city of st john's fence regulations

city of st john's fence regulations

Drinking fountains (c) (2) All money due the city by a person shall in the insolvency of the person be a preferential claim next after money due the Crown; provided the debit is not contracted longer than 3 years prior to the date of insolvency. Without limiting the generality of paragraph (1)(h), regulations made under that paragraph shall contain provisions for the preparation and service of written charges. RSN1970 c40 s110; 1978 c45 s5; 2012 c26 s2. The members of the court of revision shall be paid the remuneration that the council shall determine. (b) (1)The council shall continue to hold for the use of the residents of the city and all others living in the neighbourhood of or resorting to the city all that land situated at Waterford Bridge, formerly known as Rae Island, presented to the city by Bowring Brothers Limited, together with all additions to it. (4) An officer appointed by the council, except the solicitor or medical officer, shall not engage in another business or occupation. the use as a street of the Old Railway Track. 301. (i) 238. Set-off 340.10 (4) (1)An agreement made under section 340.17 shall remain in effect after the period provided for under section 353.18 until replaced by a new agreement, decision or award. (6) (1)Where it is certified by an inspector or officer of the health department that a dwelling. Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person who, (a) Board of arbitrators The waters of Quidi regarding the election of officers of a board; (d) (b) Maintenance prescribing penalties for failing to comply with or otherwise contravening the regulations made under this section, provided that, for an offence which may be dealt with under regulations made under paragraph (h), the penalty that may be imposed shall not exceed those specified in that paragraph; (h) A detailed structural drawing that shows height, type of material to be used, etc. 316. Stock in the capital of the assisted company shall not be sold or disposed of for a consideration other than cash, and money received by the assisted company on account of its capital stock shall not be used for expenditures other than those connected with the carrying out of the objects of the company, the acquisition of lands in or near the city and the building and making on the lands of dwelling houses of moderate size and improvements and conveniences. "sewer" includes sewers and drains except those that come within the definition of the word "drain" in paragraph (i); (s) (5) the need of preserving heritage buildings, structures, lands or areas that collectively represent a cross-section of all periods and styles in the city's historic and cultural evolution; (b) 193. 242. be responsible to the council in carrying out the powers, functions and duties conferred by this section; (b) (5) (2) . . (a) the division of the area into zones; (c) 340.13 West Saint Paul, MN Code of Ordinances. The committee shall have power to make rules for the conduct of its internal affairs and shall have powers in relation to the park similar to those given to the council under section 63. (4) A requirement of the council made under paragraph (2)(b) is not enforceable with respect to a residential property until the council has sent notice, which notice, shall, where mailed, be mailed on the same day as it is dated, by registered mail to or served on the owner and all persons known to the council to have an interest in the residential property and upon the occupant of the property. 17. (6) The council may by by-law dissolve a business improvement area and a board of a business improvement area, (a) (3) 340.18 19. where entrance into or upon commercial property is refused, a Provincial Court judge may, upon application made on behalf of the council, by order require the occupier of the commercial property to admit an official or employee of the city, either by himself or accompanied by 1 assistant, into or upon the commercial property for the purpose of an inspection under this subsection; (c) (6) ; (c) Zoning by-laws the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation Act. (1.1) to borrow money for the purpose of that building, to the amount that the Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs may authorize; (c) The council shall fix the remuneration of the members of the board of arbitrators and, where it orders the payment of that remuneration, fix and pay the remuneration of the city negotiator. to establish voluntary payment amounts that may be paid with respect to a violation notice issued under section 403.1; and. Liability for licence the tax may be based upon the quantity of water used in the premises or parts of them as measured and determined by water meters, which the council may install in the premises or part of them, and charged at the rate of 4,500 litres or part of a 4,500 litres as the council may determine; and. 105.1 A substantial ladder shall be fixed to the roof of every dwelling house and kept in good repair by the owner except where a regular access to the roof from the inside is provided. The city spans 446.04 km 2 (172.22 sq mi) and is the easternmost city in North America (excluding Greenland).. Its name has been attributed to the belief that John Cabot sailed into the harbour on the Nativity of . The person shall answer questions put to him or her and shall prove upon statutory declaration the facts required to prove the claim. (a) The council may require that admission to the entertainment be by ticket to be obtained from the council by the person or company responsible for the management of the entertainments. judge to prosecute the appeal without delay and to abide by the result of the appeal. (1)The commission appointed under section 304 shall hold office for the time that the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may decide, and may receive the compensation, and may spend those sums for offices, clerks, accountants and experts that the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may direct. 325. 385. Bills and accounts (1)A person entitled to notice under section 397 may within 10 days of the service on him of the notice, or, where the notice is mailed, within 14 days of the date appearing on that notice appeal. then the compensation to be paid shall be, in the case referred to in paragraph (a), the amount estimated to be the value of the house or premises as if the nuisance had been abated, or as if they had been put into a sanitary condition or into reasonably good repair, after deducting the estimated expenses of abating the nuisance or putting them into the condition or repair, and shall, in the case referred to in paragraph (b) be the value of the land and of the materials of the buildings on the land, less the cost of the demolition and removal of the buildings. The councillor elected under subsection (1) is to exercise the powers and duties of the mayor. (4) The owner of a building referred to in section 116 may obtain more than 1 service pipe or a service pipe more than 1.905 centimetres in diameter, for an extra supply of water for domestic purposes, upon payment of the cost of installation, and at an annual rental to be determined by the council. providing for the maximum period, and the conditions of leave of absence, including sick leave, which may be allowed to members; and. The council shall have power by regulation to designate lands or areas in the city and prohibit the erection of buildings on those lands or in the areas either absolutely or for the period or subject to the conditions that the council may determine and the regulations may vary in the application of a condition or restriction to a particular land or area. Orders for possession (3) make available to the council at all times all books, documents, transactions, minutes and accounts of the board; and. 277. , Southside, there shall be not less than 5 firebreaks of at least 15.24 metres in width respectively. A vacancy occurring in the membership of the court of revision shall be filled by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. Upon publication of the notice of a by-law, regulation or rule referred to in subsection (1) in the Gazette 72. to submit to the council, in conjunction with the city clerk, a monthly statement of revenues and expenditures and a summary of all amounts spent since the last period of accounting and a comparison with a similar period in the previous year; (g) (2) to inquire into and decide upon the fitness of individuals belonging to the permitted classes to receive a licence to carry on business and into the fitness of each vehicle used or to be used in the business; (d) 329. 102. (1)Except where otherwise provided offences against this or another Act relating to the municipal affairs of the city or against rules, regulations or by-laws made by the council under this or another Act shall be triable summarily before a Provincial Court judge on the complaint of the city or of a peace officer. The new . (7) the purpose for which an appropriation has been made has been accomplished and an unspent balance remains; (b) as principal or, where so authorized, as agent of the province, to enter into an agreement with the Government of Canada, the government of the province and a federal or provincial housing corporation or organization, relating to a land assembly or housing project for the provision of dwelling houses within or outside the limits of the city which the council considers desirable and whether carried on under the National Housing Act Auditor general regulate or prohibit the unnecessary ringing of bells, the blowing of whistles by locomotives, factories and steamboats, the use of noisy vehicles in the streets, or the making of unnecessary noises in the city; (b) the provision, construction and installation of necessary water mains, hydrants, sanitary sewers, storm sewers and appurtenances; (b) or another Act or law, a Provincial Court judge to whom an application is made under section 400 shall have jurisdiction to hear the matter and to make the order referred to in that section. St. John's when an animal has been impounded, the impounder shall notify the city clerk or the other official of the council that has the care of the matters and the clerk, or other official, shall make a record of the impounding in a book to be kept for that purpose and the council may advertise that the animal has been impounded, (iv) 341. connect a spout or rain conductor, discharging upon the sidewalk with a drain or sewer leading from the building to which the spout or conductor is attached; and. (3) (3) (2) 67. does not apply to the city in respect of lands or an interest in lands owned or held by it. 340.23 (3) to oversee the carrying out of this Act, and all rules, regulations, and by-laws having reference to the scavenging of the city, or the abatement of nuisance in connection with the scavenging of the city, and to prosecute, subject to the permission of the council, all persons who have committed offences against the city; (b) (7) to fix different scales of fees for different vehicles. a pool, ditch, gutter, watercourse, privy, urinal, cesspool, drain or ashpit so foul or in such a state as to be injurious to health; (iii) The city engineer shall prepare plans on a scale of 13.33 m to 2.5 cm showing the location, boundaries and extent of all Crown lands within the city limits, together with all buildings and erections on the lands. 101. (11) (2) (a) (14) Where a water tax or instalment of water tax, imposed upon and payable by the occupier of the premises, is not paid to the council by the occupier within 1 month after the tax or instalment is payable by the occupier, the tax or instalment shall become payable immediately to the council by the owner of the premises and shall attach to and be a charge upon the premises in the same manner as other taxes and assessments under this Act and may be recovered by the council from the owner by any of the remedies provided by this Act for the recovery of taxes and assessments; and, upon payment of the tax or instalment to the council in accordance with this subsection, the owner shall be entitled to recover from the occupier by action in a court, the amount so paid by the owner. (7) Rep. by 1993 c34 s2 82. (2) An agent shall file with the council before the 21st day of each month a statement or return showing the total number of gallons of fuel oil, other than tax-exempt fuel oil, sold or delivered by the agent to consumers during the preceding month, whether or not he or she has received payment for the fuel oil, and the number of gallons used by the agent, and the statement shall be verified by affidavit and shall be in the form that the council prescribes. No strike The City of St. John\'s is Canada\'s most easterly city and the capital city of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. to preside at all meetings of the council; and. judge under section 395 shall be considered to be a judgment of the Provincial Court It shall be the duty of the council to convey a sufficient supply of wholesome water to the city from Windsor Lake and other lakes that may be necessary, and to distribute the water through the streets of the city and to erect in places that the council may determine fountains for the supply of water, and to establish hydrants throughout the city that the council thinks necessary. Offences (g) . (a) The Trial Division shall have jurisdiction, upon the application of the council, to enforce the carrying out of this section by the company, its directors and officers. (3) (2) (5) that the nature of the work, for example its novelty, or its being a patented or secret process, necessitates the employment of a non-resident contractor or builder; and. The owner of a carriage who allows a carriage to be driven or to be on a street without lamps, in accordance with subsection (2), shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding $10 for every offence. Where either party refuses or neglects to appoint an arbitrator within 30 days after the date of the notice referred to in subsection (1), the council shall, upon the written request of the other party, appoint that arbitrator, and the 2 arbitrators appointed under subsection (3) and this subsection shall agree upon and appoint a 3rd arbitrator who shall be the chairperson of the board of arbitrators. Money shall not be drawn for a purpose until the council has sanctioned the expenditure and ordered the amount to be paid, and money shall not be voted for a purpose otherwise than at the regular weekly meeting of the council except. The council may borrow by way of loan by the issue and sale of bonds of the city a sum not exceeding $2,000,000 at the interest rate and upon the terms and conditions that the council may consider appropriate. 306. , to obtain a licence before using it in or upon streets of the city; (c) (2) Procedure (c) (2) Exemption re industrial enterprise In an application made under section 400, the council shall be considered to be the plaintiff and the occupier referred to in that section shall be considered to be the defendant. 171. 340.7 86. Septic tanks (3) 165. 350. (7) 31. (h) "pedlar and hawker" means person who within the city limits goes from place to place carrying to sell or exposing for sale goods, wares or merchandise or exposing samples or patterns of goods, wares or merchandise to be afterwards delivered, but shall not include a person selling or seeking orders for goods, wares, or merchandise to or from persons who are dealers in them, and who buy to sell again, nor a person selling or exposing for sale goods or merchandise in a public mart, market, or fair legally established. 109. (1)For the purpose of providing a basis and means by which to fix, establish and impose rates the council shall appoint 1 or more assessors or appraisers who shall be sworn or affirmed before a justice of the peace to discharge the duties of their office. (2) (1)The council may make regulations with respect to the control and management of the fire department and, subject to the Fire Protection Services Act, 353. Where an order for the vacation, removal, or demolition of a building is made under this Act or a regulation or by-law made under this Act, the council or an official of the council, may, in addition to all other remedies, in the name of the city apply to the Trial Division for possession of the building and the Court or a judge of the court may make an order for possession for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act. 110. 248. proposals as to lines of sewers and pipes, mains or conduits, for the supply of water, gas and electricity. The collective agreement entered into between the government of the province and the association before the commencement of this section continues in full force and effect for the term set out in that agreement. 99.1 15.2 The party appealing under subsection (1) shall, within 10 days after the date of the decision of the Court of Revision, (a) It shall be the duty of the city clerk. (a) Subsection (1) shall not apply to the property known as Fort earthquake, conflagration, explosion or disaster; (b) shall be for a term not exceeding 25 years; (b) Where the result of a plebiscite is against the fluoridation of the water supply of the city, the city shall not fluoridate the water supply unless a later plebiscite is in favour of fluoridation, but a plebiscite shall not be held within 3 years of a previous plebiscite. (4) 340.20 (ii) Quidi The accounts of the committee shall be audited and laid before the council annually, and the committee shall provide the council with all details and explanations requested in respect of the audit. as to the proportion of the expense to be paid by the parties respectively. 340.22 403.3 Building Department staff evaluates all applications for building permits in St. Johns County. 318. 336. In January in every year the assessors and appraisers appointed under subsection (1) shall begin to determine and set and record the annual rental values of all assessable land, dwellings, buildings, wharves and marine works within the limits of the city. Private drains "tax-exempt fuel oil" means fuel oil purchased or received in the city for use or consumption outside the limits of the city, but shall not include fuel oil delivered to the operators of a ship, other than a ship engaged in the province coastal shipping trade or a fishing vessel, trawler or craft the catch of which is processed in the province. (2) The ground landlord's tax and water tax shall be payable half-yearly in advance on January 1 and July 1 in each year and may be rendered in one account or otherwise as the council may decide. 322. (2) (4) Obstructing coves Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), in the case of repairs where no structural alteration is contemplated, it shall be sufficient to submit a full description and specification of the repairs without plans. Recovery of rates refuses to give the appraisers correct information, (c) 259. 9. The securities to be guaranteed shall be secured by 1 or more deeds of trust by way of 1st mortgage or charge upon the lands that the council may approve of, including the house and improvements built and made or to be built and made on the land. (6) Rep. by 2012 c26 s8 77. , on the east by Empire Avenue, on the south by Plymouth Road (1)The city shall have an official flag consisting of a reproduction of the Coat of Arms of the City of St. John's emblazoned in colours on a white background, the proportions of the flag and the position of the Coat of Arms of the City of St. John's on it being those approved by the council. Before the council may fluoridate the water supply of the city under subsection (1) it shall hold a plebiscite in the city for the purpose of determining the views of the persons entitled to vote under section 14 of the St. John's Municipal Elections Act (1)The council is empowered to declare and designate, as an urban development, redevelopment or renewal area, in this section called a "development area", an area in the city which in the opinion of the council requires planning, designing, development, redevelopment, building, rebuilding or renewal in this section called "development" in the interests of the city or a part of the city. A person refusing admittance to land or into a building, or obstructing an employee of the council in the discharge of his or her duty, shall be liable for each offence to a fine not exceeding $20 or in default of payment to imprisonment not exceeding 1 month. Change in plans the members of the bargaining committee shall be members of the association referred to in subsection (3); and. (7) (7) 217. 128. No nomination for mayor or deputy mayor Financial year (a) at meetings held for the purpose of bargaining under this Act, the bargaining committee may be accompanied by 2 members of the association who are members of the fire department and who shall attend in an advisory capacity only. Overhanging trees (5) an extension to an existing private family dwelling where an extension is necessary to provide adequate living quarters for members of the household living in the dwelling, provided that the extensions shall not exceed in cubic content 1/2 the cubic content of the existing private family dwelling; (c) a statement of the place of the trial and the date and time of the trial, which shall not be less than 48 hours after service of the charge on the accused; (b) "sale" includes barter or exchange and "sold" includes bartered or exchanged; and. Where the mortgagee or his or her agent is in possession of the property or the rents and profits of the property, the council shall have the right to sue for and recover the assessment from the mortgagee, who shall have the right to claim over for the amount paid by him or her against the mortgagor, and with the same remedies as provided by the mortgage in respect of interest. fix, determine, change or vary, and charge fares or rates for the transportation of passengers by bus or empower the commission to fix, determine or change and to charge fares or rates. (2) 119. (4) Meetings of the board shall be held at the times that it may determine and the board shall adopt its own rules of procedure and keep a record of its proceedings. Fire Department is continued as a firefighting force under the name of the St. John's The council shall consist of a mayor, deputy mayor and 9 councillors but the council may, subject to the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, by by-law carried by a 2/3 vote of the council, decrease the number of councillors to 7. An order under paragraph (1)(g) shall not become effective unless confirmed by a resolution of the council approved by at least 5 councillors. (3) (1)The council may appoint a city manager who shall perform the duties and have the powers that the council may by resolution, assign to him or her. directly or indirectly receive or solicit a gratuity or reward without permission of the officer in charge of the fire department, or a bribe; (e) 301. 370. a council of a town constituted or continued under the Municipalities Act; (b) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person or company starting business at another period of the year shall pay the specified licence fee on or before the day of the beginning of business. Where a person proposes to appeal under subsection (1), he or she shall, within 30 days after the notice to him or her of the order from which the person proposes to appeal, serve on the city clerk a written notice of intention to appeal. 78. 232. The shares redeemed or got in or given or bequeathed to the company shall not become extinct, but shall be transferred to and vested in the board of trustees. The appellant shall, not less than 14 days before the hearing of the appeal, serve upon the city clerk a written notice of the day appointed for the hearing.

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