a canterlot wedding apology fanfiction

a canterlot wedding apology fanfiction

"Come on in Cady. My friends and I think you're making a big, [They turn to see Cadance standing on top of the stairs, frowning at them]. How could you walk out on your best friend like that?! It's been almost a week after the Royal Wedding, and their victory against the changelings! Pinkie piped happily. They do care about me. In the meantime, Celestia turned to Cadance. Furthermore, she did also upset the bride, my niece. She was the Changeling Queen in disguise, and she was secretly preparing an invasion of Canterlot by her army. "But what if this second echelon decides to rebel against us? With that, Fang departed the throne room, but not before bowing to Chrysalis, who prepared to issue the day's final orders. "Good morning girls. "It's Spike. ", "There is blind loyalty, Rainbow, and then there is experience. Not only did Celestia abandon her, but she stabbed her with a proverbial dagger through her heart. And for Celestia's sake, Twilight was ruthlessly accusing her of being evil to the point where she upsets her! His face was initially grim with dread, but Shining recomposed himself, and dismissed the sentry. ), We never had a single fight (We did everything together! Twilight left Cadence's room and went back to hers. Furthermore, the want of a hoofshake at this time would have been utter folly. We're going home, considering I'm not welcome here anymore." Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn. Surely you haven't forgotten, right? However, it is not just her friends who had failed Twilight. "I'll talk to her first Rarity, let her know you all feel terrible for what you did and you want to apologize. Sonic: What? "Oh Cadance" Sobbed Twilight, who embraced the former in a hug. The constant questions rattling around Twilights brain were beginning to irritate her. Everypony looked shocked at Twilight as she pranced back inside only to bump into Shining Armor, who was anything but pleased. Twilight Sparkle: [remorseful] I was so mean to Cadancehow could I not see how much stress she was under? Pinkie Pie: [gasp] [echoing] Best wedding ever! We both know Cadance is capable of taking on any responsibility with the same good grace and warmth she is so blessed with. Knuckles: [looks at the Mane Six] Uh, you coming? I thought that shield was suppose to keep them out! Youre all responsible for this and its only fair that a truly heartfelt apology is delivered if you want her and Spike to come around. She then smiled and clenched an eye as a red Spartan came into view on the river. "Last night, Big Mac heard y'all crying harder than a timberwolf who had both legs cut off." We need to clean up this mess., Rainbow Dash, could you please remove everything sticking to the walls and windows? The Mane 5 were completely stuck for words. The Mane 5 looked at each other glumly, before nodding to Cadance. ", Twilight thought about what she did to her brother. Twilight Sparkle: Seriously, though. "Let's go home Spike. Fluttershy: Yeah, both in the metaphorical and literal sense! Tails: Yeah, we probably should've have made that more clear. As you know, my job as the Princess of the Night is to watch over my subjects as they sleep, and ensure their dreams do not cause them distress or harm. Her disguise peels off to reveal her real self: Queen Chrysalis]. Twilight Sparkle: Right Sonic, what about you? The strength of Princess Cadances and Shining Armors love for each other created a blinding wave of magic, blasting the invading changelings far away from Canterlot, and hopefully, all of Equestria. Say I look lovely in my gown Because of your foolishness, our dear Twilight will be lost. Opposite them, the garrison of Royal Guards was also rushing towards them, with the mission to take down Chrysalis and exile her and her troops from Canterlot. You may not be omnipotent, and on that matter, neither am I, but you of all ponies should know when something is wrong. I'll never leave you Twily" Said Cadance soothingly. "Oh mah Celestia, I'm late!" "So Sugarcube, will y'have us as friends again?". Discord Dr. Eggman: [returns home to find his lair in ruins] WHAT?!? "Take as much time as you both need Spike. "Please, by all means!" "The next part is much worse, and it is dreadful to even contemplate. Shadow: [facepalms] Probably should've pointed that out before you gave us the first scroll genius. Princess Cadance: Only way to stop me is to catch me! Princess Cadance: [muffled] It's about your sister, okay? The last one standing is Twinkleshine; Mordecai's Crew, Black Panther and Shuri/Black Panther close in and nail her with a all-star combination. [seeing Celestia looking at her in confusion, she breaks into tears] [sobbing] Why does she have to ruin my special day? Youre evil! she pointed at the imposter once more watching her leave the altar. Amy Rose: Sonic, do you remember when after I was knocked unconcious, how you, lost yourself? Now the Royal guards gets it, one unicorn after another flying across the screen. Such actions would be unworthy of his rank, as if he had not done enough to stain its honor already. Their mistake, which deserved a big fat mark of shame. "If it is any help Rainbow, I would advise you do not beat around the bush with her. As Twilight came to her, the alicorn princess place her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. Shining expected Celestia to begin talking, but instead the solar alicorn rose from her perch before motioning to the stallion to accompany her out of the study. In response, Dark Shroud, another of Chrysalis's officers, and one of the most experienced in her army stepped forth. "Good evening Lady Velvet. Fluttershy: Yeah, it's like they were made for eachother. "So, what was it you wanted to talk about? Twilight Sparkle: I wouldn't have believed us either. [The Mane Six then trot over to Celestia and Luna, who are freed from the cocoons and help them get up on their hooves]. "That will not be necessary." Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guards and soon-to-be prince-consort had also felt the effects of the spell. The former was pleased to see her, but also equally worried. Cadance was focused mostly on how Twilight was going to feel seeing the girls again. Shouldnt I be happy, too?. And if she hasn't been on her best behavior with you or your [stomps hoof, making Sonic cringe a little] friends, it's because with me being so busy, she's had to make all the decisions about the wedding! Applejack cried silently. ", "No Fluttershy, I haven't. One would expect her to take it maturely. ", "Affirmative. Oh, I saw her in her room, she apologized to me and said she went out for some air, said Cadence. "Girls, tell me Twilight wasn't right. However, I cannot cast it without your permission, which is why I am here. [Celestia was surprised but agreed anyway]. I appreciate you've come all this way just to try to make it up to me, but I'm not ready. Why did you all push her aside for your own wedding and Cadence? Again. "Which is something I intend to fix immediately, because I'm planning a super special We're-Sorry-For-Betraying-You party just for you! Twilight shook her head. This time, I am willingly choosing to leave because I regret leaving Twilight at all. As for the other group of officers, they are to take their men and assist with reconstruction efforts wherever they are needed. They all felt sad with her, as they should never have been fooled by that wicked . She acted nothing like herthe niece we know and love is warm, kind and caring, but the Cadance we saw at the wedding.she was so cold and distant. With that, Cadance gently closed the door behind her. Espio: We found them in the abandoned caves, Princess. "The wedding did go ahead, with Shining absolutely under the Changeling Queen's grip. Princess Celestia: I now pronounce you mare and colt! Once you finish breakfast, you had better go and fix this mess, understand?". "It's alright everypony." I can let myself out. Her mane was half-inflated, a sign of her misery, and her eyes had bags, an obvious indicator she did not sleep well. Additionally, because you said she had a lot to think about, after taking a moment to gather her thoughts, she has resigned from her post as the bearer of the Element of Magic. Twilight then tried to confront the impostor openly, but the impostor pretended to cry so as to maintain her cover. To top it all off, there was an overbearing and very heavy feeling of speechlessness and regret hanging over the room. Spike then walked out of Twilight's doorway. Her ears were still ringing from the magical overload, despite the wave of power not being directed at her. The colour was the same as Twilight's magical aura, a reddish hue of purple, but it also contained a dark tint. "Guards, let's go. A small part of the pink alicorn was disappointed about the lack of a hoofshake, but it was completely understandable. Replied Luna respectfully. And if she hasnt been on her best behavior with your friends, its because with me being so busy, shes had to make all the decisions about the wedding!, Now with the opportunity to finally speak, Twilight said quietly, I was just trying to. Rarity: I'm sure they're just taking the necessary precautions. said the recomposed Night Light. She tried her best not to cry, she had been too emotional within the past hour. A heavy price to pay, perhaps not one more heavy than that of death, but it was still a loss that affected you deeply. The outside world didn't matter anymore. Have all the times we've been together not mean anything to you? It is revealed that Summer Solstice is Princess Celestia's daughter. "Uhh, Pinkie, that isn't entirely the case". I don't think I can trust them again, not after that. Were it not for Twilight and Cadance's intervention, Canterlot faced certain doom at the hooves of Chrysalis, and they would've been held responsible. Only the Creator knows where they are right now.". Queen Chrysalis: [laughing] Right you are, Princess. In fact, I wouldnt show up to the wedding at all! he then left. I mean, what are the chances they could screw up again? Yet, for somepony who holds so much faith in her student, and especially when that same student in equal measure believes in you, how could you let her down?". There's still a chance for you to make up with Twilight. Soon everypony in the castle was hard at work getting ready for the royal wedding. I'm so sorry Twilight. Spike? 1,820,875 hits today, 2,485,806 yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction The troops must stick to the mission at all times, and at all costs. I did it because I was left no choice. Thats all they care about. She's been using her magic to heal me! "Of course we did!" The fate of all ponykind depended on these talks, and Cadance could only wonder how this fact couldn't be more obvious to anypony in general apart from herself and the girls. If you and Cadance hadn't intervened, there would have been no saving Canterlot. She smashes it over Lyra Heartrings head, then doubles back for another pass and punches her out. Princess Cadance: They'll never get the chance! Four voices hummed in agreement. ", "Howdy girls, hello Princess. Princess Celestia: Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the union of [muffled] Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor. She was still very ticked off at the Mane 5, not just because they were invading her space, but also because she couldn't trust them to walk out on her again. You too as well, Sonic. All of the signs of fatigue and stress that had clouded his past few weeks had vanished as he shone of the love he shared with Cadance. [starts running at her]. ", "Look Spike, I really don't know what to think, I'm just so mad and angry right now, and the fact that you did exactly what they did. They were nothing more than relics to her now, relics that celebrated a friendship she thoroughly enjoyed. ". Sonic: Yeah, he's a evil genius who keeps trying to take over the world with his robot empire, he's also pratically the reason why us and most of Mobius ended up stuck in this dimension in the first place! "I did not forget!" [to the others] Wedding? Twilights smile faltered. "And just how did all y'all betray Twilight?" Taking a moment to test the shield's strength, Applejack knocked a hoof against it. "No, thank you. ", "You have nothing to be sorry for my dear sister. That was all it took for Celestia to collapse into Shining, sobbing in despair. Despite being armed with weapons and armor, the Royal Guards were finding it tough fighting the vicious and determined Changelings. ", "Very good Commander Barbarousis. SubStar Twilight Sparkle: And I'm sure it's the result of being an awful pony who doesn't deserve to even know Shining Armor, let alone marry him! We've got work to do! Any information she could get at this time would be of great assistance to figure out how this happened. Go now and assemble the army. Twilight had just reunited with her brother, who also happened to be the groom. She understood that Cadance was trying to play peacemaker, but the odds were against her, and the Mane 5 too. So, after checking to make sure Sweetie Belle was still sound asleep, and after spending roughly 15-20 minutes fixing up her mane and tail (and applying her make-up), Rarity left for Sugarcube Corner, but not before eating breakfast and leaving a little something for Sweetie Belle to eat herself. On the battlefield, Royal guards and wedding crowd disintegrate to ashes, much to Princess Luna's horror), (People of Equestia disintegrate to ashes), (Sunset Shimmer disintegrates into ashes), (Fluttershy [EG] suddenly stumbles over, and collapses into ashes), (Rarity [EG] disintegrate turns into ashes), (Rainbow Dash [EG] disintegrate into ashes), (Twilight Sparkle [EG] disintegrating into ashes), (Students and Staff of Canterlot High disintegrate to ashes), (Vice Principal Luna disintegrate to ashes), (Suddenly, Principal Celestia started to disintegrate into ashes too), (People of Equestia City gets disintegrated to ashes), (Rainbow Dash gets disintegrated next as Shining Armor stares in horror), (Shining Armor also gets disintegrated into ashes), (Twilight Sparkle disintegrates into ashes in Princess Celestia's hoofs), (Applejack gets disintegrated into ashes), (Minuette, Lyra Heartstrings and Twinkleshine begins to disintegrate into ashes), (People of Rest of the Dimensions and Home Planets started to disintegrated into ashes). His partner did the same, before stepping back to allow Shining access. Twilight Sparkle: She sure has a way of sneaking up on people. "Luna, guards, I wish to talk with Captain Armor alone.". What is that?" The obvious coldness that the group could feel radiating off her. She has enough on her hooves without us being attacked.you may cast the spell Princess. Finally, everything on Twilights list had been checked off and everypony was putting on their newly repaired fancy dresses and suits with just an hour until the ceremony. Did you, all of you, forget that Canterlot was under threat of an attack?!". "Twilight, it doesn't matter anymore. A storm was crashing down upon the Black Widow's Peaks, rain as thick as glass soaking the jagged mountaintops. No, thats not true. Page generated in 0.073 seconds As she began pushing down the right trigger using her magic, there were three knocks on the door. (In the overanalyze later folder, to be exact), Rarity was the first to appear, evidently having been right behind Cadance. The group of heroes are caught in a net high up in the streets]. [The Mane Five and Team Sonic watch her trot off with concern]. Chrysalis, on the other hoof, was not quite finished. Fluttershy didnt have any siblings whatsoever, so she couldnt have known how siblings would usually handle things like this. ", "Exactly." "Eeyup. It was making her apprehensive, but her overall mood was not shaken. ", "Luna, I need to ask you some questions. Tears began to flow from their eyes and everything, but most importantly, the last word had fallen to Twilight. However, she had to put that behind her, in order to stick to the task at hoof. I was right! If she hadn't found the real Cadance, they could have both died down there, so in fact, me and the girls straight up betrayed Twilight and left her to die." "Yes Luna. Before Shining could make himself idle, a unicorn Royal Guard sentry ran up to him, carrying a letter with his magic. He could tell she was hurting badly from being abandoned, but there was something else. "Maybe you're right, I probably had went a little to far with that. Shining knew his parents wouldnt take the wedding rehearsal incident and the invasion well but he knew they would have to know sooner or later, even if it meant him, Celestia and Twilights friends all getting another tongue-lashing for their actions, not to mention it would be the third time in total he got criticism over it. "It'sIll fill you in on everything inside", said Shining as they went into the living room. Chat! Asked Granny Smith. "Still though, even after all that, was it really necessary that you had to attack him like that? "Sergeant, Lieutenant Blade has given us orders to billet here for the time being. There was nothing that could ruin this moment, absolutely nothing. ", "Lieutenant Fang, let it be known that this operation will be enacted on a size and scale greater than that of the first. You will also find me your finest spy. In fact, if I were you or your friends, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all. "Proceed Commander." The wedding wagon sets off]. "Girls, remember what you learned. The pain in her heart had become too great. As she began to sob once more, Spike immediately took the mare in his arms, consoling her for all she was worth. Believe me, I spent a lot of time with her when she was a filly, and she would never do something like that without good reason. All passengers, the next stop is Ponyville!". Twilight had only managed a few paces when she felt a hoof on her shoulder. "Yes Fluttershy, you really were that cruel to her. And in the process, the seven ponies whom she held dear, particularly her brother, showed their true colors. [falls through the floor while Cadance walks off with a evil grin on her face and the first part ends with a nightmarish disturbing cliffhanger], [The second part begins as the scene changes to the Mane Six, Spike and Team Sonic in some caves as Twilight lights them up with her horn].

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