13826728d2d515d1902c589ec87c52be5 jack stuef treasure location

13826728d2d515d1902c589ec87c52be5 jack stuef treasure location

I ask that second question because I know I would have gone through it piece by piece. Wed have to define too big, but right around the time I was getting into it was when there were three deaths in a month. If I had gone in that area, I probably would have needed some luck to notice it even without damage because I didnt know what I was looking for. As you read, youll laugh at misadventures, find relief when the treasure is found, and still have questions. But, Michigan native Jonathan "Jack" Stuef has now made his identity public after a federal court order against Fenn's estate would have made his name public. I think they accepted this is what I do and they werent expecting to find it. And, as hell happily state, he was nowhere close. His is a native Michigan and a medical student. The managerial and administrative aspects, along with the study hours actually required to be successful in the course, are what we think it refers to. Thank you Jack for all the questions you have answered and I hope that some likeness of normal returns quickly to you, your family and Forrests family. Gotta say Im 10% jealous, but 90% thrilled for you. I would like to ask: what gave you confidence in your search location? An affidavit filed as part of an ongoing lawsuit confirms that the treasure was buried inside an iconic American landmark, and now officials are scrambling to keep the exact location secret. Finally last week, we got that answer. Ive answered a number of questions since the last installment of Jack Gets Mail that I thought were particularly illuminating or would be of interest to the wider group of searchers, so Ive put together another roundup of those emails. The poem is straightforward. Which brings us to Jamie McCracken, theFlorida man now hunting for treasure in a New Mexico courtroom. I think its vague to the reader coming into it cold, but those words held deep meaning for him. There are hundreds and hundreds of gold nuggets, he said. In a frivolous lawsuit, one accuses Fenn of deliberately terminating the quest by falsely . 2010 - Fenn, an 80-year-old art dealer and writer, announces that hes hidden a treasure worth $2 million in the Rocky Mountains. Assuming that Brown was not Forrests name for the chest and that hoB is something that you need to be BOTG in the right area in order to identify, then its unlikely Ill ever be able to get past that point in the poem. There were a few times when I, exhausted, covered in scratches and bites and sweat and pine pitch, and nearing the end of my days water supply, sat down on a downed tree and just cried alone in the woods in sheer frustration.. 1. If so, was this info part of the ancillary evidence that aided you in the search? He initially doesnt release any details on the finder or location. There is always yet one adventure left to be had. Well done! Until the finder revealed himself in late September 2020, I was 50-50 on the whole thing. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members! Thousands of people pursued the elusive treasure since 2010, and at least five people died in the thrill of the chase. And no, Jack is not revealing the final resting place of the treasure chest. So probably not. Do you think you would have found the treasure a lot sooner with a body at the spot? [Carrie then includes a long list of all the coincidences she found]. That would be one way to securely solidify your place in history after all. It clearly impacted [Stuef] in a major way. But cmon.). However, as he got into a few controversies within his first few years, he left the media industry to study medicine. Over the past two years, all but one of the lawsuits have been dismissed. Its probably something that was in the back of his mind that he came back to occasionally to work on. I for one, was in the court of the poem being straight forward. And not that it matters at all to you, but I just wanted to put my thoughts in a final resting place with the person who did what no one else could. I left a nice tip. Jack Gets Mail #2. To me, you need evidence that he intended something to be a hint in order to consider it as such, and I was happy to leave legitimate hints on the table if they didnt meet that high burden of proof. ABC News' Marilyn Heck and Clayton Sandell contributed to this report. If youre already well-versed in the story of the Fenn treasure, then skip to the next page break. 1. This choice was made to preserve the location and for safety. Privacy Policy. From there, online forums and YouTube channels would grow and change over time with new theories, field reports, and finger-pointing. We were absolutely certain of our search location but it was still like searching for a needle in a haystack. For information on a specific SEPTA route, view the real-time system status. In my opinion, the MOST IMPORTANT CHAPTER IS FLYWATER! He told Yellowstone National Parks chief ranger, Sarah Davis. Stuef found Fenn's treasure in Wyoming in June, but wouldn't share any details about its exact location with Outside. (The affidavit doesnt specifically state that the treasure was in the park, just that the location is owned by the U.S. government and managed by the Department of the Interior. Based on these and prior knowledge of Stuef's search area, the precise location of these photos has now been determined. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Yes, the clues refer to things in the physical world, so it was a physical canyon. Its really baffling how you describe Forrests poem as not being a puzzle of sorts necessarily. If something had happened to him and he never had the chance to answer questions about the treasure hunt, I would have had a harder time believing it was real, so I may have just decided there was too much uncertainty and never searched. I knew some other stuff and not saying there was anything nefarious, but assumed other things were going on. At least two living people know where the late Forrest Fenn hid his treasure: the man who found it and the chief ranger of Yellowstone National Park. Begin ittake it Is it and actual thing and not simply your quest? The Man Who Found Forrest Fenns Treasure,, four best theories on Fenns treasure location, MeatEater Land Access Initiative Donation, American Buffalo: In Search of a Lost Icon. Yes, all the other clues are recognizable out there at this point the same as when he hid it, but none of them were as susceptible to damage as the blaze was. With a bronze chest and the lock appearing in good condition, why is the key steel/iron? Heres a brief timeline on how we got here: That means that unless the government intervenes, say through a federal court injunction, Stuef will be questioned under oath. I dont think he anticipated that people would be dying. Jack first joined The Thrill of The Chase and the hunt for Fenn's treasure in 2018. And it turns out, officials at Yellowstone really want to avoid that scenario. Yes, Jack Stuef proved he is the finder of Fenn's treasure with photographic evidence. #2. from what i have seen, this profession is well-suited to someone with your logic/makeup. I understand if you dont want to answer these questions but I thought Id try asking. City. (Not I, I assure you!). Jack had remained anonymous, he said, not because he had anything to hide but because he feared the potential threats that came with his findings. And that can be a very hard feeling to shake, and then comes some mania with that who feel more urgency in their need to find it. Although details have slowly surfaced since Jack Stuef located the gold-filled chest, the greatest Fenn mystery of all remained unsolved: Where was the treasure hidden? Hahaha! Fenn died of natural causes in September at his home in Santa Fe, his family confirmed to ABC News. It taught me that I am as gullible as everyone else. Did you figure out hoB before you ever went BOTG to your search area? And as an antiquities dealer with mountain experience, he would have seen a lot of old things and know how things survive in good shape (as well as the damages that can occur). Also, and perhaps you can answer this question, did Forest know at the time that he made an error? No. Once you become part of the thing, you can get sucked in. 1. When Forrest Fenn announced his famed treasure was claimed in June, he said he wouldnt reveal the finders identity without his permission. Youre awesome Jack thanks again for taking the time to answer me. Thanks Dean. Address for ZIP Code of Address; ZIP Code of Address City; ZIP Code of Address State His family wants that stuff to remain private, so I will not reveal if I did or not. The end of the treasure hunt may finally be drawing to a close. The nuggets, the gold coins, the ancient artifacts are cool on their face. And he always said that there was a kind of fail-safe inside. But the lawsuit from Florida's Jamie McCracken, who says he has evidence that Fenn was still alive after his death was announced, accuses Fenn of monitoring his search and moving the treasure four times when McCracken got too close, per Outside. McCracken is convinced Fenn was monitoring his movements and would relocate the treasure every time McCracken got close. So, I could not help but notice that you resemble Forrest in many ways. 2023-04-25 14:28 HKT. Follow. Does the Semicolon mean anything? But finder (or hired writer) Jack Stuef says he didnt solve the poem, he found it by figuring out the general area where Fenn wanted to die, then looked for 25 days until he found it. Jack Stuef is the native of Michigan and medical school student who found Forrest Fenn's treasure chest in 2020 at an undisclosed location in Wyoming. In preparation, Sommer subpoenaed Stuef for a deposition. I never could find a blaze from there that would take me off the trail.. In an effort to prove that Fenn didnt move the treasure, his lawyer revealed that Fenn told Yellowstone National Parks chief ranger, Sarah Davis, where it was hidden. Department of Corrections. I think that the answers to these questions would be interesting to say the least, but too general to peg the treasures former location. More specifically, I suspected it was somewhere around the town of Gardiner, which sits less than a mile from the parks north entrance. You would think so. Did you indeed walk a human trail for a portion of your solve, or not? Barbarisi explored that ethos and went afield with several of the characters involved in the search, which became the basis for his book. :). A lot of the trouble people ran into was searching at the wrong time of the year. In my opinion, everything you said was point on. I didnt ask him that, but it wouldnt surprise me. Then, in July, it came out that it was found in Wyoming. A Michigan man, Jack Stuef, discovered the treasure in June 2020, but has never revealed its exact location. Absolutely, especially with long-time hunters. I knew where it was, so if someone else found it, I wouldnt need to see a chest-sized depression to know where it was. To me, that past tense was jarring. Its also important to note he once gave us an idea of how many hints were in TTOTC, and it wasnt very many. I do not know the person who found it, but the poem in my book led him to the precise spot, Fenn writes. Although, I can speak for myself that I had a lot of fun and many times felt like Alice in Wonderland :). I searched for it for two years, and on June 6 of this year, I retrieved the treasure from the place I found it in Wyoming, the same place Forrest hid it 10 years ago. 2. Know more in just minutes with our free newsletters. Did Stuef figure out all that precise language on his own that day? He has been writing about the outdoor industry, running, cycling, camping, and more for nearly a decade. A burner account u/inthewood33 posted this link July 15, 2018 with a description and images of a shovel and rock and crossbones that they found and interpreted as a fake blaze.. Lets be clear, he took the attention. He has freelanced for other publications such as Outside Business Journal, Gear Patrol, and before that, various newspapers. Do you have to go physically into the canyon? that the treasure was found in Yellowstone, which is why Stuef wouldnt share any specifics: found property. Best wishes for a safe and happy New Year! (I even planned hunts and rockhounding adventures in the area before the treasure was found, just in case, you know, Id stumble across it.). Trash and recycling collections are on schedule. Fenn later came out and said its in the Rockies and my hypothesis was that he didnt want this to end too fast and hed expanded the area to four states. Sign up to receive GearJunkie content direct to your inbox. Dont let any of that get to you. Depends on your definition of significantly. The poem directs you to a section of forest in which to search for the blaze, but that is something you had to search for. It was not until after Fenns death in September 2020 that Jack Stuef posted an anonymous blog post about the find. Its not about the money. Hi. Journalist and amateur treasure seeker Daniel Barbarisi tells us what he learned from the search for Forrest Fenns treasure and what it was like to hold it in his hands. I left it vague enough so that everyone who left a fake blaze out there now feels bad about it and realizes they may have wasted time making a fake blaze instead of looking harder for the treasure. Haha. In a Dec. 7 post, Stuef explained that he went public as a result of the suit. These things held meaning. Forrest stated (and Im paraphrasing) that the spot was not in very close proximity to a human trail. Forrest Fenn and Jack Stuef with Forrest Fenns Treasure, The Finder, outsideonline.com, December 8, https://www.outsideonline.com/sites/default/files/styles/img_1400x800/public/2020/12/06/fenn_h.jpg, Add a header to begin generating the table of contents, "My church is in the mountains and along the river bottoms where dreams and fantasies alike go to play." Since the announcement that it was found in Wyoming, Ive been working on a new Wyoming solve. I guess he put something up to tease others that would have gotten close. He revealed his identity to Outside in December of that year, just before being added as a defendant to one of the lawsuitsmy texts and emails were hackedwhich forced his hand. Journalist Daniel Barbarisi, author of Chasing the Thrill: Obsession, Death, and Glory in Americas Most Extraordinary Treasure Hunt, convinced Stuef to reveal his identity and he agreed. After producing a GPS-based solve that used homophones (for = four, to = two) and kangaroo words (done = one), they came up with a longitude and latitude that fell within the parks boundaries. It took two months of correspondence before the man who found Forrest Fenns treasure told me his name, Barbarisi writes. After Forrest Fenns passing, though, Jack penned a piece on his blog, titled A Remembrance of Forrest Fenn, calling the New Mexican his friend and detailing the unprecedented legacy he left behind. A different one accused the chests then anonymous finder of hacking a plaintiffs emails and texts to steal the solution. Thousands of people participated in the. Congratulations once again and thanks for your time. and our If Sommer questions Stuef, however, McCracken also gets a turn. I spent a night at a hotel on my way to New Mexico and wiped dirt off everything with the hotel towels (not with any type of soap or cleaner, just occasionally wetting them a little bit). On a website dedicated to the treasure hunt, Fenn's grandson, Shiloh Forrest Old, wrote that Stuef found the treasure chest "as a result of years of careful searching.". More than a decade ago, in 2010, an eccentric art dealer and author, Forrest Fenn, announced that he had hidden a treasure of gold and jewels in the Rocky Mountains of the United States by publishing a 24-line poem, or riddle, in his memoir The Thrill of the Chase. So, of course, from here, began a journey of searches that resulted in everything from marriages to deaths. Finder of Rocky Mountain treasure chest identified as 32-year-old medical student - ABC News Finder of Rocky Mountain treasure chest identified as 32-year-old medical student He revealed himself after a court order would have made his identity public. Also, Fenn said the person who find it would have analyzed and then moved with confidence. And yes, in theory, somebody else roughly figured out the general area and couldnt find the thing. The contents arent fully known, but there were 19th-century coins, gold nuggets, rare jewels, pre-Columbian artifacts, and more inside a small bronze chest. Peter Frick-Wright is a contributing editor and the host of an Apple Original podcast about the Fenn treasure, coming later this year. I hope this doesnt sound crazy its an honest question. Allen, hypotheticals are always difficult to answer with any accuracy. Thanks for sharing that tidbit. Or that every word was intentional? Thank you for that. But now the most recent Fenn lawsuit has shown that Fenn, Jack Stuef, a 32-year-old medical student at the time, found the treasure in 2020. 4. I think the past tense does help you realize that there is a gap there, the search you have to do for the blaze. Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. "When I finally found it, the primary emotion was not joy but rather the most profound feeling of relief in my entire life," Stuef wrote. In April, assistant U.S. attorney Kimberley Bell filed a motion to intervene in McCrackens case, arguing that publicizing the exact location of Fenns treasure would result in a surge of visitors and damage to the park. In support of that motion, Davis signed an affidavit stating Fenn and Stuef revealed the location to her in August 2020 and that upon visiting itit's never stated that the treasure is indeed within the parkshe found the spot could not handle an influx of visitors. I was honestly surprised it survived that. perhaps you have a similar genetic makeup and therefore you were able to think the same as Forrest. View 8840 homes for sale in Philadelphia, PA at a median listing home price of $249,900. anyways i have a specific location that requires climbing underneath a fence with barbed wire on top or somehow getting around the fence. If you were free and clear of any legal worries, would you want other searchers, who developed a fondness of Forrest and his Chase over the years, to know the special spot? The greatest value of his quotes lies in how they clarify the nature of the problem at hand and how one may go about solving it. In 2020, Fenn simply announced. The exact location remains a secretthough one at risk of being divulged. I was trying to chronicle the hunt and also trying to be a treasure hunter. Fenn wouldnt say who found the treasure. Stuef . What do you think? A lot of my solves got two steps in and there really wasnt much else. However, Fenn, before his death a few months later in 2020, confirmed the treasure was found in Wyoming. But mostly what informed me was studying his words. Based on McCracken's discovery in the Fenn probate case, several pictures were released of the treasure chest in situ (purportedly taken on June 5, 2020). I wish I were making that up. The decade-long search for Forrest Fenns treasure ended two years ago, but the hunt for answers has not. Sean, for me, it was from connecting the dots and seeing the evidence. But, seven months later, the finder has finally come forward. Either he ended it himself or something else is going on. And thats when I learned that a 32-year-old Michigan native and medical student was the person who had finally solved Fenns poem. I think maybe Forrest knew the blaze was damaged when he left the chest, and thats why you would have been wise to find it. - Service updates. It was not a disappointment at all. For a little more than a decade, hundreds of thousands of people searched for a box of gold, jewelry, and rare coins hidden by the eccentric art dealer Forrest Fenn. 1. , the finale left everyone jonesing for more information. If I were in your shoes I might get my name changed and start a brand new life! This treasure hunt was the most frustrating experience of my life. You can start to feel really stupid then. Steven, this song gave me chills when I first heard its opening lines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itpa_IOuz3Y. For years, searchers have theorized that the treasure was found in Yellowstone, which is why Stuef wouldnt share any specifics: found property in a national park is supposed to be turned in to the park supervisor. Is that what you found? A subreddit devoted to finding the hidden treasure of Forrest Fenn I doubt people would be willing to lose their job and get into legal trouble just to get that information out, and I doubt they would be as revealing as people like to think. 3. We use cookies. It fits a dictionary definition of the word and is used correctly in context. Worse than that, he wouldnt say where it had been hidden. Also, on December 7, the website Outside Magazine also published an article confirming Stuef as the finder. It was still a trickle of information. When I was outed as the finder of the Fenn Treasure a month ago, I didn't predict I would answer so many emails from searchers, or that I would continue to receive so much gratitude back from kind people around the world who loved this treasure hunt as much as I did. Thankfully, the ratio of kind emails like yours to weird threats and conspiracy theories has been really high. He. A lot of people have commented on how clean the chest looked in the photo with you and Forrest, did you clean it up? I didnt have any questions for you at first but I do have one now. Just as many were certain they knew the location, online skeptics filled the void of information with conspiracy theories: There was never a treasure, or Fenn wanted to give it away before he died. The 2002 show called Push, Nevada and the book Mysterious Stranger by magician David Blaine are just two examples of Jacks attractions. I am curious what you think and would appreciate your feedback, is this a tremendous amount of confirmation bias or a plethora of red herrings? Thanks. Or do you think that Forrest had a different view of the chests spot with the blaze still intact? #2. Dan Barbarisi: I came to the chase in early 2017 when my hunting partner Jay Raynor, aka Beep, brought it up. I understand how, in the absence of information, people fill that void in with theories. Jack had remained anonymous, he said, not because he had anything to hide but because he feared the potential threats that came with his findings.

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