zanichelli performer heritage 1 soluzioni

zanichelli performer heritage 1 soluzioni

F 6. McEwan seems to agree with Donne but then draws away from individual responsibility expecting and relying on others to deal with possible problems. 2. What are image-clusters? LE RISPOSTE COPERTE DALLE PUBBLICIT LE POTETE VEDERE COPIANDO E INCOLLANDO SU WORD LA PARTE DI TESTO NASCOSTO, Copyright 2023 Ladybird Srl - Via Leonardo da Vinci 16, 10126, Torino, Italy - VAT 10816460017 - All rights reserved, Scarica documenti, segui i Video Corsi ed esercitati con i Quiz, Soluzioni libro di inglese inside grammar, Soluzioni esercizi libro inglese navigate WORKBOOK, The Merchant of Venice soluzioni degli esercizi, soluzioni libro di inglese pet complete pet, esercizi di inglese C1 advanced con soluzioni, TUTTI GLI ESERCIZI DI INGLESE CHIESTI NEGLI APPELLI RECEDENTI- H. A. CREEK, Esercizi condizionale inglese con soluzioni, soluzioni degli esercizi del capitolo 4 di pianificazione e controllo, Esercizi inglese con soluzioni- livello Upper-intermediate, Romeo and Juliet soluzioni degli esercizi di tutti i brani, Soluzioni compiti inglese del libro di Charles Dickens, SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI LIBRO "HORIZONTES 1" - SPAGNOLO, Alma Mater Studiorum Universit di Bologna, Universit degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 36/239 2. He can divide, flame and burn in many places (lines 11-12). Es. The barrow they built is a monument to his values and beliefs, and will represent a moral guide for the Geats in the future. Beowulf hears tales about the Danish King Hrothgars problems with Grendel. Es. Light blue words:Prosperos punishment of Caliban 4. T 5. Performer Heritage ti guida in un affascinante viaggio attraverso la letteratura inglese.. Heritage: study literature with history and cultural insights. T 4. 7 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 17/239 151.8 Es. 8 Portia establishes the comparisons between mercy and justice, between the kings and God. 9 130 Across Cultures: Man and nature 130.1 Es. He uses the image of a tomb to describe his cell in order to make the reader visualise his life in prison better Es. 3. 5. 1 157.2 Es. It is also about melancholy and doubt. 2. 5. It will agreed squander the time. 4 Causes Consequences Charles Is reign was troubled by a continuous clash with Parliament. However, the feeling of the poem is that his passion is more real and rare than the Petrarchan sentiment. 1.7 The development of poetry Es. A, D 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 35/239 Pink words: repetitions Highlighted in pink: refrain Underlined in blue: the two protagonists, the mother and her son, Lord Randal Green words: key words are present in the first half of the 3rd line of stanzas 1-6 Highlighted in green: the oral testament is introduced by repetition: Lord Randal is asked by his mother what he is going to leave to his mother, sister, brother, and his true-love // key words linked to Lord Randals testament: he is going to leave his mother his cows, his sister silver and gold as a dowry for her future marriage, his brother his houses and land, and his true-love hell and fire because he has been poisoned by her } questions answers the whole ballad is characterised by the question-answer format Es. What do his words (lines 13-18) reveal about his character? 3 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 85/239 roaring (line 17) tremble (line 18) 6. 12 136 4.10 Mary Shelley 136.1 Es. What is the moral of this play? Why was Georgius Sabellicus associated with the legend of Faust? 5 129.6 Es. He is also full of anger at the unfair way he feels he has been treated, at the way he has not been accepted and at the way he was banished from the Butterfields house there is an underlying sense that he thinks they considered him not good enough for their daughter. Performer Heritage Volume 2. 1 35.2 Es. It includes representatives of feudal society, members of the clergy and the middle classes. Thirty people - men, women, monks and other members of the clergy, artisans, merchants and also the narrator, Chaucer himself. He obeys Prosperos orders but he is restless at the idea of more work and reminds Prospero of the promise to free him. 6. Henry II: Henry IIs kingdom stretched from the Scottish border to the south of France. This is a trick question, as all three answers are possible. It combined the red rose of the House of Lancaster with the white rose of the House of York. Es. 1 91.2 Es. Es. 3. Some examples: Number of syllables in a line: Lines 3, 4, 7. They are themes that are central to humanity: the relationships between father and son, mother and son, and Hamlet and his friends, love relationships, madness, youth and age, action and inaction, the corruption linked to power, the existence of God and a life a er death, the meaning of the theatre itself. The best answer is that the poem is anti Petrarchan, striving to give a love poem more vigour. Donne: 2, 4, 7. Beowulf, thane of the Geats king, Hygelac, is the greatest hero in the world. 4 The high-angle shot of the burial ship makes the moment more dramatic and the figure of Beowulf more vulnerable and powerless. Per confermare l'opera nella nuova edizione fare riferimento al codice 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 50/239 7. assert 8. treaty 9. consent 10. raised 11. shi 12. landowners Es. 2 1. Who is speaking? 4. 4 35.5 Es. He says that he started the fire so that the family would be forced to interrupt their exclusive evening, leave their house and confront him. She drowns herself. B The extra letters are A, D and E Romeo and Juliet Es. Henry VIII: He wrote an attack on Martin Luther and his anti-Catholic theses, which won him the title of defender of the faith from the pope. 3. 10. 1 155.2 Es. 2. 2 Struggle between the tyranny of Stuart absolutism the liberty of Parliament Class conflict between the aristocratic landowners the middle class of merchants, artisans and the small gentry The two parties Royalists, or Cavaliers Parliamentarians, or Roundheads Who they supported the king Parliament Regional concentration Wales, Cornwall and the west of England the city of London, the sea ports and eastern England Es. I 3. The motives Iago offers for his trickery are his suspicions both about Emilia and Othello, and Emilia and Cassio. He established his capital at Winchester and invited scholars from the continent. 8. 2 85.3 Es. When was a church called a cathedral? What is the first word spoken in the play connected with? 6 54.7 Es. The well is dry so there is no water for washing. They are decorated with pinnacles. 6 96.7 Es. Hark 5. foolish 6. Students activity. 6 129.7 Es. Es. Then in line 16 she asks: What man art thou []? 2. i colori della matematica volume 1 soluzioni omakase strawberry seeds; marion county impact fees 2021; githens middle school yearbook His love for his daughter Ophelia. The heavenly music and Solemn music (line 25, stage direction) make us aware of the deep meaning of this speech of abdication, with its quality of ritual and ceremony Es. Performer Heritage 1 Esercizi con Soluzioni PDF Online Da Stampare A tua disposizione disponibile per Scaricare e aprire Esercizi di Performer Heritage 1 con soluzioni risolto in formato PDF per insegnanti e studenti APRI SOLUZIONI Performer Heritage 1 Stampa PDF online 4. where Beowulfs corpse was laid It was laid in the middle of the pyre (line 5). 3. 5 A It reveals some aspects of the characters personality. Students activity. 6 148 4.13 George Gordon Byron 148.1 Es. 2 151.3 Es. 2 105 My name is January 105.1 Es. What word reinforces the regal quality of mercy in a ruler in line 30? She regarded marriage as dangerous because she thought a foreign husband would subject England to overseas rule, while an English one would create factions and plots. Heritage: study literature with history and cultural insights, Build up literary competence through scaffolding, Develop language and communicative competences at a B2 level. The most important themes are jealousy, Othellos blackness and ingenuity vs Iagos whiteness and perversity, and the analysis of the most typical love pattern, the triangle: agonist (Othello) antagonist (Iago) object of desire (Desdemona), whose relationship represents a series of antitheses: black/white, master/ servant, elected/damned. Macrocosm and microcosm. 2 142.3 Es. 4. He offers God to burn his books, which represent his knowledge. 2. Who ruled England during Henry VIs mental illness? It is characterised by a dramatic number of new words, obscure and archaic words, mythological allusions and rhetorical figures. L 8. ebook multimediale M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, M. Layton - Performer Heritage Jewels and gems are embroidered on her dress. What is Wiglaf looking at from the beach? 3 3.4 Es. 5 1. T33 Satan's speech Es. You kiss by th book. Faustus does not believe in predestination and in life a er death. R 2. 4 Spiazzi Concorso a cattedra 2020. Wood cracking and the groaning of the ship sinking down into the sea Es. What was the hill fort in picture 2 like? The arches are pointed. 6 1. 4 151.5 Es. Which time of the year do they suggest? Humanism 5. deliver 6. faith 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 96/239 7. theology 8. navy 9. fleet 10. treason 11. execute 12. religious service 13. restore 14. ally 15. toleration 16. proposal 17. heir 18. portrait 19. piracy 20. rule 21. consent 22. king by divine right 23. patronage 24. conspiracy 25. dissenter 26. dismiss (the Parliament) 27. opponent 28. represent 29. censorship 30. ban Es. 1 56.2 Es. 3 153 T52 Ode to the West Wind 153.1 Es. He has also become aware of the limitations of magic: although it has made possible great achievements in material terms, there has been no improvement in the minds of men. Es. 1 13.2 Es. What can you see next to him? 5 Picture 1: the cult of the Virgin Queen Picture 2: the royal progress to show the queens person and power Picture 3: the exploration of the seas by the sea captains combined with piracy Picture 4: the defeat of the Spanish Armada CLIL Art: Portaying power Es. Boxes: 1st/2nd/3rd/4th cause of Iagos jealousy from rage to revenge Es. Latinised words: Region, Soil, Clime (line 1), Possessor (line 11). Insieme allo studio letterario, strumenti lessicali e linguistici per raggiungere il livello B2: Tutte le pagine del libro da sfogliare con: I prezzi sono comprensivi di IVA e validi per l'anno in corso. Hamlet is a play of life and death and of mans ambiguous relationship with both. 1 152.2 Es. 6 38.7 TOWARDS B2 38.7.1 Reading and Use of English - Part 6 Es. 6. Who opposed them? The ship is like a strong warrior. 3. why he doesnt do anything. Shakespeare makes her very unsympathetic when he unsexes her with her speeches encouraging Macbeth to manly acts. The Gunpowder plotters were Catholics who wanted to blow up Parliament and the king, but the conspiracy was found out and the plotters were executed. 6 8.7 Es. Romeo is wearing a coat of arms. He leaves with a parting warning to Othello: Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see. In The Armada Portrait the queens hand rests on a globe, which symbolises Englands greatness as a world power. J 9. Mon Faust: 1. dangers 2. knowledge 3. power 4. instinct 5. desires 4. 3 142.4 Es. What kind of work is The Canterbury Tales? B 10. 4. 4. 2. eBook multimediale Booktab Richiedi informazioni ISBN: 9788808853554 Disponibilit immediata 24,50 Opere in regime IVA normale (aliquota 4%, salvo modifiche) Aggiungi al carrello Performer Heritage Materiale fuori commercio - riservato ai docenti Rivolgersi alla filiale o agenzia Zanichelli di zona Teacher's Guide and Tests volume 2 Pag. It characterises something more effectively. Where? 2 12 1.9 The medieval ballad 12.1 Es. 6. 2 158 Pride and Prejudice 158.1 Es. What is the function of this linguistic image? Performer Heritage ti guida in un affascinante viaggio attraverso la letteratura inglese. The king raised an army of Royalists and declared war against his opponents, the Parliamentarians. It is held in great respect by the British and American legal communities and has been described as the greatest constitutional document of all times - the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot. 2 151 T51 Harold's journey 151.1 Es. C Where does the light inside the cathedral come from? 2. Love. 1 1. power 2. money 3. knowledge 4. soul 5. agrees 6. devil 7. unlimited 8. serve 9. what 10. 2 146.3 Es. surrey accident today 176 street; Servicios. Career: Playwright and secret agent of the queen. He asks that his punishment might be limited, not eternal. 4. Therefore, subordination and unity were the natural rules for the State, which should be subject to a single head. 8. The new factor in The Canterbury Tales is individualisation: the character exists because he/she has reactions and is in movement. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 47/239 3. Highlighted in green:Calibans guilt: he tried to rape Miranda. First to wash his hands, then to take the daggers, the murder weapons, back into the room and thirdly to put blood on the grooms. He re-organised the army of Wessex by demanding one soldier from each freemans farm as a tribute. Monastic chapels became parish churches and the land of the monasteries was sold, so the new merchant class had access to a landed status that had previously been a privilege of the nobility. It creates a feeling of expectation. 1 Marley sees religion not as a promise of paradise but something to help you live on earth life is a struggle to maintain your basic rights. qualcuno ha le soluzioni del libro "performer heritage 1"? A 9. 3. This was called a correspondence. 4 142.5 Es. 3. 2. Who first built Westminster Abbey? Which line gives the ballad its new title? 3 54.4 Es. 6 Prosperos decision to abjure and to sink the symbols of his power deep in the earth is accompanied by his resolve to have Some heavenly music (line 20) played. For them life a er death was still spent on the earth in caves, hills or lakes, and this belief was another reason for their respect for nature and its spiritual or magical dimensions. France 3. middle class 4. 6 Numerous big windows, very high steeples, high roof, fan vaulting, pointed arches, and wall surfaces covered with a vertical pattern of geometrical panels. 2 1. when the scene takes place; It takes place at night. 3 93.4 Es. Es. 7. Faustus views his pact with Mephistopheles as the only means to fulfil his ambitions. 2 1. Es. Performer B2 Workbook Soluzioni Esercizi Svolti Pdf 1.6 The Wars of the Roses Es. During his reign his main concerns were the insecurities of his French territories and the desire to re-establish the legal order in England. 5 8.6 Es. 7. 6 The comparison between the ladys hair and wire (line 4) is not a clich. What is the style of this play like? Cromwell also defeated the Scottish Royalists who had crowned Charles Is son, Charles II, King of Scotland. 1 READ the text and identify the three parts of Then write a heading to each section. 1 99 Robinson Crusoe 99.1 Es. 4 All four are herbs. J 5. How was Hamlets father killed? The title Henry VIII was given by the pope because of the attack he wrote on Martin Luther. What is his last offer? Puritan rules were introduced, including execution for adultery, the abolition of popular pastimes, games, dancing and theatre performances. 5. Who were the Danes and why did they attack Britain? 7. Who was inspired by Magna Carta? Thomas Cromwell, the kings chancellor, suppressed 400 small monasteries and confiscated their lands and money. Title: Performer Heritage Per Le Scuole Superiori Con E Book Con Espansione Online 1 Pdf Pdf ? 5. 4 1. wrecked 2. blames 3. elope 4. losses 5. debt 6. fails 7. flesh 8. revenge 9. human being 10. bleed T19 The quality of mercy Es. Wiglaf, Beowulfs faithful retainer, the queen, her daughter and lots of mourners. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 61/239 2.11 Shakespeare the dramatist Es. First, the various ranks in the chain were fixed. They were timber, stone, marble and glass. She describes it as a symbol of earthly power. Amen, which is an affirmation a er a prayer. 2 133 T41 London 133.1 Es. 1 Zanichelli Soluzioni Chimica As recognized, adventure as capably as experience about lesson, amusement, as capably as contract can be gotten by just checking out a books Zanichelli Soluzioni Chimica after that it is not directly done, you could assume even more roughly this life, regarding the world. Boxes: Macbeths change since the beginning of the play: A er all the horrors he has suppd with, Macbeth does not know fear any more. Romeo and Juliet are in front of the li . They began to burn and cut down the forests, to grow cereals like wheat, barley or oats 2. 2 37.3 Es. What is a ghost? A 8. 2. Who appears twice in the foreground in picture 3? B 7. Per Le Scuole Superiori - Marina. Because he had a strong corrupting influence on the students. 2 35.3 Es. 7. where the barrow the Geats built was and how long they took to build it The barrow was on a headland and they took ten days to build it (lines 21, 23). Repeated words and phrases add to the emotional intensity of the scene Light blue words: oppositions in which Jessica is connoted positively ((her) flesh, ivory, Rhenish) in contrast with her father who is given negative attributes (thy flesh, jet, red wine). Students activity. In what sense can The Canterbury Tales be regarded as a portrait of English medieval society? 2 51 Romeo and Juliet 51.1 Es. F 2. They provide an example of dramatic presaging. 13 157 4.16 Jane Austen 157.1 Es. Es. The Merchant of Venice Es. The ghost of Hamlets father. 3. C Unsettled. Match the words from the text with their Italian translation. 1 132.2 Es. Why did the Anglo-Saxons settle south of Hadrians Wall? Parliament: The Rump Parliament, made up of 121 radical members. The Commons were strongly Protestant and denied the king money for more than a year at a time. It is usually linked to the gradual clarification of things which are le mysterious at the beginning. In mancanza di indicazione l'opera a aliquota 4% in regime di IVA assolta all'origine. 3. Es. How much does Shylock lend Bassanio? 2. 6 They convey Faustuss fear, hope and desperation. Mercy is described as light, so and noble. What effect does this setting have? 1 1. Es. He feels remorse, because he is genuinely emotionally distressed, he is afraid to think of what he has done. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 86/239 2. 4. 2 1. Why is Elizabeths reign regarded as the golden age of England? Suggestion: Teenage rage can be very strong and impulsive. Es. The Restoration and the Augustan Age 84 3.1 The Restoration of the monarchy 84.1 Es. His life in prison was characterised by cold, dirt, boredom and lack of human interaction. se avete le risposte alle domande sarebbe perfetto. Macbeth hears a noise, Lady Macbeth says it is an owl and the crickets, and then asks him if he spoke. She is presented from two different points of view: through Iagos vulgar remarks and Othellos praise of her beauty and innocence. 2 159.3 Es. 5. She is connoted as a precious person, while Shylock is corrupt (the black colour of jet) and ordinary (red wine) Highlighted in light blue: words referred by Shylock to Antonio. What was fashionable in Tudor times? What did Christopher Marlowe add to the traditional themes of Fausts story? 3. Is Romeo and Juliet a comedy or a tragedy? What was Davids first explanation for his dramatic action? She seems to be the practical one. Read the caption and try to identify the people represented in the painting. The walls are interrupted by several columns which create a continuous arcade of openings. 5 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 10/239 80.2 Es. He also wonders if he ought to go and make himself available to the hospital. If so, is her gender the reason? 8. 6 59.7 Es. 1 1. shields 2. arrow 3. infantry 4. army 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 25/239 1377 Edward III died and the crown passed to his 10-year-old grandson, Richard II 1381 Introduction of a poll tax by Richard II and Peasants Revolt 1453 End of the Hundred Years War against France Es. Yes, it can. Studia grazie alle numerose risorse presenti su Docsity, Prepara i tuoi esami con i documenti condivisi da studenti come te su Docsity, I migliori documenti in vendita da studenti che hanno completato gli studi. 1 5.2 Es. Look at the first picture on page 80. 4 143.5 Es. It implies the usurpation of the throne and also of the royal bed. Prospero does not turn his gaze inwards, nor towards his immediate surroundings; he contemplates the invisible and the many phenomena of nature in such a way that the imagination of the listener opens onto horizons far beyond the limits of the actual plot. The thorn which does not bear blossom could not exist, so there is no place to dry the shirt. Give two reasons why it is still considered relevant. In The Rainbow Portrait there are many symbols: the rainbow, which stands for peace and prosperity the eyes and ears embroidered on the queens mantle, which symbolise her ability to know everything through her subjects the snake on the sleeve, which stands for wisdom. 4. 1 1. Claudius. This confrontation led to the Petition of Right of 1628, which stated that the king could not imprison without trial or impose taxes without the consent of the Commons. It comes from the stained glass. What is the progress of a play usually linked to? 3 97.4 Es. 7 8.8 Es. Juliets reflection upon the language shakes the medieval code since she tries to separate Romeos name, that is appearance, from what he is really. Line 2 contains C a paradox. Deviation from the normal English word order: lines 2, 9. Famous people inspired by Magna Carta include Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-68), who cited the Magna Carta principle justice too long delayed is justice denied, and Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), who invoked Magna Carta and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in his defence statement in his 1964 trial. 5. Who witnesses this funeral scene? 2 11 1.8 The epic poem and the pagan elegy 11.1 Es. He uses metaphor, simile and, above all, wordplay. 4 102.5 Es. 4 8.5 Es. 8 The scene of the Geat woman crying desperately at Beowulfs funeral reminds us of many other similar scenes set in different ages, including the 20th century. Customs 6. She brought England unity and glory Es. 2 36.3 Es. Inns, pubs and theatres were closed down. 5 42 2.9 Christopher Marlowe 42.1 Es. 1 6.2 Es. He re-organised the army, built fortresses and planned a navy with longships, and he began the liberation of neighbouring areas from Viking control. 6. 2 134.3 Es. G 10. What could have happened if he had given up? It is Lady Macbeth who decides to frame the servants, and she who actually does it and then gets Macbeth to go back to their room, wash and change his clothes. The Romanised Celts were le alone to fight against the Saxon invaders from the North Sea Region of Europe. History and Culture, Literature and Genres, Authors and Texts: attraverso queste tre sezioni si sviluppa lo studio dei diversi periodi della letteratura inglese. enthroned. He feels passionately about this woman and he may be afraid of the depth of the passion. His wife died 16 9. What does he ask for here? Occasionally he even inserts a sonnet into the dialogue. 8 60 Hamlet 60.1 Es. Clause 39 of the 1215 Charter states that No free man is to be arrested, or imprisoned [] or exiled, or in any other way ruined [] except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. The ghosts identity, on the other hand, is revealed in line 13 Highlighted in pink: revelation of the ghosts identity Highlighted in orange: metaphor of the ear. Iagos lusty love for Desdemona. 1 1. He wishes he were an animal because all beasts are happy and their souls dont have an a erlife. T7 The Prioress Es. T26 Duncan's murder Es. J 5. 9. 3. The Origins and the Middle Ages 3 1.1 From Pre-Celtic to Roman Britain 3.1 Es. D What are the piers like? Es. 5. 2. 5. in the course of them is this Zanichelli Soluzioni Chimica that can be your partner. 4 It is bone-house and it refers to Beowulfs corpse. A 4. 2 1. What is Stonehenge? What emotions does David feel? The low-angle shot of the burning fire makes the subject look bigger and more powerful. 7. He enlisted fourteen warriors, the best he could find (lines 18-19) they had weapons, shining war-gear (line 26). 3. It opens with a precise statement of the theme of the epic Of Mans First Disobedience,as do all traditional epics. Does he feel equal to God? Ballads still have a universal appeal and students will be able to find modern parallels in rap stories. Why did painters use symbols to portray Elizabeth I? Es. Es. 1 81.3.2 Es. 7. King Alfred defeated the Danish commander Guthrum at the Battle of Edington in 878. 6 80.7 Es. Performer Heritage ti guida in un affascinante viaggio attraverso la letteratura inglese. The queens right hand rests on a globe. 6 135.6 Es. Though Doctor Faustus is regarded as a morality play, it is different from the medieval play Everyman, where Death is a character, God is rigid and vindictive, and the only life possible to reach eternal salvation is the one leading to death. Othello reduced to a miserable. 9. Es. PDF Zanichelli Soluzioni Chimica Es. 1 15 T1 The hero come to Hearot 15.1 Es. 2. The tempest is not real but just an illusion, a performance created by the magician Prospero with the help of the spirit of the air Ariel, who has performed it thanks to his supernatural powers. 6. what Othello is about to do; He is about to kill Desdemona (lines 7-20). Faustus acquires the power he wanted, but at the end he cannot use it to save himself from hell. 2 97.3 Es. Dantes Satan (Lucifer) is physically monstrous, described in the Inferno as the ill Worm; Miltons Satan takes several forms: he is first presented as a fallen angel who finds himself in a newly created Hell, and later in the poem he takes the classic form of a snake. Chaucer wrote metrical verse in the Northern dialect. Choose from among the following. 1 150.2 Es. T10 Faustus's last monologue Es. Contrast between Hamlets father and Claudius (ll. 6. what their mood was like They were disconsolate (line 12). 10 1. Cromwell banned Christmas and Easter and replaced them with days of fasting TOWARDS B2 Reading and Use of English - Part 6 Es. Explain. D 3. Es. Makes sure everything you type is easy to read and mistake-free. Where he lived: He lived in London from 1587 until his death.

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