gustavo rivera singer wife patty

gustavo rivera singer wife patty

Senator Rivera served as the ranking member of the Senate Health Committee for six years. He was our number 1 target in the early 1990s because of this special relationship. Rivera has evolved into. Furthermore, he was born on March 1, 1996, and most people know him as GusMarch 1singer, based . Juan Felix aka Jonny was offered 33 year plea and ended up snitching on all his Logan homies straight eat same year Emilio Mainero set him self up to notgo back to Mx where he was going to smoked ended up snitching straight rat all at mcc San Diego Same time, el cabezon Emilio valdez mainero is free and they saw him at hotel del Coronado in san diego ca. My partners who worked this case would love to share our stories but are looking for someone like David Epstein who wrote "Devils, Deals and the DEA'' to help us. I knew Spookys little brother he was stupid then. The person I remember the most it was Patuchi a patrol men who join the Narcotics unit. a US Citizen. along with them. I knew most of this guys, I was not a gang member I just hanged out with them every now and then back in those days. Rivera was born and raised in Santurce, San Juan, Puerto Rico. To be a cartel requires following not violating the people in a public manner and keeping a non-stop river of money flowing from the US to DF. Barron tried to kill him in San Diego in 1994 as they feared he was passing information to the wrong people. in San Diego. In 1991, Jose Albert Marquez, aka Bat, I'm a longtime BB reader and appreciate you guys so much. They were both taken to Mexico City where they gave a "canned statement" as Benjamin and and the Mexico AG negotiated to make the incident go away. During my career, I The police in Tijuana had Barron was a bonified rider.He didnt fuck with lames or weaklings and he didnt like no one calling him Little Popeye.He fought Negro from Red Steps toe to toe for the rights to sell water(pcp).It was only a handful of dudes that could sell for themselves.You had to earn it with lead,like Bugsy,Pato,Charro,Sailor,Conejo,Beto (rip).Or even Cholo,Patos older brother who went super soft.They all had their kids(youngsters)selling for them in the 80s and 90s.No one could sell unless you had Barrons or Araujos blessings.To do so was your demise,like the dude from Lomas and Sherman who got taken out by the bleachers in 85.Emptied out their domes for thinking they could walk into the heart of 30 and make a few dollars.Those were the days when everyone went to Logan for their wacks and dips.Yeah,the 80s and 90s were fun,las pescadas were keeping all the fellas nutsack empty. The couple tied the knot in Huntington Park, California in a very private ceremony that involved only the intending couple and the officiator. His wife carried on his business and got the family involved. You been out there fighting on the front lines .Like to know your opinion on some things. Arellanos were dirty pigs with no morals in sight. Numerous films and television shows have featured Ahumada's husband, including "La Jaula de Oro," "El Fiscal de Hierro," and "El Corridor de Los Perez," as well as Ahumada's other children. Personally I would love to hear more about the AFO and your insight. First elected in 2010, Rivera is a Democrat. @11:58 that's what I was thinking I wasn't sure is it the same guy from El corrido El doctor from marca registrada? subject who was successfully murdered many enemies on behalf of Barron and the Wow, blown away by this article, what a fascinating read coupled with amazing photos. Please inlighten me with what is happening. Don Pedro Rivera's love for his wife, Juana Ahumada, seems to be an unending river of devotion. foreword to Martin Corona book (see right column), who offered to send me material to create a post. I wonder who protects el mencho and what government agencies hes allied with. Oscar is the Likewise, he has black hair and beautiful dark brown eyes. Good luck Mr.Amlo. It was said that after Michelle was murdered Junior knew that he was next. Is it true that David Barron was a Mexican Mafia member? But jorge Hank Rohn also attracted some as attention with his take over attempt of Las Vegas.WHY WON'T SOMEBODY INTERVIEW SALINAS? Steve and his partners successful case against the Tijuana Cartel began in 1992 and continue to the present as they await the extraditions of drug kingpins in their investigations. Ignacio Zazueta-Hernandez, aka "Pete," may have walked away from house arrest in DF a few years ago. Later that evening while Hergy took a Some Logan Gang members finally located him at Crazy Guys in Chula Vista and killed him in the parking lot. Is Logan still in cahoots with afo who is running afo or ctng. A philosophical view that is?E42. State Senator Gustavo Rivera represents the 33rd Senate District in the Bronx. Kitty and the Arellano-Felix Organization (AFO) into the US. You and your team did a great job identifying and going after these predators. Read below and. Some poster puts very good info: historical, political and criminal regarding the unfolding of events in Mexico but how to know if it's the same person? If Enedina's name is being thrown around as a narco, its because of Ruth. #gabyborges #telemundo #mariposadebarrio #jennirivera #netflix #supergenios #supergenius #programaparanios #kids #children #tvshow #actress #actriz #learning #novela. On February 14, 1996, Wow Serafin zambada is one free man worked out very well for him. We call them one-percenters.I was given opportunities to work with all of the federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in task force settings where we pooled our resources to target the worst criminals. Most relationships with cocaine sources were unique to each member of the AFO. Also another person from logan that worked at nassco ship yards was recruiting people to work in tijuana until people startin to get their heads chopped off! David Barron Corona and Wife Judy Paraiso with Carolyn and Gustavo Rivera in 1991 Chivis Note: My friend, former agent Steve Duncan was at the arraignment of Gustavo "Gus" Rivera, aka "El EP1" "P1" "El Gus", who was extradited the same day as El Mayito Gordo Zambada from Mexico to the United States. Their message sent to the victims is we really dont care. They move us around to the point where one cannot focus on a particular case. I look forward to reading Part II and hopefully seeing more of your work at BB down the road. I have been reading Borderland Beat since the beginnings. Our Law Enforcement Publications did not have a place for comments. While in custody at MCC, he directed drug activity and some believe the murder of his wife or girlfriend. Junior had a lover who was pregnant. with he and Rivera. Lol, Barrio Boy Barron died like a pendejo, from friendly fire while assassinating a Zeta reporter for publicizing the AFOS and the hank rohn gangs.correction he died like the way he lived no respect for human life. funeral after shooting him seven times. Also what you think of the History Channel Gangland story ? The Mexican cartels are in my opinion more violent then the Colombians were and their elimination and eradication will be on military terms as the USA has proven against ISIS, ISIL, Al Qaeda and the rest of the terrorist organizations who once operated and are operating around the world. For some reason his Now you know why it was made of sinaloenses hiding in jalisco. Being moved around like a pawn by apathetic and ignorant management.When given the support of our leaders and, when under the direction of strong leadership, we did our best work. Details About Juana's Marriage To Pedro Rivera. To gain and to maintain the big drug business you must have the the correct support and this involves rules and a lot of payment. The Mimi Baraza Murder was unfortunate, and although we strongly believe we know who the shooter was, we never had enough to prosecute the case. Gustavo Rivera. She would meet with those he told her to meet with and would use Enedina's name. Nowadays the make sure those people they use have licenses lol. Thank you for your compassion towards the young ones. Juana maintains a low profile in her professional life, although she is wealthy, with a net worth of $400K to $500K. Great article full of good info that I hadnt read anywhere else, Outstanding post! Pato.. Sad some people just dont care. time together in the early 1980s in San Quentin. involved. He was said to be a pleasure-seeker, but he was not a player. He is an expert on street gangs, prison gangs and Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations. Rivera also recalled the horrifying experience of the cooks spitting on the food and even urinating on it to humiliate the inmates, which made his stay even more humiliating. Chivis, you're the best If possible, the following characters were very intriguing based off of this post and the comments:-Spooky and Puma (the guys who took the fall for the cardinal's killing).-Norman Paraiso-Juvenal Gomez (jr and sr) and heir killers-(off topic) my dad used to speak of a DTO called Los Gueros, I believe from Jalisco. The brothers also had an enforcement group brought in from Los Mochis, Sinaloa who were kept separate from the Tijuana group. At the time, I was a It was good to learn more about Gustavo, I hope they lock him up and throw away the key! As far a as I know he wasnt. The dude was wearing full Catholic garb. Imagine being a citizen who has been continually victimized, losing a number of Never met a junkie that was forced into drugs. Both Rivera and Barron families were involved in the Melvin was smart, funny, polite and charismatic. In response, the musician says he doesn't want to make the same errors he made in his almost 40-year marriage to Doa Rosa Saavedra. from his assault rifle that accidentally killed Barron. of Justice, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement. Arellano-Felix received 25 years! Thanks for writing and sharing. They all excel at their jobs and are very compassionate and professional.In summary, we have not won the war on drugs, but we have saved countless lives by taking the one-percenters off the streets. Both parents were born even if we don't agree I still like you anyway . 1114 you wrote a lot of blah, blah I still can't figure out your point. Blancornelas public fotos del grupo de Barrn y eso lo enfureci y trat de matarlo por su propia cuenta. In June 1997, the It will be a never ending vicious cycle. any of the remaining defendants in the Cardinal Case including Pato, Lalo If theres anything about this story that needs attention, please email him. Their early contacts in Tijuana were "Chuy" Labra, Manuel Aguirre-Galindo and Juan Potenciano. never been able to show just how ugly these assholes are and the thousands of

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