quran expanding universe debunked

quran expanding universe debunked

brought about the beginning of the universe. Carbon Canyon Road is part of the California Freeway System, and is also known as California State Highway 142. It only takes a minute to sign up. and their students. found. Does the Quran say that the Universe is expanding? According to many Islamic sources, Quran 51:47 refers to the expansion of the universe, a phenomenon that has been made known to us in the recent century. Dua (Supplication) (part 1 of 4): What is Dua? little more than wonder about the origin of the universe. cosmology. Surat Al-'Anby' 21:31 reads, And We placed within the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with them, and We made therein [mountain] passes [as] roads that they might be guided. Some Muslims have actually used this verse to propose mountains keep the earth from wobbling. may Allah reward you abundantly for the contribution toward the development Islam in the world. The verb fataq is The article/video you have requested doesn't exist yet. Just open the Quran, pick a word or sentence and see if you can apply it to something in modern science. The Quran reveals that everything comes from water before this was known. 1000 years before Muhammad, Aristotle described a lunar eclipse that makes this very clear. The Quran and the Bible in the Light of Science, Scientific Facts in the Quran - Pain Receptors, The Sun, the Moon & the Earth in the Quran, The Miraculous Quran and the Islamic Revolution, The Quran: The Only Testable Living Miracle Left For Mankind, The Miracle of Human Embryonic Development, What is Islam? 5. This uses the verse that I have just quoted and once again it is false. and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and made from water . The Quran mentions that salt water and fresh water dont mix before this was known. @Medi1Saif Please do! Mohsin Khan: With power did We construct the heaven. This strange form of matter with negative pressure is called dark energy, and it is a big mystery in science. As long as the meanings are derived from the possible meanings set in the original Arabic, then our understanding will not be wrong. All proceeds will go to keeping the Atheist Republic website up and running; providing resources, advocacy, tools, community and encouragement to atheists all over the world. Well from what I do understand this meaning is not excluded, as in this verse the major meaning is to show the ability of Allah, HIS power and strength to create and expand the heaven, which indeed is a greater and more difficult construct or creation than any other of Allahs creations including mankind and earth. verse of the Quran to his companions that ultimately stated that the universe is The "miracle" of the Quran is that it does seem to match the observable facts, whether the reader lived 1400 years ago, or today. In fact, this had been theoretically discovered even earlier. How could a book which first appeared in the desert of Arabia in the 15th century contain this profound model? have opened them. Good to mention is that you will find older translations that actually translate the word to "expanding". 1929 in the hands of the well known American astronomer Edwin Hubble. that the universe had always been in existence; also, that the size of the And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander. I have read those verses about big bang, but that was many years later when i came to live in USA then i read about dicovery of tow scientests a bout big bang( that was exactly stated in Qur'an). the Earth, but were also moving away from one another. The Qurn says in Srah Dhriyt, chapter 51, verse 47, We have created the expanding universe, the vastness of space. The Arabic word msina refers to vastness, the expanding universe. There is no mention of a universe in this text anywhere and no mention of it expanding either. Quran expanding universe scientific miracle debunked - YouTube The theory states that all Counterargument: False translation. He (B) made it expansive.. (part 1 of 3), Seven Common Questions about Islam (part 1 of 2). People would compete for the best poetry. There isnt even enough water on earth to flood all the land. Also note that Hubble came up with the expanding universe theory in the 1920's. I'm not an atheist; I just don't believe in gods :- that which I don't belong to isn't a group! Find out more, Topic List & Subject wise Quran arranged in Index and categories Received. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The claim is that the words noor and muneer in these two verses mean reflected light. The fifth word of verse 51:47 is divided into 2 morphological segments. It has to be stated that 'zero volume' is a theoretical expression used for descriptive purposes. First, a little context so as to address events known to be fictitious. [Ibn al-Jawz]: There are five sayings: The first, expanding sustenance through the rain, said by al-asan. "And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it. Expansion of the Universe. It merely says 'we made the sky really vast', an observation that is obvious to everybody. Thanks for shedding light on that. However, in order to avoid violating the static universe model that was prevalent at that time, Einstein put that finding aside. Probably because Mohammed and his merry band of murderous zealots had no idea what these elements were. God created the sky - and truly He is its expander. This wont turn down the muslims. Copyright IslamWeb 2023. Some Muslim apologists have seen fit to lie outright in their translation of this verse in front of their audiences. An ostrich egg is a prolate spheroid. an example of a rather scientifically wrong interpretation). They were not "wrong" as long as they were not misusing the Arabic words. EIN: 84-2133342, There are currently no translations for this content. I told you in part 16, this huge universe is expanding, and in just 1 hour the size of our universe increases to almost 3.5 billion Km to 7 billion Km. The universe, since then, has And Ibn Zayd said something close to this which is that the expansiveness returns back to the heaven [in comparison to the earth]. In fact, it appears to repeat not only the accuracies of Greek ideas but their inaccuracies also. Muslims have a hard time making their case, and generally dont realize most of what they say has been heard before from Christians. circulate around something that is mixed and that has a separate and distinct Muhammad Sarwar: We have made the heavens with Our own hands and We expanded it. Quran Says Universe Is Expanding - The Last Dialogue Beside the other option of the meaning of which is a vast space between the heaven and earth. discovery is regarded as one of the greatest in the history of astronomy. to Accept. Dont worry if its already been discovered or if the words dont fit. These meanings imply that something comes into As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. matches what is mentioned in the verse that the heaven and Earth (thus the This claim is false. theory go identically hand in hand with the description of the creation of the The ancient Egyptian word for iron was metal of heaven and the Babylonians had a similar word. (part 1 of 4): The Core of Islam, The Benefits of Converting to Islam In the years to come, with further observations, the As well as a general criticism, he discusses: 1. The most popular interpretation today is the first mentioned (expansion of Universe), the reason is clearly a subjective choice since it fits good with the Big Bang theory, proving the divinity of the Quran. For me, the value of a climb is the sum of three inseparable elements, all equally important: aesthetics, history, and ethics. Generic Doubly-Linked-Lists C implementation. This is blatant example of attributing lies to Allh. Number six. och vi ro de som utvidgat den: If you wish, you could also interpret the verse without using the interpretation that lean to the scientific view. Glass isnt organic. Products are provided by Feline Purrty Designs for Atheist Republic. Secondlynoants are not made of glass and there is no science stating otherwise. were moving away from us. The Qur'an claims that the sun sets in a muddy pool (18:86), that semen is formed between the backbone and ribs (86:6-7), that the earth is flat (88:20), that there are seven earths (65:12), that the sun orbits the earth (36:38-40), that human embryos are blood-clots (22:5), that the sky would fall on the earth if Allah didn't hold it up (22:65), and that stars are missiles that Allah uses to shoot demons who try to sneak into heaven (37:6-10; 67:5). "The Qur'an knew about the universe expanding 1400 years ago - Reddit The Big Bang theory and expanding universe theory are still theories. I look forward to watching them. Most other translations today seems to (subjectively) ignore that translation and translate it to expansion: . Is it not presumable that edge of the universe was included within such a structure?). *this one is mine*. Knowing Creator. many people in his time, Prophet Muhammad happened to be illiterate and simply I find this all very interesting! was not known, and people used the word heaven to refer to what lies above the The boat described also couldnt sail. Al-asan, We are capable and from him as well, We expand the provision by way of rain.. Although this fact was not discovered by science until the 20th century, God has informed us of this reality in the Qur'an revealed 1,400 years ago: Number nine. The verse points out that space, and thus the universe, happens to Make sure you tell them that they just proved the Koran wrong.Up until about 10 years ago the Big Crunch theory was debated. First of all, there is no reason to interpret crushed this way. The second, expanded the heaven (making it huge), said by Ibn Zayd. If this is supposed to be a description of the Big Bang, then it is a terrible one. Science in the Quran? - Atheist Republic what triggered off the explosion that brought about the beginning of the Later, when the science was more thoroughly understood, a clot of blood did not really match the reality we saw. Record your voice here for it to be aired on the Atheist Republic Voicemails Podcast. The Quran reveals the Big Bang before it was known about. Which religions followers will go in Paradise, If there is God then why so much injustice around, Determinism and Freewill: Scientific and Religious Analysis, Quantum Field theory, we are all connected, A Brief Summary Of Events In Human History As Per Bible. And al-ahhk said, Rich (aghniy), its evidence is the saying of Allh (D), the wealthy (almsi) according to his ability (2:236). ) means, "We made it vast and We brought its roof higher without pillars to support it, and thus it is hanging independently.". All sky and distances in between celestial bodies. Your favorites list is empty. The Quran describes iron as being sent down from the heavens before it was known that meteors containing iron fell to the earth from outer space. Or make a one-time donation in any amount. Soon after Hubble published Secondly, its not possible mountains could hold down the earth, unless you think the earth is flat. It doesnt even contain information on efficient agricultural endeavors. And of course if the Arabic meaning exists somewhere in traditional Arabic literature such as Jahili poems that might also be accepted. In other words, it was created. [1] The First Thanks for contributing to knowledge development. This is more so considering that, like In the previous verse, the Arabic words ratq and fataq One of the silliest claims comes from Surat An-Naml 27:18-19, which reads, Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said, O ants, enter your dwellings that you not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive not. So [Solomon] smiled, amused at her speech, and said, My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. and dense point; that exploded and brought about the beginning of the universe, I don't know how that word can mean to "he is able to". Later on, Einstein was to identify his act as 'the greatest mistake of his career'. What's the cheapest way to buy out a sibling's share of our parents house if I have no cash and want to pay less than the appraised value? And alak said, We have sufficed you, its evidence is the wealthy (al-msi) according to his ability (2:236). in science, is considered remarkable. Radiation (CMB) that spreads through the universe. Thus, it was understood All proceeds will go to keeping the Atheist Republic website up and running; providing resources, advocacy, community tools and encouragement to atheists all over the world. The fact . Here is the channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheIslammiracle The blog posts published here undergo only a minimal editing process in order to preserve the voice and views of the writer. How to Broach Religion Without Starting a Brawl, A Letter to My 18 Month Old on Womens Day. El artculo / video que has solicitado no existe todava. This points to evidence of dark energy. revelation from God, The Creator and Originator of the universe. It is also said: We are expansive in providing sustenance through rain. [Al-Baghaw]: Ibn Abbs said, Powerful, able (qdirn and also form him, Of vastness in providing sustenance to our creation. It is also said, Possessors of vastness.. The only conclusion that could be derived from a universe where everything moves away from everything else is that the universe constantly 'expands'. This web site has several customizations made specifically for you, such as: your favorites, your history, marking articles you have previously viewed, listing articles published since your last visit, explanation for this observation was that the universe had to be expanding. Part of Surat Al-add 57:25 reads And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His messengers unseen. Although one could say some iron has been sent down in the form of meteors, most of earths iron was gathered together along with all the other elements during the formation of the earth. It has become clear that there is not enough matter in the Universe to prevent it from expanding. All rights reserved. There are multiple other verses (15:19, 20:53, 43:10, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19, 78:6) translated as the earth is a bed, carpet or other flat surface. It is not a verse quoting Allahs attributes known by this name, because (with hands -as it was quoted in the translation from qtafsir) is not the plural of (hand), but it is meaning strength. The Quran reveals an expanding universe before this was known. i gained much more knowledge from it.. ALLAH AKBIR, THE HOLY QURAN HAS NO ALTERNATIVE, aslamu alaikum .thank you for your topic. I haven't viewed them yet, but that looks awesome. dense point, and that something triggered the explosion of this point that What positional accuracy (ie, arc seconds) is necessary to view Saturn, Uranus, beyond? could not have been aware of such facts by himself. / The article/video you have requested doesn't exist yet. "Most books on witchcraft will tell you that witches work naked. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. / . Then turned He to the heaven when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth: Come b. The universe had come about by the explosion of this single point with zero volume. We can use other verses from the Quran to understand what meaning is intended here. One of those elements is iron. Read the full thing down below, it also debunks the big bang: http://www.aqidah.com/creed/assets/docs/big-bang-cosmology-quran.pdf. You may not be aware, but the iERA (Islamic Education and Research Association)in their latest dawah initiative: "The Man in the Red Underpants" (I kid you not)are spouting this "miracle". Yusuf Ali: With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace. Debunking all 'miracles of the Quran'. - rationalskepticism.org One can hardly think of a more inaccurate description of the Big Bang than this verse. Also, get the book "Why There is No God" for free. The most prominent minds in history kept claiming that either the universe had its limits or that it was an endless infinite space. not fixed in their position; instead, they were actually moving away from us The Quran also contains several verses which are simply scientifically incorrect, but are used to prey upon the gullible and uneducated. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. Hubble discovered the expanding universe in 1925. I have been a member of the online atheist community for over ten years. In the atheist community, there is generally a lack of debunkings in regards to Islam, therefor a few of us from the council of ex muslims forum began creating channels devoted to that very subject. - Quora Answer (1 of 18): Almost every scientific miracle of the Quran can be refuted using other parts of the Quran or Authentic Hadiths which contradict the claim. fataq. His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to Haunted Brea: Lost Souls Spotted on Carbon Canyon Road To enable these features from any computer, you should login while browsing this site. Hubbles new findings placed the foundations for So his interpretation is we have constructed the heaven with strength. Firstly, gas and smoke are not the same thing. I recently stumbled across this video which claimed that the Quran predicted the big bang and expanding universe, and couldn't let it stand unchallenged. Number one. This is evident in other passages as well. Scan this QR code to download the app now. I am the grandson of a Pentecostal preacher and have a sister who is a born again Christian. The Expanding Universe 3. I'm just curious. Is it possible for the Qu'ran to have mistakes in it? According to the Sumerians, the heavens had been separated from the earth (Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the nether world) and the idea that the heavens and the earth were one single block that was broken into two was common in ancient Egypt. Copyright 2006 - 2023 IslamReligion.com. PLEASE KEEP THIS CIVIL D:< I'm an agnostic, but still do a lot of religious reading and research to expand my knowledge on history and whatnot. The extremely high density within the "primeval atom" would cause the universe to expand rapidly. The species which currently inhabit the earth could not have evolved within a few thousand years from a pair of kinds, nor could a pair of each species fit on the boat described. The story of Exodus is mentioned in verses 51:38-40. Message To Muslims: Come That We Burn All Books Written By All Saints Of Your Sects And Start A New Life. What it does contain are several verses which if twisted to conform to modern knowledge, may appear insightful to nave individuals suffering from hindsight bias. "He who begins by loving Christianity more than Truth, will proceed by loving his sect or church better than Christianity, and end in loving himself better than all.". We have built the heaven with might, and we it is who make the vast extent thereof. (Surah 51:47). Random Quranic Science claims - Debunked. General Commercial. Re: Debunking all 'miracles of the Quran'. @Jammooly See the Tafsir of Tabari, Razi, Zamakhshari, Qurtubi, Baydawi. (The reason I mention it to be subjective is because todays scholars/translators do not mention the traditional view.) Dua (Supplication) (part 2 of 4): Praise God in the way He Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Islam Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. One example of a pre-twentieth century translation is With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of space. It seems this is something a Texas sharpshooter fallacy, whereby Muslims have updated the translation to accommodate what the evidence reveals. Ibn Ashur gave something like this as an introduction to comment on the verse in his tafsir at-tahrir wa-Tanwir adding that means strength, but it is originated from the hands, but due to the use of this expression it became a synonym of strength and in this verse and in surat saad refers to a strength that nobody can excel! Simple Responses to 20 Common Arguments for the Existence of God. And he made the moon as a light (Arabic noor) in their midst and made the sun as a lamp. (Surah 71:16) And he placed therein a lamp and a moon giving light. (Surah 25:61). Then the results of the WMAP mission and observations of distant supernova have suggested that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating, which implies the existence of a form of matter with a strong negative pressure. Before going further we must know that the Qur'an was revealed in Arabic and especially the traditional sunni tafsir scholars would reject any interpretation which was made by anybody else than the Prophet () or a sahabi () which is known for his knowledge of tafsir such as ibn 'Abbas, ibn Masu'd etc. beginning, that God was behind its creation, and all that God needs to do No current scientific evidence reports that the Moon was split into two (or more) parts and then reassembled at any point in the past.. noor means light and is used many times to refer to God himself and so obviously cannot mean reflected light. Why register? centuries to follow), no scholar was able to give much detail about how exactly The form IV active participle is masculine plural and is in the nominative case . Find out more, Topic List & Subject wise Bible well arranged in Index and categories So the Quran seems to take the limits of the people's knowledge into consideration in its word usage. Big Bang from Islamic Perspective | About Islam However, he had laid his discovery to rest simply not to conflict with the widely recognized static universe model of his time. In the atheist community, there is generally a lack of debunkings in regards to Islam, therefor a few of us from the council of ex muslims forum began creating channels devoted to that very subject. According to many Islamic sources, Quran 51:47 refers to the expansion of the universe, a phenomenon that has been made known to us in the recent century. truly received divine revelation from the Creator and Originator of the Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? What are your sources? God created the sky - and truly He is able to. precise meaning of each word in Arabic in the verse, as well as the overall theory implied that if the single point from which the universe came into [Abu ayyn]51 in al-Bar al-Mu: Meaning, that we constructed it and the sentence is an adverbial one (jumlah liyyah), meaning that we made it whilst being expansive therein (in its making), similar to the saying, Zayd come whilst he was rushing meaning he came rushing. What about the miracle of the Holy Qur'an itself? universe. Why wasnt argon mentioned? In the above verse, the word heaven is referring to space and the known In 1916 Einstein developed his General Theory of Relativity that indicated that the universe must be either expanding or contracting. However, how do we know in the first place that the word 'samaa' used in this verse is referring to the greater universe (i.e heaven)? Reddit - Dive into anything Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world He raised its ceiling and proportioned it. Due to these and other references in the Quran, it appears 51:47 is intended only to mean Allah expanded the universe in terms of spreading it out, that this expansion is fixed, and not that it is continuously expanding. The Big Bang is not about a lump blowing up. However, that's not the issue I'm concerned with. Note : By clicking record you are allowing us to broadcast your message on any of our platforms. It says God created the earth, then he created the hills on the earth, and then it says he turned to the heavens when they were smoke. DEBUNKED | Quran expanding universe scientific miracle Although this fact was not discovered by science until the 20th century, Allah has informed us of this reality in the Quran (revealed 1,400 years ago) saying (what means): "And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander." Expansion of the universe . And God Will Replace You By Another People, The Last Dialogue| 2023 All Rights Reserved | Designed & Developed by TheLastDialogue.org|, Quran Miracle As It Mentioned Expansion Of Universe, DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE IMPORTANT WORDS USED IS GIVEN BELOW, Atoms & Elementary Particles Mentioned In Quran. As per Quran, the word heaven refer to what lies above the Earth. the matter in the universe came into existence from one single extremely hot Scientific Miracles in the Qur'an Debunked. - Council of Ex-Muslims alhamdulillah i read this, and now i know that before the founding of big bang theory by the scientists, the expanding of the earth is there in the Holy Qur'an. Wow! The prefix / La in Arabic is for emphasizes and adds a sense of, to a great extent. Find out more, Condensed Summary of Main Topics and Theme of each Surah of Quran that the radiation found was a remnant of the initial stages of the Big Bang. Presently, Atheism vs Agnosticism: What is the difference? The Quran reveals the gaseous state of the universe pre-big bang before this was known. It is also said, we are expansive in strength, power, meaning we are able from ability (wus, qah). About the science of tafsir and "scientifc proofs, theories, examples" based on the Qur'an. If you find any joy or stimulation at Atheist Republic, please consider becoming a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good dinner. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The earth formed nine billion years after the Big Bang in some tiny outpost of a vast universe. Above are photos of known galaxies. And we sent down iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind (Surah 57:25). The Expanding Universe vs Quran - Ozzblog Quran in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish And Urdu. See Tafsir Tabari, Razi, Zamakhshari, Qurtubi, Baydawi. the heavens and earth were created. What the scholars could explain was the Secondly, it makes no sense to suggest it means God is expanding the universe after the verse has just said God has built (past tense) the sky and since the universe was already expanding nine billion years before the sky was formed. Complements the babble ones and fills out the old repertoire. thanks looks like a great channel,subscribed, Great channel, I'm enjoying watching the videos and looking forward to more, "They call it the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." Then will they not believe?" Quran 51:47. became clear to Muslim scholars that the details mentioned with regards to the But I will to keep it hidden, that every soul may be rewarded for that which it strives (to achieve)." Present Land Use. The possibility remains, that Sura 79: 27-6 refers to space, while Sura 41: 11-2 along with Sura 21: 30 refers to structural matter within this expanded or expanding space; but then. This size is increasing only because of space which is expanding. Note that samaa' is usually considered as anything above, the sky we know (from which we "get the rain"), then higher (and further) the universe and higher (and or further) the heaven. You will find some interesting quotes by Razi and Ibn Al-Kathir. Surat An-Nzi`t 79:30 reads, And after that He spread the earth. Some have attempted in recent years to retranslate this verse as He made the earth egg shaped. They claim the Arabic word dahaha, which means laid out or evened out, is derived from the Arabic word duhiya, which means ostrich egg. This is a rather silly stretch, as the earth isnt egg shaped anyways. Due to the popularity of the concept, it ought not to surprise us that a range of Muslim exponents has as usual attempted to create links between this modern concept and certain Qur'anic statements as claimed in Quran. The views expressed by individual bloggers do not necessarily represent those of Atheist Republic as an organization or other members of the blogging team.

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