empress and lovers together tarot

empress and lovers together tarot

EXPLORE TAROT.COM The Empress And Temperance Tarot Cards Together - iFate.com You are surrounded by life's pleasures and luxuries and have everything you need to live a comfortable lifestyle. When The Empress and The Lovers appear together in a tarot spread, it can indicate a time of growth and abundance in love and relationships. Yet in romance, there is such a gap in priorities that a lasting relationship is challenging. The Lovers and The Empress Tarot Cards Together. Vivien N Dhuinn of Truly Teach Me Tarot, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. The Empress Upright Abundance Beauty Motherly Nurturing Healing Love Comfort Fertility Good harvest Fortune In terms of relationships, The Empress suggests that you are about to experience a time of joy, creativity, and intimacy. Online 10 Cards Reading. The Hierophant is barely ever home. Now is the perfect occasion to spend even just a few hours in a natural setting such as a beach, park or garden. Discover The Empress Tarot Meaning & Interpretation | Keen On her head, she wears a crown of twelve stars, showing her connection with the mystical realm and the cycles of the natural world (the twelve months of the year and the twelve planets). The Empress Card as a Person. The Empress tarot card symbolizes abundance, nurturing, motherhood, and creativity. Nature, focusing on vibrations, and physical activity are all connected to an Empress influenced reading. Yes or No meanings of the Empress and Judgement together. Copyright 2019 Elliot Oracle LLC. > Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings, Join Brigit's All-New Tarot Workshop - FREE. Get FREE insight into whether you and your love interest are a match Get in-depth insight into whether YOUR love connection has staying power . However, friction can occur when the flirtatious High Priestess goes too far and makes the loyal Lovers person feel unloved. A Woman Putting On An Act; A Womans Investment/Money Not Performing As it Should; A Woman Building A House Without Planning Permission/Professional Design/Project Manager; A Woman Hires Unaccredited Builders/Cowboy Builders To Cut Corners/Save Money; A Woman With A False Sense Of Economy/Doing It On The Cheap/Using Substandard Materials/Poor Quality Fittings; Empress/Four of Pentacles A Miserly/Stingy/Selfish/Mean-Spirited/Penny Pinching Woman; A Woman Watching Her Pennies; A Materialistic Woman; A Woman Who Lives Within Her Means (Doesnt Spend What She Doesnt Have)/Without Debt; A Conservative Woman; A Woman Living A Spartan Existence; A Frugal/Prudent/Cautious Woman; A Woman Who Fears Scarcity; A Woman Who Wants It All/Everything/All Of You; A Greedy Woman; A Woman Who Knows The Price of Everything & The Value of Nothing; A Womans Investment/Savings/Life Savings/Pension; A Womans Beauty Secrets; A Woman Investing In Her Health; A Woman With Blocks On Many Levels; A Constipated Woman; A Woman Concealing Her Age; A Woman Concealing Her Thoughts/Feelings; A Woman Who Keeps To Herself/Extremely Private; A Clutching/Grabbing/Cloying Woman; A Needy/Fearful Woman/Who Fears Losing/Something Being Taken Away From Her; A Possessive/Controlling Woman; A Stubborn Belligerent Woman; A Woman Set In Her Ways; A Woman Who Stakes A Claims Rightful Ownership; Woman Who Wont Let Go/Hoards; A Woman Nursing A Grudge/Dislike/Withholding Affection/Intimacy; Confiding In A Woman/Woman Who Will Keep Your Secret; Woman with Something To Hide; A Closed/Guarded Woman; A Protected/Protective Woman; A Woman Sitting On Information; A Repressed/Suppressed/Inhibited/Stifled/Restrained Woman; A Woman Kept In Check; A Woman Holding Back; A Burdened Woman; An Self-Absorbed/Obsessed Woman; A Woman Fixated On Security/Who Cant Relax; A Woman Who Shuns The Bright Lights/Distances Herself From The World; A Woman Who Needs To Get Away From Everyone/Everything/Doesnt Want To See Or Hear From Anyone; A Constipated Woman, Rx A Generous/Kind/Charitable/Open-Hearted Woman; A Woman Who Has Nothing To Hide (What You See Is What You Get)/Is Transparent In Her Dealings/Wants To Get It Off Her Chest; A Woman Good For A Loan; A Soft Touch Of A Woman; A Woman With No Savings/Safety Net/Retirement Plan/Pension/Financially Exposed; A Woman Who Enjoys Her Money/Spends Without Guilt/Believes Money Is There To Be Spent/Spends Like There Is No Tomorrow; A Woman Who Continues Spending When She Knows She Should Be Saving; A Woman With A Gambling Addiction; A Woman Who Has Made A Substantial Purchase/Acquired What She Had Saved For; A Woman Who Has Cleared Out/Being Cleared Out of Her Life Savings; A Woman Whose Claim Has Been Rejected/Overthrown; A Paranoid/OCD Woman/Suspicious Of Everyone; A Careless Woman/Sloppy With Security; A Woman Who Has Been Robbed; A Liberated Woman; A Loose Woman; A Laid Back/Relaxed Woman; An Approachable Woman; A Woman Seeking Out Company; A Woman Who Has Been Away Too Long; A Woman Who Only Gets Out Occasionally/Rarely Goes Out; A Woman Who Denounces Materialism; A Woman Of Few Possessions/Owns Little; A Woman Who Needs To Offload/Give It All Away; A Woman With Few Wants; An Exposed/Vulnerable/Insecure Woman; A Woman Who Is Too Generous/Too Trusting/Prone To Be Taken Advantage Of; A Woman Letting Go of A Grudge; A Woman Clearing Out/Giving Things Away/Distributing Her Assets; A Woman Open To Change/New Ways;A Loose Tongued Woman (Wont Keep Your Confidence); A Woman With An Intestinal Bug. Discover different approaches to expressing yourself creatively, be it through painting, music, drama or other art forms. These two tarot cards represent the importance of partnership and deep love in order to create new life. When The Empress graces your tarot reading, it's a sign that your relationship is ready to evolve, promising love, success, and abundance. Thewoman herself hasblonde hair crowned with stars, signaling her divine connection with themystical realm. Children, pets, or relatives can fill in sometimes so that The Lovers soul tolerates the missing-in-action Hierophant. Adorned with holographic gold edges. Indulge in life's delights and follow your heart's bliss. Once I started, each connection or link immediately triggered another, and another, and another in my mind. All rights reserved. Drawing The Empress Card And The Lovers Tarot Cards Together | What Do A modern Marseille tarot deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright, gentle, colorful full-bleed illustrations. Got questions? Femininity translates in many ways elegance, sensuality, fertility, creative expression, nurturing and is necessary for creating balance in both men and women. Magician upright AND Devil upright Details. Owing to the good fortune that surrounds this card, you can be sure that such situations and projects would end successfully in your life. The Empress reversed indicates that you have lost too much of your own willpowerand strength because you have startedplacing too much effort and concern to other peoples affairs. You are in a period of growth, in which all you have dreamed of is now coming to fruition. Both are focused on coming to an agreement, creating harmony, and talking it through. In many Tarot decks, The Lovers card features two women and one man. The Tarot Arcana: THE LOVERS. In a love reading, the Empress tarot card brings with it the energy of love, abundance, and nurturing. . The Empress Tarot card is associated with fertility, abundance, and creation. Allow those designs and their manifestation to flow through you, acting with compassion and love. The Lovers Tarot card is a very positive sign for health. Tarot cards combinations The lists I have provided may seem very long, but I could have gone further. The work is monotonous, and perhaps youve already mastered what you can do in this position. What does The Empress and The Lovers mean together? You may have to do some internal work to understand why this is so; and what you can do to change it. As I began each card, I would think, this one will only yield a small number of possibilities. Empress/Five of Pentacles A Penniless/Deprived/Homeless/Destitute/Down On Her Luck/Unemployed Woman; A Cursed/Blighted Woman; A Cold & Hungry/Desperate Woman; An Ill/Injured/Disabled Woman; A Displaced Woman (Refugee/Seeking Asylum) A Woman In Need/Worried About Her Health/With No Health Insurance; An Abused Woman Flees Home; A Woman Who Has Lost It All/From Riches To Rags/Must Rely On Social Welfare; A Woman Struggling To Find A Home She Can Afford; A Woman With No Credit Rating/High Risk; A Spiritually Devoid Woman; A Struggling Single Parent (Woman); A Woman With A Sick/Diseased Child; A Woman With No Support/Nowhere To Go/Believes All Is Lost; A Woman With A Bleak Outlook/Doom & Gloom Attitude; A Pessimistic/Negative Woman; A Woman Who Has Lost Her Way/Faith/Seeks Divine Intervention; A Divorced Woman; A Woman Treading A Perilous Path; A Woman Under A Cloud Of Suspicion; An Ostracised/Banished/Exiled Woman/Thrown Out Of The House; A Woman Whose Reputation Has Been Tarnished; A Woman Embroiled In A Scandal: An Accused/Victimised/Persecuted Woman; A Woman Who Is Rejected Because Of Her Social Class/From The Wrong Side Of The Tracks; A Woman Who Constantly Moans About Money/The Price of Things; Makes Out She Has No Money/Has Fear Of Scarcity; A Woman Who Deprives Herself Of Lifes Comforts/Wont Spend A Cent On Herself; A Woman Who Works/Cares For Homeless/Disadvantaged; A Woman Who Has Denounced The Material World/Lives Among The Poor; a In Sickness & In Health Woman; Rx A Woman Begins To Clear Her Debt/Restructures Debt/Mortgage; Woman Receives A Stay on The Repossession Of Her Home; A Woman Secures Employment; A Woman Slowly Recovering; A Woman Who Pulls Herself Out Of A Mess/Hole/Gets A Helping Hand; A Woman Rescued/Thrown A Lifeline; A Woman Keeps The Faith/Stays Optimistic/Never Gives Up; The Turning Point For A Woman (Light At End Of Tunnel/Glimmer Of Hope/Worst Is Behind Her); A Womans Financial Situation Not As Bad As Feared/All Not Lost/Manages To Stay Afloat; No End In Sight For Woman Living In Austerity/Living Hand To Mouth/Not Enough To Go Around/Going Without/Forced To Beg; A Female Addict/Gambler Seeks Help From AA/GA/Rehab; A Woman Trying To Hide Her Poverty/Ashamed/Pretending She Is Managing/Keeping Up Appearances; A Woman People Ignore Or Are Oblivious To; A Woman Who Has No Concept Of True Poverty; A Woman Who Has Been Re-homed/Found Accommodation; A Woman Cant Escape A Brutal Regime/Lacks The Necessary Funds/Forced To Stay/No Way Out/No Help To Be Had; A Woman Granted Asylum/Case Is Rejected (Deported); A Woman Cleared For Social Welfare Support/Too Proud To Apply For It/Guilty Of Social Welfare Fraud/Playing The System; A Totally Ruined/Disgraced Woman; A Woman Named & Shamed; A Woman Needs/Forced To Leave Town With Just The Clothes On Her Back; A Woman Is Forgiven/Accepted/Tentatively Reinstated To Her Position/Has Her Name Cleared/AbsolvedOf Guilt Yet Still Feels Under A Cloud Of Suspicion; Scandal Dissipates Or Intensifies For Woman; A Woman Drawn Into Prostitution (Street Walker); A Woman Who Neglects Health/Ignores Health Warning Signs/Lives An Unhealthy Life; A Womans Health Improves Or Deteriorates; A Woman Gets A Health Diagnoses/Treatment; A Woman Seeking Help For Her Child/Neglecting Her Child/Abandoning Her Child/Not Able To Care Of Child; Womans Child Taken Into Care (Temporarily/Permanently); A Woman In An Unhealthy Relationship/Putting Her Child At Risk; An Abused Woman Finds Sanctuary & Protection, Empress/Six Of Pentacles An Affluent Woman; A Charitable/Generous/Benevolent/Compassionate/Giving Woman; A Woman Who Works With/Volunteers for The Underprivileged/Disadvantaged; Non-Judgmental/Fair/Unbiased Woman; A Woman Getting Back On Her Feet/Not Yet Able To Stand On Her Own Two Feet/Needs To Lean/Rely On Others; A Woman Receives Her Pin Money/Housekeeping Money/Maintenance/Divorce Settlement; A Loan From A Woman/Asking A Woman For A Loan/Repaying A Woman; A Woman Seeks A Loan; A Gift From/To A Woman; An Eternally Grateful Woman; Making A Deal /Coming To an Agreement/Arrangement With A Woman; Unequal Pay For Women; A Woman Seeks A Pay Rise/Investors For A Start-Up; A Woman Invests In Start-Up; An Indulgent Woman; A Woman Is Hired; A Woman Cleared For Social Welfare/Receives Benefits; A Woman Gives/Receives Help/Assistance/A Hand Out; A Grateful Woman; A Donation From A Woman; A Female (Woman) Organ Donor/Recipient: A Female (Woman) Sponsor/Patron; A Woman Receives A Windfall/Leaves Money/Inheritance/Legacy; A Woman Collects Her Winnings; A Dominant/Submissive Woman; a Co-Dependent Woman; A Grovelling/Fawning/Needy Woman; A Patronising/Condescending Woman; A Woman Dividing Up Her Time/Resources/Creating A Schedule/Sorting Diary (Time Management). You may feel that others dont appreciate the work youre doing, further adding to your frustration. This site is intended for entertainment purposes only. When linked in this manner we find it much easier to determine what might be going on for, with, or to the Woman in this case. When the Emperor card and the Empress card combine in a reading, they bring together the essence of power and nurture. There is great potential for success when these two tarot cards are present in a reading. Understand yourself and get in touch with your sensuality so that you can attractlife circumstances to bring happiness and joy. The Empress Tarot Card Combinations - Eclectic Witchcraft The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition, The Tarot Readers Blueprint for Attracting Clients. The Empress will guide you on your journey toward love, ensuring you attract the right partner into your life. The Fool represents the excitement and anticipation of a new beginning, while The Empress represents the nurturing and feminine energy needed to sustain a relationship. Get the answers for your health issues with the health tarot reading now! Tarot card images courtesy of the Biddy Tarot Deck, Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. :), This is a sneak peek at my new book, Tarot in Love, YouTube - Monthly Tarotscope with Elliot Oracle. The Empress in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships Write for us! Get answer for your question by Tarot cards now! For now, dont bother about what others think. From the abundant nature that surrounds her, we can assume that this woman represents the Earth Mother archetype, agoddess of fertility. A folk art inspired miniature tarot deck printed in bold colors and gold metallic ink for a subtle sheen. When two Major Arcana cards appear together, it's a sign that there's an important dynamic between two major forces or major life-issues at work. Required fields are marked *. Always try as much as you can to ensure that you solve matters on your own. This melts the heart of every Hermit who longs for meaningful physical contact. The sex life of this duo is likely to be sporadic as libido is not a priority, yet when they do meet under the sheets, it's often a surprisingly torrid event. In that case, it may indicate a significant . Whether you're seeking romance or nurturing a long-term partnership, this tarot reading will offer valuable insights on the road ahead. The Empress tarot card is the mother archetype of the tarot deck and the number three of the Major Arcana cards. A perfect, free rune reading for beginners. A den of iniquity would work for a while, but in the end, the Strength soul's ambition for vast wealth and power usually puts an end to the Dionysian debauchery. Give yourself a treat by having a date at a restaurant, or a walk holding hands. Unlock your future with tarot readings. We'll explore the tarot meaning of The Empress in various stages of romantic relationships. This may be an actual pregnancy or childbirth, or a metaphorical birth of a new idea or project. Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards The Empress and The Lovers together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. This charmed union looks on the outside as sweet as it is on the inside. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Rune Meanings Tarot combinations limited to show 100 objects only. The Empress And The Lovers Tarot Cards Together - ifate.com With this card as your guide, your heart will be open to receiving and giving love, leading to a fulfilling and beautiful connection. It doesn't get any easier. This couple is often drawn together by the very differences that invariably pull them part. Empress & Cups Suit Pairing -Mini Exercise - Truly Teach Me Tarot Whilst its great to know who these two cards interact with each other, its important to note that the meaning will depend on the context of your spread. A Woman Who Has Given Birth/Had A Child/Children; A Woman Who Has Suffered FertilityIssues/A Miscarriage; A Woman Who Has Had A Termination; A Woman Going Through A Difficult Menopause/Post Menopausal Woman/Perimenopausal. The Empress And The Emperor Tarot Cards Together The Empress and The Emperor compared The Emperor is also called The Pope or The High Priest in some tarot decks. LOVE AND COMPATIBILITY Companion to the Seventh Sphere Lenormand deck. Magician upright AND Nine of Cups upright . Create beauty in your life. In terms of finances, The Empress suggests that you are about to enter a period of abundance. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual , 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. Please use filter to find your card's combination. (For a more detailed description of the Empress visit the Empress tarot card interpretation page.). When talk fails, the more sensual Lovers soul will readily resort to caresses and tender touch. Understanding how the meaning of a reading changes once you start involving more than one card can be tricky. Specifically, an idea or a thought (Ace of Swords) is coming into being (Empress). Get a forecast of your love life with Tarot cards for past, present and futur Get answer for your question by Tarot cards now! Because Major Arcana cards generally reference important or philosophical issues this coupling is often a meaningful one. With both willing to give so freely, this can be a powerful union that endures all kinds of challenges and tests. The Empress is also a strong indication of pregnancy and motherhood. Our site has a wide many of different free online card readings, oracles and simple games that aim to give you instant insight and answer questions about your various life spheres. These were rapid-fire connections, not dwelt on for too long. Are you your biggest critic when it comes to how you look and the shape of your body? The reversed Empress love tarot meaning can represent a partner is too smothering, controlling or alternatively, unable to express their feelings. When these two pair up for creative projects, there can be some degree of synergy -- The Lovers person has a finely-honed imagination that can translate the Magician's ideas into a creative expression. It suggests that you are in a good place financially and that your relationship with money is strong. The Empress is abundant both creatively and materially, so this card can point to a comfortable financial situation. This combination speaks to shared strengths and synergy between yin and yang energies; when these forces . Explore how tarot can help you slow down and reconnect with your innermost self. The Empress And Temperance Tarot Cards Together The Empress and Temperance compared Both the Empress and Temperance cards are Major Arcana cards. 4 colors represent the 4 elements, and a rainbow represents universal energy, creating a simple framework for reading. Empress upright AND Lovers upright Details. The Empress tarot love meaning stems from the element of earth. The Yes and No meanings can differ from reader to reader. I had to draw the line somewhere. Following the High Priestess, this card represents a shift from self-love to loving others. Instead of attempting to work with all the potential interpretations for the Empress, I decided to settle on one word for her - Woman. The Lovers on the other hand, is associated with the zodiac sign Gemini, and not directly associated with a ruling planet like the Empress. The Lovers wants to create a home where romance and intimate seclusion take place. Suppose you've been noticing this card appearing in your readings lately. Not Sure What Your Tarot Cards Are Telling You? The Empress and The Lovers - Tarot Cards Meanings Together The first card will describe the situation you are in with the second horizontal card being the challenge crossing you (literally crossing you in this case!). Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Empress and the Emperor together represent a couple that has a very attractive and alluring vibe surrounding them. Empress Card Pairing Exercise Part 4 - The Suit of Swords. When it comes to relationships, this card also heralds a stable, serious and committed relationship. The Empress signifies a strong connection with our femininity. Elliot Oracle | Tarot Card Meanings & Tarot Readings, Minor Arcana, Pentacles, Upright Cards, Card of the Day, Major Arcana, Upright Cards, Card of the Day, Shop Signed Books: Fearless Tarot & Tarot in Love, by Elliot Adam, Fearless Tarot - Signed Book, Special Edition | By: Elliot Adam, Tarot in Love - Signed Book, Special Edition | By: Elliot Adam. Of course it doesnt have to be the Empress or Woman, any card will work equally as well, with the interpretations tweeked to suit the archetype or situation represented. The Empress And Justice Tarot Cards Together - iFate.com These card combinations can seem intense and confusing. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Combinations | BiddyTarot Blog Empress/Ace of Pentacles A Woman With Means/Wealthy/Financially Sound Woman/With Her Own Money; A Woman Worth Her Weight In Gold; A Woman With The Midas Touch; A Natural Business Woman; A Female Entrepreneur; A Woman Heads A Business Start-Up; A Woman Who Will Make Her Money Work For Her; A Woman Investing In Her Education/Career; A Woman Has Gained/Acquired Something; A Womans Inheritance; Inheriting Something From A Woman; A Woman With A Contingency Plan/Fund; A Thrifty/Prudent Woman/Keeps Within Her Budget/Looks After The Pennies/Makes A Little Go A Long Way; A Womans Finances Gain Interest; A Womans Loan/Mortgage is approved; A Woman Seeking/Receiving Financial Backing/Investment; A Woman With A Firm Grip On Reality/Her Financial Status; A Woman Holds Her Destiny Within Her Own Hands; A Woman Who Has Something To Show For Herself; A Woman Who Makes Her Own Luck; An Exceptional Woman; A Woman On Her Way To The Top/With A Definite Goal/On A Mission; A Woman Offers/Is Offered A Golden Opportunity; A Woman Will Make Significant Gains; A Woman Who Knows A Good Thing/Quality/Potential/Value/Worth When She Sees It; A Woman With A Keen Eye For A Bargain; A Woman With A Bright Future; A Woman Has What It Takes To Make A Success Of Her Life/Seeks A Comfortable Existence; A Woman With Natural Talents/Skills; A Woman Holds The Key To Success/ A Womans Secret Weapon; A Woman Starting Out/Making A Solid Start; Starting Out As She Means To Continue; A Solid/Grounded/Practical Woman; A Woman Quick On The Uptake/Who Gets It; A Woman In Control Of Herself; A Woman Who Holds The Power; A Woman In Charge; A Woman In Control Of/Charge Of/Responsible For The Finances; A Woman Who Can Be Trusted With Money/Managing The Finances/Accounts; A Woman Who Intends Marrying Well/Has High Standards; A Woman Looking For Quality Relationship/Relationship With Potential; A Woman With A Penchant For Expensive Hand Bags; A Woman With Expensive Tastes; A Woman Happy To Save To Buy The Best; A Woman Who Lives By the Less Is More standard; A Woman Has Everyone Eating Out Of Her Hand; A Fertile/Healthy Woman; A Womans Egg Is Fertilised/Produces Viable Eggs; A Woman Who Grows Her Own Food; A Female Horticulturist/Gardener/Farmer; A Green-Fingered Woman; A Woman Puts Down Her Deposit On A Car/Land/Property/Large Item; A Woman Intent On Building Her Own House; A Woman Who Will Learn Trades/Skills To Cut Down On Building Costs; A Woman With A Bit of Time To Herself/Spends Her Time Wisely/Productively; A Focused/Determined/Committed Woman; A Woman Who Tips Generously; A Womans Dowry; Rx An Extremely Wealthy Woman; A Major Lotto Win For A Woman/From Rags To Riches; Money Has Not Brought The Happiness A Woman Expected; A Penniless/Broke Woman/With No Financial Safety Net/No Contingency Fund; A Disinherited Woman; A Woman With No Money Of Her Own/Never Has Enough Money; A Woman Living On The Never Never(Charged Huge Interest); A Woman Who Looks To Others To Manage Her Affairs/Has Nothing Show For Herself;A Woman With No Money Behind Her/In Her Background/Coming To Her; A Woman Who Marries Beneath Her Class/Settling For Second Best; A Woman Who Cannot Afford To Get Married; A Discontent Woman/Disappointed With Her Lot In Life; A Woman Living On A Low Wage/Getting Paid Less Than She Deserves/Less Than Male Colleagues; A Woman Short-Changed; A Tightfisted/Penny-Pinching Woman; A Spendthrift of A Woman; A Woman Who Squanders Her Resources/Gives No Thought To Her Future/Spends Like Theres No Tomorrow/Cant/Wont Save; A Woman With A Poor Grasp Of Reality/Her Circumstances Or Situation; A Woman With A False Sense Of Security/Standing On Shaky Ground; A Woman Who Doesnt Get What It Is All About/Cant Get Her Act Together; A Woman Who Doesnt Have What It Takes To Succeed/Under-qualified/Under-skilled/Insufficient Education; A Woman Who Has Turns Over Many Businesses/Has Fleeting Success/Never Gives Them Time To Take Off/Cannot Commit Or Stick With Anything/A Woman Who Cannot Get Her Project/Plan Off The Ground; A Woman Who Cannot See The Big Picture/Has A Poor Grasp Of Reality; A Woman Whos Lost Interest/Focus/Concentration; A Woman Does Not ReceiveThe Financial/Practical Support/Backing/Investment She Required; A Woman Who Is Looking/Asking For Too Much; A Woman Who Hasnt Done The Math/Doesnt Understand/Cant Manage Her Money; A Woman Who Cant Hold Onto Money/Spends It As Quick As It Comes In/As She Makes It; A Woman Who Overdresses/Wears Too Much Bling/Flaunts Her Money/Lacks Style/Finesse; A Financial Drain On A Woman; A Woman Who Is A FinancialDrain On Others; A Woman Who Is Constantly Tapping Her Friends/Family For Loan; A Woman Who Is A Poor Tipper/Does Not Tip; A Woman Misses/Turns Down A Golden Opportunity; A Woman Lets A Golden Opportunity Slip Through Her Fingers; A Woman Who Is Going Nowhere/Downhill; A Woman With A Negative/Pessimistic/Bleak Outlook; A Womans Health Is Waning; A Woman In Poor Health; A Woman Not Looking After Herself/Eating Poorly; A Woman Not Operating At Maximum Potential; A Woman Feeling Below Par/Not Herself; A Womans Egg Fails To Fertilise/Hit & Miss/Are Not Viable/Ovaries Malfunctioning/No Longer Ovulating;A Wasteful Woman, A Woman Who Wastes Her Time/Others Time; A Woman Who Gives The Kiss Of Death To Any Plant She Touches/Cant Garden/Neglects Her Garden; A Woman Who Drops Family Tradition/Protocol; A Woman Who Doesnt Care For Money/Doesnt Worry About Money/Doesnt Want Money/Shuns The Material World/Goes Back To Basics; A Female Pick-Pocket; A Woman Has Her Bag Stolen/Is Pick-Pocketed, Empress/Two of Pentacles A Multi-tasking/Busy/Indispensable Woman; A Woman Working Twice As Hard As Anyone Else/Doing The Lions Share/Carrying The Load; A Woman Who Keeps The Place Operating Smoothly/The Unsung Heroine; A Flexible/Adaptable/Accommodating Woman; A Woman Who Keeps Her Head Down & Gets On With Things; A Woman With Lots Of Demands In Her Life; A Demanding Woman; A Woman Making You Jump Through Hoops To Keep Her Happy; A High Maintenance Woman; A Woman Giving You The Runaround/Playing Hard To Get; A Woman Deciding Between Two Suitors/Financial Considerations Involved; AA Woman Handling The Ups & Downs Of Life; A Woman Juggling Her Finances/Life; A Woman Deciding If She Can Afford To Get Married/Have A Child/Second Child; A Woman Setting Some Money Aside For Rainy Day/Saving; A Woman Making Practical Decisions; A Woman Succeeding In Balancing Her Work/Home Life/Has Time For It All; A Woman With Enough Money/Time To Go Around; A Woman Struggling To Make Ends Meet/Keep On Top Of Things; A Woman Working A Second Job To Keep Food On Table & Meet Bills; A Woman Walking A Tight Line With Money/Just Scraping By; What Comes In In One Hand For A Woman Goes Out In The Other; A Woman Who Can Have It All/Wants It All/Have Her Cake & Eat It; A Womans Gone Viral On Social Media/YouTube; A Woman Circulating News/Information; A Womans Name/Reputation/Success Spreads Far & Wide; A Woman Becoming A Familiar Face/Name/Getting Well-Known; A Woman Everyone Is Talking About/Currently Trending; A Woman Must Speculate To Accumulate/Spend Money To Make Money; A Womans Success/Money Doubles/Increases; A Woman Making Her Money Work For Her/Staying Within Her Budget/Stretching Her Finances/Knows Her Limit; A Woman Balancing Accounts; A Woman With Endless Tasks; Want Something Done?

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