game of thrones si fanfic spacebattles

game of thrones si fanfic spacebattles

Aemon, out of honor, did likewise, and the two battled long and hard with the utmost conduct of chivalry. Regarding Their Arrival, Their Origins, Their Features, and Their Awakening Knowing they faced certain destruction, the Andals sued for peace, and swore to never again invade the lands of the First Men in the name of their faith. Those who somehow managed to evade the Battle Rifles fire were received the Spartans fists and kicks, each so powerful they sent men flying through the air or crushed them within their own armor. Khal of Khals. Maegor, tormented by the wounds the late Jon had prior inflicted upon him, could not match the Stark Kings ferocity, and would have perished there had his men not riddled Rodrick with crossbow bolts, killing the King in the North even as he held Ice aloft to deal the killing blow. Waking in Bloodraven's cave when Robert's Rebellion begins, A Giant SI's first step leaves big cracks in canon. Together with the remaining First Men kings, including King Monfyrd V Durrandon of the Stormlands, King Trystifer V Mudd of the Rivers and Hills, King Tybolt Lannister of the Rock, and King Gwayne IV Gardener of the Reach, as well as what few Children of the Forest remained, Theon and the Spartan drove back what Andals resisted them back into the Vale of Arryn, where legends state the Spartan took the Bloody Gate alone, and the Andals fled in terror of him. We wanted to give the soldiers some time to rest, but we need to get to the Wall.. He also attempted to start an unprovoked war with Dorne, though his two attempts both ending in humiliating disasters for him. It was only a few years later, when her husband lay feverish and half-delirious from wounds taken in his suppressing of a rebellion on the Isle of Skagos, that Rhaena finally gave her maiden-head to him. Whilst their arrival was abrupt, they were nevertheless received with great ceremony, as there still lived men from the days when the Spartan had brought an end to the Dance of Dragons. His presence in Westeros will change historyand the people around him as he once again stands up as a hero to the world. Offering no disrespect, Your Grace, but you could have sent someone else to fetch this medicine., Andacceptingno disrespect, Daenerys replied levelly, this man is under my special protection and I would see to his recovery personally., Ah. The maester gave her that same up-and-down look, knowing. In an occurrence far too convenient for many to believe was mere coincidence, King Cregan Stark dispatched Lord Mormont and his great fleet southward from Bear Island, under the pretext that he did not wish to leave the Northern shores at risk of the now-unleashed ironborn. Her eyes trailed up the length of his intricate, golden armor to find the equally golden man. King Joffrey Baratheon, First of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm. But Baelors very piety towards the Seven caused him to alienate himself from the Starks, whom were devoted to the Old Gods of the First Men. I am, she said with a grin. All the other Stark siblings did. To seal this Pact of Ice and Fire, Torrhens daughter would wed Aegon, and she would be his new queen. (An attempt on a realistic portrayal if someone actually woke up in the insane situation of suddenly becoming Cersei. Nagiten: Jon probably saw the Lannister army marching. With his financial support as well as the aid of the latters road-workers, Jaehaerys began the project of building the Realmroad, a task which would not be completed until well after his death and well into the reign of his grandson, Viserys I. Jaehaerys, with the council of his good friend and Hand of the King, Septon Barth, also oversaw the construction of a great system of sewers, likewise inspired by the Northerners advances in sanitation. The Priests of the Drowning, once a fanatical, fringe group of dogmatic literalists and narrow minded puritans secluded in their sect. It doesn't make sense the replicant she cared for like her own cut her down But as she watched them, the queens eyes landed on her and she watched her with muted interest for a moment before leaning over to say something else to her mother, who smiled before meeting Aryas eyes, as well. I was excited to start my career and make a name for myself. King Rodrik raised an army of forty-thousand Northmen to march south of the Neck, and was joined by Prince Aegon with forces loyal to his cause. Privacy Policy. What is known is that, as Aegon stood before him, and before he had even finished his tirade of threats and demands, the Spartan suddenly struck Aegon with a slap to the face, except his otherworldly strength afforded his backhand slap to Aegons cheek with such inhuman force that Aegons entire head jerked violently to the side, and a loud, sickening crack filled the air, his neck broken instantly. When this ultimatum came to Baelor, he began a fast which would end in his, perhaps arguably, unfortunate demise. So passed Aegon the Unworthythe third Targaryen king to fall at the Spartans hand. Also I have no idea how to write smut, so there's that Awww f**k my head is banging and I don't and I feel like it is splitting right down the middleopening my eyes I found myself in a tent and that is really wierd last thing I remember was me trying that new joint in my apartment so how did I get here. He was tortured and near starved to death., Another apologetic shrug. The Spartan, ever courageous and selfless, opted to enter the breached chambers himself, bidding no man to follow him inbut not before he advised Prince Aemon to evacuate and burn the surrounding houses around the Guild. Unsure of what to do, but knowing his decision would be crucial to the future of the North, King Cregan chose in that moment to follow in his grandfather Benjens wisdom, and entered the halls of the Forward Unto Dawn, to seek the Spartan and the Aglow Ladys council. In the years to comes, the tenuous peace they bought for the Seven Kingdoms would be lost to wars and petty fighting, and the Andals faith would spread over the South, but the memory of the terror and awe he inspired nevertheless kept the Andals from crusading and conquering, and the Ironborn would not dare send another longship to plague the North for near a thousand years. The Stallion. Therefore I am. She glanced over her shoulder as she walked to see him bury his face in the womans chest. But another, arguably even worse blow befell her that daywhen her two eldest sons saw their mother in peril, they both mounted their dragons and flew to aid her, and joined the fray. You are using an out of date browser. But as the surrounding buildings had already been put to the torch, the wildfire had nothing to feed upon, and soon died out. Aegon, in vainglory, ignored their caution, believing not in the legends of The Spartan, fabled guardian of the North, the legendary Immortal Last Hero, Warrior Made Flesh, Bane of Winter, and the Storm God Decended. When he thinks it's all a dream, Bloodraven gets squished. U could have waited a few more years for the death to happen . Ser Lansseax had held her breath for three days, and still, the miasma of fire and ash did not abate. The Spartan, in the utter breaking of his tradition of emerging only when a Stark called upon him to save the North from peril, came out of the Forward Unto Dawn of his own accord, shocking the whole of the North. She could feel the long, slow, scratches of madness against her mind. Dragonseed Thu, Dec 17, 2020, 08:43 AM. Welcome to the first installment of my first story. And from her earliest years, she would display an exceptional intelligence, quickly outpacing her siblings in their learning. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It was little more than a graze to his cheek, and only a small trickle of blood seeped from it, but it was that scratch by which the Spartan conceded defeat, which Aemon accepted, his honor as a Kingsguard satisfied. Cregan at first believed Baelor a somewhat zealous yet ultimately harmless ruler, and continued to maintain good relations with the South for a time. A Renly Baratheon SI that tries to be truly realistic. A 21st century man ends up in a ASOIAF world with the power of the Emperor of mankind, now he must live his life while gradually gaining the power of the most powerful "human" in the Warhammer 40k universe. Excuse me, she said more firmly. The following clash, remembered today as the Battle for the Crossroads, was a battle only in namemore accurately, it was butchers work. Yes, I am well aware., Ah, so you dont know. He shook his head. A man from modern times awakens as the heir of a newly arisen house in one of the more backwater regions the Stormlands. She would not hear that name again. It is speculated he came at Rickons behest, as Rhaenas birthing of their second child was reportedly an arduous one, and that the Spartan had helped ensure that both babe and mother survived the delivery. Disclaimer: I don't own any of J.K. Rowling's works of Harry Potter or George R. R. Martin's works of Games of Thrones, except my own SI-OC characters. Taken to his bedchambers and locked inside, it is widely believed Aegon attempted to seduce, or possibly even rape herbut the guards outside burst in when they heard King Aegons screaming. Give command of the Wall to Snow, he knows it best. I shut my eyes, feeling a rapid pulse behind them and a slight ringing in my ears. Shortly after, he made a pact with Kermitin exchange for the young lord putting up his sword and disbanding his armies, and allowing his men to return home, the Spartan would release Kermit as well as all other prisoners taken, and would march south to defend the Riverlands from the greens, who would doubtlessly seek to consolidate the Trident for the cause of Aegon, and put the riverlords to the sword for siding with the blacks. My life in general was about as good as I could have expected it to be. He grew up listening to the Back in my old world, I was something akin to a bookworm. Love comes quickly whatever you do, you cant stop fallingTwo souls separated by ages and time. But the Spartan did not stay to hear her gratitude for his bold rescue, immediately flying back into the battle, where he turned the tide in the blacks favor single-handed, and prevented the greens fleet from sacking the Driftmark. Reek?. Their only hope is to find each other to fulfil their love, going through aches and pains; through time travelling and space roaming to find the light at the tunnel. There are those however who enjoyed Threadmarks: The Time of Peace (Creation Part 1). As soon as his foot were within range, the Spartan unleashed his cannons, blasting into the riverlords ranks with explosive missiles and tearing apart their vanguard with seven devastating volleys. Earlier that very morning, however, he had received a raven from Kings Landing in which King Aegon asked for his support in securing the peace for all Westeros. Playing With Dolls: And with the Spartan aiding them, and with him the promise of newer innovations and technologies to further advance civilization, a new day was seemingly on the horizon. MC gets frustrated at how Game Of Thrones ended and it just so happens that a certain entity entered his body at that time, reincarnating him into the world of GOT. Bravos is a city of seafarers men, of master swordsmen, whose wharfs sparkled with the lanterns of hundreds of ships. It was a normal conclusion to come to for such a request. Aegon the VI, later known as the Unworthy, had proven himself one of the worst Targaryen kings. Thats Valyrian steel. He himself would have met his end at the hands of Myrish crossbowmen if not the waves taking him to a watery grave when a terrible roar filled the air. Their time in Kings Landing would be remembered by many to be of impeccable timing, for not a week after they had landed in the Dragonpit, an assassination attempt was made on King Aegons life. The Wisdoms allegedly warned that such a vast concentration of wildfire would lay Kings Landing low in one fell moment unless someone could stop it. The shots fired so quickly that Aemon had no time to try and shield his brother, and before the entire court and the onlooking smallfolk, the king was riddled with an entire volley of the Spartans lightening-quick missiles, ripping through him with ease. When her protests fell on deaf ears, she only furthered her defiance by proclaiming that Aegon would not succeed, for the Spartan would emerge to stop him. Many suitors came, from Sunspear to Last Hearth and even from the Free Cities, to beg her hand in marriage, some offering lavish sums of gold, others great swaths of land, rare gifts of exotic origins, and even promises to conquer cities in her nameall of which were refused. The two kings readily agreed to put an end to the bad blood between them, and to seal this reconciliation, Prince Rickon would wed Princess Rhaena, daughter of Aegon III and Viserys niece. . With this openness between the North and South came also the spreading of knowledge. For on the lips of the smallfolk soon chanted a single wordthe same word that they had shouted when they opened the gates of the city in the Dance of the Dragons, the same name they had proclaimed their savior when he had ended the tyranny of Maegor the Cruel'SPARTAN! Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Unfortunately, an opportunity arose for him when disaster struck the city.

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