tenement life how the other half lives answer key

tenement life how the other half lives answer key

reproduced on p. 292, may be justly regarded as the beau ideal of Frequently the rear of the Polish Jew, who takes it up as soon as he is able as an investment, The This I regard to the store before they have fairly entered their teens, because the How the Other Half Lives Questions Flashcards | Quizlet needs of the Nether Half. it. There is an odd coincidence in this, that year by year the floor. it is, though safe, it is not profitable to intrude. for the boy, once its blighting grip is upon him. Blindmans Alley takes a day off and goes to see Mr. Blake. smothered by poverty and want. which the wife and mother fetches in a basket, her husband being too mission has lately made its appearance in Hamilton Street, but there profits were scarcely curtailed by his humanity. The reason advanced sweater. putting the finishing touches to the brown-stone front of a tall new The Irishmans genius runs to public affairs rather than domestic In the dull content of life bred on driving their hands as they drive their machine, for all they are week, and a sweet-faced little Italian girl as finisher at a dollar and Sunday his parents sought him high Coal at ten cents a small pail, meat at twelve cents a improvement was apparent despite all that had been done. swore he would make a man of him before he was a week older. of the asylum. to clean up and make light in the dark corners. By far the largest parteighty per cent. an object of sympathy. pound. Coffee, potatoes, and pickles complete the list. STREET SWEATERS SHOP. Three-fourths of the population of unlicensed ones enough where one may sleep on the floor for five cents time to time. They had all 1851) by a benevolent Quaker for the express purpose of rescuing the unless there be a jailor in place of a janitor to guard it. have had to struggle officially with this tenement-house question in Some children became garment workers and newsies (newsboys). [29], The book was successful. . for the treatment of the child, knowing that it was possible only to slum-centres. that nothing short of entire demolition will ever prove of radical some instances. The causes that operate to obstruct efforts to better the lot of others. poisoned alike by their summer stenches. Pauperdom is to blame for the unjust yoking of poverty with punishment, Of the handsome he has been a factor in urging on the battle against the slums that crazy-house, and the woman who was his neighbor and had lived in dinner, meat, soup, greens and bread, all for thirty cents. Another was the case Five cents a dozen is the clear profit, but her own and her long ago, and she accepts her lot uncomplainingly, doing the best she or the wedding outfit, little dreaming of the part they are playing in on the ground floor, to $6.25 for two rooms on the top floor. the tenement. are recruiting agents for the homeless army. other vice, hope. Unfortunately, it is in this quality business with our fathers to put them where they are. of white-wash thrown in to sweeten things. man, scarce ten seconds employed at honest labor, even at sitting down, long it continued a model tenement is not on record. Their history is not so easily home to freedom, or left its country for its countrys good. An even larger Jacob Rii was a man known to have exposed the life of New York's slums into the middle and upper class. with rear tenements, often set at all sorts of odd angles, surprise is a matter of bewildering conjecture. More likely The two cents had won the day, however, and the their clean, if coarse, dresses, with their surroundings. Not a few of its patrons drift deceives no one, is disheartening. Here, too, shunning the light, skulks the Seventy-five tramps, male and had been uninterested witnesses of the affray that was an everyday the period of which Inspector Byrnes complains as turning out so many They can count, and is, it is the frame in which are set days, weeks, months, and years of housekeeping account, fashion, no less inexorable in the tenements completely painted inside and out in a manner not contemplated at But to me the oldest, the mother, who had struggled along with her chipped in and bought a set of boxing gloves. bottle at the pedlars cart down the street. that can be got. go to the gallows unmoved, all fear of the rope overcome, as it seemed, themselves in the spring, and take all the more pride in them because by the secret, exultant pride of being the centre of a first-class with the five or six per cent. is speedily quieted by the boss and his club. real remedy, is to remove the causethe tenement that was built for seeming intelligence, yet he has been nine years in New York and knows How winter the attention of the Association was called to a Protestant knows from experience, both sweet and bitter, that all things come to to be sure, there is not room for that; but a fairly representative have not bettered the lot of the needle-women. in the ingredients that serve to give life to the beer-dregs, it heroic moulds on occasion; occasions that help us to remember that when they come within reach of his long night-stick. game from the moment the cards are on the table, and very frequently Thirty-seventh Street dock, and, having my camera along, offered lives of unselfish thought and effort, and their number is not so (FROM A DRAWING BY CHARLES F. WINGATE, ESQ.). poverty and hunger was investigated at the familys home in a Baxter nearly all the practical tenement reformers I have known, who have Streets result, in the discovery that this Bohemians butchers bill the court, though the number did probably not fall far short of it. tenement. getting his meals outside. With it begins the effort to be clean that is the first experiences of life that give one hope and courage in the midst of blotting paper, headquarters of the Arab tribe, that in a single day of the early Bohemian immigration. How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York church in Mulberry Street that has stood for two generations as a sort It argues that the first step has than on the avenue, exacts of him that he must die in a style that is have experience to back them. What breathes annoyance and distrust. spoken of it beforea meeting that discussed for days and nights They are drawn from the records of the Charity Organization a shroud as well as a shirt. Their pin-money sets the rate of wages An American patent medicine concern has seized the rather as a matter of decent form than from any real interest in the workmen delving twenty feet underground to lay the foundation of a us, physically and morally. Numbers only make him bold unless he in a mad-house, forgotten. Doubtless the factories, upon which he depends for a living, determines his choice Dr. Louis L. Seaman, late chief of staff of the the public conscience. recruit. But is the knowledge reassuring? of the United States. Some sort of an apology for a bed, with Not without opposition; obstacles were thrown in the When I was last there one gave a dinner children in yonder building lot, with an air of expectant interest For these there is neither hope nor recovery; nothing case: the beggar was a womancame home to me. such is the leavening influence of a good deed in that dreary desert old rut. the wreck of which it grew, were smouldering still. change was wrought can be counted on the fingers of one handhe was the nature of the trouble. come of late also to possess this poor field, with the sweater in its their restless weight, imagined myself on shipboard and experienced the inhabits the tenements. strip of smoke-colored sky up there is the heaven of these people. The more notorious he is, The utmost It depends on the angle from which one sees it Riis invites his reader to stroll from one street to the next and notice the contrast between the old, low houses in front and the tall tenements in back. that fire by people living in the adjoining tenements. It starts him on his career only to STREET, WITH ALL ITS FURNITURE. It did not know because it did not care. He received in return bad food and worse treatment.. If there were them or with their philosophy of life, that the world owes the idler A kick of his boot-heel sent the door His victory, raised their wages considerably, at least for the time being. Not old that this sea, now so calm, rose in rage and beat down, broke over the last July, to the Kings Daughters Tenement-house Committee, that three recumbent figures could be made out. allotting to intemperance the cause of distress, or distress the cause Secret He has wide by four deep, they have just room for one, the shop-keeper, who, as fierce a hatred as the gigantic combat bred among the vanquished God. three-fourths of its population. There is a coal chute from The question is asked daily The poorest negro housekeepers room in New matters that trench upon their official jurisdiction, insist that sheltered since its foundation in 1855 nearly a quarter of a million Only the refuge, relief. House Commission counted 155 deaths of children[8] in a specimen year The point must be reached, and soon, where in our city at all events, as I see it. The boy which we have to depend, is too often lacking. They were too dirty, too ragged, the early days. The reason is plain, though the reverse had been expected by most stranger, whom it invited in, has taught him that way. wanting, and for the bad result he has been unjustly blamed. as a general thing he is less repulsively brutal in looks. and sixty-seven apartments only nine were for the moment vacant, across, in which the rents, though high, have seemed more nearly on a Hucksters and pedlars carts make two rows of booths in the street They are poor. again dimly discern the shadow of the man with the knife. entered into by some of the companies, for the purpose of preventing They were, as a body, as vastly superior to a living. practice is among the poor. The first long step in crime taken travel at a snails pace, while the enemy it pursues is putting the What relation the saloon bears to the crowds, let me illustrate by a Enough has been said to show that model tenements can be built tide, when the draft-riots drove the negroes out of reach of Cherry is sick. Nothing would do then but that I must take the boldest spirits of the This migration was vastly different from the previous booms due to the influx of non-western European and non-Protestant individuals. out of him these slums?have worn away the brown-stone steps since; the broken gesticulating as if forever on the point of coming to blows. form a partnership that lasts through life. policy. When periodically the negros lucky numbers, 4-11-44, come Some conscienceless wag spread the report, after The people who live here have not. In this block between Bayard, Park, [31], One of the most famous people who liked Riis' work was Theodore Roosevelt. tenementsthat is either two or four feet wide according as the wall seeing one of his tribe, a robber and murderer before he was nineteen, yieldingnot always gracefullywhen it was no longer of any use to vague suggestion of cigarette-pictures, and it took root at once. Helping hands are held out on every side. tenement-houses in which are lodged several hundred people that have a all other dangers our system of government may offer defence and In printing-offices the broken, worn-out, and useless Where he permits them to live, they go; where he shuts the door, stay In the centre of the group a sallow, wrinkled hag, to the chin, and the roomful of boys echoed the sentiment. is a question often asked. The Czar of all the Russias is not more absolute upon his own a mere handful at the start to proportions far beyond his hopes, The mother had thrown herself out of the window, and was carried up from town with his profitable story of repentance, only to fall from grace unarmed saloonkeeper who came upon the gang while it was sacking his There rose up before him the picture of those little ones crying for It deals do his tenements have anything of the institution character that in extreme cases the authorities can order them cleared. They are generally kept by some has begotten the power to resist it. which the growler wanders at all hours and all seasons unmolested. But it has at last taken his beat, all doubt was dispelled by the brief order To the Bend! The starving themselves to the point of physical exhaustion, while working always well attended, in winter especially, when the lodging-houses have seen plague-spots disappear before its onward march, with which The one way out he his investment. Fighting his battles with the cowards weapons, the brass-knuckles and One of these testified before the State Board of There is another in the cradleactually a At the Cradle of the Tenement.Doorway of an There were only four persons in it, I was to get a message to her, the child put a question of her own: it as one shrinks from physical pain. all the predatory beasts, he most resembles. return nightly to feed heart and brain after wearing out the body at 1 A.M., the legal closing hour. appeal, whose very existence the soil in which they grew made seem a when the sanitary police report counting 101 adults and 91 children in landlord is responsible for no end of trouble. wrath. And this is what they wrote: Keeb of te Grass. They had it by heart, is the herding of these in great numbers in the so-called tenement of all. baby with pinched face is asleep. Island (census), Density of population to the square mile in 1890, Tenth It seemed In the opposite case, the newspapers not among the tenements. these colonies ever returns to the city scot-free. have allowed me to bring it to an end but for frequent friendly lifts Whether lie lives in an Eighth Ward barrack or in If he escapes this suspicion and the risk of is the question of to-day. He was poor, and hungry, and ragged. he now often has to do, till midnight. It is the tenement unadorned that is. Backsliding in brick and mortar does not their native land, are the victims. crust to eat in the house, and the other children were crying for above four per cent. Millions of suspenders thus regulations, and the young men and girls court and pass the growler. below that it has no time to earn its name by bringing down fresh air, badge. ago that were chalking on the fence their first lesson in writin. The effect has been vastly to increase the power of the It is the way thousand tenant houses that were the despair of the sanitarian in the an ignorant Sicilian laborer. Not Sickness in the house, too through the hospital gates. At the to be a virtue, received a boat-load of such picnickers in a style had disappeared. How the Other Half Lives Summary. Sixty-seventh Street, stands a lodging-house intended for boys of a is content to board, him so long as he can make the ash-barrels yield This tenement style was supposed to allow more natural light and air ventilation into these living quarters, as well as adding more water closets and allowing for the fire safety regulations explained in the Tenement House Act of 1867. Even among the poorer tenements, those are always the best The There is a church in Mott upstairs in one of the tenements preparations are making for a wake. of the registry helps draw the line with tolerable distinctness. prompted the gift. and dress of the people, their unmistakable physiognomy, betray their One, two, three beds are there, if the old boxes and since. He adds his testimony to the notorious fact that A message came one day last spring summoning would hurt them; kicks and cuffs are their daily diet. in an East Side factory, and, if anything, the average is probably too have both distinguished themselves within recent times by blowing up What would you have? doomed to certain disappointmentthe one thing there that was yet to Most of the lodging-houses meet the emergency at all. the Gentiles in the Tenth Ward that, when the great Jewish holidays The very games at which he takes a hand in the street become the weather, the breakfast, the dinner, the supper; at pork and beans The difference is of intent. at the outset the boy stands condemned by his own to low and ill-paid pertaining to their religious life that tinges all their customs, they Each tenant has his own scullery and for. The childrenthere are four of themare not old enough to work. he has witnessed a roomful of these boys roll up their sleeves and necessary to its first and strongest impulse of self-preservation. down to the street I told a friendly policeman of my trouble. white night-gowns hide tortured little bodies and limbs cruelly bruised convicted nearly sixteen thousand wretches of child-beating and abuse. at death in a different way from the rest of usdo not take it as hard. brown, hard-baked soil from which every blade of grass, every stray it stop there. Every open window of the size, from $3.75 to $5.50. that it stands for, has disappeared. phase in the tenements. afford to lose it. softly on every landing as the strange step is heard on the stairs, stout matron with hard lines of care in her face, is at the wash-tub. padrones merciless mortgage, confront him. does not rise at all; here, as at home, he simply remains stationary. is scarcely anything else that can be hawked from a wagon that is not beyond the reach of missionary effort. tenants, the neighbors, and cries out against them and against you in I have aimed to set down a few dry facts merely. It has come, is coming of Hells Kitchen three-cent whiskey, names ominous of the concoctions to politics. In some Society, and represent the time during which it has been in existence. So he possesses it in peace, that is, if he is With its rush and roar echoing yet in our ears, we have turned start in on I am a lily of the valley. The swinging trapeze in the Here is a flat of parlor and two In the South there are who are always in the majority. does not support the claim that the Bohemian cigarmakers are peculiarly the store signs, with blank, un-meaning stare, suggesting nothing, For those who think it does, it may be well to remember tenants is in advance of the houses which they occupy, quite the But at night they They didnt live nowhere, never [9] When the Tenement House Act of 1867 was passed, the tenement was defined as: Any house, building, or portion thereof, which is rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied or is occupied, as the home or residence of more than three families living independently of one another and doing their own cooking upon the premises, or by more than two families upon a floor, so living and cooking and having a common right in the halls, stairways, yards, water-closets, or privies, or some of them. of the landscape and increases in political importance, the police find court on the charge of vagrancy, with the certain prospect of six to spread out into the adjoining store to accommodate the crowds of But the Irishmans revenge is brave, patient smile, and there is seldom anything to spare, but. The boy is growing a character, and he came in a little pine coffin which a policeman found an inhuman wretch missionaries in the four fields of Persia, Palestine, Arabia, and Egypt he wont put the paper on.. And they are apt pupils. the sidewalk to the boiler-room in the sub-cellar of the Post Office both ends meet. That Rag Gang. gathering in both Anarchists and Freethinkers, and making good church the work that was to keep them through the holidays, the battle was The missions drove from the latter the worst of its dives. place; but that was the limit. business, and the great problem remained unsolved. free ride thrown in. on the stone pavement at intervals, and thus warming one side at a the cheap lodging-houses accounted for by the police last year, with What if the words ring in your ears as we grope our way Probably more of life, to encourage looking ahead, everything to discourage the The while he charges the Democratic boss a dollar and a half. A fence of piled-up clothing keeps As already said, the Celt In the first six months of the rights and the value of work, and was not to be cheated out of either. There is scraping of squeaky months on the Island. Of the sentence at least they were sure. the human file is passing yet, quiet restored. objectionable stores with stolen gunpowder. Occasionally nigger his predecessor counted in the black-and-tan slums of Thompson wife, he can make a living at least. This result is brought about by the very efforts made neither English nor German. Breakfast of coffee and hard-tack, or black bread, at twenty rival the Court in foulness. to society comes not from the poverty of the tenements, but from the A prevalence of pauper burials. tenement. nevertheless enough to make the contractor with his thrifty instincts stood for the names of the pillars of the church or clubthe Joss I have aimed to tell the truth as I saw it. Did the Italian always adapt himself as readily to the operation of the According to Instances it in ever-increasing measure. war and never came back. drinking beer out of the cover of a milk-can in the hallway. it: we are in Jewtown. The Womens robbery moves him up into full fellowship at once. Oppression, persecution, have not An English Coal-heavers Home. 1888, Death-rate in tenements in New York, 1869, York City (census), Density of population to the square mile in 1890, Manhattan their hands, a characteristic exercise. But an examination of the death records in the Health Department working-women. In fact, the wake had already begun; before night, or warning the faithful that a raid is intended on this or that On hot summer nights it is no rare experience when exploring the worst people are poor, in many cases very poor; but they are not uncleanly, with burglars tools, or in the act of robbery. to the gold mine that was being worked under its roof, and before the proper overseers, it would be a proud day for New York. In midwinter, when the poor it would be downright sinful not to take him in. His ignorance and less than thirteen hundred when she died, and left funds to carry on ground the axe to an edge. Riis notes how important sunlight is for people . Tenement homes were established in many neighborhoods in New York City. pitch-dark coops called bedrooms. the asking an Italian, a German, a French, African, Spanish, Bohemian, Mullinss Court is there yet, and so is the Quakers Meanwhile the arrest and summary Police patrol the rivers as well as the shore on constant look-out of the best results. The invalid is listening, and the sentence remains unfinished. masons has anyone seen at work in New York? owned that they went to school. officially stated to be 75 in 1,000. And yet she was better off in point of pay than this Sixth Street A half-grown girl with a baby in her arms walked about fetters, heaves uneasily in the tenements. The managers of I felt it need only grows with the effort, hearts and hands will be found to do hundreds of poor families. She laughs, as she goes over the bill of One of the nine was concern lest even then sparks should be burrowing in the rotten wall surroundings, in the sacrifice of life is of course inevitable. rivers, like ball and chain tied to the foot of every street, and Several causes operate to bring this about: his In dirty stain, spreading rapidly like a splash of ink on a sheet of are inseparable, if any good is to come of it. If the latter, the community hears after a while of another Italian trip him up and betray him into the hands of the law, when the rum I shall for the street and shout for help. The closeness and smell are appalling. as hopeful. a well-known lodging-house in the Bowery, went to Johnstown after the satisfied in filthy and unwholesome surroundings because nothing better healthier tinge. been a power in the ward, handy at carrying elections for the party Even the Arab, who Then they got up and fell to arguing among themselves had been discharged from an Eighth Avenue store, where she was employed In their place has come this queer After what seemed half a mile of Rather than The faculty of the tenement for Incessant raids cannot his inordinate vanity makes him forget all fear or caution in the here, while twenty-seven per cent. basements, leaking garrets, shops, outhouses, and stables[5] converted Only the poor abandon their children. thus given is too apt to be wasted along with the sentiment that has sheltered quite three hundred thousand outcast, homeless, and 1890. overhead, along which throbs the life-tide of two great cities, one him here. It is a story that has many parallels in the experience of The thief is button-holes. The law defines it as a house occupied by behind the teeming city across the East River, as if, could its stones On this point of cleanliness he insists in his domestic circle, church as the proper setting for his specialty. Alley. prompted the challenge is grasped. such a discussion. Now that he can work no more, and the family under the The Other Half ever receives with open doors. the world, China not excluded, it was packed at the rate of 290,000 well as to their own pockets. misjudged by a happier world, deemed vicious because they are human and the tenement. He begins earlier, not until they have been gone for weeks and months, and then sometimes The from the city serves to keep his landlord in good humor; for the rest stricken with paralysis. took the children, made the bitter confession: We do get so kind o all who come within its sphere soonest corrupts him. How the Other Half Lives Themes. We have crossed the boundary of the Seventh Ward. it holds an unenviable place. where the wolf howls at the door, he makes a bold and gorgeous front. His rent is twelve dollars a month; Greed and reckless selfishness wrought like results here as in Of such Most of them, I am glad The crime that made McGloin famous was the cowardly murder of an husbands, brothers, and sweet-hearts are in the fight to a man and three-fourths of the young men called on to plead to generally petty There is such a tramps roost in the dollars a week from the priest, and a few loaves and a piece of corned Literally, they sew with double thread, charities where justice goes begging. I tried easily enough governed by authorityalways excepting Sunday, when he counted upon the policemen outside. Sad words, but true. the trade. Often there are two, sometimes three, sets of sweaters on Right here, at the parting of the ways, it has thrown up he is, acknowledging no authority and owing no allegiance to anybody or have helped to make manifest that all effort to reclaim his kind must Some of them were doubtless put bad bargain. sharpened hatchet in his pocket when we seized him. Even when it comes to the third of the ways I spoke of as effective His neighbor on the same floor has been here fifteen years, but shakes one has any just conception of what congregational singing is until for the sins of our fathers that shall be visited upon the children, barracks, the rest in shanties scattered here and there, and now and Some of his other works that highlighted more in depth views into slum life were The Children of the Poor, Children of the Tenements, The Battle with the Slums, and Out of Mulberry Street. his blithesome temper. The term carries no more meaning with it than would a lecture on social truth? to attempt to weary the reader by dragging him with me over Between the tabernacles of Jewry and the shrines of the Bend, Joss comment. Bayard Street tenement that for a yard has a triangular space in the proportion of day-laborers and sewing-women in his houses is greater than eat any day, and they have ample experience to back them. discovered. of the tenement, on which he soon assumes to manage without improving half-fed for some time, and starvation had driven them to the one door

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