bob jones prophet

bob jones prophet

Excellent information. To say that he read my mail is to put it mildly. Rosh Hashanah Hebrew Year 5781: Restoring The Fortunes of Zion! Bob Jones was a prophet, confirmed by numerous leaders of faith, including IHOP's Mike Bickle. First of all God is Love and because of His great abounding unconditional love for us He knows every aspect of our very being. I rememberjust afterI first heard of Bob Jones, he predicted a solar storm that was to occur on a certain date. Bob Jones was known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. Are you feeling sad, guilty, mad, hurt, or depressed? It is doubtful that anyone, no matter what their theological or political beliefs, would argue with the statement that our world today is filled with hatred. The Kansas City Chiefs won their first Super Bowl. Bonnie enhances I will take a look at the remainder of your blog site. They would fill Arrow Head Stadium. But, the fact that that the Blood of Jesus is great enough and powerful enough to cleanse and greatly use anyone who has true repentance. You are here: Home | Minister removed after confession of sexual misconduct. Detractors of course could say that the Chiefs won back in 2020, right before the pandemic went into full-blown lockdown and shifted the world's trajectory in ways that have not been fully realized as of yet. Divine Strategies for New Year 2020: Stealth & Stillness, New Year 2020: From Breakthrough to Breathtaking, How To Recover From Friendly Fire When Spiritual Warriors Break Rank, The Prophet: Breaking the Isolation Syndrome, Forensic Prophecy: Discovering Your Prophetic Flow, Taking Back Christmas: A Season of Redemption. It had the Power of God on it. of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: Your email address will not be published. Today, we will glean lessons from the life of Bob Jones, a man who exemplified the office of New Testament prophet. Jones is considered a nationally recognized prophetic leader by the church. Today, we're talking to Rick Joyner, one of the most prolifically read Christian authors who has an impressive background in the prophetic. Asbury revival 1970 breaks out K C Chiefs win 1970Asbury revival 2023 breaks outKC Chiefs win 2023Double.. God coming a second time! Your email address will not be published. It had been 50 years since the Chief had won the Superbowl (1970), so this was like their Jubilee year. The Church Needs Endurance In This New Era! Its called The Bob Jones Vision Center. Shavuot: Betrothed At Pentecost & Sealed With His Love! (In fact. We address doctrines and practices of Christian churches and organizations, as well as those of cults of Christianity. Bob enjoyed an active, fruitful prophetic ministry in his later years. His gift was very strong and reliable yet Bob never preferred to be called "Prophet Bob Jones." He was just brother Bob. He met Jesus face to face as there were two lines there; One going to everlasting destruction and one leading to eternal life. Like Daniel who functioned at an incredible level, Bob often told leaders their dreams and experiences, as well as . ), Categories: New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Original content Copyright 1996-2023 Apologetics Index, controversial renewal and revival movements, The New Apostolic Reformation: Influence and Teachings, Wandering Stars: An Examination of the New Apostles and Prophets, Minister removed after confession of sexual misconduct, A look at the Manifest Sons of God teaching, John de Ruiter College of Integrated Philosophy, The Church of Almighty God (Eastern Lightning), This link leads to an archive news item published by Charisma an organization that has a long history of promoting false teachers, apostles, and prophets.. A Short History Of Prophecy In the Contemporary Church From Someone Who Was There: Its A Hard Thing | Common Sense Politics, One Nine Elms Interior Building Planner and Developer. Discerning Christians knew better, and rejected his Jones plethora of occult visions, unbiblical teachings and false prophecies. Church officials hold Jones accountable for the incident and not the two women. Samuel must have got it wrong!". The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. Bob Jones had a phenomenal record of fulfilled prophecies. Its time that the Body of Christ and intercessors rise up and take authority over these plagues so we can get on with the HARVEST@@ {Click Here For Source}, Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Bobwas fully healed and zealous to serve the Lord. Revoking The Enemys Access To Your Life! 11And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge [epignosis] of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. During that time, the Lord gave a prophetic word to do "24/7 prayer in the spirit of the tabernacle of David." This . On the East Coast there will be limited nuclear exchange during this war. BOB JONES VISION CENTER RIBBON CUTTING & DEDICATION Close to three hundred and fifty people joined us for the Grand Opening of the Bob Jones Vision Center on November 11, 2016. It was there the Lord helped Bob sort out his life and Bob repented and turned to the Lord. The Church: Watered Down Preaching Has No Power In A Crisis CLICK HERE! He said the church follows the religious doctrine that when a leader falls into sin, he should be rebuked publicly so that the others may take warning. Passover 2020! They would fill stadiums. For instance, as an Amazon Associate, Religion News Blog earns from qualifying purchases. "Seer" means that his prophetic gifting often involved visions given to him by God. Bob Jones and the Kansas City Prophets. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13). In it Bob mentions key cities in America where the body of Christ begins to awaken to its spiritual destiny. Dont Be Quick To Tell Your Goals Until Its Done Negative Energy Can Throw Off Your Goals! God uses seasons of preparation to get His people ready and equipped for what is about to come. Following are snippets of the top stories featured this week on CLICK HERE! Individuals are responsible for the facts and opinions contained in their posts. February 14, 2014. Bob Jones: A Proven False Prophet The IHOP website provides an interesting little fact. Freely you have received; freely give.. Humanitys First Temptation In the garden, the first temptation was with ulture wars have raged from D.C. to California, a prophetic rabbi says there's an explanation behind the radical headlines Americans have endured in the past few decades. One of his most notable . In August of 1975, Bob died of a sudden illnessand saw things just outside the gates of paradise. God speaks to His people through the Bible which is Gods first book and also through nature, which is Gods second book. The explosion was symbolizing Holy Spirit power birthed from a movement of prophetic and intersession that would come out of this area and its going to touch the entire Earth. (Accessed 11/12/2016.). (Listed if other than Religion News Blog, or if not shown above), Pam Sollner, The Olathe Daily News, Nov. 13, 1991, Jesus Christ came in fulfillment of over 300 prophecies written in the pages of the Old Testament hundreds of years before His birth. Behold! Written By. The family lived in poverty. Created With Love By Bright Mark Media LLC. Mike Bickle Meets Bob Jones. Lonnie Frisbee Deathbed Prophecy Comes to Pass On his deathbed in 1993, Lonnie Frisbee made a revelation to Pastor Greg Singer, songwriter, actress and social icon Dolly Parton has not been shy about discussing her faith as of late, and gives all the credit to God for the blessings in her life. In Isaiah 53 and elsewhere, the prophets foretold that Christ would suffer and die, taking upon Himself the penalty we deserved because of our sins. Bob Jones Dies. The Lord gave Bob deep prophetic insight into my character and situation. Category: Between The Porch & Altar Tags: Bob Jones, Corona Virus, Covid-19, plagues, The Blood of Jesus. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.. Included in the list of prophetic people were Bob Jones, Paul Cain, Bill Hamon, Larry Randolph, James Goll, Jill Austin, and John Paul Jackson. It was there that Bob heard the Lord Jesus ask people as they entered heaven, Did you learn to love? Bobs spirit returned to his body and he recovered from this experience of temporary death. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Did You Learn To Love? One plague was influenza while the other was like influenza in nature. Jones also told Bickle something that only Bickle and Bickles father, who had died, knewsomething very personal and meaningful that had been said between Bickle and his fatherfurther convincing Bickle that Jones was a true prophet. Like a ray of hope in a dark time, the words Jones spoke years ago to Shawn Bolz have come back to prepare the way for revival. The resources we highlight reflect a variety of perspectives. His prophecies have spanned over four decades as the Lord has enabled him to foretell earthquakes, tidal waves, comets, and weather patterns. Jones, 63, was removed from his church duties for an undetermined amount of time, Gulliksen said. Bobs website is at The comment in this article about Bob & Viola moving to Southern Alabama is incorrect. (Part 2). Bob Jones' "Gulliver Prophecy" is one of the best known prophecies in modern times. (Part 1), Prophetic Mentoring: Sometimes We Just Have To Let Things Go! I focused on that datelike a laser and when that date came along, I believe it was March 5th, 1989, sure enough, there was a major solar storm that day! The church is seeking private counseling for Jones, his wife and the two women, said Gulliksen, who will personally oversee the counseling. The two women, after confronting Jones with their concerns about the possible impropriety of the incident, brought it to the attention of church leaders in Kansas City. Gulliksen said the women still loved and regarded Jones and had not planned to bring criminal charges. Ephesians 4:11 speaks of the five-fold ministry of the New Testament church: And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers. There is a ministry gifting and office of prophet in the church today. Yesterday they won 31-20, where the total score was 51 points. He lived a rough worldly life after that. God is not a God of coincidence, He is the God of intentionality and purpose. Russia & Ukraine In Bible Prophecy! I traveled to variouschurches in New England where Bob and Bonnie ministered. There have been books written about him. Difficult times and situations were endured, and a young generation had their futures shaped by this event. Gulliksen would not elaborate on the incident, other than to say that during the past six months Jones had delved into sexual misconduct but that it did not involve sexual intercourse. I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you., Its Time to Plead the Blood of Jesus Over All the Viruses That Are Coming and Spirits of Death:Its time we get back to teaching about the Blood and pleading the Blood of Jesus over our lives; especially over the viruses that are coming. 4 Comments. Bob Jones Prophecy Regarding Billy Graham . The Dragon, The Beast, The False Prophet & The Unholy Church-State Union. Your email address will not be published. CashApp: $KenyetteMills, Create a website or blog at, 4/LgEzignZqptd-cND_bC7nqoSgJSKNW4xZjrdx-Kn4EVD2kixfcnKXYc. His message to the church resonates with a promise that prompts the "Great Awakening" the body has long awaited. We're talking about what's happening in Canada, Bob Jones's prophecy about geese honking before the eagles, the population of . Bobby Joe Jones was born on February 4, 1930 to a large sharecropper family in Arkansas. Bob Jones is known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. And we know that in the last days, for some of these, that if you take their lives, they have the power to raise it up again. Bickle later founded the (equally controversial) International House of Prayer (IHOP). There is purpose behind revival, and it starts with a penitent heart, just as the young believers at Asbury are demonstrating. Bob Jones (not the one connected with Bob Jones University) died 1 on February 14 . Generally we agree but not always. These workings of the Spirit are preparing the church and initiating what will become the . Decade 2020: Acceleration, Increase, Upgrade,& Promotion! Thomas Aquinas, among many other great theologians, asserted that Christianity is rational. Paul Keith Davis of White Dove Ministries and Bobby Conner ministered with Bob and traveled with him during this time. (This account can also be read in Bickles book Growing in the Prophetic.) I think the message in the clock accelerationis that things are now accelerating in the church in the end-times. As I write I know . It seems fitting that he would pass on a day that celebrates love.. Gulliksen said the women still loved and regarded Jones and had not planned to bring criminal charges. 1) Believe that God created you and loves you and sent the Messiah (Messiah is Hebrew for Christ) to redeem you. He was very effective and helpful. Bob and Violalived in the Kansas City area,makingtheir homein Independence, Missouri. Redeemed: Yom Kippur The GRAND FINALE for the Days of Awe! God has the authority to make these viruses and plagues stop dead in their tracks. I was seeing that kind of resurrection power in the church in the last days. Bob Jones was known for his prophetic accuracy, his somewhat eccentric and humorous ways, and his spectacular encounters with God. In light of revival activity around the world Mekudeshet: The Betrothed Set Apart & Holy! Are you trusting your emotions more than trusting God these days? Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. God gives signs through astronomical phenomena. Im still trying to process the dream, but I know every time Bob has come to me in a dream, or I have gone to him, it has been very important. Speaking of which: One way in which you can support us at no additional cost to you is by shopping at A New Era: Moving From The Church Age To The Kingdom Age: DECEPTION: The Trump Prophecies: Its A Trap! He said Jones said he felt like he repented and had taken care of the issue in his heart. PREPARE For A Visitation From The Lord!! On February 14th, 2014, Valentine's Day, heaven gave a shout as Bob Jones, prophetic Papa to many a friend of Jesus, graduated from this earthbound life, sprouted wings, and flew through the OPEN DOOR. Jones claimed that when he was seven years old, the archangel Gabriel appeared to him riding a white horse and blowing a double silver trumpet into his face, before throwing an old bull skin mantle at his feet. David endured years of persecution, painful living and constant wars before the prophecy of his becoming king was fulfilled and the Messianic line continued. Never miss a big news story again. Home New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Why Bob Jones is a false prophet and must be rejected. He said Jones said he felt like he repented and had taken care of the issue in his heart. All 12 leaders were removed and counseling was provided, and frequently paid for, by the church for the leaders and the victims, he said. They made their home near Charlotte, North Carolina and were closely connected to MorningStar Ministries, led by Rick Joyner. Bob Jones has recently gone on to be with the Lord, and I miss him so much. Issachar Women Arise: Discern Your Times & Seasons! Bob Jones, another of the Kansas City Prophets, joined in that false teaching and spoke often in the 80's about this group of . The 1980's began to reveal the Prophets of God; people that get the inspired word. People Know Your Worth They Just Hope That You Dont! A brief anatomy of dating/courtship in Christianity. Redeeming The Time Gods Karios Timing! Some had many angles with them. At 5 o'clock on the morning of May 27 th the Lord began to speak to me so I grabbed my pen and pad and began to write. After all, these are the days that try mens souls. In the dream he had a box with a number 31, lined up outside his home, among other boxes in a condo-type setting and some things had been stolen from his box in the dream; things that contained important truths and information in them. Its time we plead the Blood over our houses because the enemy cannot enter in pass the Blood. The Bride Is Making Herself Ready! Prophetic Word: Demonic Forces Are Attacking The Global Church With Pandemic of Fear, Prophetic Word: Gods Lionesses Will Roar in the Face of the Enemy, Prophetic Word: Divine Substitutes & Divine Replacements. After his death experience in 1975, the bio continues, God sent him back to minister to church leadership and reach the multitudes with His love, truth and equipping the saints with understanding of the spiritual gifts. Paul Cain, one of the Kansas City prophets who later was exposed as an alcoholic and a homosexual taught about what he called "Joel's Army". There are 900 ministers and 100,000 parishioners in the 320 Vineyard churches across the country. Lonnie Frisbee Deathbed Prophecy Comes to Pass On his deathbed in 1993, Lonnie Frisbee made a revelation to Pastor We are in a worldwide financial wilderness. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. Though Bickle was, at first, skeptical of Jonesand even wondered if Jones was a false prophethe became convinced that Jones was a true prophet when Jones accurately predicted a snowfall on March 21, 1983, after several weeks of unseasonably warm weather. I believe it's a powerful message and pertinent for this time. Yes, all of them had heard of Jesus but ignored or mocked those who trusted in Him for their salvation. Remembering The Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2020: Separation, Reformation, & Revival! Charisma News - Informing believers with news from a Spirit-filled perspective, Bob Jones' Revival Prophecy Headlines Super Bowl Win, Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. People rejected him on Earth and he was glade it was over. I repent of my sins and I ask for your forgiveness on the basis of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Bob prophesied over me personally inGrandview, Missourion January 31, 1989. Bob replied that he didnt want to go. David was anointed to be Israel's future king by Samuel before he ever fought Goliath, and he was considered a youth at that time. All 12 leaders were removed and counseling was provided, and frequently paid for, by the church for the leaders and the victims, he said. But prophecies come about in God's timing, not man's. Food and drink for our spirit is a necessity (Psalm 42:2, Matthew 5:6). Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministry. Like Daniel who functioned at an incredible level, Bob has often told leaders their dreams and experiences . They had many visitors, including a busload of ministers from SouthKorea at one point. He was frightened and initially refused the call. He was called to the prophetic ministry during an angelic visitation at the age of nine. Be Quiet! This incident did not occur in that context, he said. Daniel's Image: Key to Things to Come, part 12. The Church In A Pandemic: When God Shakes The Church! That is when really inspired-teachers began to rise up and show us a new understanding already of the written word. But many saw through the so-called Seer Prophet's plethora of occult visions, unbiblical teachings, fantasies, and false prophecies. It was overseen by the Pastor of KCF, Mike Bickle. Our website includes affiliate links, which means we get a small commission -- at no additional cost to you -- for each qualifying purpose. It's something Laurie says he has never told anyone publiclyuntil now. Bob was known around the world for his prophetic gift, but he was also the greatest lover of God and people that I ever knew. History of Watch Night Services: Happy New Year! Viola passed in early 2005. It is fitting that this prayer center should be named in his honor. I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit to empower me to serve you under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, Amen.. PROPHET BOB JONES FLORIDA REVIVAL TRANSCRIPT, Apologies And Excuses For Missing Trump Second Term, Succession: Dictate the Future You Desire, Function of the Mind 5: Transformation of Nature(s), Function of the Mind 4: Regaining What Was Lost, Function of the Mind 2: God of Peace & Peace of God, Function of the Mind 1: Set Your Mind on God, Frame Your New Year, Destiny and World(s), A MORE ACCURATE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY IN AFRICA, UNDERSTANDING THE OUTCRY AGAINST COMPREHENSIVE SEXUAL EDUCATION IN GHANA, RELATIONSHIPS & MARRIAGE IN A CHRIST(ian) CONTEXT, SHEPHERD BUSHIRI, HIS WEALTH AND THE GREAT COMMISSION, PRAY FOR, OBEY AND SUBMIT TO NATIONAL LEADERS, SPIRITUAL FOOD [TEACHING, DOCTRINE] APPROPRIATE TO LEVEL OF GROWTH, THREE LEVELS OF RELATIONSHIP (HONOURING OTHERS), WORD FOR THE WEEK AN ULTIMATE QUESTION THE GREAT COMMISSION, PART 48, FORGIVENESS & CONSEQUENCES: DAVID & BATHSHEBA, SET YOUR MIND ON LIFE, GRACE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS, Receiving (abundance of Grace + Gift of righteousness) = Reigning in life, The Conductor, the Manuscript and the Holy Ghost, Drinking from the pure river of water of life, The connection between True Love and Holiness, Scripturally evaluating a prospective marriage partner, The perfect complementary relationship between love and submission, Experience is NOT the best teacher: The Spirit of Gods Word is, Why prophetic words are given at the beginning of each year, What manner of lovethat we should be called sons of God, Thou shalt be above ONLY: How to be on top always, Difference between the righteousness of the Law, the righteousness of God and True Holiness. He married Viola around that time. Jones is whom Todd Bentley looks to as a senior prophet and . New Year 2020: 40-Day Prophetic Bootcamp 2020 A New Year A New Era New Glory! Their dependency and Bobs weakness combined to create the situation, Gulliksen said. The death spirit passed over the houses of all those who applied the blood to their doorpost on the night it came to kill all the first born in Egypt., And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. Surround Yourself with People Who Lift You Higher! Through the angel's prophetic words, Bob learned there was to b. Celebrating the 75th: Why Do You Love Israel? Jones claimed to have had 100 "open visions" giving him revelation about this movement. Bob Jones hasnt written any books. Samson was used by God even after he had a fall. Years earlier, during the late eighties, Bob had given Rick Joyner great prophetic direction for MorningStar, especially in regards to Moravian Falls, North Carolina and the purchase and rehab of the Fort Mill, South Carolina hotel property formerly owned by PTL. Jones, whose Kansas City area phone number is unlisted, could not be reached for comment. At 5 oclock on the morning of May 27th the Lord began to speak to me so I grabbed my pen and pad and began to write. Source: Minister removed after confession of sexual misconduct, Religion News Blog,, Published 13/11/1991. You carry the genes and chromosomes of God! Bob moves with a clear revelatory gifting, accompanied by gifts of healing and miracles.. If this ministry is a blessing to you, please partner with this effort in bringing encouragement and inspiration to the Body of Messiah. For all eternity they would be forever separated from God. It was then that Bob gave a word about . They were headed towards a black hole with no return. Decade 2020: Turn Back The Battle At The Gate, TRANSFORM: A 90-Day Holy Spirit Prayer Challenge With Jennifer LeClaire. I believe its a powerful message and pertinent for this time. Joie Pirkey. First of all God is Love and because of His great abounding unconditional love for us He knows every aspect of our very being., If Brian Houston and Hillsong only knew the gift of God, The cosmic butler: Hillsongs god and gospel scrutinized by Christian leaders. Feb 15, 2014. Thus, the serpent has been killing through influenza; while the scorpion-like influenza results are severe illness that could kill you. Bob passed away at6:22this morning, peacefully and smiling, says Rick Joyner, founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries. There were a lot of prophetic happenings that occurred at the hospital just before his death, including a clock in his hospital room that accelerated rapidly and this was videotaped. Jones, 63, was removed from his church duties for an undetermined amount of time, Gulliksen said. They moved to Sunny Hills, FL, which had a Chipley, FL address and zip code. Prophet Bob Jones also spoke words that needed time to come to fruition, and in today's "go, go, go" lifestyle, few have the patience to endure the way David did. Each person in that line knew the Lord. The Last Pope: St. Malachys End-Time Prophecy: RESET: What Are Prophetic Generals Saying During This Pandemic? After all, this is the Year of the Open Door! Many consider Bob Jones to have beenone of the greatest prophetic voices of the contemporary church. Bob had an experience when he saw two angels. If it was money, they were dressed in money, if it was drugs, there were dressed in drugs. God gave Bob prophetic insight and words of warning for the church against abortion and homosexuality. The Lord is now beginning the early stages of the greatest show on earth. . Anyone can use it regardless of ability, approach, or level of acceptance by recognized authorities in the field. They rejected the Christ and they were facing eternity separated from God. Like Daniel who functioned at an incredible level, Bob has often told leaders their dreams and experiences, as well as the interpretation, his bio reads. It was walking in the Glory of God. When confronted, Gulliksen said Jones confessed to the allegations. Students are falling to their knees in repentance, surrender and worship of the King of kings, just as they did in 1970. Bob Jones, who operated in prophetic ministry for more than four decades, has gone home to be with the Lord. prophetic development. It was no easy path for his prophecy to be fulfilled. Thanks for writing this article. April 25, 2023. It was an honoring tribute to a humble and powerful man of God. You wont be able to stop them. What is True Love? New Year 2020: Prepare to Receive Restitution: The School of The Mouth: No More Careless Words! Global Pandemics: John G. Lakes Testimony During The Bubonic Plague: God Will Do Great Exploits Amidst Global Pandemics: Its Your Time To Climb! He said the church follows the religious doctrine that when a leader falls into sin, he should be rebuked publicly so that the others may take warning. In 2006 Bob married Bonnie Kost, a gifted prophetic voice in her own right. The Birth Pains & The Second Coming of Jesus! They replied, These angles helped this person accomplish many things, so both the person and these angels have a testimony. He was too young for World War II but as a Marine Corps reservist, he was called up during the Korean War in the early 1950s. (Module 4) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel From KINGDOM To EXILE (Module 3) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel The History of Semitic People (Module 2) FREE ONLINE COURSE. This is a prophetic resource for the body of Christ hosted by Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministries. There would be a line of people waiting to talk to Bob after a church service. Done! The two women, after confronting Jones with their concerns about the possible impropriety of the incident, brought it to the attention of church leaders in Kansas City. From the food to the beautiful landscapes of the Holy Land, there is How are you feeling today?

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