alice bailey teachings

alice bailey teachings

The Ageless Wisdom Teachings - Energy Reality By means of this process of revelation, discrimination in thought will develop, leading to a truer sense of values emerging in consciousness. ", later identified as Djwal Khul. The cosmology of the Ageless Wiscom gives an explanation of the seven rays so profound, so occult that its beyond the grasp of the human mind, but to summarise and thereby grossly simplify it: As part of the initial Plan, the one Life sought expansion. It is the outstanding characteristic of the soul, just as desire is the outstanding characteristic of the lower nature"[48], Ross describes Bailey's teachings as emphasizing the "underlying unity of all forms of life", and the "essential oneness of all religions, of all departments of science, and of all the philosophies". The books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher during the thirty years 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom - a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form suitable to each era. A Master Index of all 24 books is also available. Alice Ann Bailey (June 16, 1880 December 15, 1949) was a writer of more than twenty-four books on theosophical subjects, and was one of the first writers to use the term New Age. The whole process of healing is directed by thought, the mind of the healer and sometimes emotional synergy to inhibit causes of disease. "[90], Sir John Sinclair, in his book The Alice Bailey Inheritance, commented on the seminal influence of Alice Bailey, which, he said, underlies the consciousness growth movement in the 20th century. [original research?]. [12] Theosophist Joy Mills states that in 1918 she became a member of the Esoteric Section of the society. The 3rd ray cycle is also very long because intelligence must be stimulated in even "the lowest of the sons of men". Dissertation from the U of W. Sydney, The texts of Alice A. Bailey: An inquiry into the role of esotericism in transforming consciousness. Alice and Foster Bailey founded "Lucifer Publishing Company". The outstanding quality of human experience over the past 2000 years has been the growing expression of idealism. This ray produces beauty and works towards the harmonising of effects. (Alice A. Bailey) and asked her to do some writing for me and also to undertake the publishing of certain books which -- under the sequential giving out of truth -- were due to appear. British-American esoteric, theosophist and writer (1880-1949), For the American writer of children's books and articles for periodicals, see, Groups founded by Bailey or her followers, A commentary on the Great Invocation on Lucis Trust's website says "Christ emphasised ever the Fatherhood of God and substituted it in place of the cruel, jealous tribal Jehovah.". Courage is also an aspect of the 1st ray, but true courage is not a fighting courage or any sort of struggle to be what is called "brave." The 1st ray is the most powerful force in the world today. The Arcane School, founded by Alice and Foster Bailey to disseminate spiritual teachings, organizes a worldwide "Triangles" program to bring people together in groups of three, for daily meditation and study. Bailey inherited from Blavatsky and Leadbeater a predilection for profuse details and complex classificatory schemes. Alice Bailey Books | Bookstore & Publications Store - Lucis Trust The task of new age workers is to bring these two apparent opposites together, to demonstrate that spirit and matter are not antagonistic to each other, and that throughout the world there is only spiritual substance, working on and producing the outer tangible forms. [117] He explained that "Theosophy has several prominent branches, and, strictly speaking, the branch which has had the most important influence on the UFO religion is that developed by Alice Bailey". The close juxtaposition of your soul and personality rays is an asset, not a hindrance. Welcome - Online Books Lucis Trust Please see Letters on Occult Meditation by Alice Bailey, available from Lucis Publishing. The personality ray fosters a separative attitude and causes a detachment from the group of souls of which the personality is an externalisation, and a consequent attachment to the form side of manifestation. Yonassan Gershom and others have claimed that her writings contain racist material. Alice Bailey - Citizendium Source for information on Alice Bailey: Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained dictionary. Ray III servers stimulate the intellect of humanity, sharpening and inspiring it. The past 2000 yrs have been conditioned by the 6th Ray of Devotion and Idealism. This ray endows man with the capacity to see the ideal, the reality behind the form. The Bailey teachings are abstruse and authoritative. She stated that as evolution proceeds, things are accelerated and humanity will soon be predominantly distinguished by the Aryan consciousness. [115] The connection does exist in the sense that there is a subset of persons interested in both esoteric writings and UFOs and who link them as shown by the fact that some books that cite Alice Bailey or Theosophy also cite UFOs. Therefore, your rays are as follows: 1. "Your soul ray is the seventh, which would enable you to work with facility in the new world which is emerging into manifestation with such rapidity. This is the coordinating capacity which unifies inner quality and outer tangible form or appearance. From this description of the seven rays, we should be starting to realise that its not all about us the seven rays arent relevant only to human individuals but to whole societies and other kingdoms. Five ray energies are presently manifesting: the 6th, 7th, 2nd (always present), 3rd , and 1st. ", 6th ray The energy of Devotion or Idealism. It is well known by some followers of the New Age movement, where it is widely used as part of meditation, particularly in groups. She states that there is now being developed a "new race" with a spiritual dimension that expresses as "group qualities and consciousness and idealistic vision". Her esoteric astrology deals with the evolution of soul consciousness and the obstacles to that evolution. She stated that all religions originate from the same spiritual source, and that humanity will eventually come to realize this, and as they do so, the result will be the emergence of a universal world religion and a "new world order". Ray II servers ponder and meditate on the new ideas associated with the Plan. Why not ten or twelve, for those are also numbers of considerable spiritual significance? Masters, Avatars and Disciples: An Index of Spiritual Teachers Alice Bailey - Wikipedia Catholics, Jews, Gentiles, occidentals and orientals are all the sons of God." This gives you power upon the astral plane and, in consequence, it gives you a powerful and sensitive astral body with all the implications of success and failure which go with that situation. The incoming 7th ray plays through the planetary sacral centre, and then through the sacral centre of every human being. [123] Morrison also used the phrase "world of glamour", reminiscent of Bailey's Glamour: A World Problem, in the songs "Ivory Tower" and "Green Mansions". The soul rayseventh Ray of Ceremonial Order. ",[22] After the first two or three years, the name was changed to "Lucis Publishing Co."[23] (The Theosophical Society also used the name "Lucifer" for its early magazine.) The Science of the Antahkarana deals with the threefold thread which connects: a. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de rduction . Alice Bailey, along with Rudolf Steiner and Krishnamurti, brought Theosophical teachings to their own audiences, helping to perpetuate continuing interest in the Ageless Wisdom. Higher Expression: The science of statesmanship, of government. Alice Bailey. This is the only vehicle or energy of expression in your equipment which is on one of the major rayslater, in your next life, it will be necessary for you to shift the centre of your egoic or soul attention on to the second ray. Perhaps the words of Julian of Norwich, the fourteenth-century mystic whose puzzlement over the existence of sin was appeased in the revelation that "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well". These developments have been referred to by other sources as "spin-offs" and splinter groups. Her vision of a unified society included a global "spirit of religion" different from traditional religious forms and including the concept of the Age of Aquarius. To this the labour movement today bears testimony, AAB pointed out. Two of these rays are struggling for expression - one incoming (7th) and one outgoing (6th). [45] Rosemary Keller described the Great Invocation as a call for "the Christ to return to Earth" and wrote that Bailey-related groups purchased radio and television time to broadcast the invocation as part of their mission, and that often the invocation was recited in what Keller called "light groups", to accomplish what Bailey's disciples considered to be attracting and focusing "spiritual energies to benefit the planet". Therefore, healing consists of releasing the soul, that is the establishing of a right relation between the soul and the personality where the personality is defined as the instrument of soul expression. They participate in the bridging process, for they are the true intuitives. Man can therefore eventually see, expressing itself through all forms in all kingdoms, a universal septenate, and when this happens, he is entering into world of subjective unity, and can proceed on his way consciously towards the One. A hologram is the symbol of the implicate order, he said: A total order is contained, in some implicit sense, in each region of space and time. [6][11], Bailey discovered the Theosophical Society and the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Christ hinted at this when he said "Greater things than I have done ye shall do." But the prism is one. Alice Bailey No preview available - 1951. . Ray VI servers over the past 2000 years have trained humanity to recognise ideals, which are blue prints of ideas, by training world thinkers to desire the good, the true, and the beautiful. Shnirelman saw some of Bailey's ideas on race as similar to the racism he perceived in the writing of Julius Evola, saying that "racist and antisemitic trends are explicit, for example, in the occult teachings of Alice Bailey and her followers, who wish to cleanse Christianity of its "Jewish inheritance" and reject the "Jewish Bible" as a prerequisite for entering the Age of Aquarius. There is nothing in the whole solar system, at whatever stage of evolution, which does not belong and has not always belonged to one of the seven rays. Isn't that what God wants of us? She described the majority of her work as having been telepathically dictated to her by a Master of Wisdom, or spirit entity identified as Djwal Khul. "[28] The seven rays also appear in Hindu religious philosophy. she later became known as a writer of the occult. This they do through the powerful impact of ideas on human minds first, by initiating period of destruction and the breaking up of the old and hindering, later by the clear shining forth of the new idea and its grasping by the minds of intelligent humanity. These seven types of energy produce the seven types of souls or rays. Alice A. Bailey: Mother of the New Age or the New World Order? And that includes the nations of the world. In the 1940s Alice A. Bailey, founder of the Arcane School (an organization that disseminated spiritual teachings), suggested that a new messiah, the Master Maitreya, would appear in the last quarter of the 20th century. ", Higher Expression: Christianity and diversified religions. When he is definitely aware of the issues involved, and definitely throws the weight of his influence, desires, and mind on to the side of the soul, he can take the first initiation.The ray of the personality is occultly "extinguished" or absorbed by the ray of the soul, and all the potencies and attributes of the lower rays become subsidiary to and colored by the soul ray. World Goodwill is intended to promote better human relations through goodwill which they define as "love in action". Your personality ray is the sixth. [21] According to Bailey, she had come to see the society as authoritarian and involved with "lower psychic phenomena". In preparation for initiation, the personality ray works to prevent contact, to mislead, retard progress, and misinterpret. The 2nd ray has the longest cycle, producing a "crisis of love". ("'Lucifer' and 'Lucis' come from the same word root, lucis being the Latin genitive case meaning of light. From this we can begin to see that when the true nature of the seven rays is grasped, we shall approach the subject of mans duality with greater intelligence. 18. Seven Rays | Seven Ray Institute [98] (p. 81) The validity of the Elizabeth Clare Prophet's writings was "disputed by Theosophical writers". The song Ancient of Days from the 1984 Sense of Wonder album appears to be a reference to a Bailey concept found in such books as The Externalization of the Hierarchy. The first in the series of three interpretations of the Ageless Wisdom teachings planned by the Hierarchy and entrusted to the Tibetan Master, was given to the world through H.P. [19] She outlined her vision for the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society; however, her efforts to influence the society failed, and she and her husband were dismissed from their positions. These servers can select and train those who can "carry" the idea deeper into humanity. Bailey was born as Alice La Trobe-Bateman, in Manchester, England. The past 2000 years have produced fantastic gains in the understanding of what were, to early man, "magical" realms. Perhaps this point, this challenge, is a good place to begin our group discussion. The various rays of our makeup are a problem of the interrelation of energies, their fusion and balancing, plus the final synthesis of two major energies soul and personality. These are the seven rays, but its important to remember that all seven rays are subrays of the synthetic 2nd Ray of Love/Wisdom: Basically speaking, the energy of love, expressed with wisdom, is the line of least resistance for the manifested lives in our solar system. The two volumes of Discipleship in the New Age by Alice Bailey provide a record of a group of disciples whom the Tibetan was overseeing during his work with Alice Bailey, and he gave each of those individuals information about their rays which is published in the two books. Alice Bailey - Theosophy Wiki . In terms of living expression, this means that you can transmute devotion into love, and idealism into proven wisdom. "[114] But she did speak of Masters as having evolved beyond the human level, and expounded a cosmology of a living universe in which even planets and stars are regarded as living entities. [28][64], Nicholas Weeks, writing for the Theosophical magazine Fohat in 1997, felt Bailey's assertion that "her teachings are grounded in and do not oppose in any fundamental way Theosophy as lived and taught by HPB and her Gurus" was false. It will awaken psychologists to a true understanding of man. She moved to . [81][82], Author Steven Sutcliffe wrote that Bailey's "World Goodwill" organization was promoting groups of "world servers" to, as he quotes Bailey, "serve the Plan, Humanity, the Hierarchy and the Christ". 1st ray energy streams from Shamballa and lies behind the present world crisis, for "It is the Will of God to produce certain radical and momentous changes in the consciousness of the race which will completely alter mans attitude to life", Alice Bailey said. As the 7th ray pours in, we are seeing the increasing focus on sexuality not always a pretty picture, but because the 7th ray governs the fusion of spirit and matter, surely it will lead to a wiser approach to sexuality. Copyright 1922 by Alice A. Bailey. Jon Klimo, in Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources, writes, "As with Blavatsky/Theosophical material, and more recent contemporary channeled material from other sources, we find in the Bailey work the same occult cosmological hierarchy: physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, and higher inhabited levels of existence. Alice Bailey then developed the teaching considerably in a number of her books, especially A Treatise on the Seven Rays. 4th ray The energy of Harmony through Conflict. [27] Campbell writes that Bailey, "was the first to develop the idea of the seven rays, although it can be found in germ in earlier Theosophical writings. Together Alice Bailey and The Tibetan produced 19 books of esoteric philosophy, and Alice . For some, this is a . [8], At the age of 22, Bailey did evangelical work in connection with the YMCA and the British Army. many refer to her as the mother of the modern form of the new age movement. In her The Destiny of the Nations, Bailey described a process by which this "new race" will evolve, after which "very low grade human bodies will disappear, causing a general shift in the racial types toward a higher standard. The ray of the astral bodythe sixth Ray of Devotion. independently. Jenkins 2000. p.87. They were never identified by their actual names, only by initials. The ray of the physical bodyfirst Ray of Will or Power. Though often referred to as the Robert Muller School, the preface of The World Core Curriculum clarifies that the Robert Muller School is founded on the ideas of Alice Bailey and The Tibetan: "The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the . Every human being is swept into manifestation on the impulse of some ray, and is coloured by that ray quality, which determines his form and indicates the way that he should go. First Edition. It is the underlying principle of religion as well as all serious endeavour in art and science. This contrasts with the Theosophy of Blavatsky, he says, which emphasizes reliance on "the Christos principle within each person". The result of the increasing flow of the 7th ray and the decreasing power of the 6th ray is to throw the millions of people who dont respond to either ray, into a state of bewilderment a feeling of being entirely lost, for all that they hold dear is rapidly fading. It is the quality in you which gives you an ordered sense of colour, proportion and of harmony in your planned environment. The soul is regarded as the reflection of the real self that works through or uses the three aspects of personality. Something I learned from researching Alice Bailey: That all of the teachings Alice Bailey wrote in telepathic rapport with the Tibetan, Djwhal Khul or DK, are fully edited and crafted re-writes of collated material derived from 'stream of consciousness' writing in which Alice Bailey was attuned to a higher source. The forces of the 7th ray work out on the seventh or physical plane the plane whereon major changes in all forms are made. In contrast to this, Daren Kemp in Handbook to the New Age sees critical differences between neopaganism and New Age movements and indicates that it is a mistake to conflate them. "Good taste" is highly valued; now disciples must transmute this into the discriminating sense of spiritual values. Your physical body is also on the first ray, so you can see how powerful a combination you have for service, if you can truly comprehend your problem and work with a sense of synthesis. Does my emotional nature tend to be fairly serene (2nd) or does it tend more to the stance of the passionate advocate (6th)? The personality ray finds its major field of activity in the physical body. Her teachings and writings are viewed as foundational and authoritative within the New Age Movement. [52] Steven J. Sutcliffe points out that both Bailey and Blavatsky's work evoke a picture of Tibet as the spiritual home of the Masters and that Bailey claimed a more-or-less direct lineage to Blavatsky. This is not emotional desire, but desire as the great Law of Attraction - the capacity to draw to itself that which is loved. [citation needed], The many claims and teachings of the spin-off groups underscores their divergences, for example there appears to be a widespread confusion about the phrase and meaning of "Ascendant Master" in that it was adopted by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet but not by Theosophists or Alice Bailey. The higher expression of the 7th ray is white magic: the power of the trained worker to bring together the "within and the without" so that that which is below may be patterned on that which is above. This 48-page catalogue of the books of Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul contains a description of each title, including compilations and the CD-ROM. Works containing the prefatory Extract from a Statement by the Tibetan, generally taken to indicate the book was a "received" work. 4.26. Good Reasons To Reject The Alice Bailey Teachings The books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom--a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period. Learning to recognise ones ray pattern isnt easy, but we have some guidelines to go on. [27] Its job is to transmit the seven rays from the heart of the Sun through the seven spirits before the [solar] throne to all the life waves of the Solar System. 3. In 1923, with the help of Foster Bailey, Alice Bailey founded the Arcane School, which is part of Lucis Trust. 5th ray The energy of Concrete Knowledge or Science. 4. [72], Controversy has arisen around some of Bailey's statements on nationalism, American isolationism, Soviet totalitarianism, Fascism, Zionism, Nazism, race relations, Africans, Jews, and the religions of Judaism and Christianity. ", "PERSPECTIVE ON THE MILLENNIUM; SEEDS OF APOCALYPSE ARE AMONG US; THE 'INSANITY' OF SO-CALLED CULTS IS MORE INTENSE BUT NOT DIFFERENT FROM THE BELIEFS OF MANY AMERICANS", All the books of Alice A. Bailey can be read online at Lucis Trust, The "Jewish Problem" (interpreted by some to be anti-Semitic). When the personality ray becomes pronounced and dominant, and the rays of the three bodies are subordinated to it, then the great fight takes place between soul and personality ray. If the statements meet with eventual corroboration, or are deemed true under the test of the Law of .

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