did lady bird johnson profit from the vietnam war

did lady bird johnson profit from the vietnam war

Unlike her conflict-averse husband, she played the ruthless enforcer, conducting feuds and engineering firings. Soon there were other summonses from the Middle East. And on her return to Washington, a sex scandal involving Lyndons closest aide presents an October surprise that could easily upend the election. At this ex parte conclave, Wirtz impressed upon Black the importance of LBJs election to the senate, saying that many New Deal programs (he presunmably did not mention the gross topic of Pentagon contracts) hinged on the outcome. Deaver did, tooas deputy chief of staff in the governors office, he had been tasked with what his colleagues called the Mommy Watch, charged with keeping her away from others. I have no financial interests in Halliburton of any kind, Cheney said flatly. But it was politically expedient since it allowed civilian officials in the Pentagon to steer billions into the coffers of favored contractors, such as Halliburton, Lockheed and DynCorp. In this busy milieu, Lady Bird was, she said, so happy being the wife of the senator from Texas., Julia E. Sweig: The lost story of Lady Bird, So happy was sheand so aware of how her husband would chafe at a subordinate rolethat when John F. Kennedy drafted LBJ as his running mate in 1960, she made the case for not accepting. That marriage between the two LBJs? But this rate was nearly three times the 97 cents per gallon that the Iraqi Oil State Marketing Organization was paying to buy oil from Jordan and Turkey. In 1900 he married Minnie Lee Patillo of He and Lady Bird fretted about money during the early years of their marriage. In 1943, Larry Bell who owned Bell Aerospace was convinced of a helicopter design after seeing a remote controlled model built and flown by Arthur Young. The remarkable thing is that Halliburtons looting of Iraq and the US treasury happened in broad daylight, right under the nose of the press, the Democrats and Michael Moore, who made Dick Cheneys former company the bete noir of his film 9/11. Nothing deterred the company from capitalizing on the war it helped orchestrate. In 2003, he was asked about his financial ties to Halliburton. Cheney, as is his natural inclination, continues to deny any involvement, direct or implicit, in the Pentagon deals that have sent billions in no bid contracts to his former company, at the very same time Halliburton continued to sweeten his bank accounts with more than $140,000 a year. Someday, a first gentleman will be called upon to match that care and dedication. Particularly involved in the War on Poverty, Lady Bird braved the consequences of the entire mission: The first presidential wife to act as a true surrogate, she made a whistle-stop tour of the South during the 1964 contestnot just his advocate, but his protector. It is startling to realize that, for the 14 months from November 1963 to January 1965, Lady Bird Johnson effectively was the vice president. The deal was worth $2 billion. Shes a first lady -- with never a hair out of place on her petite frame. Thats real money, even by Pentagon standards. As the polls closed in the Texas senate race of 1948, the margin was razor thin, with Coke Stevenson running slightly ahead of LBJ. The Brown & Root Company shared Halliburtons antipathy toward organized labor, but realized early on that there was a fortune to be made through outsourced government work. Lady Bird Johnson isnt exactly an obscure figure in the life of the nation. Cheney didnt have much experience in the corporate world before becoming Halliburtons chieftain and his tenure there shows it. LBJ lived up to his obligations. Suddenly, it was. In late 1963 the North Vietnamese greatly increased supplies of weapons and equipment to the Vietcong and infiltrated regular army units into the South. Despite a lot of baiting from the US military and the most bellicose voices of in Bush administration, Saddam didnt ignite the Basra oil fields. WebPresident Johnson and his advisers were and risk nuclear war in the interests of capitalist profit. Ep. The damning investigation by the Defense Contract Audit Agency was completed in early October of 2004 and shipped up the line to Pentagons dark triumverate, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld. He had a maniacal drive for money and power. Emhoff joined a long line of female political spouses who have struggled, in a larger sense, to figure out where they should be and what they should do. 1968: Vietnam stance was Ali's fight of a lifetime 1968 pageant proved black is beautiful A year of chaos and change Reports about the incident made it seem that Kitt, Halliburton continues to garner millions from its drilling technology, from Saudi Arabia to the Amazonian rainforest. As Halliburton executives and managers dispensed and received millions in kickbacks, the company itself simply wrote the dispensations directly onto the invoices submitted by the subcontractors. For those flights, the Bush campaign reimbursed Halliburton only the cost of one first class ticket. This coincided with the assassination of Diem (with American collusion) and subsequent chaos in the South Vietnamese government, administration and army. President Lyndon B. Johnson and his wife, First Lady Lady Bird Johnson pose seated atop a fence at their ranch, Johnson City, Texas, 1963. And yes, of her power. When LBJs fortunes rose on the Hill, so did Brown & Roots. But forswearing potentially polarizing talk of urban renewal and land stewardship, Lady Bird spoke of beautification, though she had mixed feelings about the word. But just as their most ambitious, controversial project is about to get underway, tragedy strikes. No, and he even lost his job because of the Vietnam War. In a way, this meeting in the bowels of the Pentagon was all for show, a kind of mating ritual between the government and its favorite contractor. Julia Sweig's fourth book, "Lady Bird Johnson: Hiding in Plain Sight" comes out March 16, 2021 from Random House. Then an unexpected thing happened. The company had gone into debt by more than $1.5 million in order to purchase the equipment needed to build the dam. One night, sitting in her private office in the White House family quarters, and reflecting on one of those shallow, glowing books about her written at the time, Lady Bird sighed and recorded, Sometime, somewhere, I hope someone will write one with more depth about Lyndon and me., Ep. The 1948 election needed to be both bought and stolen. As it happened, Halliburton had a man on the inside to press its case in the person of Dillon Anderson. They knew that their fortunes rode on the backs of their political benefactors and they did their best to keep them happy. The unusually frank assessment accused Halliburton of undocumented cost overruns totaling tens of millions of dollars and generally poor performance.. Speaking of Halliburtons logistics work for the Pentagon in the Balkans, Cheney said, the first person to greet our soldiers as they arrive and the last one to wave good-bye is one our employees. Halliburton: the Alpha and Omega of Pentagon contractors. With the help of his pals Sam Rayburn and Senator Robert Kerr, Johnson, a freshman senator, got himself appointed chairman of the committee overseeing the Federal Power Commission. She came into office in the wake of the JFK assassination. Far from being the path toward a leaner military, the General Accounting Office pegged the LOGCAP program as an adventure in high risk government spending.. Phan Rang, from which US bombers pounded North Vietnam and later Cambodia, gained a little notoriety in December 1967, when Bob Hope brought his Christmas show there featuring a sultry performance by Raquel Welch that nearly caused a riot on the base. Using a subsidiary corporation set up in Cheney time in the Cayman Islands, Halliburton had been doing business with the Mullahs of Iran since 1997, in flagrant violation of the US trade embargo. Francis Miller/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images. The apex political fixer Thomas Tommy the Cork Corcoran later observed that LBJs whole world was built on that dam. As for LBJ, he later said that Wirtz was like a daddy to me. But Johnsons Vietnam War forever changed the role of Pentagon contractors, and Halliburtons Brown & Root subsidiary lead the way. Im sort of an archive geek, so when I heard that Lady Bird had recorded her own White House tapes, the idea of getting to know her and her story didnt sound so far-fetched. LBJ had the good fortune to land on the congressional committee overseeing the operations of the US Navy as it prepared for World War II. The plan came to be known as LOGCAP and Halliburton soon got an additional $5 million to flesh out the details. Hunt and Sid Richardson. Using money from Lady Birds inheritance and generous infusions of cash from Brown & Root, the Johnsons bought the station, made major upgrades in its operations and squeezed federal broadcast regulators into allowing it to expand its output and change its location to a more central place on the dial. Not to worry. (There was also yellow, for iffy ones.) But over the next five years, Brown Shipbuilding, a huge operation on the Houston Ship Channel, would build 355 ships for the Navy, specializing in sub chasers and escorts for destroyers. It is startling to realize that, for the 14 months from November 1963 to January 1965, Lady Bird Johnson effectively was the vice president. It simply passed the bills on to the Pentagon and cashed its reimbursement checks, complete with the 4 percent government gratuity. Stevenson was a wildly popular figure in Texas, but LBJ had an equalizer: a nearly bottomless reservoir of campaign money provided by Brown & Root and Wirtzs client list of oil barons, including H.L. Johnsons tapes also capture affectionate moments between him and his wife, Lady Bird. Then in 1999 Halliburton struck gold once again in the Balkans when Clinton went to war against Serbia over Kosovo. Wrong. This contract was to prove immensely profitable over the next three war-plagued decades. This single invoice amounted to an overcharge of more than 335 times the value of the liquified natural gas delivered by Halliburtons subcontractors. Over the course of the Vietnam war, Halliburtons annual revenues nearly tripled and it emerged from the war as the worlds second largest construction firm, trailing only Bechtel. Soon after Eisenhowers election, Anderson, who had funneled more than $200,000 into the Eisenhower-Nixon campaign, was invited to join the administration as a consultant to the National Security Council. From the October 1980 issue: Looking at Reagan, Nancys wary nature did have its upsides, which Tumulty emphasizes. He also courted cash from every corporation and mogul he could find, promising to return their investment tenfold. Indeed, its fair to say that the only life-support for the company during those five years was the nearly inexhaustible tide of cash coming from Halliburtons Pentagon contracts. WebMoreover, the enormous financial cost of the war, reaching $25 billion in 1967, diverted money from Johnsons cherished Great Society programs and began to fuel inflation. Running as a New Dealer and fueled by cash from Herman Brown, Johnson embarked on a fabulously corrupt campaign against the populist governor of Texas, W. Lee Pass the Biscuits, Pappy ODaniel, a flour magnate and the states most popular radio personality. In the ever-expanding universe of Pentagon contracting, cost is never the problem, public exposure is. That her thing about flowers was really a cover for a pretty radical environmentalism. Return the national parks to the tribes, how well remember the pandemic, a kidnapping gone wrong, and the women reinventing the Western. They just arent. In the summer of that year, George Brown worked out a strange deal with Halliburton, which was looking to diversify its operations. Victoria Thompson and Eric Johnson are executive producers and Suzie Liu is a producer with ABC News. They witnessed the mortal pressures on what Nancy called the flesh-and-blood person. Both kept close watch on sleep, diet, and mental and emotional statesa wifely role, you could say, but is it? She wrapped a towel around herself and got Ronnie out of the shower; dripping, they both stood watching TV as the news sank in that he had won in a landslide. Indeed, a few weeks before Saddam sent his tanks into Kuwait, the Iraqi government had paid Halliburton $57 million for its work on the Mina Al-Bakr terminal and a seismographic project to help the Iraqi Oil Exploration Company enhance its exploration technology. The brief meeting took place a few weeks after John, Jr. had completed basic training in the Army and a few weeks before his departure for Vietnam. 1: Fourteen DaysIn her first-ever diary entry, recorded eight days after President John F. Kennedy is assassinated, Lady Bird presents a dramatic, cinematically detailed moment-by-moment account of those terrible hours in Dallas, and the days that follow. Ironically, Altanmia executives griped that they were forced to charge that hefty amount in order to cover the kickbacks and bribes they were forced to pay to Halliburton officials in order to secure the contract. Both Johnsons knew they had to seize the momentum of the national tragedy and rapidly push through a progressive agenda, which soon became known as the Great Society. And behind her rightful insistence on we lay a more painful bargain. Ep. But thats only a rough opening bid for the true scale of the looting, in large part because the companys indefatigable stonewalling. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 24K 675 comments But then dissent comes to lunch at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when singer, actor and activist Eartha Kitt participates in one of Lady Birds Doers Luncheons, and delivers a fierce critique of the war and its effect on young Black men. The fiercely Republican oil services company, which prospered under Eisenhower, now found many familiar doors in Washington shuttered under the Kennedy administration.

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