apricot kernels cancer forum

apricot kernels cancer forum

Don't throw away the hard shell that is in the core of the apricot. And reason why they were/are forbidden in some countries. Usually 6-8 seeds twice a day. So now to my topic. The content on this site is for informational purposes only. I just throw them in my mouth and chew them up. As such it works in conjunction to digestion both in the blood and the gut. Another theory suggests that because amygdalin is converted into cyanide in the body, the cyanide works to destroy cancer cells within the body. However, I did keep the recipe in case anyone is interested. While on the juice fast for 21 days, she ate apricots and their seeds / kernels,apple seeds,brown rice,green tea,flax seeds,organic sprouts(she ate them without washing the soil off), enzymes,vitamins,and ran about 2 miles 2-3 times a week. Does Amygdalin or Vitamin B17 Work as an Alternative Cancer Cure. I saw the films and I decided to wait for the letter and I did.Shall I worry?Shall I do something to prevent it?Shall I take something to stop it?Yes Im very much a bit concerned. Last updated: I heard that ozone therapy kills cancer better than apricot kernels. (2010). The presence of amygdalin (known also as laetrine or vitamin B-17) within the seed can have adverse health effects. Thousands have used apricot seed kernels to eliminate cancer. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views . Laetrile is a synthetic version of amygdalin. Hugs bonnie. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. And as we believe: it is not a stand-alone 'chemotherapy'. Do you blend and add to fruit smoothies or food? It can attach it to vitamin B12 to form the supplement form cyanocobalamin, which can be harmlessly eliminated when we pee, or it can use the amino acid cysteine, which is also used to metabolize vitamin C. So, if you take too much vitamin C, your levels can drop and you can end up more vulnerable to cyanide toxicity. This doesn't mean that b-17 should be ignored. Do Apricot Seeds Work as an Alternative Cancer Cure? Despite anecdotal claims, there has been no verified research that has linked apricot seeds with cancer treatment success. Firstly, cancer could possibly be a vitamin B17 deficiency. What I do know for certain about laetril is this: 1)It can become toxic at higher doses, but its effectiveness is also dose dependant. If you continue to use this site or by closing this message box, you agree to our use of cookies and you confirm you have read and agree with our Disclaimer. It seems Jason Vale at only 51 years of age has died, from Cancer! The chemical is also marketed in a slightly modified form as Laetrile. Clinical data are lacking to support use of apricot for any indication. From what I understand there is a link with cyanide in Apricot kernels, and there is a concern that this may therefore become free in the body when ingested. The trick is, how much can you titrate the dose upwards until you get maximum effect without causing side affects and toxicity. why? Higher doses, or even less than one-half of a large kernel, could exceed the maximum acceptable dose and be toxic for adults. 3 min read. For bladder cancer the best thing is Sodium Bicarbonate 1 tsp. ====ORH====. Im curious as I read that Apricot seeds inside the pit or kernels do kill cancers. If you don't mind me asking, what stage was your bladder cancer? The Apricot Power brand kernels I take are very bitter. When you go into the store you see many vitamins.You don't see vitamin b-17 now do you? Did you build up to the amount you're taking gradually? Fighting Cancer with Apricot Seeds. Hi everyone, There is a Food Standards Agency warning about eating apricot kernels on the BBC newsite this morning. To learn more about our cookies, how we use them and their benefits, please read our Privacy Policy. I hope everything will good!! She started taking apricot kernels to supplement her treatment but stopped after hearing it may be poisonous. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. A poet who pens truth. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. It has the highest level of Vitamin B17 which mentioned is banned in the USA. Apricot kernels contain Laetrile, considered by some to have anti-cancer effects. Please, read this article about vitamin b17 (contains in apricot kernels)https://www.wondergardens.club/en/amygdalin-a-cure-for-cancer-or-a-well-promoted-brand/. I would love to know the information of how to get the apricot kernels from Australia. Apple seeds also have the same thing, but apricot seeds are much higher in B-17. Some alternative modalities may be harmful, and there has been a resurgence of older complementary and alternative cancer treatments, thanks to the internet. The following protocol is used by some of the hospitals in Tijuana, (Del Rio Hospital supplied us with this information). Although many studies both laboratory and human have been conducted on it over the years, little evidence supports laetriles efficacy. Laetrile: Controversy and Advocacy Laetrile has been center stage among alternative cancer treatments and non-traditional medicine for decades. Cancer can become resistant to laetril, so I look at b-17 as an adjunct to other chemo/alternative therapies. The single biggest promoter of cesium chloride, which had great response in trials, also recommends b-17 as additional adjunct to the same cesium chloride therapy. Luckily for the patient, the poison was present in "moderate" amounts: 1.6 milligrams of cyanide per liter . They are also a good source of fatty acids, vitamins, and dietary fiber. Apricot kernels (the inherent cyanide) may also induce the process of autophagy, which is the cell repair/recycling mechanism the body otherwise activates during periods of fasting. 5)Is a good preventative in low to moderate dosing. But,there is hope!!! Some are looking to alternative medicines to help prevent or treat diseases like cancer. Furthermore, laetrile can cause serious side effects including symptoms of cyanide poisoning: nausea and vomiting, headache, dizziness, bluish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen in the blood, liver damage, abnormally low blood pressure, droopy upper eyelids, difficulty walking due to damaged nerves, fever, mental confusion, coma, and even death. I read somewhere you should not grind them up. I, and most of the people I know, were raised to believe that poke berries are poison. If you weigh 70 kg you take 14 seeds 3 times a day - total of 42 seeds. We used to get them from the UK. The FDA and the European Commission banned its use decades ago, but it is still available for purchase online, along with apricot kernels. Users of alternative therapies are nearly three times as likely to believe their cancer is curable even if it isnt, but their death rates are higher than nonusers. Hope this helps you in some way. However, my Dad made my Mum's life hell as he insisted she eat them and - even when she couldn't swallow them, he ground them up and put them in smoothies - and Mum still couldn't swallow them. The medical community claims, with what little scientific evaluation has been done, there is no benefit. In my surgery (TURBT - cystoscopy) last week, there is no recurrence of the cancer. There is lots of advice on the web indicating that apricot kernels can stop cancer spreading and even cure it. If you're using them for anything more than prevention, get yourself a truly bitter specimen. The authors concluded that the claim that laetrile has beneficial effects for cancer patients is not supported by sound clinical data. They also wrote that none of their case studies proved the effectiveness of laetrile.. However, you can still buy it on the internet, just as you can still purchase the apricot kernels themselves. If the enzymes are insufficient to the work before them, HCN or B-17 has nothing to work on. Be Wishes to you all. Must not be a popular subjectLOLGuess no one has tried this or knows of someone who has. All fruit seeds contain a naturally occurring cyanide, but the cyanide is released only under certain circumstances. Please note that we use cookies necessary for the functioning of our website, cookies that optimize the performance. Clinical trials in humans have also failed to find any benefits. We then switched to doing IV laetrile since that bypasses the gut bacteria, but we did not see any noticeable results, so we stopped. Not only is laetrile not a vitamin, but it is ineffective against cancer and carries a risk of side effects from cyanide poisoning. Laetril can be given with alkaline, vitamin c, and oxygen therapies. I am my own doctor and all should have that control. Even the sites that advocate their use recommend pancreatic support supplements for use along with the seeds. The chemical is also marketed in a slightly modified form as "Laetrile". Here are 5 signs that an avocado has gone bad. The clinic was closed down when patients started dying and the link between cyanide and apricot . No problem. He claimed that cancer was caused by a vitamin B-17 deficiency and that supplementing with it would stop the development of cancer cells. VAT no: 668265007, Going back to work during or after cancer: Dianas story, Working and living with cancer- Lindsays story, Coping with the news you have incurable cancer. Apricot seeds and cancer seem to go hand in hand with the Hunza people as eating one keeps the other away! The major constituent of gumbi gumbi extract is saponin (a sulphonated di- or tri-terpene). Yes cyanide, the poison that can kill a person in minutes if taken in high-enough doses. Just for my reference. That's because the FDA took control over it-funny how that's the only vitamin (so far) that they control. This comment has been removed by the Moderator, http://www.alternative-doctor.com/cancer/binzel.html, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4312930190281243507, http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=8257934856995183554&hl=en, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cancer-Were-Still-Dying-Truth/dp/0953501248, http://vodpod.com/watch/1872366-cancer-cure-that-works-cantron, http://www.rejoiceinlife.com/recipes/vitaminB17.php, http://www.cancercompass.com/message-board/message/all,21519,0.htm, http://hk.groups.yahoo.com/phrase/vitamin-b17-cancer, http://www.quackwatch.com/00AboutQuackwatch/altseek.html. The seeds of berry plants, such as red raspberries, black raspberries, strawberries, and cranberries are also rich in amygdalin. I do understand your apprehension and it is good to be respectfully cautious. Doing it this way would of course decrease the amount of kernels needed daily. Google Hunza shangrila. By this description, B-17, has many characteristics of some chemotherapy agents, which are selectively toxic. there's synergy between nobiletin and melatonin. Its all about benefits versus risks. ", Some people claim that a chemical found in apricot kernels, known as amygdalin, can cure cancer. www.drweil.com. Cancer cannot stand an alkaline body, nor oxygen. Laetrile is commonly touted as an alternative treatment for cancer, but there is no evidence that it actually works., Despite decades of research, dating back to the 1950s, there is no evidence that Laetrile can treat tumours in animals. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4312930190281243507G. B-17 works as a CO-ENZYME. You can get sick or die if you eat a lot of it. They just do what they are told. When my husband was first diagnosed with cancer, we threw everything at it, including some apricot kernels. I spent a little while looking up on the Internet but I thought it better to ask peoples opinions or experiences. Ok I have a mammogram letter.Its said that I have a scattered fibroglanduar. It would appear that the FDA police have posted this information to throw people off track. All Rights Reserved. Etc. i know oasis of hope uses them in their treatment, of course there is so much out there. Hello, I have been reading conflicting reports and watching utube videos on Apricot seeds.. some info says its poison and others are taking them to cure their problems.. It has reversed a previous decision that allowed for the importation of laetrile for the treatment of terminally ill cancer patients through a physicians affidavit system.. The Hunzas people, where cancer is virtually unknown, consume 4-8 apricot seeds a day. They didn't die from cyanide poisoning. A 2015 review published by the Cochrane Library noted that because of the possible cyanide poisoning associated with consuming large amounts of amygdalin, all forms of laetrile are dangerous. Google "Jason vale sent to prison for selling apricot seeds. @jens for CDA Cedazuridine and Tetrahydrouridine (THU) @jens I tried this for my Husband's bladder cancer - did NOT work!!! What dosage did you use and where were the seeds from? Laetrile, a compound derived from amygdalin, a natural cyanide-containing substance concentrated in apricot kernels, was branded as vitamin B17. 2 seeds at night. Unfortunately, taking Laetrile, or eating apricot kernels in large amounts, is not only ineffective at treating cancer but could also be very dangerous. In yet another example, a 32-year-old woman arrived at the emergency room in a coma. We donate 50% to extend and improve life of cancer patients. Witch hazel is widely known for easing inflammation and soothing sensitive skin, but this powerful remedy has more to offer. When I started eating them I was about 4 years old. Best Purity Her first month she went to the doctor and like 75 % of it was gone.Then,3 weeks later, about 95% of her cancer was gone. Organic apples have vitamin b-17 in the skin,but if they're not organic they don't since the chemicals non-organic farmers use kill it. I sprinkle 12 apricot seeds on my cereal for breakfast and another 12 on my salad at lunch. Please let us know if you tried this remedy and if it helped you! No evidence of breast cancer. I'm not sure this is something that would be effective as a self-prescribed treatment. I talk more about this on my own blog at http://www.apricot-kernels.blogspot.com. Laetrile treatment for cancer. April 6, 2023 I am curious to hear your comments. I believe they contain B17 which fights cancer cells however, I don't know much about why it is the kernal, you can get B17 in lentils, brown rice and chickpeas. The Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging online guide has simple, effective preventive health information and tools including an exclusive version of Dr. Weils Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid. This is one of the best actual cures for cancer. Are there different grades of Apricot Seeds? Multiple cases showed that ingestion of high amounts of apricot kernels led people to experience symptoms such as forceful vomiting, perspiration, dizziness, and faintness., The FDA doesnt approve of amygdalin (or laetrile, or vitamin B-17) as a form of cancer treatment. To put amygdalin quantities into perspective, the more bitter varieties available in North America contain approximately 15,000 mg per kilo. Thanks to the internet, there has been a resurgence of older complementary and alternative cancer treatments, such as laetrile, which is a compound derived from amygdalin, a natural cyanide-containing substance concentrated in apricot kernels, the seeds inside the pits. Moreover, it can be used for medicinal purposes and the formation of food ingredients. I discussed with doctors using it on many patients and reaching the same conclusion. As a rule personally I always read A LOT and cross reference my research- then I start very slowly and incorporate any new thing to my body gradually and hold there awhile allowing my body to acclimate. If you choose alternative cancer treatments, do you live longer? Talk to your doctor about your options, as well as any alternative treatments you want to try. This compound goes after cancer cells and healthy cells are left alone. Apricot kernels are often sold on web sites as cancer treatment. Her meals consisted of veggies, salads, apricots and clean natural foods that would fight cancer. Be mindful of the less bitter varieties, as they're also being sold as "bitter apricot kernels", and those imported from countries such as India, Turkey and Pakistan. A 67-year-old man in Australia took 3.9g cyanide every day for five years in a mixture of shop-bought and home-made apricot kernel supplements. Cut in half and swallow I tried to eat one and they taste FOUL! Now he has been taking them for years, and now it has really put me off from taking them. There is also some contention that the seeds may actually be toxic, as mentioned above, due to the possibility of cyanide poisoning. They're supposed to be that way though. Custom Smilies . U can buy apricot seeds at Nuts.com, Amazon, eBay, Walmart & if u Google it I'm sure there's more places. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Michael Greger, MD, is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition. Look up 'Amygdalin' or 'Laetrile' or 'Vitamin B17' (not that it's anything like a vitamin though. She still consumes the apricot seeds every day, and juices, and eats healthy. This is why it is so important for cancer sufferers to have lots of raw, red meat or other protein predigested or a supply of complete amino acids (not soya) or supplemental enzymes. For source of Apricot Kernels make sure you are buying Organic, raw, Bitter Apricot Kernels. Has anyone try eating raw nut or seed to prevent or cure cancers? i found this letter and just wanted to know what everyone thought and has had experience with. Well, when looking at clinical trials of other substances, like cesium chloride, the percentage of response for cancer cases is higher in other therapies. No, she had just taken some vitamin supplements. Thankfully, a relative showed up to the ER with them: so-called vitamin B17. Join today and get 14 days free! Apricot seeds LPack Member Posts: 645 April 2009 edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1 Have any of you ever taken apricot seeds? Look up a paper by Mendell and Blood on this and you'll see for yourself: HCN is the simplest known vitamin. Chemo? She did this everyday-had a follow up at the Dr. this week they performed a microscopic some sorta test scraped the cervix and took samples. By collecting folk medicine remedies (for instance the heart medicine digitalis came from the foxglove weed a home remedy plant for heart problems, and many other medications came from weeds - podophyllin for genital and chemodrug E-topocide both come from the mayapple, another chemodrug Vincristine comes from the pink periwinkle plant. Most often cancer patients die not to the incursions of the cancer cells so much as the effect of hCG on the digestive enzymes in the blood stream and eventually in the pancreas so that these enzymes being deactivated vastly impact both immunity and nutrition. There are claims of course, but I haven't yet seen any documentation by medically qualified oncologists advising them. So what is it?? The bitter the better, as they say. Critics of Laetrile warn the public that eating apricot kernels is dangerous: They can make you sick and can even be fatal.

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