year.5 Our study also identified the types of words firewalls could flag to block predatory emails. View full journal description includes Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health as well as an affiliated Primate Center. Content indexed in Scopus also has been evaluated for inclusion based on its scientific quality and rigor.19, In general, predatory nursing journals are not indexed in reputable bibliographic databases such as MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Scopus. Look at the Editor and Editorial Board to see if they are nurses and if you recognize any of their affiliations (hospitals, universities). As an example, this article is open access: The authors chose to pay the fee to publish it open access so it would be free for readers and this information could be disseminated widely. 2 Academia Arena 1553-992X . 14. Anecdotal conversations with nursing colleagues who mistakenly submitted manuscripts to predatory journals have confirmed the experience reported by Leung et al. The report Combatting Predatory Journals and Conferences describes how all of these indicators (and more) can be taken together to represent a spectrum of high- to low-quality journals. Our data also suggest that of the 10 million emails that penetrate these firewalls, potentially one-third are phishing emails. They included the names of journals and publishers listed on Bealls list; the names of conference hosts listed on the CalTech Library list; the names of journals, publishers and conference hosts we deemed to be predatory; the word greetings; and the presence of obvious spelling and/or grammar errors. Nature. There are yet only a few studies on predatory publishing in nursing. Also, keep in mind that some journals may simply be low quality but not have any deceitful intent. 4,5 performed an interesting report of predatory journals in our speciality in 2019. Consider this type of solicitation a red flag. Putting a stop to this practice will involve authors, reviewers, educators, researchers, editors, and clinicians. Authors who may be at risk for publishing in a predatory journal are those who have had an article rejected following peer-review and are looking for a less rigorous process to achieve a successful publication.6 Citing potentially low-quality articles may reduce the quality of your own article as well as undermine the body of science in your area of expertise.7 Oermann et al7 located 814 citations to articles published in predatory nursing journals between 2009 and 2018. In other words, beware of predatory journals. Jordan Wrigley is a data librarian at the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship, University of Colorado Boulder Libraries. Berger M, Cirasella J. Unfortunately, predatory journals that use unsavory publication practices have emerged. government site. 10.1080/03605310701626307 PMID: 17924272. Google Scholar is an easy way to search for a wide range of scholarly literature, all in one place.17 Although Google Scholar includes journal articles from legitimate publishers and repositories, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations, books, abstracts, reports, and other types of scholarly literature, it may also include articles from predatory journals. In a recent study, a team of nurse editors and medical librarians reviewed the lists of nursing journals in PubMed/MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Scopus. Published evidence in the form of journal articles plays a critical role in evidence-based nursing. Main objectives of research open world journals are to help . Objective: To know the tendencies of the publications about nursing theories, theoretical models and related concepts in a scientific journal of nursing. Spam emails are used to invite nurses to submit to the journal. An open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles on interventions and resources that complement or replace conventional therapies, with a specific emphasis on research that explores the biological mechanisms of action, as well as their efficacy, safety, costs, patterns of use and/or . Carter-Templeton H. Informatics: protect yourself and the nursing profession from. We encourage you to continue submitting your articles to high-quality journals from credible publishers, such as AACN, whether the articles are in print or online. Added 29 April 2021 Updated 29 April 2021 . Nurses should use the highest-level and best-quality evidence to inform their practice. Nicoll LH. Also, an international, interprofessional collaboration, Think, Check, Submit,11 provides a series of prompts for potential authors to assist with the journal selection process. The majority of the predatory conference invitations (97.4%) originated from 14 unique fake hosts, of which more than half (57.1%) were present on CalTech Librarys list of questionable conferences (Table 4). 2018;66(1):4-10. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2017.05.005. Little is known about the extent and specific impact of predatory journals in anaesthesiology and critical care medicine. As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. J Nurs Scholarsh. For each predatory nursing journal, information was retrieved from the NLM Catalog, Ulrichsweb, and journal and publisher Web sites. Journal of Integrative Nursing 2666-9854 (Print) / 2663-4481 (Online) Website ISSN Portal About . HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Get new journal Tables of Contents sent right to your email inbox,,,,,,,, How to identify predatory journals in a search: Precautions for nurses, Bedside shift report: Implications for patient safety and quality of care, Advancing the profession: The clinical nurse educator, Nursing considerations for transgender men, Transition into practice amid COVID-19: Tips for new nurses, Articles in PubMed by Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Articles in Google Scholar by Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Other articles in this journal by Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN, Privacy Policy (Updated December 15, 2022). Jacqueline K. Owens is a professor of nursing at Ashland University Schar College of Nursing and Health Sciences and the editor-in-chief of OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Leave this field blank . Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE) is another site that potential authors can use to decide on the best fi for their article.10 JANE flag journals that are indexed in Medline or considered to be high-quality open access journals.

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