tamagas snake el salvador

tamagas snake el salvador

El tamags y otros cuentos Volume 2 of Biblioteca Salve Cara Parens Series Volume 2 of Biblioteca salve cara parens: Serie Libros duendes Volume 2 of Salve cara parens: Author: Alfredo Balsells Rivera: Edition: illustrated: Publisher: Tipografa Nacional de Guatemala, 2002: Original from: University of Texas: Digitized: Oct 24, 2009: ISBN . Theyre usually dark brown to black with white, orange, or yellow bands. hbbd```b`` @$ fH`dgfo ` sdy Most toxins are excreted. These snakes are nocturnal and typically found in dark, wet areas in the rainforest. Hola, Nora! Talon's the size of a grizzly bear's claws! 2,297 likes. Es nativa de Centroamrica. There are more than 240,000 different species! They can be shy around humans and try to avoid them, but theyve also been known to be aggressive and in some areas of the country, cantil snakes are feared more than any other animal. There are around 5,000 different species! However, in the wild, this number is significantly reduced to 3 years! For such a small country it has a diverse ecology with pine forests, mountain ranges, tropical dry forests, two volcanic ranges, and a coastline on the Pacific Ocean. Mara de Tamags el 18 de julio de 1742. Donald Trump puede deportar a los salvadoreos? Vicente de Cadenas y Vicent, Instituto Salazar y Castro (Espagne)., 1995. This shark is built for speed with its small fins, pointed snout and slim body. Both jaguars and mountain lions are already extinct. Should you be worried about the dangerous snakes in El Salvador? The mantis can turn its head 180 degrees. Algunas leyendas de esta serpiente es que no se puede matar con un palo verde porque pasa su veneno, que cuando se trata de matar con machete a veces cuando se ha partido en dos una parte salta y te muerte, o que se unen sus dos partes. Aprende cmo se procesan los datos de tus comentarios. son muy venenosos!! This snake can be distinguished from other similarly colored non-venomous snakes by the coloring of its head and tail. The jumping pit viper and cantil snakes can also inflict a deadly bite, although they are found more rarely. When deciding whether to attack, a shortfin mako will swim in a figure-of-eight motion with its mouth open. saludos soy de la zona cercana al centro de Veracruz. [1] Savage, Jay M., The amphibians and reptiles of Costa Rica, The University of Chicago Press, 2002, p.660. Six species of venomous snakes inhabit the country, namely: Other, non-venomous species can also pose a serious threat, such as boa constrictors measuring 10ft and over in length and weighing up to 100lb, easily able to crush and disable prey. Cerro El Pital is the countrys highest peak. While the eyelash viper can be a pet, be cautious they are extremely venomous! WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. Theyre relatively small, with males reaching lengths of 11-15 inches and females 20 to 25 inches. [4], Cuando se siente amenazada, esta serpiente puede defenderse vigorosamente, a menudo lanzndose con tanta fuerza que su cuerpo se echa hacia adelante o incluso despega de la tierra. Qu bueno verla y que haya sobrevivido! Hola. Carnivorous arachnid that hunts its prey. They are so named because they "march" in armies of worms from one crop to another in search of food. Only females have the lone star marking. If bitten, it is essential to go straight to a hospital to receive antivenom as quickly as possible. El contenido est disponible bajo la licencia. This means mountain pit vipers are also no strangers to Honduras highlands, but they prefer leafy forested areas. El Salvador once had far more crocodiles than it did now. Contrary to popular belief, this method does not cause death by suffocation. tamagas el salvador (1) : visita el salvador. The shortfin mako is capable of jumping up to 30 feet out of water. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama Taxonomy and Biology Adult Length: 0.40 m General Shape Small to medium in length, moderately stout bodied snake with a short tapering tail. The most common types of animals in El Salvador are butterflies and birds, with hundreds of species of each. He earned his nickname, Snake, for being a magnet for snakebites - and surviving them . Tambin en los registros de la estacin del nivel del lago instalada en el Puerto Salvador Allende, . They inhabit both freshwater and saltwater habitats including mangrove swamps, brackish creeks, and coastal canals. los he visto muchas veses y siempre he tenido la duda. Como es imposible a la distancia determinar qu especie es y siempre hay riesgo que hubiera una serpiente venenosa, le sugiero retirarla (no matarla) y reubicarla en un lugar donde no haya nios. Esta pgina se edit por ltima vez el 28 abr 2021 a las 10:08. ;c3=%69o'S"o2`#|TVKfS Podemos decir que los expertos coinciden -con leves diferencias- que las hembras depositan los huevos entre abril y octubre. Beat their wings up to 80 times per second! Drymobius margaritiferus maydis, propia de la Isla del Maz Grande, en el Caribe, al sur de Nicaragua. Larger snakes, especially female individuals, might lack a discernible pattern but they always boast an upturned snout and tend to be consistent in their pale silvery or purple color. Found inhabiting dense woodland and caves! Su color es negro, otros comentan que se parece a un trozo de lea. La culebra Zumbadora, me contaba mi padre, puede perseguir a quien la molesta, son muy veloces, y suelen darle una buena paliza a quienes la irritan; mordida y colazo, mordida y colazoHay una leyenda en torno a ella, de que quien la vence en duelo, es invencible en CUALQUIER pleito, a manos o a machete, incluso como los ninjas, esquiva las balasEscuche de de boca de alguien que dijo haberla vencido, pero que no era as nomas, que hay que hacer un pacto conMe lo cont llorando, arrepentidoquienes lo hacen cargan una maldicin: A donde sea que vayan los persiguen los pleitos, los bonches, y siempre se ven obligados a pelear, y a mapor lo que no se quedan nunca mucho tiempo en un mismo lugarPERO NO ES ESA CULEBRA QUE SALE EN LA IMAGENLa Zumbadora es algo cafecita, o algo entre amarillo y caf.No es venenosa, pero si, agresiva. Their feathers have red, waxy tips that can be hard to identify unless youre up close. They can reach lengths in excess of 50 inches with males growing to 70 inches in some cases. They can grow to lengths of 40 inches and live five to ten years in the wild. Researchers also consider shortfin mako sharks as some of the most cunning sharks by researchers. New York: Sterling Publishers. Como siempre digo, tu trabajo nos ha inspirado a muchos. Las Anonas, El Corpus, Ginope, Oropol, eran centros irradiantes de insurgencia. The American robin is called the robin because its red breast reminded European settlers of the robin back in the old country. House spiders have the ability to eat most insects in a home. Ocurre en Mxico y Amrica Central. As long as you pay attention to where you place your hands and feet, you shouldnt run into any trouble. Females lay between 8 and 12 eggs per clutch! Si tamao no suele pasar a 75 CM, pero es muy letal. There are an estimated 30 million species! En nuestro pas existen muchas clases de serpientes. The most famous of these is undoubtedly the Boa Constrictor, weighing in at over 100 pounds and measuring roughly 10 feet in length. In the most recently documented American crocodile attack, the animal bit swimmers without the intention of killing them. Sin embargo, ocurrieron varios casos de envenenamiento grave requiriendo hospitalizacin. Critical envenomated patients could die from a brain hemorrhage or acute renal failure in a short space of time following a bite, but most bites only result in moderate envenomation and easily treatable symptoms. Sin duda maravillosos, pues nos permiten conocer profundas verdades que los diversos cuentos los plasma. [4], La coloracin del cuerpo se compone de un color de fondo bronceado, marrn, gris o marrn grisceo, con una estrecha franja vertebral blanca, amarillo o marrn xido y 24-40 manchas de color marrn oscuro hasta casi negro que se oponen o alternan a lo largo la franja vertebral. Tambin es una de las ms frecuentes donde vivimos, que es a la vez nuestro campo de estudio: en ms de nueve aos de investigacin en Campisa, en el noroeste de San Pedro Sula, Honduras, hemos observado 13 ejemplares, 7 vivos y 6 muertos. American crocodiles were once prized for their hides which were used to make belts and handbags. Estas son las serpientes venenosas que habitan en El Salvador En el pas existen 58 especies de estos animales, de ellas solo 7 son venenosas: la cascabel y el cantil producen el 80% de las. %PDF-1.6 % Over 90 species of animal are endangered or at risk of going extinct in El Salvador. Los colores pueden ser verde, caf, blanco y negro es fcil poderla identificar por el tamao que posee, algunas personas han comentado que una de estas se ha comido un ternero o un buey pequeo. These include the bigeye thresher shark, common thresher shark, scalloped hammerhead shark, great hammerhead shark, silky shark, oceanic whitetip shark and shortfin mako shark. El mismo fue reeditado por la misma casa en 1989 y se reimprimi en el 2001. (3Nz#hQN aD4 [3], Tamags negro, Timbo, Cantil del sur, Toboba o Toboba Gata (en Costa Rica) Esta es una lista de serpientes (vboras) que se encuentran en El Salvador, hay un dato curioso con respecto a ello y eso es que aqu en el pas la mayora de personas les llama culebras, miremos un poco de cuales se trata, el nombre que vamos a usar es el que normalmente se es conocida, aunque es posible que de alguna pongamos el nombre cientfico. Mi segundo propsito es generar opinin. &l A0$F^*xC`9QCQcR7lu`~+QX 9 El Salvadors national animal and the national bird is the turquoise-browed motmot (Eumomota superciliosa), a gorgeous, brightly colored tropical bird with a deep turquoise chest and bright blue patches on its head, chest, and long tail feathers. Nueva primera dama de El Salvador: https://youtu.be/uMGCTlim37EToma de posesin de Nayib Bukele | Datos interesantes: https://youtu.be/5Rdax11NjJEQu opina la gente de Nayib Bukele? More than 5,000 people receive venomous snake bites in Central America every year, of which around four prove fatal. Its dangerous animals include the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus), which can grow to 20 feet. Instagram: @tamagas.sv Correo: tamagas.sv@gmail.com Although these deadly predators may seem like a terrifying prospect, the truth is that humans are nearly always capable of avoiding a bite. No, there are no tigers in El Salvador. Nuevo presidente de El Salvador: https://youtu.be/MmAUrhFgh_IQuin es Gabriela de Bukele? En un caso excepcional, se inform que una hembra midi 77 cm de longitud. Smaller than crocodiles, generally being in the 4-8 foot range, caiman are usually too small to pose much of a threat to humans. Older offspring help care for new hatchlings. Although non-venomous, this snake kills by wrapping itself tightly around its prey. There are nearly 1,000 different species! dz`E5f{smHL2xRgEr5RK\cr \oGHmH \t]3FJ,jTH2|[=* G]d:A %}:8T/|L3F V@7z#g"@B@c"`U@]|! La serpiente tamagas ha sido vista por muy pocas personas, se dice que le gustan los jocotes y que ella sola los baja, pero luego de un tiempo termina secando el palo, esto es sobre todo cuando alguien ms baja de all, o cuando ha sido vista. Su condicin de nio queda en evidencia por su enorme barriga; adems tiene el poder de teletransportarse. Like many parrots, the scarlet macaw is capable of vocal mimicry. Bites often locally painful, may progress to swelling & necrosis if severaly envenomated. Todos los derechos reservados. La versatilidad de narrar historias desde diferentes regiones de Guatemala y captar la . Todas las fotografas y videos fueron tomados por el autor de esta nota y es el dueo de todos sus derechos. leer mas. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Este sitio usa Akismet para reducir el spam. Lets find out. El Cipitio es hijo de dioses, pero su aspecto es el de un nio de baja condicin social y econmica. Subscribe to Travel Snippet newsletter for free travel tips and inspiration. Alcanza hasta 1,34 m de largo[3]. A few varieties of venomous pit viper reside in El Salvador. Theyre sometimes known as flat-nosed rattlesnakes since their head is much blunter than that of a lanceheadone of the only highly venomous Central American snakes that doesnt roam El Salvadors jungles. Some species can change color from dark to light, and back again. Esta que presentamos es un falso tamags, y no es venenosa. Buenas noches. K-a_A+E@b8H;$bWzQ#^SXZf Wb3^ ln They make jerky movements as they walk through the grass, searching for food. HL1 Su primer libro, ?El venadeado y otros cuentos?, fue publicado en 1958 por Editorial Universitaria de la USAC. %%EOF F.a de Sta. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA). Wikipedia no tiene informacin del tamagas, y si existiera esta podra ser la ms venenosa, hay historias que dicen que lanza leche y que a la persona que le cae muere. tamagas el salvador (4) : visita el salvador. The Common Yellowthroat stays close to the ground and uses stealth to survive! De acuerdo a Bolaos (1984), de los 477 casos de mordedura de serpiente en Costa Rica en 1979, tres se atribuyeron a esta especie. Resumen 5. La culebra zumbadora que conosemos en la zona norte del pais es plateada terminando en un rojiso en la cola y se dise que entierra la cabeza en la tierra y tira latigazos y que su golpe pudiera matar a un hombre si recibe demaciados y si recibiera uno le da fiebre intensa hasta ah se de ella lo cual no se que podr ser cierto, La tamagas es extremadamente venenosa muy mal temperamento si te muerde no la cuentas se han visto de casi 1.5 mts espero haya sido de ayuda. The only big cats to have ever lived in El Salvador are mountain lions and jaguars. The best places to see wild animals are in national parks and private reserves. These big herbivores eat leaves, fruits, twigs, small saplings, and aquatic vegetation. High in the mountains, there is a cloud forest at the summit of Monte Cristo Mountain. Compartimos videos que hemos tomado de Drymobius margitiferus: Pablo R. Bedrossian, 2017. There are more than 40 different species! Our guide tells you everything you need to know about the poisonous pit vipers and noisy rattlesnakes that inhabit this small country from its volcanic highlands to coastal shrubland. La culebra bejuquilla tiene un nombre cientfico de Oxybelis fulgidus, la caracterstica de esta es que es de color verde, se parece a una rama y hoja, de hecho se suelen encontrar en los rboles, se ha dicho que no es venenosa, pero si es muy enojada, cuando quien trata de ahuyentarla es posible que lo muerda. P. platurus, P. schneideri, Common Names: Yellow-bellied sea snake, Pelagic sea snake, cantil listada, zapatilla, serpiente de mar, Scientific Names: Bothriechis ophryomegas, Bothropsis ophryomegas, Bothrops ophryomegas, B. lansbergii annectens, Trimeresurus lansbergii annectens, T. ophryomegas, Common Names: Slender hog-nosed pit viper, Western hog-nosed pit viper, vibora castellana, tamagas negro, toboba, toboba chinga, toboba gata, corniz, chatilla. Regardless, its wise to keep a safe distance. There is not much known about the toxicity of their venom, but they are poisonous and use their venom to immobilize prey before swallowing them whole. Pertenece a la familia Colubridae. What are the poisonous snakes of El Salvador? This snake has a very triangular-shaped head for garters, and a scale pattern that looks very much like a hazy stripe-less Eastern garter. There are around 4,000 known species worldwide. Su color es negro, otros comentan que se parece a un trozo de lea. Roadrunners are one of the few animals that prey on rattlesnakes and tarantula hawk wasps. [4], Esta obra contiene una traduccin derivada de . There are more than 5,000 species worldwide! Saludos a los amigos de Caaveral, San Francisco de Yojoa, Corts. Thankfully, they do not usually attempt to constrict animals as big as an adult human, so only lone children would be at serious risk. . If you are venturing into the rainforest, this could mean that happening upon one accidentally and startling it is a possibility. The spinal column of the shrew Scutisorex somereni is so strong and reinforced that it can support the weight of an adult human. They migrate farther north than any other tanager. No hay informacin precisa. When young, they lure prey by wiggling their bright yellow tails and when matured, cantils find prey through the heat-sensing pits in their heads and immobilize their victims with their venom. Despite this incessant purge of wildlife, some resourceful species of venomous snakes, crocodiles and sharks have managed to survive and continue to keep us on our toes. @ This wanton destruction of animals natural habitat has greatly reduced El Salvadors biodiversity and caused the extinction of many other native species such as the mountain lion. 9 Species to Look Out For, The Ultimate Guide For Bali Tsunami Danger Zones, Mosquitoes in Bali: Everything You Should Know. Strangely, coyotes are considered to be dangerous animals especially to a lone human encountering a pack, when they can be aggressive. Some huntsman spiders have an interesting way of moving around. 12 . Conocida como vbora de pestaa, tamags de pestaa, pestauda, o bocarac [1], la Bothriechis schlegelii es una pequea serpiente venenosa de extraordinaria belleza, pues puede presentar distintos colores, que van de la combinacin de verde oliva con manchas rojas o caf al amarillo [2]. The complicated story of how MacGillivrays Warblers got their name involves three ornithologists, a physician and a compromise. 480 pp. Mostly solitary creatures except for mothers caring for their young, Bairds Tapirs are nocturnal but can also be active during the day. Mainly hemotoxic, but may have some tissue-necrotic factor(s). Another snake from the family of pit vipers, these hog-nosed rainforest-dwelling snakes rely on their camouflage as a primary defense but they do carry potent venom and may readily bite if they feel under threat. While some of the snakes native to the country might make your toes curl, there are no bullet ants or lethal scorpion stings here. Mi sugerencia es que no las agarren con la mano. Tal como lo indica uno de sus nombres populares, hay quienes la confunden con el tamags verde, denominacin que engloba especies venenosas diversas tales como Bothriechis marchi y Bothriechis bicolor, muy diferentes a la Drymobius margitiferus, pero del mismo color. Saludos , Guillermo Marmol te saluda. Living Snakes of the World in Color. The . Hernn "Snake" Vargas is a Desert Ranger, appearing in Wasteland and Wasteland 2. Se ha ubicado esta especie cerca de zonas hmedas, cerca de cursos de agua, pero no encontr informacin sobre si coloca los huevos en huecos de roca a o los entierra. Scientific Names: Ancistrodon bilineatum, A. bilineatus, Agkistrodon bilineatum, A. bilineatus bilineatus, A. b. howardgloydi, A. b. lemosespinali, A. b. russeolus, Trigonocephalus bilineatus, T. specialis, Common Names: Cantil, Mexican Moccasin, Mokassinslange, common cantil, vibora castelana, k'an ti, q'an ti, cazadora, cumcoatl, cantil de agua, cuatro narices, gammarrilla, volpochh, bil palka, kantiil [plus >10 additional local dialect names], Scientific Names: Atropoides nummifer (in part), Bothriechis nummifera (in part), Bothriopsis affinis (in part), Bothrops affinis, Bothrops nummifer nummifer, B. n. occiduus, Porthidium nummifer occiduum, Trimeresurus nummifer (in part), T. n. nummifer (in part), Common Names: Guatemalan jumping pitviper, mano de piedra, cantil sapo, chinchintor, sulcuat, Scientific Names: Bothrops godmani, Bothriechis godmani, B. trianguligera, Lachesis godmani, Porthidium godmani, Trimeresurus godmani, Common Names: Engl. Crocodylomorphs include extinct ancient species as well as 26 living species today. 12 IDEAS PARA EL NUEVO AO (por Pablo R.Bedrossian), YO, EL BOCHA, LA AUTOBIOGRAFA DE RICARDO BOCHINI (por Pablo R. Bedrossian). I share with you all my best tips and tricks to help you plan your next adventure. Worryingly, this species is common in drier areas of the southern and central parts of the country. Unfortunately, due to the loss of habitat, many of these species remain only in protected natural areas and National Parks. h)j`;S DXJYdVv'[-7xSg>uZ d Theyre close cousins with the cottonmouth and copperhead vipers that are no stranger to the US, but these snakes live south of the border in the forests and lowlands of Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador. Ei4@a{S% 5P@@L))W+aP#)uB]aOE>wzZ{W The most common types of animals in El Salvador are butterflies and birds, with hundreds of species of each. La serpiente tamagas ha sido vista por muy pocas personas, se dice que le gustan los jocotes y que ella sola los baja, pero luego de un tiempo termina secando el palo, esto es sobre todo cuando alguien ms baja de all, o cuando ha sido vista. endstream endobj 136 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream They remove bee stingers by rubbing them against a tree. The capybara, the worlds largest rodent, likes to be in and around bodies of water. The tail feathers of the male can be 1m long! Almost 85 percent of its forested cover has disappeared since the 1960s. Has the longest tongue of any animal in relation to its body size! Many hawk moth caterpillars eat toxins from plants, but dont sequester them the way milkweed butterflies do. El Salvador, like nearby Central American nations, is home to more than one species of wild cat including margays and ocelots, but one of the only American big cats that dont roam its lands is the jaguar. Carpenter ants can lift up to seven times their own weight with their teeth! En cuanto a la denticin es opistoglifa; posee glndula de Duvernoy y presenta de 22 a 34 dientes maxilares que son desiguales[4]. They have been known to display aggression, however; particularly during the rainy season. Although the bite may seem painless at first, the snakes neurotoxic venom can cause the victims nervous system to malfunction, potentially causing death. These animals are excellent swimmers and love to submerge themselves with only their snouts protruding from the water. Turquoise-browed motmots dont build nests like other birds instead, they dig long burrows in the ground along river banks. 511 pp. These birds are fairly easy to encounter in El Salvador, often seen perching in trees at the edge of forests and more out in the open than other tropical birds. : Godman-Berggrubenotter, Costa Riac: borot kabi, dudaban, toboba de altura, Guatemala: cantil frijolillo, sheta, tamagas, Honduras: timbo chingo, tamagas cafe, Mexico: nauyaca del frio, Nicaragua: toboa oscura, toboita, Scientific Names: Crotalus durissus (in part), C. d. culminatus, C. d. durissus, C. d. neoleonensis, C. d. tzabcan, C. s. culminatus, C. s. tzabcan, C. s. simus, C. terrificus (in part), C. t. copeanus, Common Names: Middle American rattlesnake, cascabel, vibora de cascabel, cascabela, chil-chil, kwechwah, quiakxop, sochaj, ahau-can, ah tsab ti'kkan, sakk ahaw kan, shunu, teotlacozauhqui, tepocolcoatl, teuhtlacozauhqui, Scientific Names: Aploaspis, Aechmophrys, Caudisona, Crotalinus, Crotalophorus, Crotalurus, Haploaspis, Paracrotalus, Urocrotalon, Uropsophus [Note: This genus includes at least 30 currently named spp., & is most diverse on the Mexican plateau & surrounding mountains. The tail is laterally flattened & oarlike. The sad facts are that the country is facing the destruction of forests due to deforestation, leading many animals native to El Salvador to endangerment. Es ovpara y se ha documentado que colocan de 4 a 8 huevos por vez[7], cuyas cras nacen luego de 64 a 68 das[8]. [2], Su hbitat natural se compone de bosques estacionalmente secos, incluidos los bosques secos tropicales, bosques de zonas ridas, bosques secos subtropicales y las partes ms ridas de los bosques hmedos tropicales. The most dangerous of these is the South American rattlesnake. Luckily, cavity nests are often reused for multiple breeding seasons (up to 7 years. 113 cm). If you find one in the wild, it will normally attempt to bite rather than wrap itself around you. The Native American cultures produced an indigo plant which they used to extract blue dyes. De esta trama refulgente de su piel proviene el nombre de la especie, pues la palabra griega , que se lee margaritari, significa perla. Theyre mostly terrestrial but can perch on low vegetation or tree trunks. Mehrtens JM. As you might imagine, its speed makes it quite a handful in these situations. 5 Descripcin [ editar] Los adultos son relativamente delgados y tienen por lo general un tamao de 40 a 60 cm de longitud. Su cola es larga. During migration, Monarch Butterflies may travel 250 or more miles each day. Rattlesnakes may have evolved their rattle to warn bison away from them. These include the bigeye thresher shark, common thresher shark, scalloped hammerhead shark, great hammerhead shark, silky shark, oceanic whitetip shark and shortfin mako shark. Instead, the constriction stops blood flow to the vital organs, creating such pressure in the victims circulatory system that the heart can no longer pump blood through the body. Nombre comn Tamagas Nariz Chata. in El Salvador . Have changed little in 200 million years! Some can jump 50 times the length of their bodies. Familia Poma, la familia ms rica de El Salvador. Bairds Tapir can reach lengths of 5 feet and weigh between 330 and 650 pounds. Generalmente a la especie Bothriechis bicolor se la llama tamags verde Esa es venenosa. Se ha comentado que existe el coral venenoso y el coral no venenoso, algo que no se sabe si sea cierto, por ejemplo el coral con veneno se dice que posee estos colores. Ingls: slender hognosed pitviper,[4] western hog-nosed viper. Animal attacks on humans are very rare in El Salvador. ], Common Names: Rattlesnakes, pitvipers ("new world"), vipers, Scientific Names: Elaps divaricatus, E. fulvius, E. melanocephalus, E. nigrocinctus, Micrurus nigrocinctus babaspul, M. n. coibensis, M. n. divaricatus, M. n. mosquitensis, M. n. nigrocinctus, M. n. ovandoensis, M. n. ruatanus, M. n. wagneri, M. n. yatesi, M. n. zunilensis, Micrurus pacheoi, Common Names: Central American coral snake, coral, Coral Centroamericana, coralillo, gargantilla, salviara, limlim, babaspul, coral macho, Scientific Names: Anguis platura, Hydrophis bicolor var.

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