semi intensive system of goat management

semi intensive system of goat management

Tuscon, Arizona, USA. Crop Meat constitutes the foremost animal product that is highly explored by the Nigerian households, particularly for direct consumption and as such, the ruminants, especially cattle, constitute the major and cheapest source of meat consumption for most households in the country [22] about 1million cattle are annually slaughtered for meat in the country. Calf life-weight and mortality to 1 year of age averaged 103 kg and 22.4% respectively. A better diet, such as protein rich agro-industrial by-products, for the goats under semi-intensive management may explain these differences in growth performance. In the migratory system sheep and goat farmers make use of the seasonal pastures located in different areas. Balliere Tindall, London. Browsing accounted for 1.4% annual grazing time in Abet, and 11.2% in Kurmin-Biri. Tayasuria & Perera, 1982) and chemical treatment (Klopfenstein, 1978). Semi-intensive goat production is a compromise between widespread and intense goat farming that is used in some flocks with restricted pasture. Anim. This observation suggests that Nigerias agro-ecologies have the potentials to favourably support livestock development in the country. There is a very slow Camb., 7,75: Devendra, C. & Burns, M. In addition, a herders stock of animals constitutes his financial base thereby disposing the animals for income generation whenever it is necessary [24]. has only a marginal effect on subsequent milk production when Although, ecological categorisation of the Nigeria has varied over time arising from changing trends of the commonly used natural factors [12], critical examination of the countrys ecozones in relation to livestock distribution revealed that the ruminants are distributed throughout the three major ecozones in the country, namely the semi-arid, sub-humid and humid zones. 31:3746. This accounted for preference of extensive and semi-intensive systems of management. Agric Sci. positively related to energy intake. embryos to term as viable lambs (Gunn, 1967). This paper discusses the role of goats in small farm systems in terms of their functions and contribution. Management of birds in the semi-intensive management system. of Assam, Directorate of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary. late pregnancy increased with increasing kidding percentage as indicated from after parturition and maximum intake is reached 23 weeks after milk yield peaks. The number of birds accommodated in each unit depends largely on the labor and machinery available to shift the unit. This situation thus accounted for the widespread of sheep and goats among individuals in Nigeria either for consumption, though mostly on events celebration, or rearing for widespread sheep and goats as important animals of trade within humid West Africa though with different demand and consumption patterns in the region. Andrews, R.P.& Orskow, E.R.1979. & Mehrez, Camb. Underfeeding during late pregnancy will result (viii) Each housing unit used in goat rearing should be provided with a hay-rack or manger for feeding hay or silage. Dairy Sci., 63: It involves extensive rearing but usually with controlled grazing with fenced pasture land. Feed intake, daily gain and feed efficiency of lambs parents, whereas in the United States lambs are slaughtered at The larger proportion of these animals population are however largely concentrated in the northern region of the country than the southern region. UNITED KINGDOM, Breeds of ruminants characteristics and distribution in Nigeria, Social and economic values of ruminants in Nigeria, Dynamics of ruminant livestock management system in Nigeria, Ruminants pests and diseases and dynamics of management, Ruminant feeds and dynamics of utilization, Future of ruminant livestock development in Nigeria, Livestock development in Nigerian: Policy recommendation, Livestock-Handling Related Injuries and Deaths. The fold units must be removed daily to a new place of grassland and must not be returned for at least 30 days to any piece that has been used. Goat meat is very much in demand in this part of the country. weight of lambs by only 10% which is acceptable on both biological What are disadvantages of semi intensive system? TICK. of pasture produced from this improved and reserved pasture is not adequate, Economides, S. & Louca, A. (Ed. (Malechek & Provenza, 1983; Squires, Prod. For each kg of sheep milk (6% fat) and goat relation to animal numbers in each country is necessary. Goat Production and Disease. Tethering 2. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Milk substitute Licensee IntechOpen. With Damascus goats machine milking reduced milk yield by 710% while the fat content of milk was not affected. weight the fat content and calorific value of carcass increase and water As a result of this, there is a clear price premium for male sheep during the festival period, and some early purchasing for fattening and re-sale takes place. Under such India (Shiarma, 1982) the milk yield of goats is conditions a protein supplement A series of experiments carried out in Cyprus (Louca, in late pregnancy becuase of the building up of body reserves and Specifically, the diseases include rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease, and contagious bovine pleuropneumonia to be the common diseases of cattle in Nigeria. Goat produces meat, milk, skin, manure, etc which is useful for money generation. of sheep and goats during the reproductive cycle. The zebus are characterised by long horns, large humps and tallness, against the Taurines that are humpless, short-horned and shot-legged. Wld. Although, the small ruminants, especially goat, are as well slaughtered for meat sale, the small size of the animals and high market price of their meats makes the animals less demanded for regular meat consumption. Nigeria has population of 34.5million goats, 22.1million sheep and 13.9million cattle. productivity, they are fed unusual diets (high in grains) and there are carrying twins would have an energy requirement of about 2.5 matter in the early stage of life to 12% at liveweights In addition to these are small number of cases of dermatophilosis, lumpy skin disease, papillomatosis and keratoconjunctivitis. The Blanca Serrana goat is selected for meat production and usually raised in an extensive farm system. The animals though, are of considerable economic importance in Nigerias economy, poor management system of the stock has greatly hindered the development of the livestock. Relationship between Vaccine Application and Climate Factors in Sheep and management practices but there are limits set by genotype. This premise thus calls for establishment of sound veterinary services where infected animals could be taken care of. fibre and the utilization of poor roughages than sheep and late lambing ewes and goats are also fed separately. (i) Sokoto Red (ii)Bornu Red (iii) West African long legged goat (iv)West African dwarf goat (v) Bantu (vi) Anglo-Nubian (vii) Aiphine (viii) Saanen (ix) Kano Brown (x)Bauchi type (xi)Togenburg (xii) Nubian (xiii)Boer (xiv) Anglo (xv)Nandi (xvi) East Africa Small Goat (xvii) Angora. have less fat than those of lambs (E.S.E. The systems of sheep Concentration of Nigerias livestock-base in the northern region is most likely to have been influenced by the ecological condition of the region which is characterised by low rainfall duration, lighter sandy soils and longer dry season. dressing percentage and chemical fat content were increased by fattening in the feedlot (E.S.E. . The level of feeding In addition to this is need for better development of better grazing system and management practices in the countrys livestock sector. rates without making provision for the additional nutritional needs in late 1987 Appropriate management systems for West African Dwarf goats in humid . FAO, ECE Committee on Anim. 1976. Another advantage is that large productivity of food is possible with less amount of land. is no doubt, particularly with extensive systems of management, that the 40, Agric. Although, the incidence and intensity of pests and diseases infestation in the ruminant farm animals may vary between the rainy and dry seasons, and Across Nigerias ecological zones, the infestation portends a great danger for healthiness and productivity of the animals. J. Agric; Sci., Camb., +0: 375379. efficiency of lambs was improved from 6to 3 kg per kg liveweight gain in intensive fattening units (Draz, 1983). By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Semi-Intensive system of feeding 4. Agric. slaughter weight of lambs and kids depends on the desired carcass quality and As a matter of fact, [30] maintenance and sustenance of healthiness of farm animals constitutes a major challenge to efficient livestock production among the Nigerian livestock entrepreneurs. 3rd Int. J. Anim. The commonly adopted extensive and semi-intensive management systems for the farm animals may however make it difficult for the livestock farmers to consciously and conscientiously prevent the incidence of pest and disease infestation on their animals. Given the volume and nature of excreta produce by cattle, the large ruminant have served as valuable source for manure for soil fertility and development of organic agriculture. also for a slight weight gain, and during the last stages of pregnancy they increase by 80100% compared with dry The introduction of intensive farming allows the space, equipment, and other requirements for farming to be less and more economical. day) resulted in pregnancy toxaemia (Economides and Louca, 1981). Manure is evenly distributed on the farm. Goats are among the main meat-producing animals in India , whose meat (chevon) is one of the choicest meats and has huge domestic demand. The kids could not be weaned 27. Paper presented at the Anim. than lambs. Livestock breeding: livestock breeding is crucial to livestock development globally. Anim. International, Tours, France. Stocking rate Bottom soil and water quality management of fish ponds. How was the chocolate chip cookie created by mistake? Intensive Meat Goat Farming: Good Money, Endless Demand Tethering (small size flocks of 210 animals). the amount of milk available for commercial purposes without affecting the lamb With this, efficient data and information on farm animals health status, productivity, feeding regime and feed conversion could be readily monitored. Farming systems in sheep rearing: Impact on growth and - PLOS capacity at the worst time of the season, unless supplementary feeding is available at times of roughage scarcity. suckling technique or the use of oxytocin and milking have been widely used to just at mating, or late pregnancy or early lactation. The losses may be marginal in case of one or two of the animals are lost in death, but will be a great economic loss where about five or more of the animals are lost in quick succession as result of disease infestation (Dipeolu, 2010; Aina, 2012). 1983. gestation. IN: Milk For example at the declining stage of lactation feed is offered according to milk yield. Evaluation of targeted drenching using Famacha method in Creole goat: Reduction of anthelmintic use, and effects on kid production and pasture contamination. Louca, A., Antoniou, T. & Hadjipanayiotou, M. 1982. In the last 20 years, transhumant and small intensive farming systems have been increasingly abandoned in favor of the intensive farming system [1]. Castration leads to reduced growth rate, a fatter carcass and This means that a 50 kg ewe Inst. The F1 Friesian x Bunaji cow (50%) gives 1684 kg, the 3/4 (75%) gives 1850 kg and the 7/8 gives 2051 kg of milk in a lactation of about 260 days. The ideal land for fold units is that with light well-drained soils. production and it's low quality (H.F.R.O.,1979). GOAT REARING. In essence, the livestock research institutes need to ensure proper and up-to-date characterisation of breeds of ruminants in Nigeria and develop accurate estimation of ruminant breeds and population in the country. Other houses having slatted or wire floors may require less space per bird. Buck (Billy) Adult male goatDoe (Nanny) Adult female goatKid A young or baby goatWether A castrated male goatKidding Act of giving birth (parturition) in goatChevon Meat of goat. of sheep and goats is advanced by good feeding (Owen, 1976) and the energy Feeders and waterers are attached along the side of each unit in such a way that they can be fed from outside. goatsk in early lactation (Fehr & J. Agric. Drysdale) IDRC, Canada. (Papachristoforou et al., 1982). How do you I stop my TV from turning off at a time dish? either medium (15.7MJME/ day) or Bull. (Louca et al., 1982). & Mavrogenis, A. increased with either early weaning or restricted suckling. In the mountanious Res. The semi-intensive system is an alternative method of rearing broilers in which the birds are kept in a poultry house and have free access to a pasture area during the day. PDF Economics of Sheep and Goat Rearing under Extensive, Semi- Intensive 32: & Hancock, J. 2012 The Author(s). with dual purpose sheep and goats a combination of the suckling technique and A simpler intensive sheep farming programme - Farmer's Weekly Coop.). 610 hours after birth (Peart, 1982) and weaning within 24 hours after birth is ideal; later weaning increases difficulties . This situation thus calls for government and non-government organisations intervention for development of the veterinary services such that it becomes affordable to be patronised by the stock herders. lead to pregnancy toxaemia in sheep (Orskov, 1982) and kidding In this regard, the livestock research institutes, comprising National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI), National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI), and Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research (NITR), need to be strengthened in terms of qualified and adequate research personnel and equipment for quality research on livestock related issues. 80 85%, liveweight per lamb sold was increased by 1 2 kg and the number of breeding animals has Although, supplementary feeding did not improve calving intervals, it suggests that it every essential to place the ruminants on supplements for better productivity in term of milk and meat production. higher the quality of the roughage, the higher the intake and performance with sheep or goats on all roughage of Osmanabadi goats under semi-intensive system. The unit excludes pests, and parasites for example rats and wild birds which often invade permanent buildings and eat feed meant for poultry, and endanger the health of birds. Prod, 17:179186. The Website design follows an integrated approach with the entire department and its sub-organisations form an Integrated Portal. Agro pastoral system: the agro-pastoralist practice entails conscious crop cultivation for both home consumption and marketing purposes alongside their reared cattle. In the light of this, crop debris such as dried cowpea shafts and ground vines and husks becomes additional source of income for farmers that cultivate cowpea and groundnuts. 1 & 2). Camb.,85: 465470. The human-animal relationship depends on the behavior, the knowledge, and the aptitude of the stockperson and his ability in recognizing animal needs. & Treacher, However, the milk obtain information in the non-dairy ewe (Owen, 1976) whereas 1985. Solid feed intake is negatively related to milk Goat's milk and meat has a huge domestic demand and goat is one of the choicest meat and milk source. food depends on the state of rumen development at weaning which is governed by For each kg of goat milk or sheep milk 4570 g or 6090 g digestible crude protein to ruminants or their quality must be improved before feeding. & Hancock, S. 1979. Wld. Nicosia, Cyprus 7pp. Tech. Productivity is also low in highlands because of seasonality of roughage environmental conditions is higher with sheep and goats of high genetic potential. D. 1978. Morag, M., Raz, A. The have been developed which are useful in evaluating the results of Goat Production and Disease, early lactation (Peart, 1967);similarly pre-partum energy If dropping boards are used, they should be scrapped clean each morning and droppings removed to a place outside the poultry run. The breeds of goats in Nigeria are largely indigenous; and the common ones [19] include the West African Dwarf (WAD) goat, Sahel/desert goat- known as West African Long-Legged goat; and Sokoto Red/Maradi. Flamant, J.C.& Anim. Shiarma, K. 1982. forage as possible and satisfy the largest part of In most cases, it is desirable to provide at least two runs for alternating use to avoid the build-up of diseases and parasites. Farmers are shifting to intensive management systems to meet the increasing demand for goat production, which involves the total confinement of animals, resulting in the restriction of. Extensive system of feeding 3. and skin as byproducts. The study generated data on average age at first kidding (266.5518.38 days), gestation period (148-153 days), kidding interval (195.095.65 days . diets. IN: 3rd This prevents diseases from the farm since birds are inspected easily from outside and sick ones are isolated. Tech. Tours-France May, 1981.Ed. of training the lambs or kids to suck from In view of the fact that the indigenous cattle can gain an average of 0.9 to 1.2 kg per day on silage and concentrate rations [22], it suggests that the local breeds of cattle have the potentials for efficient utilisation of feed for better production performance. This period allows the sun, wind, and rain to strike the ground, killing any weaning parasites that may be present. Rev. Although, commonly raised farm animals under the free range and semi-intensive systems include the monogastrics and ruminants, sheep and goats, alongside chicken constitutes the major farm animals largely raised in these systems of livestock management by the Nigerian rural households or livestock farmers. yearlings and leaner ewes and early early weaning or restricted milk intake, in order to reduce feed and labour costs. In addition, the large size of cattle also makes it possible for daily meat demands of the Nigerians to be readily met. The commonly available herbage in the Nigerias ecological zones for ruminants consumption include the Andropogon tectorun, Panicum maximum, Imperta cylindrical, Pennisetum purpureum etc. Generally lambs are This situation thus accounted for the need to guide the cattle on grazing over a wide range of vegetations. 1118. Of the eight groups of ewes, four are in-lamb on the veld as a group at a time. Grass and Forage Science 37:8993. This management approach . high (20.1 MJME/day) levels of energy, but a low level of energy (11.3MJME/ [12] The exclusive pastoralists do not grow crops but simply depend on sales of their ruminants and dairy products to meet their food needs. Louca, A., Mavrogenis, A. In addition to the pasture for grazing is supplementary feeding whereby the animals are placed on concentrates or improved rations. performance of extensively (H.F.R.O.,1979) or intensively managed Academy Press Washington, D.C. National Research Council, 1981.Nutrient Requirements of Goats. This may not be unconnected with the relatively cheaper cost of beef in relation to mutton or goat meat. I.E. Nat. Unlike the devalued state of the socio-cultural value of the small ruminants in southwest Nigeria, cattle, sheep and goats remained relevant as measuring tools of social status and economic strength among the rural households in the northern region of the country. of grazing. Z.O. J. Nutr. In essence, directional movement of herds by the transhumance has much to do with where the precipitation supports the presence of forage (higher-rainfall zones) and the available opportunity to cultivate crops, though not necessarily for marketing but to meet their households food needs. It may be of a simple design but completely roofed to give protection from adverse weather so that the whole unit serves as run by day and shelter by night. In Syria under pastoral conditions the mortality of sheep from drought has been [33] on the other hand, indicated that infections such as pneumonia, helminthiasis, peste des petits and enterotoxaemia as common diseases of sheep and goats in Nigeria. Standardised Website Framework of Govt. Andrews, R.P.& Orskov, E.R.1970. milking until weaning is used (Economides, Jayasuriya, M.C.N.& Perera, H.G.D.1982. In view of this, the farm animals diet needs to be supplemented with meals such as cottonseed cake, wheat bran, molasses, drugs and mineral salt licks etc. (i) The feed for goat must be a balanced diet, i.e should contain protein, carbonhydrates, vitamins and minerals to promote growth and production. In the same vein, the successful settlement of the pastoralists in the southern region to the animals development of a level of tolerance or resistance to the trypanosomosis or sleeping sickness as a result of prolonged exposure to tsetse flies. regions of Asia, Europe and North America climatic conditions limit on Protein metabolism or suckling regime (continuous or restricted) but commercial milk yield was grazing poor quality roughage and vitamin A when animals subsist on dry ). In order to optimise the potentials of the fodder bank, combine sowing of series of legumes and grains are manipulated by, for instance, cropping sorghum with Stylosanthes spp. IntechOpen Limited Several surveys of ruminants kept by the rural farmers, and even in the markets, across the country revealed that the animals are mostly infected with one form of diseases/pests or the other [30-32]. It requires less land than the free range. protein requirement of male lambs declines from 18% crude protein in the dry is also necessary. Their buildings are made up of wood and are raised above the ground with wire netting on the floor to permit easy dropping of faeces. their nutritive value is low, mainly because they are deficient In Cyprus with early weaning systems, Production in Sheep and Goats. is accomplished with proper feeding and management at the age of 810 Hardly are the animals provided supplementary feeds and even shelter by their keepers. urea was substituted for soyabean as the protein source for lambs carcass gain, feed intake and feed efficiency were During the first 15 weeks of pregnancy energy requirements increase by 15%, providing Ommission of one daily milking caused a 22% reduction in the milk yield of Chios sheep compared with 1% in Damascus goats improvement of the existing land for increasing production or by supplementary feeding. Each production system, management practice, and marketing method has various pros and cons. Genet., Farham, Royal, England. Although, hardly are the animals under semi-intensive management provided supplements or essential ration for consumption, efforts are made by their keepers to feed them with by-products from farm produce, especially during dry season when pasture are hardly available for free grazing. Huston, J.E.1978. The house must be equipped with perches. GOAT REARING - Skyline E-learning site - fabioclass knowlege home Res. Dairy Sci., 63: 17011706. Pregnancy nutrition in sheep Based on the need for adequate feeding, it is believed that about 85% of cost of livestock production is feeding, and given the poverty status of most livestock farmers and poor marketing system of farm animals, hardly could they take up supplementary feeding. Bad weather may reduce this period considerably. ECTO PARASITES163. increasing Nicosia 8pp. They can do no damage to hanging fruits (keep shifting them). Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam-Oxford-New York. Sheep and goats Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Low levels of energy during late pregnancy lead to pregnancy toxaemia However, live goats and sheep are much more easily acquired by individuals in relation to cattle owing to market price differentials between the small and large ruminants. At 365 days of age, viability of calves from supplemented dams averaged 88% against 67% in calves from non-supplemented dams. Cooperative Research Sub-network Semi-intensive livestock farming is one in which the animals are housed and fed, but are allowed to graze or move around the farm to scavenge within in an enclosed area within the farm area. have depleted calcium reserves and a constant supply of calcium with the diet intensive systems of production the performance of Economides, S. 1984. It is a house and a run combined in which the birds live all the time. growth rate. For instance, a sizeable cow or bull sells for about N70, 000 (US$437.5) in most open cattle markets in the southwestern part of Nigeria, against the average market price of N10, 000 (US$62.5) for WAD sheep and goats, N18, 000 (US$112.5) for Sahel goats; and N20, 000 (US$125) for sheep (Uda and Balami)The indicated prices are based on personal market survey between February and March 2012 and off the festival periods. compared to 35 and 70 days) adversely 198L, Amman. Foetal energy requirements in the final stage The farmer should see that the litter in the nest boxes is always fresh, clean, and dry. Under these conditions feed intake of sheep the level of nutrition in the immediate pre-mating and Portable units are generally more expensive to manage as they have to be moved daily than permanent ones like in the free range system. A study of the grazing behaviour of cattle among the settled Fulani pastoralists showed that the farm animals utilized a wide range of different feed resources, notably sorghum and millet residues, during the dry season. This is further compounded by less utilisation of hay and silage for the animals. Production semi-intensive au pturage de caprins viande en zone The meat goat industry is getting bigger in Spain, evolving to more intensive farming systems. Veterinary services: pests and diseases portend a major risk to livestock development in Nigeria, as incidence of pests and diseases are common in the countrys livestock system. stimulates oestrus activity within the normal breeding season, ovulation rate, fertilization and survival of ova and twins and yearlings can also make use of the reserved areas. 60. pp53. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Lactating sheep and Elsevier Scientific amount and type of supplement to be fed. Ann. & Lindahl, I.L.1973. J. Agric. goat feeding, Grangeneuve, Switzerland. Learn how your comment data is processed. Frontiers | Feasibility and Reliability of the AWIN Welfare Assessment The animals somehow have their movements regulated and as such are released to fend for themselves in the early and late hours of the day, after which they are kept indoors over the night. Nat. organization of the market for the Suckling duration, weaning time, energy and protein requirement of doe and kid and fattening practices are important management systems. The pathogenesis, diagnosis, impacts and disease management options for ovine and caprine paratuberculosis are reviewed, comparing current controls in the extensive management system for sheep in wool flocks in Australia with the semi-intensive system of dairy flocks/herds in Greece. are moved to lowlands; in summer flocks are moved to highlands where feed is & Owen, J.B.1973. And to a lesser extent, the animals indirectly generate income for the Nigerian Government through licensing of abattoirs and taxation on every slaughtered animal at the registered abattoirs. Similarly, where crossing has been successful under good management practice, dairy cattle dairy cattle portrayed a linear increase in milk yield as the exotic gene is increased up to the 7/8 level. 1978. Considerable research work has been carried out with sheep, mainly mutton breeds, Sheep and goat extensive production systems are conducted in many different parts of the world, and they often use essentially marginal areas unsuitable for crop production, characterized by low productivity per animal and per surface area. Other information-base that must be established include the common livestock feeds (pasture and feed meal supplements) and common pests and diseases of livestock and their effects on the animals.

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