dr lorraine day official website

dr lorraine day official website

will be answered by Dr. Day at the end of the Bible Study. The Jews are Destroyers! web pages In 1992, Dr. Day developed breast cancer, biopsy-proven, that become so severe it was eventually diagnosed as terminal. Brother, you are so far out of the picture it is astonishingespecially considering that you are here posting at a truther site. Why Your Doctor Can't Cure You She has been invited to lecture extensively throughout the U.S. and the world and has appeared on numerous radio and television shows including 60 minutes, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, Larry King Live, The 700 Club, Ankerberg Show, USA Radio Network, Art Bell Radio Show, Three Angels Broadcasting Network and Trinity Broadcasting Network. " An Anonymous Letter from Your Globalist Friend, Dr. Lorraine Day Interview: From Covid to Communism, Satanic Communist Jews Have Taken Over America. REFRESH PAGE IF VIDEO HAS NOT STARTED BY 6PM PST ALSO MAKE SURE TO UNMUTE IF YOU HEAR NO SOUND To watch videos of previous Bible Studies: They have NO relationship to the Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Because yeast in the body can convert complex sugars into simple sugars, fruits will feed cancer cells. No man (or woman) of God will compromise the Gospel, the Truth, the Way, by offering it only for a price. There was no mistaking what was happening. 2023 Cancer Doctor. You have Cancer Because you are sick! I completely agree with you about the face mask issue, and youre right I should have pushed back on it. All who give credence to conspiracy theories and musings of the Illuminati are not only giving these men the credit and power they think to have and take by force, they are guilty of not trusting in the Lord. It eats upon the host. The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World (23) Foreign nations will realize that the Israelites were forced to leave their own land because they sinned against Me. 4) Ann Wigmore Wheatgrass (she liked this one the best, and her diet is somewhat similar), What Does it Take to Get Well? They have never been scooped up on their own, cultured, and reintroduced into a patient and caused symptoms particular to that virus. However she takes the Bible literally, which is insane. You can sometimes walk into a place without a mask and nothing happens, and other times it becomes a huge scene with security guards involved and even the police. I could give many examples of supplements that simply cannot be replicated with diet, no matter how much you eat. By 5) Budwig, The Lord said by Paul that all of Israel will be saved! She also discusses some of the bad things about radiation treatments, certain types of surgery, certain types of biopsies, the removal of lymph nodes, and many other things. 2023 ACH | Official Website of ACHBroadcaster Historian Pastor And Satirist | All Rights Reserved. (4) He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the LORD shall mock at them. Believing is Seeing! Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish author, quote from January 1928 issue of, Joel Stein, "Who runs Hollywood? You cannot paste images directly. Chip in for gas - $10 goes a long way! Diseases Don't Just Happen But as regards the election, they are beloved for the Fathers sakes. The Realist Report. At the end of the video, Dr. Day discusses two specific cancers in detail, breast cancer and prostate cancer, documenting the causes of these cancers, then revealing the methods of prevention and reversal of these cancers by natural therapies. How Should We Respond to this ILLEGAL Dr. Day was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer but rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects and because those therapies often lead to death. He has said to Me, You are My Son; today I have begotten You. Mongol Barbarian TURKS! The Good News About God; Dr. Day interview on ITV (video) The second segment of this interview is Exclusive Members Only Content. Day seems to suggest that knowledge is enough, yet in all her knowledge, she offers no tangible, realistic solution for the gargantuan problems she declares are at hand. Open Your Eyes Nobel Prize Winner who INVENTED the test!! Care for Your OWN Health! If someone like Dr. Day cant find the courage to shop unmasked, then were doomed. May Day swiftly come to realize her error and unequivocally repent of it before all. Shes had her life threatened numerous times. Who controls the Cancer Industry, the FDA and the American Cancer Society, Who controls what the media tells you about cancer treatment. Hi John, great interview. 10) Chaparral, Besides, what man or nation isnt guilty before God? While there may be a pill that can kill the cancer cells, the cancer cells are really a symptom of a poor diet or some other problem. E-mail your full name and e-mail address to The Webster Kehr website is closely affiliated with the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc (ICRF). This is one of many signs that Day is a false teacher, a true mark of a cult leader. Dr. Lorraine Day is an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and bestselling author who was on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. Required fields are marked *. and Their Equally Detestable Policies. Shortly after Memorial Day, I noticed something extremely upsetting. The most that will happen is, if you refuse to leave, the store might call the police for trespassing. In this video, Lorraine Day spends about 26 minutes speaking on "Cancer Reversal, Natural" at the 31st Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society. Please visit her other website at www.goodnewsaboutgod.com for more information. Dr. Day is an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author who was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. Are Our Enemies Injuring Us with Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day. No person is better than any other person. And what are Days fruits? Jews say Gentiles Exist ONLY to Serve the Jews! Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11; Acts 10:34; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25, 1 Peter 3:17). It works by building the immune system or as she puts it rebuilding the immune system. By using a complete change in diet, coupled with a long list of dos and donts, she has put together a complete treatment program that consists of 10 commandments that range from a highly nutritious diet all the way to having benevolence for others. Very few, if any, Jews in the world today, have any Semitic blood (Semite, from the word Shemite. Dr. Lorraine Day's Personal, Official Web Site - Her Amazing Recovery from Cancer. Covid-19 Scamdemic - and Death! Germs Don't Cause Disease An intellectual witness falls short of the True Spiritual Witness. In this set of 2 CDs or 3 audiotapes, Dr. Day reveals: How to prevent and reverse: cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, and other eye diseases and disorders, How to get rid of your eyeglasses and still read and see comfortably without surgery, The food additives in virtually all processed food that can cause blindness, The dangerous side effects of eye drop medications. She then details the dangerous treatments offered by orthodox medicine and why they are so damaging to your body, specifically your immune system, the only system in your body that can get you well! Mad Cow Disease A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day. If youre interested in ways to deal with cancer outside the box of conventional cancer therapy, have had no success with mainstream cancer treatment or simply wish to avoid the toxicity of standard therapies, we may very well be kindred spirits. (26) They will live safely in their own land but will be ashamed when they remember their evil ways and how they disgraced Me. Covid-19 Scamdemic In this video, Lorraine Day spends about 35 minutes speaking on "Breast Cancer, Natural Therapies" at the 39th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society. She refers to religious myths as if theres zero doubt about them. One may put forth accurate informationand still not hit the nail on the heador bear spiritual witness. Jewish Illuminati DOES! When she developed breast cancer she had to decide between orthodox treatments and alternative treatments. Everyone should know that the 'war on cancer' is largely a fraud. Dr. Day is an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. Eye See: Prevent and Reverse Eye Disease NEW! (7) I will declare the decree of the LORD. Display as a link instead, Read about the Norwegian Underground and the fight for freedom! Lorraine Day doesnt eat from the Tree of Life, Who is the God of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ, but instead eats from the same Tree as those she seeks to expose with her writings and website and videos. An item below is fresh air, thus she mentions that three items can be accomplished at the same time if you exercise outdoors (exercise, sunlight and fresh air). David was not a mighty warrior, and Goliath was feared by all the men of Israel. EVERYBODY is LYING - the CDC, NIH, FDA, and everyone else: the Covid-10 She notes that 70 cups of coffee is a fatal dose of coffee. Crown is the City of London ruled by the Jew Rothschilds. The world is 6,000 years old, Noah, etc-etc. ALLOWED to Criticize. It accompanies the video and cannot be used alone. " Bird Flu HOAX Anthrax She continued at the same University for the post graduate training in Orthopedic Surgery and became an Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon, operating on the victims of gunshot wounds, stabbings and other massive . She takes religion to the extreme. I followed this plan for a good eight weeks and felt quite good on it. over the last 20 years? If a cop pulls us over for speeding, do we act meek and humble and play along with him in the hope that he doesnt give us a ticket, or do we mouth off and refuse to follow his directions? No matter what kind of conspiracies or evil deeds men like these concoct, the Lord declares all their plots are in vain: Psalms 2:1-9 MKJV Dr. Day details many of the side-effects of chemotherapy and in the tape she holds up a medical text book which she explains has many pages that detail many more complications of chemotherapy. Click here to learn more about Webster Kehr. Dr. Day Web site, accessed March 21, 2002. Her appearances on various podcasts always degenerate into a religious lecture, which can get shrill. [], You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. It burns it all clean. If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me" (Luke 9:23). and need a lot of potent and fast acting supplements to get them over the hump of the damage done by orthodox medicine. Are Doctors a Gift from God? Social Distancing is a Scam perpetrated by the Jacob Rothschild, the Rockefellers, George Soros, The CORONA Virus - - means the CROWN Virus. I dont know, but I will never ask her advice again. There is NO New Mutant Strain of Covid-19! (26) And so all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! I agree that she certainly turns off certain people with her religious zealously and she would do herself a favor to turn it down a bit. She talks about giving up anger, thinking good thoughts, and so on. Dr. Day is a trained orthodox medical doctor who not only taught surgery at a medical school, but was also a high ranking staff member in a major hospital. Perhaps there are a lot of supplements she does not know about, or did not exist when she made her tape, but to strongly condemn the use of any and all supplements is not the right way to do things. There are several things that can be said of Dr. Lorraine Day, not the least of which is that she, as a woman, contrary to Scriptural Counsel and God's Authority, assumes authority over men in her teaching and preaching occupation in the context of the Body of Christ (see Diabolical Doctrines: Women are Ministers of God in Spiritual Authority Over Men). Rogers M. Dr. Doom: Lorraine Day keeps asking life-or-death questions about the dangers of AIDS. In the beginning when Victor and Marilyn asked me to help Amber with finding pertinent teachings for Amber, 11 - The Issues of Life to Troublous Times, 12 Troublous Times To Satan's Second Expulsion, Diabolical Doctrines: Women are Ministers of God in Spiritual Authority Over Men, http://www.goodnewsaboutgod.com/jesuscoming.htm), The Worldly Christian Condemns Sinlessness, Victors First Three Dreams From the Lord. Provide your email if you would like to receive periodic correspondence from us. Because these IVs appeared to be doing nothing to stop the growth of this tumor, I stopped the treatments on July 5th. They WORSHIP him! Some say she's an alarmist. In this crazy cancer journey, Ive had more than my fair share of Oh my God! moments: some happy and some not so much; but Id love to share them here with you. Ukraine that starved to death EIGHT MILLION Christians. Specific information on Breast Cancer and Prostrate Cancer, Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore video/DVD. How to have willpower to follow the plan necessary to prevent and /or reverse eye diseases and disorders. We care about the protection of your data. or Vaccinated? Yet Day sounds an alarm, as if to suggest the Lord doesnt see each mans heart, as if the Lord is powerless to strike dead all who oppose Him, as if He isnt in full control. Dr. Day - Uncensored - talks about her New Book. She is a, Helping you grow to new heights of wellbeing, with Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition, Natural, Alternative Therapies for all Diseases,including Cancer and AIDS. To Learn Who Rules Over You Simply Find Out Who You Are Not Allowed To Criticize. 4 DVD Package If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Your email address will not be published. As the restriction of our God Given right to free speech manifests itself throughout the world, we are inspired by Jesus Christs immortal words, And Ye Shall Know The Truth, And The Truth Shall Make You Free, and we reserve all rights to our words. Are Essential Oils the Missing Link To Cancer Prevention? The other thing that disturbed me about this tape is that there are a lot of very potent alternative cancer treatments, such as the Calcium Protocol, that she does not even mention. The damaging side effects to the eye from many drug medications commonly prescribed for arthritis, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases, heart attacks, strokes and other diseases. I personally do not sell any alternative cancer treatment substances, so I have no bias in saying this: supplements can be absolutely critical in treating many cases of cancer. This video was posted on Bitchute.com. This video describes the EXACT plan she used to get well! In fact, she tried many of these cancer treatments on herself so she knew first hand that they didnt work in her situation. Germs DONT Cause Disease Dr. Lorraine Day's Personal, Official Web Site - Her Amazing Recovery from Cancer. Lorraine Day, M.D. The. This article will discuss all three of her cancer-related video tapes. For copyright reasons, I cannot go into a lot of detail on this item, but rest assured she does go into detail. She gives a lot of good reasons to exercise, such as reducing stress, reducing blood pressure, etc. For we are not as many, hawking the Word of God; but as of sincerity, but as of God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God (2 Corinthians 2:17 MKJV). They wont even sell you the food without a mask. news. Young diet does not allow ANY fruits except unsweetened lemon juice and unsweetened lime juice. Another true mark of a cult one finds, Day possesses an overall lack of reason and practicality. The Democratic National Convention Logo is Yeah, but there is nothing wrong with saying that viruses dont exist in that what they are calling a virus and how it behaves certainly doesnt exist. She continued at the same University for the post graduate training in Orthopedic Surgery and became an Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon, operating on the victims of gunshot wounds, stabbings and other massive. The 2012 Olympics in London Predicted the 2020, The PCR test is a FRAUD if used for Covid-19 says the, To Learn Who Rules Over You, Simply Find Out Who You are NOT, The LYING Jews tried to claim 6 Million Jews were being, The U.S. Government LIES to You CONSTANTLY . Nothing. Thankfully freedom of I was frankly surprised at her response to the question about masks. (25) For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, lest you should be wise within yourselves; that blindness in part has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the nations has come in. Very few, if any, Jews in the world today, have any Semitic blood (Semite, from the word Shemite. All rights reserved. YOU May Not Believe in a Real SATAN - But the Have some feedback for our website? In this video, Lorraine Day spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Cancer-Free" at the 37th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society. Gods Chosen People are the true followers of Christ who are Chosen for one thing only: to exhibit to the world the character and disposition of Jesus Christ, no matter what happens to them. (27) Foreign nations will watch as I take the Israelites from enemy lands and bring them back home, and those nations will see that I am holy. Here we see some truth and some falsehood. When they are testing you, they are vaccinating you! Thats the way it is: the Truth is unshakable, invincible. Ultimately she developed a protocol for her own advanced cancer, used it on herself, and completely recovered. But above everything else, the biggest problem I had with this tape is her strong condemnation of using supplements with a cancer treatment. Im a Doctor: This Epidemic is a HOAX! Click here to see the tumor Dr. Day endured. " on behalf of Victor Hafichuk Herd Immunity is a LIE - and Fauci KNOWS it! For a woman to risk her life many times for exposing inconvenient truths, speaking her mind on most controversial topics, what is so hard about entering shops maskless like a normal human being? Nowhere in the New Testament or otherwise do we see a suggestion that the Lord would permanently cast aside the Israelites/Jews. (for all books, videos & audios), Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that. About Lorraine Day. (27) For this is My covenant with them, when I have taken away their sins. New World Order. In my view, if you give in on the mask, youre more likely to take the injections too. Who Rewrote the Bible? What Do I Need to Get Started on the Health Plan? Its one thing to speak truths andanothertospeak by the Anointing of theTruth. Your link has been automatically embedded. To say I was distraught and extremely dejected was putting it mildly. When is Jesus Coming? More LIES from the Government! In this section she gives a long list of things to avoid. However, her treatment can be supercharged, even for those who do use it. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Other vegetables could also be added. In this compelling audio tape or CD, Dr. Day discusses these same aspects of more than twenty additional cancers, including: sarcomas: osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Ewing's, cancer of the bladder, brain, stomach, pancreas, liver, thyroid and lung. They are Jacobs descendants, so I will bless them and show that I am holy. The land laying desolate for many centuries has recently turned to a well-watered garden, a blossoming terrain in more ways than one, even as the Hebrew prophets proclaimed would be. I knew I had to figure out something, especially with this exterior tumor now about the size of a cherry tomato. When I asked the doctor why the tumor was growing back despite the IVs, he had no answers for me. YOUR Government is using YOUR money to BUY Do you think she would come of jail alive if she ever went in? We talked about Isaiah 26:10, a verse that Michael Lash red earlier this week, and I quote, Amen, Terri! 2) Ann Frahm, ALL their laws and problems! Let it not be! From her viewpoint, one can conclude the whole world is utterly mad, that theres nothing and no one to be trusted, that everything is a lie, and were all doomed lest the Second Coming happen quickly (http://www.goodnewsaboutgod.com/jesuscoming.htm). Title: Dr. Lorraine Day Tells What's Dr. Day is a trained orthodox medical doctor who not only taught surgery at a medical school, but was also a high ranking staff member in a major hospital. We Are Ruled by Dangerous Psychopathic Morons! Build Back Better? However, I do not think it works fast enough for someone who has had orthodox treatments and has been sent home to die. After all, she cured herself of cancer following biblical direction and is going strong still at almost 85 years old. A whole food to help rebuild and maintain a healthy immune system. by Their god, Satan! Americans Will BEG for a One World Government! She is extremely tough and hard-edged. These include coffee, sugar (she has a lot to say about sugar), alcohol, caffeine in general, etc. In this section she discusses all the physical and emotional problems that can result from not drinking enough water. Frequently Asked Questions About Health How this plan has been used successfully by many patients with different types of life-threatening diseases to regain their health. The Lord made an example of Israel by scattering them, not only because of their iniquity and murder of Jesus Christ, but also for the sake of the Gentiles/Nations, so that they may also be reconciled to the Lord through Jesus Christ. 12) and many others. During Covid-19 Testing. At Lorraine's request her . Please do not curse or use derogatory language - you can make your comment or criticism without foul language. To lose one's eyesight is a catastrophe that changes every aspect of one's life. She is, to put it lightly, a religious Nut. In this video, Lorraine Day spends about 24 minutes speaking on "Getting Well" at the 33rd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society. ACH (2138) Mallificus Scott The Limeys #119 Win A Night Out With Jimmy Savile! so you can be given access to each Bible study. Searching her website, she writes a lot of content identifying villains and enemies (namely the Jews), but I see little content suggesting solutions. the Communist Jews You Better Think Again! Ive had that happen to me and the cops gave me a warning. Eighty to ninety percent of all the Jews in the world have NO Semitic ancestry, they are Khazars of Gentile origin, barbarian Mongol Turks, from the area of Khazaria (now the Caucasus portion of Western Russia), people who, in about 740 A.D., accepted the religion and/or culture of Judaism. The Lockdown of the Whole World in One Week PROVES that RemedySpot.com Forums on Ayurveda, Yoga, Health and Natural Healing. Monday Evenings SARS the Mouth of Satan! Pasted as rich text. The importance of sunlight is far more significant than most people realize. She cuts through all the lies and explains everything with such clarity and detail. If you follow Days reasoning to the end, where does it get you? But what is that compared to our staggering influence in your churches, your schools, your laws and your governments, and the very thoughts you think every day? Please Support Alternative Cancer Research Super Starter Package says Lorraine Day, M.D. " Whats REALLY Going On with the Alex Jones Defamation Case? They can say whatever they wish..look at the FACTS, not what these proven liars say. Search the history of over 806 billion beginning in March or April 2006. The familiar to everyone spread of chickenpox is evidence of the contagious nature of the varicella-zoster virus. For example, her carrot juice could be supercharged with beet juice and cabbage juice, which also contain strong anti-cancer nutrients. FDA Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Sitemap, Rules When Using Natural Cancer Treatments, Natural Medicine Cancer Clinics Worldwide, Stay up-to-date on the Most Effective Cancer Treatments with WebsterKehr.com, Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments. (1) And the LORD said to Abram, Go out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your fathers house into a land that I will show you. lincoln high school volleyball roster, ako odstranit podkozny vred,

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