tno russian unifiers list

tno russian unifiers list

Ahem. This wasteland has done far worse. 2. When another member sees this, he can barely believe that one of their most dedicated followers of the cause would help a slave. Privacy Policy. Originally a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party prior to the Revolution, he quickly aligned with the new Soviet regime when they came to power in 1917. sell off Russia's nuclear program and flee to Switzerland, In contrast to Yemelyanov's theology, which didn't involve Hyperborea, The particular orientation of the sauwastika appears to be based on a painting of Hyperborea by Russian artist. After wandering through the wilderness for over a month, Antipin came upon the town of Gayny, where a local priest took him in and nursed him back to health. Check out our other Video Games tier list templates and the most recent user submitted Video Games tier lists. The distaste of Onega's Guard for fascists is equal - if not greater - to that for communists, and that is especially true for a cult as horrendous as the Aryan Brotherhood, that for years was a taint on the city of Perm and beyond. He has helped earn his native land's freedom, and he will fight bitterly to defend it. His rivals spared no effort informing the people of his cowardice, laziness and lecherous conduct, but that effort came to naught. The hardships suffered by his family in a collapsing world of Soviet Russia after the war left him with little opportunities for self-realization, but like many of his peers, he was taught in his childhood about the superiority of socialist nations, leaders, and armies. He bravely defended cities far from his homeland in the Idel-Ural, which earned him many medals and promotions, and fought until the Germans reached the banks of the Volga, and all hope was lost. Pavel Batov has the opportunity to recruit Sergei Akhromeyev and Alexander Altunin to his general staff if Sverdlovsk defeats Zhukov's WRRF. Berezniki: While I have heard some rumors that this faction would be removed from the final game, the current state of it being a Monarcho-Commie-Nazi mutant (that is effectively fascist in practice) puts it FAR down the list. With a mission in mind, Dobrovolsky founded the Aryan Brotherhood with his few loyal followers, seized the anarchic city of Perm, and began his path to Russia's Aryan revival. It turns out that becoming a dictator comes with a lot of new responsibilities and worries to manage. Have just got words from the Devs Berezniki is indeed getting the ax, so all I can say is: GOOD RIDDANCE!!! Abdulla Ali may have been a Soviet citizen, but he is always a Tatar first, and he holds his homeland above all else. If Yemelyanov wins the power struggle, he murders Vagner with a dagger. Twice the Tatars were brought under the Russians' fold again: once until Ali set the Republic free, and once again until the Anti-Communist Guard arrived. Alexander Nikolayevich Yakovlev's career is one marked by remarkable change and evolution. Still, the fact his treatment of Russian citizens (after they join his army that is) is ambiguous is the only thing saving him from being FAR down this list. Western Siberia will collapse back to a second warlord era, though this time with the Northern Russian Republic as a hegemon who unites all the little warlord states under one faction, Free City of Nizhny Novgorod, Mari El Republic, Principality of Vyatka, Perm Antifascist Committee, Tatar Republic, Udmurt Republic, People's Assembly of Samara, and Republic of Bashkortostan, Vorkuta is incidentally the only bit not touched by Zlatoust if Zlatoust also divides their region. massacring an entire town with poison gas when it's taken over by partisans. Surprisingly, the Aryan Brotherhood is allowed to choose the option of not destroying it, instead of being forced to desecrate Lenin's mummy. While the devs have said Amur is only "about as bad" as Omsk, I'd say Rodzaevsky pushes them over the edge as a shameless collaborationist with the fascist Japanese and Germans, and his personal psychopathy not even offering the illusion of stability Yazov can project. Zhukov initially supports War Communism as the Front's economic policy during the West Russian War. He begrudgingly intends to offer industrial workers basic necessities to keep them motivated enough to work for Hyperborea. Betrayal and internal power struggles weakened the Front, and the Germans and their collaborators were soon able to reverse the tide. Well, you know the phrase "The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions?" Having already liberated and occupied his native home of Vologda, Ivanov made the hard decision to abandon his cause, and his army seceded from the Front and declared neutrality. Hans Frank; Olier Mordrel . Ironically, out of all West Russian unifiers, the Aryan Brotherhood is located farthest to the south. Vyatka can refuse to limit the Okhrana's powers or oversight of the people, deeming it a necessary system to nip any dissident elements before they become a problem. This would eventually earn him a high position in the government, becoming Minister of Defense. An event depicts a former follower of Bukharina as a slave who one day falls out of exhaustion. The "cadets" have to go through inhuman training, intense religious indoctrination, and face deadly punishments for failure, with one event mentioning that the final trial before cadets become soldiers is to run across twenty feet of, During a night of debate between him and Vagner, he makes the argument that the latter has been putting potential candidates for membership through undeserved anguish as slaves due to an arbitrary definition of "Aryanism" and that his. Russian Warlords TNO Tier List Maker A tier list made up of the many russian warlords in the upcoming game mod for Hearts of Iron IV, "The New Order: The Last days of Europe". To him, continued involvement with the rapidly-disintegrating Front would have simply brought more bloodshed to a region that had already seen so much. ", a common phrase in the setting. Vagner makes token efforts to teach the slaves how to speak Deytsch because letting them speak "inferior Slavic tongues" would create a language barrier that would make it difficult to oversee them. Nikita Khrushchev Tyumen - People's Revolutionary Council, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk , and AuthSoc Buryatia. Handing out land to his cronies like a feudal lord comes back to bite Oktan when they refuse to accept his overarching industrialization policy. Ali made his name as a national poet and a war hero in the time, renowned for both his battlefield and rhetorical prowess. But even as low as Rodzaevsky stoops, there's somehow one faction even worse than his Aryan Brotherhood - A.K.A. Still, these punks are only good for having their heads acquainted with the pavement, with the only mercy they deserve being to not have their heads subsequently stomped in after slamming them down the first time. Raised in such an environment, at a young age he became an ideological adherent to Marxist-Leninism. For most of the former Soviet citizens, however, his name is associated with the most heinous betrayal, comparable to that of Judas. Now almost 80 years old and in ailing health, Marshal Yegorov has to make plans for a successor to lead the Front should he pass away. While she may not fall as hard as Bukharina at her worst, she also won't really aspire to the heights of Bukharina at her best, so she'll fall pretty hard down the list without quite crossing over into "bad guy" territory. Shultz champions a set of esoteric Aryan beliefs that might shake Vagner's Brotherhood to its core A small Orthodox theocratic state based in Gayny led by Grandmaster Mikhail Antipin, a Soviet veteran who turned to militant Orthodoxy. He denies all accusations that he collaborated with the Germans and engages in corrupt practices. After Onega divides Western Russia, Kirpichnikov actually democratizes the Northern Russian Republic, ends the suppression against civilians, and delivers on his promises. But while this policy of armed neutrality has been a successful deterrent in recent years, it is only a matter of time before a warlord calls his bluff and puts his army to the test. Erase Africa by Any 2 Letters. Kemerovo - Prince Yuriy: Yet another authoritarian government that rules with a velvet glove instead of an iron fist, "King Rurik II" is arguably suffering the worst case of Napoleon Delusion since Emperor Norton I of the United States. While ensuring a stable Russia, it also won't exactly be cheerful when all is said and done. a pair of Bunyachenko's oldest friends betray him. Witnessing the havoc and destruction brought by both sides, he could not help himself but to be dazzled by the might of the Aryan sword. In the extreme path, Vyatka will make harsh cuts to civilian matters like infrastructure and healthcare, reducing their budget deficit at the cost of upsetting their people. The Komi we're stuck with during the Demo without focus trees and events to change its leadership, "democratic" Komi is less the intelligentsia paradise of Tomsk, and more of a roaming back-alley knife-fight, with soldiers and even TANK BRIGADES divided along political party lines. Oddly, Velimir makes a valid criticism of Himmler's hypocrisy, namely in Burgundy's reliance on foreign collaborators, which wouldn't be needed if the SS were part of a supposedly superior race. "He offered enough. Unlike how the Black League recruits Yepishev and Ustinov, however, Akhromeyev and Altunin are somewhat more hesitant and ask Batov for more time. Namely, in his moderate path, he fights against nepotism. And frankly, even if it maintains a democracy while uniting Western Russia, I wouldn't hold my breath on it being a fair democracy with its shady legacy. He would fight bravely on the side of Vlasov and the Russian Liberation Army, until the ROA coalesced into its own warlord state in Samara. While he is definitely among the more reactionary conservative democrats in the story, Shulgin hates the Nazis, and unlike many other Tsarist politicians, refused to collaborate with them. From the streets of Voroshilovgrad to the shores of Khalkhin Gol, from the outskirts of Leningrad to the forests of West Russia, in every battleground he fought, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov demonstrated himself as an exceptional leader and stood out as an example to respect and follow from his peers and subordinates alike. A soldier of the Red Army since the age of 16, he saw combat in more fronts and battles than most, both in the Russian Civil War and in the Second World War. If Onega balkanizes West Russia, the former interpretation will be proven correct. The last chance for Vlasov to redeem himself both in the eyes of Germans and the eyes of the Russian people appeared during the West Russian War, when his Russian Liberation Army helped turn the tide against the West Russian Revolutionary Front's offensive. Needing Zykov's skills as a propagandist, Bunyachenko appeals to their shared enmity with the communist warlord states in West Russia, arguing that if they don't work together, there won't be a Russia for them to advance either of their goals. SocDem, LibDem, ConDem, AuthDem, or Despotic Komi - Severdlovsk, AuthSoc Komi - AuthDem Severdlovsk and Tyumen, Georgy Zhukov WRRF - Tyumen and AuthDem Sverdlovsk. Born in 1929 into the family of a miner from the village of Dzerzhynsk in the Ukrainian SSR, Nikolay Ivanovich Ryzhkov was fascinated by engineering, technology, and industry from a young age. In Zykov's Russia, former Vyatkan general Nikolay Rumyantsev (better known under his French name IRL, Nicolas Roumiantzoff) will found his own center-left party, the Russian Movement of Democratic Reform, advocating for more liberal policies than Zykov. Those who express total loyalty to him will be rewarded with better quarters and more slaves in order to keep them content. For the time being, Oktan can keep them in line through intimidation, but it's implied that this won't work forever. In 1942 he enrolled in the 2nd Astrakhan Infantry School and graduated the same year, being made commander of a rifle platoon of the 197th army reserve regiment of the 28th army, and continued to rise through the ranks of the regiment. WRRF - Tukhachevsky: This is approximately when we go from the "cold-blooded scumbag" tier to the "OH GOD, OH FUCK!" Kemerovo - Princess Lydia: Remember when I said that Kemerovo was a dictatorship ruled with a velvet glove? Note - According to Tv Tropes Alexander Altunin as possible leader of the WRRF was planned but was removed. When the Soviet army under General Pyotr Gavrilov gave way and retreated further north, people heaped laurels upon Ali and proposed he be elected mayor of Kazan. Samara - Zhykov: In case you're wondering who "Zhykov" is, it's Miletiy Zykov, who leads a sub-faction of the "Russian Liberation Army" that actively pursues democracy rather than despotism or fascism. Now including the newly added unifiers, Novosibirsk, WerBell's Magadan and the People's Revol. While ruling as a warlord can be hard for someone with little experience in that regard, Polyakov knows to turn to the fellow magnate in Nizhny Novgorod when things really get tough. By the time of the superregional stage, Oktan's cabinet becomes plagued with petty disputes over who controls what. When picked as Vlasov' successor, Oktan may choose to keep Zykov and Bunyachenko around for the time being rather than sideline them because their skills will be useful for his own ends. Much like his colleague to the northwest, Viktor Nikolayevich Polyakov was a simple factory director before power was thrust upon him. One of the first economic matters Vyatka must tackle is the matter of austerity to prevent economic collapse. Grand Master Mikhail only kneels before God and refuses to suborn the Order to any mortal ruler, but if he discovers a leader who he finds to be sufficiently pious, he will gladly pledge himself and his men to its cause. The Tatar people took up arms, fighting for the freedom they were long denied. Being the highest-ranked civilian official, he was effectively the first President of Tatarstan, and it was his signature that ratified the Tatar constitution. Should Tukhachevsky's WRRF defeat Vyatka, Vladimir and his family are executed in a basement, meeting the same end Tsar Nicholas II and his family did over forty years prior. Whether they bore the red banner of socialism or the tricolor, it was all the same, but Miklay Ivanovich Kazakov made it his life's goal to change that. No one was surprised when Konstantin grew up to become a leading engineer of GAZ, designing and perfecting plans for new and better vehicles. In Hyperborea, the soldiers are sent to remote parts of Russia, telling the locals that they are there to set up a nature preserve and seemingly leave them alone in peace. Their members give themselves German-sounding names (which might or might not be authentic). Zykov advocates for lower taxes, as it will repair their already terrible reputation in the long-term and project themselves as genuine liberators. The warmongering tank pirates of Gorky were no fit for a quiet and intelligent man like Katushev, and neither were the new rulers of the city. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Sergey Kuzmich Bunyachenko's life has been one of war without end. Born in Samara in 1883, at age 18, he joined the Imperial Russian Army and quickly rose through the ranks. As we know, there is a possibility at the regional level for the russian warlords to peacefully unite depending on which warlords they are. It gets so bad that Oktan's starting to struggle with keeping them in-line. While a sense of despair took him over with the disaster of the Great Patriotic War, his activism for Bashkir rights paid off in the end, as the Republic of Bashkiria earned its independence in the bloody aftermath of the West Russian War, and Zagafuranov was part of it. Soon, though, during a brave counter-attack, his division would be encircled and he would be captured. While I am not one to trust even "benign" dictatorships, the fact this federation seeks reunification without bloodshed is worthy of praise. CURRENT FEATURES: - Complete content for Shukshin's Novosibirsk for up to 8-9 years, with new mechanics. The goal of this mod is to add content to Russia post reunification and Western China, including the Second West Russian War and the Great Asian War. Ibragim Zafirullovich Mingazeyev got to witness it for himself, as an aspiring writer recruited into the Red Army only for it to disintegrate. Alexander Yegorov has been in the midst of the military throughout his entire adult life. In the superregional stage, Bunyachenko rewards his soldiers with some vacation time so that they can rest up before the next war comes up. And once they had it, they were not eager to give it up. Unlike Vagner, who intends to keep the slaves down indefinitely, Shultz gives them better social mobility in the hierarchy, granting them an opportunity to work for their freedom. Though his views on minorities aren't the most charitable out there, he can hire the local Udmurts to work in the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, giving them a previously unheard-of opportunity of economic mobility. If he conquers the Komi Republic, he'll spare Svetlana Bukharina because her popularity and relation to Nikolai Bukharin makes her a perfect propaganda tool to legitimize his claim over Russia. Driven away from Bashkortostan, he continued to struggle against the autocratic Soviet power together with the Basmachi movement in Central Asia, but to no avail. Much like most people in the city, the life of Konstantin Fedorovich Katushev was definitively shaped by the Gorky Automobile Plant. But what really puts these guys from "regular scumbag" to "outright cursed" is the fact that (per one of Lysenko's endings in the "Old World Blues" demo - spoilers for the rest), Lysenko is recruited by Tyumen because they agree with his batshit insane experiments, thus giving him work within their regime. Create a Russian Warlords TNO tier list. He can scale back on the Brotherhood's imitation of Wehrmacht practices because they lack the means to utilize their exact strategies in combat. Hell, she's even supposed to have a special event between her and Sablin in the event he somehow unites Siberia (which, for the record, is NOT Shipping, as the Devs themselves have just clarified in the comments - still Blessed, but as JUST FRIENDS, ok?!). placement, the AB is rock-bottom of the list, due to their leader being a cuckoo Nazi cultist, the generals all being former Red Army soldiers who were disbarred for murder, rape and pedophilia, and of course Word of God outright saying they're the ONLY faction that's actively worse than Omsk. The KONR helps the Russian villages repair the damage left behind the Luftwaffe bombings to garner more popular support for itself. The "NO FUCKING SHIT!!!" Updated for the newest release of TNO 1.1 - Cutting Room Floor. Chita: Yet another would-be monarchist trying to roll back the clock on history, and this monarch doesn't even want to be here! One of the leading Soviet Marshals under the Front, and a candidate to succeed the Front's leadership. However, he reverses course at the superregional stage as the nascent RFSSR absorbs new recruits from West Siberia, implementing harsh punishments for desertion. When an officer in the military claims that his goals for further global conquest are impossible, he is shot in the head in response. As one unfortunate Tatar family finds out, the process involves ethnically cleansing the region. Buryatia: Ah, the one Far East Russian faction that's truly noble, led by a man who is Too Good For This Sinful Earth. Under Vagner, the Aryan Brotherhood is a band of Russians who, Should Yemelyanov take power as Velimir, the group transforms into a bunch of neopagans that constantly proclaim themselves to be the "true Aryans" that have descended from, Both paths see the group establish the basis for nuclear research should they expand enough, allowing them to become capable of, The Aryan Brotherhood is fascinated with Nazi German and attempts to imitate it in every aspect, up to espousing Nazi ideals themselves.

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