dr rhonda patrick joe rogan

dr rhonda patrick joe rogan

I went in and had a sleep study done and it was bad. Dr. Rhonda Patrick makes her seventh appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience. When I do squats for sure. To help support the investigation, you can pull the corresponding error log from your web server and submit it our support team. Reduction of intraocular pressure for glaucoma, nausea with AIDS/Cancer, etc. Its a modern-day version of getting ripped off at your local mattress store. Its really awful. I'm a fan of Rhonda but was a bit surprised. Unclear if you can split out the psychotropic effects from other effects and still get the benefits, Females tend to have more estrogen without nurturing and more likely to have sex with anyone (Correlation with humans? Ive had multiple incidents where back when I was nursing my son where he was on a nursing pillow when Im very relaxed producing oxytocin and it tells me Im in REM sleep. ZWJmNjMxNjA3YjUzNTdiODRlZTA1N2M2OGVhMDI4ZDgzNDdhYWY2YTI3YzIw I just dont think its totally accurate in measuring. YWU2YmU5OGZhNmU4YWU5MmU2MWZjZjdmOTBmOGVjODQxYzk5NGU1YzkwMTY3 Dr. Rhonda Patrick obtained her Ph.D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, Tennessee. doesn't how usually worship at her altar and spread the good word of Dr. Rhonda Patrick? 0:00. Its totally calculating me as asleep. and some we can, It takes a lot of continuous effort/time to keep up with everything, calculate and execute on, Too easy to be caught up in the minutia and distracted from what matters, If you feed your body what it needs it can fight off the bad things, They even misunderstand things like the variety in types of Vitamin E. Its just so complex and we keep learning new things and that is hard to keep up with, especially when youre a full time Dr. No credit card needed. On her last Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Rhonda mentioned she consumes 6 capsules of n-pure DHA now. So bright light exposure and red light. Ive gone places where I forgot it [the mouthpiece] and Im like fuck, Im going to sleep terrible. Rhonda Patrick:https://youtu.be/4_ZJ8YDOX6g While Rogan cited the issue of young people experiencing side effects from the vaccine, such as strokes, blood clots, and myocarditis, Patrick was able to point to evidence that these conditions were on the rise even prior to the pandemic, and are still found in greater instances in unvaccinated people. NjU2Y2QzMTZjZmU2YTg4ZTY1ZmQ3M2M2ZTEwOWI5MDk5OTA2YzgwMjJkMzEy Healthy cells increase their stress response pathways when youre fasting (more heat shock proteins, more antioxidants etc. You get fat and you have all this extra tissue. .css-16acfp5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-16acfp5:hover{color:#000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:yellow;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}Joe Rogan has interviewed academics on an array of topics before, but Patrick's appearance on the show was slightly different, in that she took the opportunity to speak on the dangers of medical misinformation surrounding the Covid vaccine to Rogan's 190 million-strong audience. Particularly if their bills are piling up and they have no income. Podcast Notes is a Signal From the Noise LLC Production, All Right Reserved, Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting, Christopher Lockhead's Follow Your Different, Everyday Espionage Podcast with Andrew Bustamante, Feel Better, Live More With Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, Logocentrifugal Podcast With Chance Lunceford, Moonshots and Mindsets with Peter Diamandis, Network State Podcast with Balaji Srinivasan, Spearhead with Naval Ravikant and Babak Nivi, The Jolly Swagman Podcast with Joseph Walker, The Underworld Podcast with Danny Gold and Sean Williams, The Unraveling Podcast with Jocko Willink and Darryl Cooper, This Week in Startups with Jason Calacanis, Where It Happens with Sahil Bloom and Greg Isenberg, Shes very cautious about exposing him to any BPA in plastic, Typically we excrete BPA through urine and sweat, While pregnant, Rhonda made sure not to consume any water from plastic bottles due to the concern of exposing her son to BPA, This includes baby bottles, as well as plastic water bottles, Living in a major metropolitan area, like NYC, can shorten your life from the air pollution, One study compared the happiness of runners after going for a run in nature vs. a metropolitan area, Runners who ran in nature were far happier after their run, You also have to be mindful of brake dust pollution, People eat less when they eat a high protein diet, You have less insulin production, which changes your leptin and ghrelin levels (the satiety and hunger hormones, respectively), which causes you to eat less, Studies show that when people are given the same food every single day, naturally they start to eat less, and calorie restrict themselves, While fasting, or just calorie restricting to very low levels, entire cells are cleared away through a process known as apoptosis, Organs shrink during the fasting, and then re-expand when you eat, The microbiome has been linked to autoimmunity in things like arthritis and multiple sclerosis (MS), One study showed that when people with MS fasted every other day for 7 days, they experienced profound changes in the gut microbiome, They grew gut bacteria which produce more butyrate (this is a short chain fatty acid which gut cells love its good for them), which helps the immune system produce for T-regulatory cells, There are negative changes, in terms of the gut microbiome that occur when following a carnivore diet, These bacteria create genotoxic agents known as putracine and cadaverine which damage the DNA inside colon cells, Do a prolonged fast 1x a quarter, depending on how severe the issues are, Do a fasting mimicking diet (FMD) once per month, One study showed that going on a ketogenic diet for three months, also improved symptoms of autoimmunity, Rhonda has concerns about micronutrients (check out these. ZTVlZjA3ODkyNTQ0YTQxZTExMmE2ZWVmMmNiOWFmYzMyZDA3YWM2ZTAxYWQx ODIxZjQ3MmYwZTVlYWZkN2YzZWNiN2ViODYzNzM3MTYxMmZmYjJhYjljNTg3 Theres operations that they do to try to alleviate it. Its uncomfortable, youre wearing a mask over your face. Scott Galloway joins James Altucher to discuss how COVID is changing the world, how capitalism is turning into cronyism, why telemedicine Matt Ridley joins Naval Ravikant to discuss COVID-19, filter bubbles, crypto, automation, and Tom & Tony discuss how progress is the antidote to weak culture, what fulfillment truly means, and the future of FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. When the obese men underwent bariatric surgery (this reduces the size of the stomach to facilitate weight loss), the sperm DNA collected a year later, looked like that of the lean people. Its associated with so many things. I went through one episode where what happens when someone has the night terror is that if someone else sharing the bed with you tries to help you because Im still asleep Im not aware that thats my husband doing that and I really think someones trying to get me. Patrick: I thought I had it at first. Dr. Rhonda Patrick ( @foundmyfitness) is a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and the founder of Found My Fitness Host: Joe Rogan ( @joerogan ) Immune System Function and Relationship to SARS-CoV-2 What can you do to strengthen immune system? Become a member Sign in Search. It's the easiest way to cook. "But if you're saying to yourself, 'Even if I get infected, I could do damage to somebody else, even if I have no symptoms at all' that's the reason why you've got to be careful and get vaccinated. APOE4: Key risk factor for Alzheimer's disease as you are less able to remove a myloid beta plaques and other things. 0:00. Y2Q4OTkwZWQ1Nzc0ODllNjg2NWM3MzA2OWViMDBmNDg3NjljYWVmMzYxYmEx Patrick: Can you tell me what it is? If you absolutely have to stare at a screen at night, this is the best way to improve your sleep. Podcast Notes isnot associated or affiliated with the source podcast (unless otherwise stated). ", Rogan has since walked back his controversial statements, asserting that he is "not a respected source of information," and saying: "I'm not a doctor. In that case, you might also like the FoundMyFitness podcast (also available on Spotify ), which features many great interviews with Rhonda's favorite heroes of science, exploring the frontier of human healthspan. ZDQzNjZiNTkxODE1NzMxZjdmZjI5YTEwOTEyZjlkZjhlNWMzMWZkNjhhMGVk And would have been an interesting contrast in her levels (she's quite active) vs her mom's levels (sedentary). At some point I'll try to update this to include topics discussed on each episode. Prior to this, . Thats been shown to cause dementia, right? Click to reveal Sleep is so important for immune function. "If you want to only worry about yourself and not society, then that's OK," Fauci said of Rogan. He would go without breathing for multiple seconds. Just like people have adverse reactions to certain foods, Once study had a group do 24 high intensity interval cycling classes within 8 weeks at the end of the 8 weeks, average VO2 max was improved 12%, Rhonda recalls one study in which people got more benefits (pshycological and health) from walking within nature compared to on a treadmill, A womans VO2 max has been shown to increase after pregnancy, due to carrying around the extra weight, People with one allele of the ApoE4 gene, can have a 10-20x fold increased risk for CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy)resulting from TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), Rhonda has this gene, you can test for it with, Almost everything has sugar in it, if you go into a grocery store and pick up a random item, more likely that not there will be sugar in it, Saturated fat increases large LDL particle number, which isnt that bad, but when eaten in combination with refined sugar, some of these large LDL particles can be converted to small LDL particles, You cant gage someones risk for heart disease just by looking at LDL cholesterol number, you have to look at LDL size too, The PPAR-Alpha Gene and the Ketogenic Diet, So the ketogenic diet may in fact be detrimental to someone who doesnt have this, a high fat diet would lead to more free fatty acids in the blood stream, making someone more insulin insensitive, inflammatory biomarkers would also increase, Rhonda doesnt follow a ketogenic diet due to the fact that she really likes to get a lot prebiotic fiber for the microbiome, its hard to do this on a ketogenic diet, although its doable, We still really dont know how the ketogenic diet effects the microbiome (my gut biome diversity has gone down on a ketogenic diet), Bacteria in the microbiome eat the fermentable fiber we dont digest (from plants, seeds, nuts, legumes), Rhonda has concern that people dont get enough fermentable fiber on a ketogenic diet, Similar to ATP, used as an energetic currency throughout the body, used for etabolism, Improves physical performance, cognitive performance, Kevin Rose also talked about this supplement, in, Rhonda bought the supplement but isnt currently taking it, One study came out showing higher protein consumption from meat was associated with a higher all cause and cancer mortality. She has dedicated her research career to finding proactive and preventive solutions to aging and longevity. Some we cant control like where you are born, genetics, etc. Because I know Im just going to be too stupid. NjkxYjdiZjVhNDUzM2I2Yzk1NDQ3ZDk0Nzg0MDM3ZmIwZTM4Zjc5ZDUxMDA3 The latest episode starts with her experience following a ketogenic diet. Dr. Rhonda Patrick appeared on episode #1474 of the Joe Rogan Experience to discuss a variety of topics including COVID-19, saunas, nutrition, and sleep. Podcast Notes isnot associated or affiliated with the source podcast (unless otherwise stated). In this episode of The Drive, Peter sits down with Dr. Layne Norton to discuss how to prevent and manage injuries, the science of body FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. Rogan: The idea is that a lot of people have problems with CPAPs. Patrick: Im glad I dont have that but for the night terror thing the melatonin helps. Like being a hemophiliac who wants to sword-fight Joe. Much of the scientific studies detailing the benefits involve the dry sauna, The real benefits come when you get to 180 degrees, Frequent sauna use increases mitochondrial biogenesis and allows for improvements in mitochondrial function, Using the sauna before a workout has been shown to reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) they dont specify for how long to use the sauna pre workout, Hyperthermia (and exercise) activates IL-6(its an inflammatory cytokine) like crazy, The greater the production of IL-6, the greater the reduction in depressive symptoms, This is the same thing released from muscle tissue after exercise, In response to this, the body has an anti-inflammatory effect, Giving people NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents) prior to a workout, blunts IL-6 production, and many of the benefits of exercise are negated (like improved insulin sensitivity), There are studies that show hot yoga improves depressive symptoms, Its is responsible for what one might call, a dizziness feeling, at the tail end of a sauna session that feeling of oh god, I have to get out, Dynorphin binds to kapa opioid receptors in the brain, This causes a feedback response in other opioid receptors in the brain (mu opioid receptors) which bind to beta endorphins, Joe has one in his studio, he tries to do it 2-3 times a week, Hell often do it in the morning, sometimes for 2 hours, Joe gets his blood checked every 6 months, 300 grams of brussel sprouts a day increased blood glutathione plasma levels by 1.4 fold.

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