why did france sell louisiana

why did france sell louisiana

This was particularly true in the area of the present-day state of Louisiana, which also contained a large number of free people of color. The Louisiana Purchase, as it is known, is . The most ambitious event opens this month at the New Orleans Museum of Art. In addition, the DunbarHunter Expedition (18041805) explored the Ouachita River watershed. Peace is our passion, he declared, and expressed the concern that hotheaded members of the opposition Federalist Party might force us into war. He had already instructed Livingston in early 1802 to approach Napolons foreign minister, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, to try to prevent the cession of the territory to France, if this had not already occurred, or, if the deal was done, to try to purchase New Orleans. The treaty also recognized American rights to navigate the entire Mississippi, which had become vital to the growing trade of the western territories. [52] If the territory included all the tributaries of the Mississippi on its western bank, the northern reaches of the purchase extended into the equally ill-defined British possessionRupert's Land of British North America, now part of Canada. When Jefferson heard rumors of Napolons secret deal, he immediately saw the threat to Americas Western settlements and its vital outlet to the Gulf of Mexico. However, the territory, like a regifted picture frame, was swapped among European powers. This would allow the Americans to retain clear access to the river. At the time, Britain and France were at war in Europe, and if France had not sold Louisiana that war would most likely have spread to North America .The emergence of a vastly larger British North America might also have made it easier to confine slavery within the southern states. The land which was bought from France, virtually doubled the area of the United States, cost only 15 million dollars and gave the US security against development by the French. It hangs not far from a color engraving of the French Declaration of the Rights of Man, which was composed in 1789 by Lafayette with the advice of his American friend Thomas Jefferson. He also realized that with Britain's superior naval power, it would be relatively easy for them to take Louisiana at will. The British had re-entered the war and France was losing the Haitian Revolution and could not defend Louisiana. Jefferson, as a strict constructionist, was right to be concerned about staying within the bounds of the Constitution, but felt the power of these arguments and was willing to "acquiesce with satisfaction" if the Congress approved the treaty. The superpower had built a vast network of colonies in the Americas, capitalizing on European tastes for coffee, indigo and other commodities. Louisiana Purchase of 1803 | Napoleon Bonaparte of France By early April, 1803, Napoleon Bonaparte had had a change of mind and decided to sell the entire Louisiana Territory. Despite a clubfoot and what contemporaries called his dead eyes, he could be charming and witty when he wantedwhich helped camouflage his basic negotiating tactic of delay. I require a great deal of money for this war [with Britain]., Thierry Lentz, a Napolon historian and director of the Fondation Napolon in Paris, contends that, for Napolon, It was basically just a big real estate deal. What we wanted to do was enrich peoples understanding of the significance of this moment, says Gail Feigenbaum, lead curator of the show. The overwhelming stink of human waste. As a result, Napoleon's view of Louisiana transformed from that of an outpost to that of a poker chip, ready to cash in. Why happened to Louisiana Territory? National Geographic also adds that it paved the way for the imperial expansion and conquest of the Native American tribes of the West. Answer (1 of 2): Napoleon Bonaparte sold the land because he needed money for the Great French War. The Library of Congress explains how President Thomas Jefferson realized the precariousness of having France as a neighbor. Bonaparte's purpose was to build up a French Army to send to Louisiana to defend his "New France" from British and U.S. attacks. You have come to a very corrupt world, Napolon told him frankly, adding roguishly that Talleyrand was the right man to explain what he meant by corruption. Jefferson's philosophical consistency was in question because of his strict interpretation of the Constitution. In 1796, Spain allied itself with France, leading Britain to use its powerful navy to cut off Spain from America. Would that make the United States too powerful? His strategy was to use Louisiana to supply the flour, salted meat, timber, and other resources necessary to support his troops on the island colony. Also, Spain's refusal to cede Florida to France meant that Louisiana would be indefensible. In June, Napolon ordered Gen. Claude Victor to set out for New Orleans from the French controlled Netherlands. Under the leadership of Toussaint Louverture, slaves took over the entire island of Hispaniola, including St. Domingue and its neighbor Santo Domingo. But the official view was summed up by Antoine de La Mothe Cadillac, whom Louis XIV named governor of the territory in 1710: The people are aheap of the dregs of Canada, he sniffed in a 42-page report to the king written soon after he arrived. Joseph A. Harriss A Washington newspaper, the National Intelligencer, reflecting how most citizens felt, referred to the widespread joy of millions at an event which history will record among the most splendid in our annals. Though we have no historical evidence of how Jefferson felt about the purchase, notes Cerami, reports from those in his circle like Monroe refer to the presidents great pleasure, despite his fear that the deal had gone beyond his constitutional powers. What was the most important effect of the Louisiana Purchase? As a result, Thomas Jefferson instructed James Monroe and Robert Livingston to purchase New Orleans in 1802. It took until 1820 for them to agree on theMissouri Compromise, which drew an imaginary line across the new territory that separated free and slave areas. We strive for accuracy and fairness. The French and Indian war cost her Canada and all of her other possessions on the east bank of the Mississippi. The split-screen messaging of Ohio's . The idea was taken up by lawmakers such as Senator James Ross of Pennsylvania, who drafted a resolution calling on Jefferson to form a 50,000-man army to take the city. [44][42] With the bankers' help, the French and American negotiators settled on a price of 80 million francs ($15 million), down from an initial price of 100 million francs, a sum the Americans could not afford and the financers could not provide. Meanwhile, Haitis free black people were organizing. Many people believed that he and others, including James Madison, were doing something they surely would have argued against with Alexander Hamilton. The French were fascinated by Americawhich they often symbolized in paintings and drawings as a befeathered Noble Savage standing beside an alligatorbut they could not decide whether it was a new Eden or, as the naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon declared, a primitive place fit only for degenerate life-forms. He engaged in back-channel diplomacy with Napoleon on Jefferson's behalf during a visit to France and originated the idea of the much larger Louisiana Purchase as a way to defuse potential conflict between the United States and Napoleon over North America.[11]. All the way to the Pacific. The purchase included land from fifteen present U.S. states and two Canadian provinces, including the entirety of Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska; large portions of North Dakota and South Dakota; the area of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Continental Divide; the portion of Minnesota west of the Mississippi River; the northeastern section of New Mexico; northern portions of Texas; New Orleans and the portions of the present state of Louisiana west of the Mississippi River; and small portions of land within Alberta and Saskatchewan. Thus, the correct answer is option A. When Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France, he altered the shape of a nation and the course of history Joseph A. Harriss April 2003 The Louisiana Purchase nearly. Pakenham was ordered to conduct the New Orleans/Mobile campaign even in the middle of the peace negotiations in late 1814. When word got around that Napoleon was giving up Louisiana to the Americans, not everybody agreed. In 1791, the storm broke and thousands of slaves revolted. pp. In mid-April 1803, shortly before Monroes arrival, the French asked a surprised Livingston if the United States was interested in purchasing all of Louisiana Territory. [43] Hopes brought to the transaction experience with issuing sovereign bonds and Barings brought its American connections.[42]. Why did France sell Louisiana? But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! A picturesque assemblage of French and Spanish colonial architecture and Creole cottages, New Orleans boasted a thriving economy based largely on agricultural exports. Why did the French leave Louisiana? Negotiations moved swiftly, and at the end of April the U.S. envoys agreed to pay $11,250,000 and assume claims of American citizens against France in the amount of $3,750,000. Napoleon no longer needed Louisiana as a supply depot for the Island of Saint-Domingue. High around 75F. Jefferson soon commissioned the Lewis and Clark Expedition, led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, to explore the territory acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. In response, Jefferson sent future U.S. president James Monroe to Paris to aid Livingston in the New Orleans purchase talks. The whole thing came as a total surprise to him and his negotiating team in Paris, because it was, after all, Napolons idea, not his., Showing up unexpectedly at the dinner party Livingston gave on April 12 for Monroes arrival, Barb-Marbois discreetly asked Livingston to meet him later that night at the treasury office. However, one has to question whether the French ruler considered the consequences of selling France's interest in Louisiana. As the lands were being gradually settled by American migrants, many Americans, including Jefferson, assumed that the territory would be acquired "piece by piece." The Louisiana Purchase was one of history's greatest bargains, a chance for the United States to buy what promised to be one of France's largest and wealthiest territories and eliminate a. France was slow in taking control of Louisiana, but in 1802 Spanish authorities, apparently acting under French orders, revoked a U.S.-Spanish treaty that granted Americans the right to store goods in New Orleans. Refinement, he declared, does not exist in the United States. In October, the U.S. Senate ratified the purchase, and in December 1803 France transferred authority over the region to the United States. [31], Madison (the "Father of the Constitution") assured Jefferson that the Louisiana Purchase was well within even the strictest interpretation of the Constitution. And he saw the Mississippi River not as the western edge of the country, but as the great spine that would hold the continent together., As it was, frontiersmen, infuriated by the abrogation of the right of deposit of their goods, threatened to seize New Orleans by force. [3] The western borders of the purchase were later settled by the 1819 AdamsOns Treaty with Spain, while the northern borders of the purchase were adjusted by the Treaty of 1818 with Britain. As detailed by the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Americans believed that the acquisition and settlement of new lands to the west were critical to the future development of the country. It is not only New Orleans that I will cede, it is the whole colony without reservation. As explained by Medium, in 1803, even before final Haitian independence, it had dawned on Napoleon that his prospects for developing an American empire were growing increasingly faint. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. Napoleon wanted its revenues and productivity for France restored. . Browman, David L (2018). The acquisition of the Louisiana Territory for the bargain price of less than three cents an acre was among Jeffersons most notable achievements as president. The difficulties and risks . French explorer Robert Cavelier de La Salle first claimed the Louisiana Territory, which he named for King Louis XIV, during a. On April 12, 1803, Franois Barb-Marbois met with the Americans. On the following day, October 21, 1803, the Senate authorized Jefferson to take possession of the territory and establish a temporary military government. iv. iii. While this was just a rumor, he had made up his mind to sell the territory. Without sufficient revenues from sugar colonies in the Caribbean, Louisiana had little value to him. On April 30, 1803, France ceded Louisiana to the Americans for 15 million dollars.A sum that will serve Bonaparte's European military projects, in exchange for a territory covering nearly a quarter of the current surface of the United States.Before Louisiana was sold to the United States, it had already been ceded once to Spain. Napoleonic France Acquires Louisiana According to the Library of Congress, Napoleon did not have enough troops to occupy Louisiana while simultaneously subduing Saint-Domingue. Claiborne and Gen. James Wilkinson, the new commissioners of the territory, officially took possession of it in the name of the United States, assuring all residents that their property, rights and religion would be respected, celebratory salvos boomed from the forts around the city. Everybody who has taken grade-school history knows the story. Britain and France renewed hostilities on May 18, 1803, shortly after the deal was finalized. According to the University of Kentucky, slaves outnumbered free people at least 10 to 1. ", The Historic New Orleans Collection provides more nuance to the negotiations of the Louisiana Purchase. They burned cities, used guerrilla warfare and killed thousands. When Monroe and Livingston were offered the opportunity to buy the entire territory, they could not help but be excited. Part or all of 15 states were eventually created from the land deal, which is considered one of the most important achievements of Thomas Jeffersons presidency. And John Trumbulls huge painting The Signing of the Declaration of Independence documents the historic American event that so greatly impressed and influenced French revolutionary thinkers. are incalculable, warned the U.S. vice-consul in New Orleans, Williams E. Hulings, in a dispatch to Secretary of State James Madison. As told by Michigan State University, both of them were shocked when the French minister, Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, asked how much they would pay for the entire territory. The exhibition points up how intertwined the two nations were at the time. U.S. officials feared that France, resurgent under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, would soon seek to dominate the Mississippi River and access to the Gulf of Mexico. As slaves killed their masters and occupied and burned their plantations, white people defended themselves, then fled. What's more, as described by Medium, the French ruler believed that a more powerful United States was better for France. By the time Monroe arrived in Paris on April 12, the situation had, unknown to him, radically altered: Napolon had suddenly decided to sell the entire Louisiana Territory to the United States. And the price, $15 million, or about four cents an acre, was a breathtaking bargain. Americans cried Huzzah! and waved their hats, while French and Spanish residents sulked in glum silence. Napoleon was eager to sellbut the purchase would end up expanding slavery in the U.S. Map showing the area covered by the Louisiana Purchase. Why did France decide to sell Louisiana to the U.S.? Cookie Policy [6] The territory nominally remained under Spanish control, until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the formal cession of the territory to the United States on December 20, 1803.[7]. According to the memoirs of Franois Barb-Marbois, in what was a prophetic statement foreshadowing the American Civil War, Napoleon said, "Perhaps it will also be objected to me, that the Americans may be found too powerful for Europe in two or three centuries: but my foresight does not embrace such remote fears. He stood up and then splashed back down into the water so heavily that his brothers got soaked. By the sale, Napolon hoped to create a huge country in the Western Hemisphere to serve as a counterweight to Britain and maybe make trouble for it., On April 11, when Livingston called on Talleyrand for what he thought was yet another futile attempt to deal, the foreign minister, after the de rigueur small talk, suddenly asked whether the United States would perchance wish to buy the whole of the Louisiana Territory. To their surprise, France offered to sell them the entire territory of Louisiana instead. Following French defeat in the Seven Years' War, Spain gained control of the territory west of the Mississippi, and the British received the territory to the east of the river. Morales proclamation meant that American merchandise could no longer be stored in New Orleans warehouses. Barings relayed to order to Hopes, which declined to comply, allowing the final payments to be made to France in April 1804. Why did France want to sell the Louisiana Territory? In need of funds, Napoleon pressed the banks to complete their purchase of the bonds as quickly as possible, and by April 1804 the banks transferred an additional 40.35 million francs to fully discharge their obligations to France. In 1801, Spanish Governor Don Juan Manuel de Salcedo took over from the Marquess of Casa Calvo, and restored the American right to deposit goods. Earlier in 1803, Francis Baring and Company of London had become the U.S. government's official banking agent in London following the failure of Bird, Savage & Bird. We strive for accuracy and fairness. Acquiring the territory doubled the size of the United States. Among Eurocentric circles, the Louisiana Purchase was seen as one of the greatest land deals in history. So while a slave rebellion helped drive the Louisiana Purchase, the new territory was destined to become a place of suffering and exploitation for the thousands of slaves forced to work there. On January 1, 1804, Haiti declared its independence. The Louisiana Purchase extended United States sovereignty across the Mississippi River, nearly doubling the nominal size of the country. Alarmed over the French actions and its intention to re-establish an empire in North America, Jefferson declared neutrality in relation to the Caribbean, refusing credit and other assistance to the French, but allowing war contraband to get through to the rebels to prevent France from regaining a foothold. He could not or did not see the value in sending troops to defend worthless Louisiana, not with Saint-Domingue out of the equation.

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