hearthstone duels passive treasures tier list

hearthstone duels passive treasures tier list

Some people opt for Savage Secrets to gain the card advantage Hunters generally lack, only there arent really any treasures that can abuse Secrets as well as Deathrattles. Even Laughing Sister and Emerald Drake are still decent since you dont have to spend a ton of mana to dump them out of your hand and actually are above average minions for their cost. Phaoris Blade mana adjusted from 4 to 5. Royal Gift is an excellent finisher. Is there something you think I missed or have a strategy you'd like to share? It gives you just a little bit extra to play, and also triggers the effects of If you played an Elemental last turn card without having to cram a ton of Elementals into your deck to keep their effects live. Treasure Pool Updates. Out of all the Starting Treasures that scale throughout the run. Starting Treasure: Payload Totem Specialist. Ghoul Blitz is an amazing Hero Power in general, but more so for Death Knights because of how efficiently you can rack up corpses. The only instance of this being the go-to pick is when running Royal Greatsword for the targeted draw and being able to use it a turn early. Starting Treasure: Killmox, the Banished One. If you manage to keep Highlord Fordragon on board before you use Karl the Losts effect or vice versa, you can potentially pile on an absurd amount of stats onto you hands minions. Defend the Dwarven District,Barbed Nets,Slam,Tracking,Bash,Furious Howl,Man the Cannons,Minefield,Warpath,Aimed Shot,Dragonbane Shot,Shellshot,Flanking Strike,Marked Shot,Barak Kodobane. Passing Grades: Warrior, Demon Hunter and Druid Much like Mages and Priests, Warriors are also stuck with their primary strategy of stalling until they can kill While Unlocked Potential has the possibility of decreasing you minions Attack, youll most likely be offered it as an option if most or all of your minions would gain Attack. Coin Pouch, Creepy Curio, and Old Militia Horn all have really weak effects for their cost, and require you to play their upgraded versions to be considered worthwhile. As a legendary However, the best way to use this is with big minions; which Handbuff Paladins tend to get a lot of. Warlocks have access to Dark Arts, a massive cycling engine commonly used to search out C'Thun, the Shattered pieces. Karl the Lost and Sr. I recognized like a third of them from the Which Wood, if not mor. This is aiming to heavily capitalize on Avenging Armaments. They can also handle Deathrattles that summon more stuff really well. Please check your lists mage deck is illegal. This is all based on my [RaptorWithWings] personal experience, but Ill do my best to give the greatest possible advice! Even if you take the lackluster neutral Dredge cards, if you dont get one of the two passives, then you just have a couple mediocre minions in your deck. Pillage the Fallen has nearly the same amount of value, with only a minor change that gives it a slight Attack buff. The first reward from Raid the Docks pulls a weapon out of your deck, which can give you guaranteed access to Ol' Faithful if you have no other weapons! The only way to maximize its effect is to run Holy spells in mass, which cuts out minions that youd want to buff in the first place. There are a couple decent Frost-based treasures that can push Freeze Shaman plays further. More often than not, you wont even get to the point of drawing the second one. Another weapon that warrants certain deck building is Jaws. Optimized Polarity doesn't generate much advantage as there are very limited minions and not all that impactful unless manage to handbuff them. Most generic Secondary Passive are better at this point. However, you need to have both the two cheap cards in your hand as well something big and worth the effort to turbo out. Passive Treasure Updates. Passive Treasure Updates. Aside from passives, there is no Arcane specific support. Milling your opponent is also a niche way to use it if the opportunity arises.Dreamgrove Ring gives you the chance to load up your board with big and scary threats, but it robs you of the ability to do much else. The main problem Embers of Ragnaros faces is its cost. Its fairly good letting you distribute damage multiple times in a controlled way, and leaves you with 1/1s with reborn for board presence and extra corpses. Tier 3: Out of all the three-stage treasures, Surly Mob is probably the best. Meek Mastery is fairly limited in its uses outside of all-neutral Drekthar (or Vanndar on rare occasions) builds since most decks run class cards. Tier 1 - God Tier Passives that are valuable in any deck that support it. Tier 1: Effects the passively double the value of some of your cards are definitely some of the most powerful treasures. Basically any minion wouldnt mind a Power Up!. The effect of Freeze Solid now involves a damage buff as opposed to instant destruction of minions. Staff of Pain was okay on its own and is prone to backfiring. I know Hsreplay has a sort of tier list, but it doesn't include vanndar or drek'thar, just like At (3) mana, its pretty difficult to make impactful combos. This one in particular was rough because of 4 new heroes and most of their hero powers and treasures need to use specific links since they all have other versions from Doom in the Tomb. However, combining it with Charge (Plus Battleground Battlemaster for potentially a near OTK) is significant burst damage worthy of considering. But free resources is still good. Thats pretty much it. Creator Notes:Deathrattles themselves are good enough to carry Hunters with Death Games. Mage finally has actual Arcane support it can start a run with to use alongside the Arcane related Passives. But the decks that wanna cheat out big things already have ways to do that, like Clumsy Courier and Kael'thas Sinstrider. Tiny Thimble is a regular Rush minion with vanilla stats, but gives you a Regular-Size Thimble, which is just a better Darius Crowley. If you feel that you dont need the removal, Sr. Excavator can be an amazing draw option for minion heavy decks or Brann's Saddle if many of them are Beasts. But since the payoff is so huge that it can get you 12 wins on its own, it might actually be worth trying to do if you accept the challenge! Stormcatcher is the most used one due to how much Mana you can save with it, especially with Chaos Storm. i dont think Quel'Delar workd as indented i won against someone using it and i did not get it. Sure it has all of the drawbacks of attacking with your hero, but your opponent is forced to play around it every single turn. Royal Gift and Tier GG: Quel'Delar is a treasure on a whole other level. Even though Lichborne Might effectively functions as +3 Attack to one of your minions and kills it, it has actually found success in Deathrattle heavy Death Knight decks, largely thanks to Mummy Magic. Cards that give all of your minions a buff encourages token strategies. But since Overpowered IS one of them, thats not an option. Creator Notes: The fact that most of the minions are mechs is mostly for the internal support it has. Even Battlegrounds had their own versions of Sr. Tomb Diver and Karl the Lost. With all the available cards Hunters have access to in Duels, Deathrattles are definitely the go-to archetype. It just takes some work to get the cards where you want in your hand. Scales of Justice is also a great tool for dealing with a troublesome enemy board. WebPassive cards ('treasures') can only be found in Duels and some Solo Adventures; however, Passive Hero Powers can also be encountered in the regular play mode and The impact of Book of Wonders varies wildly, but has the ability to outshine a lot of the other primary passives. Puzzle Box sounds good at first glance. Wish looks like the ultimate comeback card, and in some ways it is. Any major changes to the previous version of this guide will have a * in front of it. It provides you with new weapons for zero mana, allowing you to play perks like Deadly Poison without any setup. Wasn't all that powerful. updates must be a pain in the naga but thank you. Treasure Pool Updates. Flame Waves gives all of your Fire spells the added value of two free Arcane Explosion, which is an amazing passive board clear. Its so strong it requires you to draft 2 specific treasures to even gain access to it. Late game, Grimmer Patron can combo with buffs to create a massive self-duplicating minion. Even then, it loses you a ton of tempo thats hard to recover from in Duels. Not only that, its also abusable in Priest since theyre so good at cloning their minions and multiplies the value of Xyrella, the Devout. 1: Posting the card images uses names. All other Treasures try to capitalize on cannon damage, with Grizzled Reinforcement and Draconic Munitions being the better ones since they last all game. However, Reno has the special attribute of being part Mage that allows him to play this minion and follow it up with something insane like Drakefire Amulet or Rune of the Archmage as early as turn 4! I encounter a TON of Sai playing Lichborne Might. Out of all the school specific Spell Damage, Kindling Flame benefits its particular school the most. Plus, most of the possible cards either require a certain game state to be useful or are just worse than most treasures. Following it up with Death Games is probably the best use for it. Scourge Strike and Greatsword of the Ebon Blade are probably the more recommended choices for most decks in general. Actives: Treasures that are additional cards that get shuffled into your deck before the game starts. Pure Neutral - With how many options youre cutting out when you eliminate class cards, you can afford to lean into gaining constant value from War Commands while For the Horde! It requires you to add several weapons to capitalize on the effect. The remaining actives are nothing more than slightly improved versions of existing collectable cards. Well start by ranking the neutral treasures on a scale of 1-5 followed by an explanation for the reasoning behind the ranks. Since Embers of Ragnaros is gonna be all youre able to play most of the time, its really hard to make it work the way you want it to. Gallery Totem of the Dead, full art Patch changes Patch (2022-08-02): Tier 4: Mask of Mimicry and Golden Kobold replace most or all of the cards in your hand, which you dont always want since youll typically be holding onto other Treasures for later. The other four classes are good at using Harness the Elements, as most of them are typically spell-heavy. The potential for getting TRIPLE value out of a spell is just too good to pass up. Ancient Reflections, Bag of Holding, and Mask of Mimicry have been temporarily removed from all Treasure Pools. Free triggers on you Deathrattles is a strong effect, but Deathly Death! Wither the Weak adds on some extra power to the typically cheap Fel spells, making them an above average tempo play. This can also specifically shutdown bomb Warriors most of the time. You cant necessarily build a deck around Inspiring Presence. Is there something you think I missed or have a strategy you'd like to share? The final reward will let you chip away at enemy health even when youre using the Hero Power as minion removal. Rogue was a safe class to put Swiftscale Trickster in because of the classs general lack of majorly impactful high cost spells. Runed Soulblade is a good weapon in its own right, but your opponent can play around it and waste its durability and potential. Nous Both decks usually pick Shadow Word: Void as their Starting Treasure. Creator Notes: Battle Totem is an Ultra Rare Treasure, but Corrupt the Waters is the next best thing. But if your opponent cant get rid of it, you can start accumulating some really nifty board control and face damage.Party Portal at first looks like its supposed to be used to summon a big minion after you play an expensive spell. Guardian Light definitely has potential, giving you minions for using spell school that doesnt usually provide much tempo if any. Things like Arcane Burst and Summon Pet can wreak total havoc when it's repeatable. However, by this point in the run you should already have ways to avoid running out of steam in the first place. When you have legendary minions with effects that benefit exponentially by being duplicated like Aegwynn, the Guardian or Rattlegore, then Disks of Legend can be a huge game-changer; even though it does nothing else when you're not playing legendary minions. I already tested several decks for 17 heroes multiple times, so please forgive me if I dont replace these deck lists with better ones. Hesitbaron Togwaggle now has 10 Armor. Legendary Loot can give you amazing early advantage if you get your hands on the right weapon, like Woecleaver or Twig of the World Tree. All three deal damage, just in different ways. It also doesn't help at all if you're behind. Running, Dragon decks are extremely good in Duels with. Scout are fantastic starting Treasure picks that dont need to be in a specific deck to perform well. Ring of Refreshment is a generally weaker version of Stargazing, but is still useful in the same ways. It's just Druid decks they'd work with are ones I usually see have more generic treasures instead. You're better off looking at the latest 12 win decks from hearthstone-decks.net/duels-deck/ than reading this. Marvelous Mycelium is good at generating some high quality good cards. And there arent a lot of minions where having a giant copy of it is super good either. The main problem is the fact that the better Holy spells are generally not very expensive, so you tend to only get a few small minions. If all attacks hit face, you just dealt 32 damage to your opponent with one card. Tier 3: All Together Nowhas gone through several nerfs, but still remains a solid pick since it discounts one of the most prevalent and useful types of minions in the game. Death Games is the ultimate Deathrattle Hero Power and can capitalize on quite a few minions. Updated: 3rd of February. Fire! Spyglass can snag a useful card for a mana efficient price a reliable amount of the time. This will likely be patched later, but this currently opens up the possibility to resurrect the same minion 5 separate times. They both encourage you to play two cheap minions/spells then follow it up with a big one that acts as a giant mana cheat. As great as all the keywords are that Gnomish Army Knife stacks onto a minion, its cost makes it hard to combo with. Tier 4 - Lackluster effects that wont be super game-changing very often. is fairly unique amongst the first passives. It also serves as a guaranteed source of burn damage over the course of the game, making it an obvious choice. Hematology has potential, but it spends corpses like crazy. And sometimes you run Stonehearth Vindicator to draw one and play right away, which doesnt give you a minion at all. Tier 2: Among the 1st Passives that provide discounts, the ones that effortlessly generate damage or stats are excellent picks. Die Tanzsportkompetenz im Landkreis Passau But those kinds of decks mostly summon vanilla minions with decent stats. Even if you dont get it, the other Fel Treasure is good as well. Webcsu board of trustees live stream. DrekThar and Vanndar have wildly different strategies between their Hero Powers and treasures because of their whole gimmick of being accessible to 5 classes. The weapon draw and discount of Grommash's Armguards isnt much baseline value for even for a 1st passive. Any cost reducing Treasure helps Druids a lot due to how much they excel with Mana Cheating. Gathering Storm accomplishes that too, but exchanges the minion aspect and 1 corpse for card draw, which is just as viable but for different strategies. Staff of Scales and Wand of Disintegration do this better than all the others since they can kill several minions at once regardless of their Health. Elise's Might isnt a half bad generic tool and Starseeker is just a source of free damage if your deck is primarily spells. I used to love duels, but the change in buckets killed it for me :(. Both Priests and Druids have cards to support an Undead archetype, and Elise has the option to use the best of both. The +2/+2 aura effect of Greedy Gains makes a massive difference and can let you snowball aggressively even on the earliest turns. The most important one is that its guaranteed to be in your hand by turn 1! Vanndar especially abuses this with Battle Tactics. A lot of decks cant afford to run too many cheap cards and/or dont really have anything that really needs to be cheated out. You have the option of running more Secrets that curve better so you can play Sr. Tomb Diver or cast the Mage ones far more efficiently with things like Private Eye or Sparkjoy Cheat. Since you cant have more that one weapon out at a time, its not a very optimal deck building strategy. 2023 Magic Find, Inc. All rights reserved. Since Volatile Skeletons are technically neutral, your Skeletons get the buffs even when theyre summoned by Mage cards. Its a pretty control oriented Hero Power, so it allow you to stack up effects like. But in Duels, if all youre doing is summoning really big stuff, youre gonna wanna do it much earlier than turn 9. Shamans have so many AOE Spells to take advantage of, so those combined with good Spell Damage minions can keep the opponents board under control while you set up yours. The spells are the better than the minions and are amazing when you just get a bunch of them for free. Since it only benefits big neutral minions, it can ultimately work in any deck that can maintain control while they snowball their advantage. So if youre behind, not even its best combo does much to help. This leaves Totemic Power rarely used, but it still a nifty choice for decks that would like to summon a decent minion on a Hero Power. Hesitbaron Togwaggle now has 10 Armor. Gluth can make your existing board extremely sticky, but this functions more like a win-more card if anything. Once you have both the Blade and Hilt of Quel'Delar in your deck, they fuse and become the almighty Quel'Delar. Running only Nature spells and Elementals has proven to be really good thanks to. Banning Seek Knowledge killed it for me. Since Duels games can go on for so long, the most common Treasure is Infinite Arcane. Invigorating Bloom is often used with several expensive, high impact cards. Awakened Ancient is also worth taking as a defensive hand reload. Ancient Reflections actually has quite a few amazing targets that can win you the game. Fire Away! The Legendary Invitations created by Be Our Guest are so cheap, they can easily dominate the early game. Mantle of Ignition is basically a permanent Zentimo and is extremely potent in any class. The Blood and Frost deck examples will resemble the builds a lot of players have been seen using. *Heavy Armor doesnt do anything to push you towards winning by itself. Even if you did, itd likely just get in one attack then die on your opponents turn. After that, you dont really have anything else to gain from that. Many things that dont stand out wont be mentioned, as talking about every single one of them would make this guide way too needlessly long. Pure Cold is a usable finisher that can also spare you a turn of damage from weapon heavy decks like those with Pillage the Fallen. The effect of Sow the Seeds by itself is Prince Keleseth without a deck restriction. Royal Gift and Location, Location, Location have been moved to Treasure Pool 2. Summoning a decent minion on Hero Power is viable on its own, but it also gives Death Knights an extra corpse to work with. If you dont, youre relying too much one card to bail you out. Topior the Shrubbagazzor makes already good Nature Treasures drastically more potent. The third version of these cards are the only ones really worth being called treasures. You can even recycle the value of your own minions if you want to.

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