characteristics of the church of smyrna

characteristics of the church of smyrna

How Are the End Times Described in 2 Timothy? Well, Smyrna lay 40 miles almost due north of Ephesus. He always will exist. Satan had plans to cast some of the Smyrna church into prison. It was celebrated for its schools of science and medicine, and for its handsome buildings. They, and the zealot Jewish leaders, hated Christians and prohibited them from working, buying, or selling, any time they got a chance. The people loved the Roman government because it was strong. It is like going to a birthday party without a present to give to the host. I had decided how I was going to handle this. They would be thrown into prison probably for the purpose of forcing them to worship the Roman emperor. Such was the case for the ancient church at Smyrna. Anytime there is a sense of spiritual awakening or spiritual revival or the sense of the spirit of God moving in lives I will tell you, it makes Satan scream. . Whether it is because of our faith or whether it is because He wants to deepen our faith, we will suffer. It was mighty. He was martyred for his faith in A.D. 156. As much as I want to believe that, I do not believe the Bible backs that up. It is like Sally and I were saying this morning. Jesus has no censure for the church Consider this: when we are independent from Christ in our personal lives and in running our churches, we are forsaking and opposing Him. The Cross And Separation From The World (1 Peter 4:1-6), 7. (How does Romans 2:28-29 relate to this? (1 Corinthians 15:50-57). Annette has also written curriculum for character growth and development of elementary-age children and has developed parent training seminars to benefit the community. That is according to I Corinthians 3:13-14 which talks about that approval, that standing before him, to be evaluated for our works. According to Revelation 4:9-11, what are crowns ultimately for? What caused them to turn out to be a church of bitterness and strife? We became great friends. Many were placed on the rack where they were stretched so far that their legs and their arms were pulled out of their sockets. He is the overcomer and it says here in Revelation 2:11. Why would there be a need to be tested further? It is just the beginning because He is the victor and He conquered death. He does not want you to go deeper in Gods Word. 1 John MacArthur, Jr., The MacArthur New Testament Commentary on Revelation 1-11 (Chicago: Moody Press, 1999), 69. Nor will we suffer hardships like imprisonment for our faith, and very few of us will face the choice between our livelihood or a life with Christ. They despised and hated Jesus Christ. She hated Christians. I want to begin by asking you a question. Smyrna: Faithful Until Death - Church of the Great God It was probably only 15 minutes, but it seemed like hours. I will tell you that I do not want to stand there before the throne of God empty-handed. Like myrrh, produced by crushing a fragrant plant, the church at Smyrna, crushed by persecution, gave off a fragrant aroma of faithfulness to God.2. What does God want me to share with someone? In fact, transactions in the world have never fruits and to lose belly been completely equal. If you receive yourself in the fires of sorrow, God will make you nourishment for other people. Oswald Chambers5. They cannot coexist. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. Smyrna was a seaport city about 35 miles north of Ephesus. Even though He died, He conquered death and He rose again. Allow it to deepen your relationship with Christ, not push you away from Him. I know your afflictions and your povertyyet you are rich! Be encouraged as you study the message sent to this church. 2. Be on guard. When fear grips the human heart, and our very life is threatened, nothing can bring tranquility like faith in Him who is both the first and the last.3. You cannot do them at the same time. He wants to stop us. However, the church was wealthy, not in the temporal things that had brought their city fame. Go ahead and turn with me to Revelation 2. Slander damages our reputation. Finally, one of the soldiers took his sword and he ended the life of this great martyr, Polycarp. I went home that night and I got angrier the more I thought about it. I think it is a way to deal with stress in the operating room. We try to go it alone when Christ is beckoning us to trust in Him, go His Way, and give our fears to Him. Be hopeful. The Seven Churches of Revelation - Bible Meaning Explained Another kind of pressure they were under was a pressure to worship the pagan gods and goddesses. Third, at the end of Smyrnas letter, Jesus makes this promise to whoever has ears to hear: He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death (Revelation 2:11, KJV). Why is Smyrna being praised? They are for us to give back to Him. Death is that separation of the soul and the physical body. 5. I have felt his warfare. We will throw you into prison until you do. Whether you interpret these ten days as referring to a literal 10 days (I take that view), or whether you interpret it as referring to just a brief period of time, or whether you interpret those 10 days as referring to 10 periods of persecution under 10 Roman emperors, the point being made is the same. Do not fear. In Revelation 2:9 He says, , I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Kingdom Citizen, not "Christian"--What's In a Name? (Look also at the story of Job in Job 1.). Scripture does not give us any information concerning the founding of this church, nor is it mentioned in the book of Acts. I lived in mainland China for four years and during those four years I studied the Chinese language of Mandarin. Smyrna is still a large seaport with the present population of about 275,000 people. We are called to be faithful, even if it means death. Christians were viewed as antisocial elitists for refusing to participate in it. Judging from the characteristics of his appearance, Fuming gave him a very good impression now arctic diet pills Shuerjia can only keto fuel pills review form his first impression based on his appearance. Located just 35 miles north of Ephesus, at the head of the Aegean Sea, the thriving city of Smyrna was known for its beauty, wealth, and achievement. This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. I am so thankful. But, in the process, when I am in the middle of it, it is hard to find joy in why He has me there. Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. Ironically, our sufferings are far less of a venture and sentence than our poor choices. . He is not just a Savior and/or best Friend; He gives us life, holds our lives, and will judge our lives. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. So, how is He involved in your church? She was saying you know Crickett God has lain on my heart that because things are going so well right now that we are going to be right in the middle of some spiritual warfare soon, because Satan is not going to like what God is doing. Finally, Jesus warns His people to expect more suffering, persecution, and testing. In Jesus name, amen. It is not mentioned anywhere else in the Bible other than these four verses, but it is believed it is with the other churches that were founded while Paul spent two years in Ephesus on his third missionary journey. This approval will take place when we as believers will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and He will evaluate us for all the works that we have done on this earth. Every day there is just a wonderful surprise and you are just in a great season of life. How can the fact that Jesus knows us more intimately that we can imagine, and desires us to be in Him strengthen your faithfulness? Seven Churches of Revelation - Life, Hope & Truth You know, none of us will probably be persecuted for our faith any worse than that. So, I opened the door and walked through the lab. Be thankful that He did this that He died for us. from A.D. c. 100-316; Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17), 'where Satan dwells' is suggestive of the church mixing with the world . I had not ever said anything about the Lord to her. We Were Created to Inhabit This Earth Part 1, We Were Created to Inhabit This Earth Part 2, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom of God is Relevant, Kingdom 102: Knowing How to Apply the Kingdom Concept, Kingdom 103: He Needs No Assistance in Keeping His Promise, Kingdom 103: Seven Last Days Churches and Their Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Reconsidering the End Times, Kingdom 104: Misrepresenting the Kingdom Gospel. If someone slanders you, what do you do? by David C. Grabbe Forerunner, "Prophecy Watch," January 2, 2009 . I cried and I prayed and I said, God, I do not think I can do this. Some were boiled alive in oil. He does not want you to know that he loses. Unlike Ephesus, which today is uninhabited, Smyrna is still a large city (modern Izmir in Turkey). 5. If so, pray for those who dont know Christ and dont have eternal security. She would not spend one minute helping me, somebody who had thrown their life away believing in this fantasy of Jesus Christ. Its streets were wide and paved. But we do experience our own pressures, suffering, and afflictions. You know, I was just going to let her know and express that I am glad you are going to hell. Ask what you dare if you will let me. These actions would have given the believers could a measure of favor with the government and secured a much easier life. They were being slandered by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. These Jews were physical descendants of Abraham. She is so right. John addresses the Church in Smyrna. 5. Another warning for us is do not let him use you. Tina said, you know Crickett, or at that time I was Janene. In Him, we are more than overcomers. Kingdom 103: What Gospel Are You Preaching? The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death. (Revelation 2:11). If I am trusting God then I should not be afraid. Smyrna - The Seven Churches of Revelation! - Bible Study In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. What additional insight do these verses give concerning the crown of life? What similarities to Revelation 2:8-11 do you see in this passage? What was Jesus message to the church in Smyrna in Revelation? Jesus gave each one a short "report card." Ephesus had "abandoned the love it had at first," (Revelation 2:4, ESV ). How does the fact that Jesus knows your pain and feels your pain help you persevere in times of trials and confusion? That is a way of worshipping Him, showing honor to Him. John is grabbing their attention by reminding them (and us) who Christ is and what He has done. From the message to Smyrna, Christians today can glean several important truths. So, they were infatuated with the Roman government and they worshipped the emperors. Thus, it is not that much of a stretch or even a job relocation to be a church of Satan, since we are already such a place. We need to really commit to pray. We will be rewarded for staying strong until death. How is Satan described in this passage and how does he work against believers? We cannot do that as a church of Satan! That is the doctrine or the view of annihilation of hell. Life is hard. How can such a church be turned around? He looks for people who oh, lets see, boy, shes always critical. She is always a gossip. She is always kind of stirring up the pot about one of the leaders saying I do not like the way he is doing this or I do not think they should. Be careful, because he is looking for someone he can just grab and go, yeah, build on that, talk that up in your church, yeah, talk about that leader. 6. How does knowing that Christ, the Creator and Lord of the universe, approves you help you cope with "feeble mortals" telling you dishonorable things? Based on His intimate awareness of their spiritual condition, Jesus uses these letters to dig deep into the inner workings of each church and flesh out areas of commendation or correction. In verse 11 he says, He who overcomes and again last week we talked about who the overcomer is. May I be accepted this day before you as an acceptable sacrifice. They lit the fire, but strangely enough, the wind blew the fire away from his body so it would not touch him. If not, talk to your small group leader or myself, and we will be glad to answer any questions. The crown of life is one of several crowns mentioned in Scripture. He is like a lion prowling around looking for someone he could use. We need to look for that end result. (NASB). I believe it is something so horrible that it is hard to describe in words. I have a picture of modern day Smyrna in contrast to Ephesus which, today, is a deserted ruin with no people. I do not think I can be like You. I went into that lab and got there before she did. The ultimate reward is life. That is the idea. I believe it exists. What helps you endure? The closest that I have ever come to feeling that kind of pressure was when I was perfusionist at Texas Heart Institute in Houston. That is how bad I felt. I do not want to simply stand there. In between were the temples of Apollo, Asklepios, and Aphrodite. An aspect of maturity is being slow to respond to accusation-as our Lord did. As a matter of fact, she began to teach me. What season of life are you in today? Smyrna was a church where people's agendas were in opposition to Christ's. They had sufferings to overcome and learn from, but most chose to run the course their way and tarnish His Way. (Ephesians 1 is a good reminder of our riches in Christ.). How have you seen God use trials and suffering in your life? My human flesh cries out and I will do everything I can to avoid it. I wanted to hurt her and I wanted her to go to hell. This was true of this church, all the seven churches, the church throughout the ages, and churches today. 4 MacArthur, New Testament Commentary, 71. What would Jesus say to such a church? Eastern Orthodox Church - Wikipedia Do not let him use you. He is aware of the enemys plans and the afflictions we face (Hebrews 2:17-18). The challenge for us is to suffer well. Well, they were under pressure from several forces. What are the other crowns and to what are they referring? The Church of Smyrna: The Church that Remains Faithful Amidst Persecution (Revelation 2:8-11) Summary and Explanation: Smyrna was home to a large Jewish community hostile to Christians. It has been described as the most beautiful of the seven cities. Revelation 2:8-11 - The Church in Smyrna - Ministrymaker Faith and fear are opposites. We can have confidence as believers that we will spend eternity with God and not face the second death. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Some people believe that people who are unbelievers will go to hell for a period of time. Before they lit the fire, he prayed, Oh Lord, almighty God, I thank you for counting me worthy of sharing the cup of Christ among the number of your martyrs. The city rivaled Ephesus in grandeur and influence. Most scholars agree that the name Smyrna was a reference to the myrrh, which was the chief export of the area. Is the Apocalypse Mentioned in the Bible? Spend some time thanking Jesus for what He endured for us. Hope-Full: Revelation 4 by Calvary Bible Church- Flagstaff Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 1-5). You are struggling. Anyone who has said I cannot earn salvation on my own so I put my faith in the blood of Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for my sins. Verses 9 and 10 also go on to tell us a third thing we need to remember in order to suffer well. Satan does not want believers to study the book of Revelation because he does not want you to know your eternal hope. We may not be worshipping Satan, but when we run the church by our ways and agendas, we are, in fact, worshipping Satan, because Christ is not only ignored, He is being opposed! It is not a question of, will you suffer? The question is, how will you handle it when it comes?. Sermon on Revelation 2:8-11 - The Church Of Smyrna - Study and Obey He fled briefly and then they caught him and he did not run that time. The Holy Spirit is Christ's presence on Earth, forever guiding and convicting to keep his followers on the right path. What is in the way of my listening to God? 3:17); it is impossible for a person to be in Smyrna, before the Lord, yet at the same time be in Laodicea, before the world. It is a gift. 1. But, if we are really serious about going deeper, suffering is part of that process. I was going in the next morning and I was going to tell this lady that she was going to hell and I was going to celebrate that she was going. I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. We would go and sit in their homes. Kingdom 103: Where Does the Governor Reside? They would tell us about their relationship with the Lord and they would tell us about the things they had endured during the Cultural Revolution because of their faith in Christ. Read Revelation 2:8-11 (Our focus will be on verse 8 today, but read the entire letter to get an overview.). Whatever it is, it is a hard season of life. Why are these blaspheming Jews referred to as a synagogue of Satan? What does He mean when he refers to their being rich in the midst of poverty? He just came in. Pagan worship, especially of Zeus but also of numerous other deities flourished there. I do not agree with that. Kingdom 103: Your Goals, His Purposeand Then What? The Essential Inductive Questions (for more Inductive questions see Inductive Bible Study): 1. 19:20; 20:10-15). What Does God Say about the Church at Smyrna? While there, the Holy Spirit spoke to John and instructed him to record everything Jesus was about to reveal via a vision. What will I do about it? We will suffer in this life. Kingdom 103: Student or Disciple of the Kingdom? 9. I was so bitter. If so, how is that evident in your life? It would protect them. Kingdom 103: Your Faith is Essential in the Kingdom, Kingdom 103: They Praise Him, But Fail to Obey Him, Kingdom 103: The King's Will and the King's Word, Kingdom 103: Know Your Purpose While on This Earth. He never promises us that life is just going to be great. Myrrh represents mortal death, and the title of the "suffering church" is often ascribed the . The church at Smyrna was to undergo some intense persecution and tribulation. Ancient Smyrna - Drive Thru History What was Jesus message to the church in Laodicea in Revelation. I had the opportunity while I lived there to visit in the homes of some Chinese believers who had undergone some serious persecution for their faith during the years of the Cultural Revolution. Property Characteristics; Geocodes; Building Permits; Real Estate Valuation. They were hated. When Jesus refers to the crown of life, is He referring to eternal life or to a reward for those who are faithful through tribulation on this earth? They cannot coexist. They were boycotted. They had no food. When Jesus introduces Himself as theFirst and the Last, who died and came to life again,He is drawing their attention to the power of His resurrection. Smyrna: The Suffering Church Revelation 2:8-11 - Israel My Glory How would Jesus words in Luke 12:4-7 encourage someone about to suffer for his faith? Look at the conversation between Jesus and the Jews in John 8:31-47. When we seek to do His church on our own, we turn it into a church of evil, as diametrically opposed to Christ, as Satan is opposed to Him. They will suffer and be tormented for a period of time, but it will not be for eternity because it says the second death. I shut the door and I stood there. A fourth form of suffering that they were not facing yet, but would soon be facing (as if these first three were not enough to kill them). Is there sin in my life for which confession and repentance is needed? More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! 4 Reasons Why We Have a Hard Time Talking about Loneliness. He casts us in the fires of trial in order to refine us and strengthen our character. As we look at this letter to Smyrna, this letter gives us insight into suffering. Ask God to strengthen your faith so that you can endure the suffering in your own life more victoriously. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! He is with us fully. 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Because I was on staff here and was one of the instructors, I had to go to all the parties, all the festivities, and all the graduation dinners. I went into her office and I said you know I just wanted to ask you a question. 5. 1.2 Name. 6. Why would this promise be especially encouraging for the church at Smyrna? The Church of Smyrna - Church Leadership I noticed it and after a few weeks I thought you know I think I need to say something to her. Hope-Full: Revelation 2:1-7. We know from historical records that the church at Smyrna persevered in its faithfulness. Suffering either gives me my self or it destroys my self. Pt 3. He wants to discourage us. The troubles we face can cause us to fear so we seek to cover them up with our pride and/or bitterness. I will be the first to admit to you that I do not like to suffer. Yet, we tend to fill His call with the void of our stubbornness, recklessness, and selfishness. Father, I just thank you for the privilege of knowing you personally. The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in Their Local Setting by Colin Hemer. What are the 7 Churches in Revelations? Bible Meaning Explained 6. I would leave every night saying, God, why do I have to go to these events? because I did not feel like I was having a witness. You see, Smyrna had a lot of religions. Second death. He has witnessed their continual affliction and the slander theyve suffered from those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. The fact that these hardships have not escaped their Saviors attention surely would have strengthened the Body and served as a loving reminder of Jesuss abiding presence. She began to just blast me for my faith. Absolutely nothing is hidden from our all-knowing, all-seeing God. Into Thy Word Ministries. These churches were seven real churches at the time, and some believe they represent seven church ages, while others argue they represent seven church types that have existed since the church began, and will exist until Christ returns. What harm can it do? Have I done something to offend you? First, we serve a God who knows, sees, and is with us through every fiery trial and dark night (Isaiah 43:2). The Church of Smyrna The Seven Churches of Revelation: Why They | Zondervan Academic Or they could have agreed to call Caesar Lord, knowing they could later repent. He just reminded them that what you have in Christ is far greater than anything on this earth materially that you will have. John was then to send the divine dictation to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. (Revelation 1:11). I walked out and thank goodness it was 3:30 which was the time to go home. At one end of its most famous street, the 'Street of Gold,' was the temple of Cybele, and at the other the temple of Zeus. Ephesus & Smyrna & Pergamum - Barabbas Road Church in San Diego, CA What else do we learn about those over whom the second death has no power according to Revelation 20:6?

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