how old was maggie smith in harry potter

how old was maggie smith in harry potter

[71], Upon learning this, Minerva readily agreed to have the Dark wizard catchers help protect the school and put the staff on high alert. She was also highly capable in many areas of magic as well as Transfiguration. Minerva's school career overlapped by two years with that of Pomona Sprout, and the two students enjoyed an excellent relationship, both then and in later years. Professor Minerva McGonagall, O.M. Sorcerer's Stone" and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" was scared of her. By then, her parents lived on the outskirts of Caithness in the Scottish Highlands, in a village where mostly Muggles lived. Nonetheless, Minerva continued to fight when the battle resumed after the attack by the Centaurs on Voldemort and the Death Eaters. McGonagall seemed to have a good relationship with most of her co-workers at Hogwarts. However, she was quick to praise his performance and assure he was tended to in the First Task and helped him train for the Third Task by lending her room. She transformed Malfoy back into his human form and reminded Moody that they never use transfiguration as a punishment. Minerva was fond of all the Weasley children, including Ginny. Birth Sign Capricorn. This meetings took place after Harry and Ginny dropped off their children at King's Cross, but before the Start-of-Term Feast where Minerva could see the students arrive and notice that Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy failed to appear to school. This was shown when McGonagall was hit by four Stunners on the chest, as Madam Pomfrey said that it would have killed most witches of her age. In an interview with U.K.s Evening Standard Magazine, 84-year-old Smith discussed her iconic roles in "Harry Potter," as well as Violet Crawley in "Downton Abbey." Minerva would later visit the Ministry to inform her colleagues on the new development. McGonagall, believing his retreat was motivated by fear, called out "Coward! For example when he decorated the Great Hall in nauseatingly lurid pink hearts for Valentine's Day, she was observed to have a muscle twitching noticeably in her face. [25] On the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, Minerva would also host memorials at the school, at least one of which involved those in attendance being treated to several expert demonstrations of the Shield Charm. Still and all, he had remained an outstanding student that embodied all of the qualities that marked a true Hufflepuff, and given his perseverance and impressive record, Minerva was happy to help him land a job at the Ministry, where he was later taken on by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as a research assistant at the Auror Office. She did this after having walked in on them practising so many times around the school. When Professor Slughorn announced the emminent arrival of a delegation from the Ministry of Magic, led by the Minister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour, she gave Harry leave to vacate the office so that she could prepare to receive the new arrivals and inform them about what had happened. She gave Hermione one of her "rare smiles". Pomona Sprout, her longtime friend and colleague. Not only did a 17-year-old Maggie Smith begin her career as Viola in an Oxford Playhouse School production of Shakespeares Twelfth Night, she went on to appear in countless Shakespeare plays during her time with Laurence Oliviers National Theatre in the 1960s and Canadas Stratford Shakespeare Festival in the 1970s. This was shown when Harry and his friends were caught sneaking around the tower in the dead of night during their first year at Hogwarts and she sent him off to serve detention in the Forbidden Forest. Having left for the Ministry when she learned that Hermione Granger would be holding a second Extraordinary General Meeting, the Headmistress was present when the she announced to the world not only Bowker's murder, but also about a recent search in Upper Flagley in Yorkshire.[27]. Maggie Smiths highest grossing movies are the Harry Potter movies, which altogether grossed around $5.5 billion at the box office. However, she suffered a nasty fall in her final year: a foul during the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match which would decide the Quidditch Cup winner. Minerva was present after Katie Bell was cursed by the Opal Necklace. Minerva liked James Potter (an intelligent and talented wizard), despite the fact that he could sometimes be a bit of a bully and was not above bending the rules. Upon learning this, Professor McGonagall alerted the Ministry of Magic, which sent an agent from the Statute of Secrecy Task Force to recover the all. [3], Minerva directing students during the Sorting Ceremony, Also in this year, Harry Potter, whom Minerva had been watching over for many years, would start his first year of education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, not knowing this, as he did not know that he was a wizard. When Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy did not arrive at Hogwarts with the Hogwarts Express on 1 September 2020, Minerva sent owls to their parents and later met with Harry Potter, Ginny Potter and Draco Malfoy, along with Minister for Magic Hermione Granger and her husband Ron Weasley, to find them. Dame Smith was born December 28, 1934, making her 83 years old. Harry made the team, remarkable for a first year, and became the youngest Seeker in a century. This nearly exposed the wizarding world to Muggles, but Minerva was fairer than Snape, the one who brought the matter up in the first place. McGonagall had a good relationship with most members of the Order of the Phoenix. Professor McGonagall has the distinction of being the first magical character introduced in the series, when, In the film adaptations, there seems to be a recurring gag to have Minerva delivering alliterative lines; for instance, in. After being released from the hospital, she required the aid of a walking stick for several days. McGonagall was devastated at the murder in 1981 of Lily and James, both of whom she considered her all-time favourites. This larger than life version of Wizard's Chess was known to be brutally violent and sacrificial for wizards to have to take part in themselves. In the case of the former, Harry Potter noticed Bagman kiss Minerva's hand once they had finished dancing. In the final moments of the battle, she duelled Voldemort himself to a stalemate along with Horace Slughorn and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Smiths droll delivery and expressive gestures made her a shoo-in for satire and comedy roles in variety shows, and her early career was characterized by dynamic musical performances in revuesthough Smith is self-deprecating about her own singing ability. McGonagall was friendly with Poppy Pomfrey, the nurse. When Cornelius Fudge brought Aurors to arrest Dumbledore in 1996, she boldly stepped forward and announced her intention to fight the Aurors on his behalf. At the end of the Tournament, Minerva accompanied Dumbledore and Severus Snape in the rescue of Harry Potter from the Death Eater that had spent the entire school year impersonating the Auror Alastor Moody, that year's DADA professor. [63] By 3 March, all of the items had been successfully retrieved, and though grateful for their help, Minerva still lightly admonished Miss Pickering for prying into her personal life, reminding her that she did not have the right to the answer of every inquiry she could think of just because she asked.[63]. She is best known to international audiences for her portrayal of Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter film franchise. There were plenty of behind-the-scenes antics, including crushes, cracked ribs, and pranks. WebWatch Maggie Smith on the set of Harry Potter.I edited this video myself, but got the footage from other videos. [72], Much to the relief of everyone involved, however, he was finally returned to them after The Unforgivable proposed to give them Ron in exchange for the complete control of The Calamity, and even though the Ministry's effort to use the trade to infiltrate the organisation went awry, both the Ministry and denizens of Hogwarts alike was delighted to learn that he had been found, although Hugo and Rose was left having to cope with the fact that their own father had no recollection of who they were, having been completely Obliviated, and Minerva did her outmost to offer her support.[72]. Even as a student, Lockhart was already a vain, annoying attention-seeking troublemaker, to which she held in contempt. However, after the Second Wizarding War, Umbridge was captured by Aurors and sent to Azkaban herself, for the rest of her life. She has recently received several awards and honors for the Downton Abbey series. Having concluded, however, that the collective disappointment at its cancellation would be more likely to trigger a new surge with Hogwarts at the heart of it than to allow the student body their yearly competition, the new season was held as normal. Utterly furious at this downright trickery, she deducted fifty points from Slytherin and put the quartet in detention. Learning that they had found and read a message about an Ice Knight and Vanished Stairs, Minerva said she will discuss this with Dumbledore and accidentally revealed that she and the other teachers had once dealt with the Cursed Ice, which she quickly covered by telling Jacob's sibling that he is free to help in the search of Ben and ask for him to tell her personally should he succeed, promising to reward him. McGonagall and Hagrid fought against Death Eaters during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower and the Battle of Hogwarts. [27], During the meeting, it was also revealed that Harry had began to experience nightmares and pains in his scar; something that he had not experienced since his final defeat of Voldemort, which the former Dumbledore's Army members was concerned might meant that some remnant of the Dark Lord might linger in some way. Minerva fell head-over-heels in love with McGregor, being the first and only time in her life that she might have been said to lose her head. " Not that I'm rubbishing Maggie Smith, because she's a great lady I'm scared of her, actually. The surge, though its effects were notably less dire than they could, and indeed had been previously, nevertheless warranted remedying, as it had whisked away with a number of the painted likeness and departed souls of some of Hogwarts' finest; more specifically, the portraits of the four Founders and the resident House ghosts. With years of experience under her belt, it is only natural for Smith's colleagues to have felt intimidated around her. Battle of the Astronomy Tower participants, Department of Magical Law Enforcement personnel, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Transfiguration Today Most Promising Newcomer award, St Oswald's Home for Old Witches and Wizards, St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, conjured a length of shimmering silver rope, brought the various desks and chairs to life, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay, Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies, Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Professor McGonagall", Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore - The Complete Screenplay. Is one of 14 Best Actress Oscar winners to have not accepted their Academy Award in person, Smith's being for The Minerva heartily approved of this, as she despised the foul creatures. Age 88 years old. Minerva was called upon to fix the situation, but Leta ran from her and Minerva was forced to chase her around the school, all the while docking points (Minerva ended up docking a total of 200 points). [68], After the Statute of Secrecy Task Force successfully recovered that which had been lost to the first wave of the surge, the Headmistress came across the ghost of Hufflepuff House, who explained how he had just conversed with Grim Fawley, who had asked him to "mind the portraits". Though it rarely happened, Minerva showed a temper that could reveal itself on occasions when she was angry or flustered. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969)California Suite (1978) [12], For the most part, though, Minerva usually maintained great emotional composure, without being indifferent. Dame Margaret Natalie "Maggie" Smith (born 28 December 1934) is an English actress, who plays Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter films. Maggie Smith studied at the Oxford High School before dropping out to attend the Oxford Playhouse in order to complete her education in acting. Smith and Cross married soon after that, and were together until Crosss death in 1998. At the time of this writing, Smith is 88-years-old and can be seen in Downton Abbey. After his capture, Professor Gorski was freed from Bly's control. However, several incidents marred the year. Eventually joined by Pomona Sprout, Filius Flitwick and Horace Slughorn, the five individuals proceeded to talk about the possible closure of Hogwarts and the necessary arrangements for Dumbledore's funeral. I was like a boiled egg, she told The Times. She has had many popular roles, and her more recent one is in the historical drama series Downton Abbey.. It began when she and her friends had asked themselves how Ivy could have known about, let alone learned how to cast, a Vanishing Spell against Cassandra Vole without remembering how, why or when he even learned it, and ended with a frightening encounter with her own worst fears in the Room of Requirement. She later became friendly with the Potters' son, Harry, who was also her student and a member of her House, though she did not show favouritism and was more than willing to take many points even from her own House for misbehaviour. Whilst Snape did put up a good defence, McGonagall gained the upper hand in the duel quickly, and when Filius Flitwick and Pomona Sprout arrived, Snape fled, now severely outnumbered. Now free to be with her kind and to exercise her talents, Minerva saw how her mother sobbed that day, not only out of pride, but also out of envy. Both witches tried to oppose Umbridge (in 1995) and the Carrows (in 1998). After Voldemort infiltrated Hogwarts, two new professors took the post of Muggle Studies and Defence Against the Dark Arts: Alecto and Amycus Carrow respectively. [21] Minerva further showed her high regard of Hermione, by appointing her a Gryffindor prefect in her fifth year at Hogwarts. Flitwick thought it an unlikely story, as no one was known to have enchanted them. Unusually for Snape, he was on first name terms with McGonagall, showing a certain level of personal friendship. [26], Upon learning this, and presumably also about Ivy's rumoured involvement and guilt in the matter of the disappearance of her twin sister, which had both been publicised, gossiped about and become common knowledge outside of the school, the Headmistress contacted the Ministry of Magic to make some inquiries on the matter. Following this, the Headmistress gave a number of Curse-Breakers permission to enter school grounds, who were eventually able to free them both, the latter of which were transported the latter to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. In 2003, Smith finally clinched the Triple Crown with an Emmy win for the lead role in HBOs television movie My House in Umbria. When Harry became the fourth Triwizard Champion, Minerva adamantly defended Harry from the accusation of Olympe Maxime that Harry had been willing to die for the gold rewarded and even went as far as to try to convince Albus into not letting Harry compete, being utterly mortified by the fact that Snape and Dumbledore were willing to use Harry as a bait and often showed herself to be more protective of Harry than the then Headmaster. Nationality

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