anglo american culture

anglo american culture

One would think, therefore, that such a phenomenon deserves special attention. We cannot help them to achieve autonomy by reinforcing the misperception they have of themselves as victims. That transformation was aided and abetted by the appearance of the modern individual. Our portfolio of world-class competitive operations, with a broad range of future development options, provides many of the future-enabling metals and minerals for a cleaner, greener, more sustainable world and that meet the fast growing every day demands of billions of consumers. Individuality is not a private matter, it is a family affair. On carbon, we launched our hydrogen mine haul truck prototype in the first half of 2022. In what follows, we identify three key moral presuppositions: We shall then proceed to explain how those three moral presuppositions, namely, universality, individuality, and family, inform the major institutions of Anglo-American culture, specifically: We turn now to the moral presuppositions. We challenge assumptions,seek other perspectives and pursue innovative opportunities to transform our business. A free and equal citizen is one who lays no obligation upon fellow citizens that he (or she) does not himself (or herself) assume. Turning to sustainability and looking in particular at the key components of our environmental and social performance. Saying "White people have no culture" is an expression of internalized white supremacy. Discover all of our policies and data relating to our ESG performance here. We deal with corruption in two ways: (a) First, we adhere to the principle of checks and balances not just as a political principle but as an economic and social one. The Plan also sets out very ambitious targets for reducing our water footprint, including to reduce fresh water usage in water scarce areas by 50% by 2030. China ranked second, at 36%, followed by Japan (6%) and South Korea (5%). The FWN is a reputable organisation that has developed an online database that covers Living Wage reference values for every country in the world and is considered experts in this field. We are focusing on increasing leadership time in the field to help build a safe and inclusive culture, as well as applying technology to ensure everyone can come to work and return home safely, every day. To summarise, overall, a strong set of numbers in the circumstances and I am encouraged by the operational momentum we carried into 2023, through what is always the seasonally slower first quarter of the year. can. What really inhibits these people is not a lack of opportunity, not a lack of political rights, and not a lack of resources but a character defect, a moral inadequacy. The local community get the clean water and we use dirty water that would otherwise be discharged. in Humanities, Society and Culture: Anglo-American Studies introduces and explores the history, literature, and philosophical contributions of Britain, Ireland, and When we look back at 2022 as a whole, we certainly felt the effects of dislocations in the global economy on our business in energy, and across supply chains and labour markets. We own our decisions, actions and performance, and are empowered to make choices and learn from our experiences. The upshot of this conception of individuality is that the freedom and dignity of individuality cannot be understood except by those who exercise it, that the self-discipline to exercise it cannot be mechanically induced from the outside and that even the exercise of our rational capacity is a matter of self-discipline. Why ought we to engage in this task of retrieving the moral foundations of Anglo-American culture? How significant is this point? There is no serious moral alternative to Anglo-American culture in the modern world; and I do not believe that there are fundamental moral flaws in Anglo-American culture; there are only pockets of people still unwilling to accept the challenge and the burdens of being both free and responsible. And we have made good progress on the implementation of our Social Way 3 management system, with 66% of foundational requirements implemented. Important Themes of American Culture that Influence We offer a highly differentiated investment proposition, both through the prevailing market volatility and for the structurally attractive longer term. Equality has to be understood as the moral capacity for being autonomous not as an equal division of the spoils or redistribution of social badges of prestige. Magali Anderson, who joined us on 1 April, is the newest member of the Board. A government is good not when it tries to pursue the mythical collective good but when it focuses on removing evil. Plato was, in this dialogue and others, attempting for the first time in human history to create the sort of refined conceptual apparatus needed to distinguish between a mere eristic contest (agon) and a rational argument governed by the sort of rules designed to lead to the truth. The essence of the Christian insight is that the locus of freedom is within the individual. Web1 : an inhabitant of the U.S. of English origin or descent 2 : a North American whose native language is English and especially whose culture or ethnic background is of European It is only within the nuclear family that an individual can be valued in and for himself/herself. What is usually meant is that individuals are focused upon private matters concerning themselves, or their families at best, instead of getting involved in public business. What modern individuality stands opposed to is the idea of a communal or collective good over and above the good of the free and responsible individuals who make up the society. WebAmerican history has provided us all with evidence that the melting-pot theory is stemmed with an European-centric slant: For better or worse, the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant tradition was for two centuriesand in crucial respects still isthe dominant influence on American culture and society (Schlesinger, 1992). Our operational and financial performance, presentations and reports. What we tend to forget is that tolerance is not neutrality, and it is not nihilism. What I want to call attention to is the specifically Christian component. United States - The South | Britannica Learn about Anglo American culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Spread the Word. Language, Society, and Culture Historically, they would be those countries that were colonized by the British rather than by the Spanish. Join us in transforming the very nature of the industry to help create a safer, cleaner, smarter future. What is Anglo-American culture? We also sadly lost one colleague at a non-managed joint operation. In the United States, 60% of the population are of Anglo extraction, and as a result make up the cultural identity of North America. Pertinent to all these awful accidents, the Groups safety focus is on vigilance and encouraging employees to speak up when they encounter a situation that doesnt look safe, so that we can finally put a stop to serious incidents. Through our Sustainable Mining Plan, which is aligned to the UNs Sustainable Development Goals, Anglo American is committed to playing its part in addressing the climate change challenge, across our value chain. Logic can take us only so far. (b) Wealth liberates us from the culture of poverty. Today, we have released an addendum to our latest Tax and Economic Contribution Report to include country-specific data that demonstrates Be notified of any news, reports or updates straight to your email address, Keep up to date on social media or contact us with any other information, Introducing Duncan Wanblad, our new Chief Executive, Marketing materials solutions for our customers, Asset Strategy and Reliability (Engineering), Electronic communication and proxy voting. To my immediate right is Richard Price, the Group General Counsel and Company Secretary and then Ian Tyler, our Senior Independent Director. Library of Anglo-American Culture & History (FID AAC) Library of Anglo-American Culture & History (FID AAC) Gttingen State and University Library Platz der Gttinger Sieben 1 37073 Gttingen, Germany fid-aac@sub.uni Anglo-American Culture by Jennifer Prueitt - Prezi (c) Private wealth provides a check on the power of the government, and leads to the expansion of individual liberties. The importance of this cultural expansion, which often goes unnoticed, can represent a golden opportunity to promote the region's interests in the world. The previous statemen can be validated 831 Words 4 Pages Good Essays Heritage Assessment and Healthcare Essay While market economies existed in embryonic form in the Middle Ages, it was in the sixteenth century that the market economy began to transform the world. What we share in common is not an interest but the need to realize our individuality. The series Publications of The German Association for British Studies is now available in open access in The Stacks. Simply put, safety always comes first as we strive to reach zero harm for every one of our people, every single day. Limited government is a good thing. Our steadfast focus is on driving safe, responsible and consistent performance across our operations, delivering value-adding growth and progressing towards our full suite of sustainability ambitions. WebWhat is being called the Anglo-Americanization of India entails accent-neutralization, lessons on American culture (using things like Sex and the City DVDs), and the use of Anglo-American-sounding names like Sean and Peggy (Pal, 2004). To provide a comprehensive framework that would identify the moral presuppositions of Anglo-American culture would be to fill a great lacuna in the contemporary intellectual environment. Attaining this level of performance represents a higher bar than any that has been set before in the industry. Anglo American continues to re-invest in the business and deliver sustainable cash returns to you, our shareholders. Historically, the formal component is articulated only within Western Civilization; it originated in those eastern Mediterranean societies that saw themselves as instantiating a cosmic order, most specifically in the Judaic monotheism of the Old Testament, in classical Greek drama, and most clearly in Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. One could say that one of the traits of the Anglo-American culture is selfish. To feel slighted in the recognition of others, to be obsessed with keeping up with the Joneses instead of maintaining your own internal standards of integrity, is to reveal oneself as lacking in personal autonomy. To let others decide for themselves is precisely to treat them as ends and not as means. We believe in humanity and therefore show care and respect for all people and will not turn a blind eye to what is wrong. Details of the proxy votes already received for each resolution are shown on the screen behind me. Now, with the maturity and availability of Living Wage reference values for all the countries in which we have a presence, we have been able to conduct an in-depth assessment to understand our overall position regarding the Living Wage and ourglobalemployee workforce in managed operations, excluding contractors, apprentices and interns. By their nature, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Anglo American or industry results to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Rather than present a detailed argument for this thesis, I shall ask one simple question: how many of the major international conflicts in the last 200 years have occurred between two sides both of which had market economies and republican forms of government based upon an individualist moral culture? Specifically, what the intellectual elite can contribute to this process is the on-going explication of the inherited framework of principles. It is not directly correlated with income, intelligence, or how articulate you are. We remain absolutely committed to disciplined capital-allocation and maintaining a strong and flexible balance sheet. We are incredibly focused on those cost drivers. Looking at the asset portfolio, we are predominantly a producer of what we refer to as future-enabling products, being those metals and minerals that are required to enable and meet the two major demand trends we see. a. that human beings possess the rational capacity torecognize the universal moral truth; There is a difference between an argument in the sense of what the ancient Greeks called an eristic, the point of which is to vanquish/embarrass ones opponent (e.g., accusing them of a micro-aggression), not to find the truth. The road to the modern conception of individuality has not been a short and smooth one. 2017-2023 The Postil. Interview: Native Americans Read all our latest press releases, speeches and presentations. How do we help them to get that far? By 2040, we are targeting to achieve carbon neutrality across the operations, along with an ambition to at least halve our Scope 3 emissions. We licensed two databases provided by Adam Matthew Digital: J. Looking back on my first year as chief executive, the world has changed in many ways. As Stuart said, while we continue to make progress and develop our safety processes and procedures, we are deeply saddened to have lost five colleagues in total from the beginning of 2022 to date, including at a non-managed operation. I want to stress that Anglo-American culture is not simply the product of Athens and Jerusalem. What is Anglo American culture? - Studybuff While the Latin American region loses economic and political weight in the global arena, it is conquering the world on stage. The answer is none! Now, before I ask Duncan Wanblad, our chief executive, to give you an overview of recent performance, allow me to share some of my perspectives on your company, Anglo American. Leadership and Culture | Anglo American Celebrate Canadian literature: Weve collected online sources and program highlights about this year's guest of honor! Secondly, our work to improve operational stability through the discipline of our Operating Model which is key to safer outcomes. Notice of the meeting was published to shareholders on 6 March 2023, and a quorum is present. It follow from this that civic virtue in a modern Anglo-American culture requires us to help others, and we help others primarily by helping them to achieve autonomy. Our portfolio of world-class mining operations provides the metals and minerals that make modern life possible. 1. We work together with our business partners and diverse stakeholders to unlock enduring value from precious natural resources for the benefit of the communities and countries in which we operate, for society as a whole, and for our shareholders. What we have discovered so far is that the major moral concept of Anglo-American culture is individual autonomy. Smart innovation in technology, digitisation & sustainability working hand in hand to connect metals & minerals to all of us who need and value them. Those who are concerned with the flawed character of American family life have missed and continue to ignore this dimension of the problem. But one thing we must not do is to confuse patience and civility with self-doubt or tacit consent. There is yet another reason. Anglo American We use innovative practices and the latest technologies to discover new resources and mine, process, move and market our products to our customers around the world. All we can provide in the way of policy are opportunities to learn autonomy. One explanation for why Anglo-American culture is not understood is, ironically, that it has been defined largely by its critics; so much so that even the defenders of Anglo-American culture have unwittingly adopted the framework of their critics. A rational argument is oriented solely towards discovering the truth. Societies with market economies, republican forms of government, where both are based upon an individualist moral culture do not go to war with each other. All rights reserved. It is a contradiction in terms to think that giving greater and greater control to public agencies increases individual freedom. On our emissions trajectory, its unlikely to be linear as we head towards our 2040 carbon neutral operations target, but we are making progress. The Assistant Accountant is responsible for the costing and services administration function within the Unit, to prescribed standards. We hear so much about listening to the other side that we tend to forget that we also have an obligation to speak out and to challenge that with which we disagree. Salvation exists only within the individual conscience; and no moral, social, or political theory is to be taken seriously if it fails to recognize this insight. Next to Hilary is Stephen Pearce, our finance director and next to me is our chief executive, Duncan Wanblad. WebIn Arizona: Population composition. After nine years as Chief Executive, Mark Cutifani will be stepping down at next weeks AGM on 19 April, and will be succeeded by Duncan Last month, four of our senior leaders spoke at the FT Mining Summit 2021, a major milestone in the mining industrys calendar, where we 2020 was a year like no other. The beginning of reggaetn's international rise It is thus only in Anglo-American culture that the false dichotomy of self and others is overcome. This is a point that is lost on those, especially intellectuals, whose hostility to the market leads to a pervasive ignorance and misrepresentation of the operations of the market economy. The substantive moral truth that is embodied in Anglo-American culture is the inherent worth and dignity of the free and responsible individual. It is a good thing because it maximizes respect for the inner spiritual domain. AGM 2023 Address to Shareholders | Anglo American Is there anyone who believes that when one person, one economic interest group, one gender, one religion, one race, one ethnic group does the deciding for others that it makes sense to call this letting them decide for themselves? At Anglo American we're re-imagining mining to improve people's lives. Anglo Americans Total Shareholder Return for the year was 15%, three times higher than that of the FTSE 100 Index. Hence, this is all the more reason that we understand it, deal with its problems intelligently, and that we not experience a failure of nerve lest the world lapse back into barbarism as a result of our negligence. The surveys are enabling us to build a picture of how extensively our Values are lived. Let me now talk through some of the operational performance and other financials. There is only one social institution within which it seems possible to learn self-respect and the glory of self-discipline, and that institution is the family. For 2022, we delivered our second highest financial performance after the record in 2021. Be in no doubt, we will not rest until zero harm is achieved and sustained across our business. Smart innovation in technology, digitisation & sustainability working hand in hand to connect metals & minerals to all of us who need and value them. You can find the biographies for each director in our Notice of AGM and I trust that you agree with me in noting the high calibre and diverse experience of our Board members. It is not the case that every view is as true as every other; it is not the case that every way of life is just as legitimate as every other. The original term for Folk music is the music composed and performed by people to showcase their lifestyle. It emphasizes the need for immigrants to unlearn their cultural traits in order to learn the new social practices necessary for acceptance. We always act honestly, fairly, ethically and transparently. The function of political activity is to defend and advance particular contending interests. The second most important event in the development of Anglo-American culture has been the concept of limited government. To answer this question, let us look at two things, the concept of wealth and the role of the family. We are making good progress with the critical infrastructure the shafts and tunnel and excellent progress with the product, too. Be notified of any news, reports or updates straight to your email address, Keep up to date on social media or contact us with any other information, Marketing materials solutions for our customers, Asset Strategy and Reliability (Engineering), Electronic communication and proxy voting, Out of sight, but never out of mind, tomorrows ultimate mine will long provide the precious raw materials our modern society needs. Anglo American Reviews The most obvious feature of Anglo-American culture is its tolerance. First, a side note. In other words, the Anglo-American people would have seen the same rise whether they had originated in England or anywhere else in the world. It requires statesmen not leaders. Even here we must be observant of the flawed character of so much of modern family life. Magali currently serves as Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer of Holcim Group and is a member of its executive committee. When you have a chance take two identical maps of Eur-Asia; draw a line on one of the maps. Discover all of our policies and data relating to our ESG performance here. It is with deep regret that we lost two colleagues following accidents during the year at our managed operations, as well as the loss of a colleague from a complication following an injury sustained in 2021. The recognition of this formal or logical component of universality allows both for self-criticism and for cross-cultural criticism. Diversity has long been a central element of the American way of life. WebAnglo-American settlers of England, Spain, France, Russia, Sweden and the Netherlands began to change native America during the early 1500s. The great internal challenge that we face is to help these incomplete individuals to mature into truly autonomous individuals. WebThe Anglo-American culture values youth rather than old age and consider it acceptable to place elderly individuals in a nursing home when they can no longer individually care for Second, it is a misunderstanding of individuality to see it as opposed to the notion of a cultural whole. Anglo-Americans While Louisiana began as a French colony and its dominant culture remained Creole French well into the nineteenth century, Anglo-Americans began to form a significant minority in region the late colonial period. Rather, income is a means to accomplishment. Have I your permission to take the Notice of Meeting as read and formally propose the resolutions set out in the Notice? 1. : a person living in the U.S. who was born in or whose ancestors were born in England. We appreciate your engagement with Library AAC and encourage you to share our content on social media. Ive just covered the headlines of our environmental and social performance, but I should also mention a few particular areas of progress towards our Sustainable Mining Plan targets. As we have already argued, the cultivation of individuality is not within the province of political or governmental agencies. Anglo Americans The difference is significant, and they knew what they were doing. There is an enormous difference between cultures of conscience and cultures of shame. Tailings of the future: Hydraulic Dewatered Stacking (HDS) Assist the Senior Accountant Operations on cost management and reporting. How do we deal with corruption? On one side of that line are all of the communities that easily embrace market economies, republican government, and the practice of toleration; on the other side are all those who define themselves by hatred and intolerance of others. 89% of employees who responded to this survey say they are proud to work for Anglo American. Let me conclude by saying that: just as ancient Athens strove to be the school of Hellas so America can strive to be the mentornot the rulerof the modern world. WebReviews from Anglo American employees about working as a Specialist at Anglo American. Anglo-conformity tacitly rules out the viability of intact Old World identities and cultural practices outside of the Anglo-American mold. WebAnglo American has been in partnership with the Fair Wage Network (FWN) since March 2021. Next to Ian are independent non-executive directors, Hixonia Nyasulu, and Nonkululeko Nyembezi. Anglo (g) One of the greatest motivations that energetic and creative people bring to the marketplace is not only the desire to found a fortune but the desire to have a durable and substantial legacy to pass on to their children. But opportunities are not opportunities if there is no risk of failure, no standard of success. Anglo American is a global diversified mining business. WebStudy the settlement of the American South and the evolution of music in the region from gospel to country See all videos for this article By far the largest of the three original Collaboration between FID AAC and Gttingen University Press makes academic publications more accessible! There is no doubt that 2022 was a tough year in many ways, with extreme weather and other factors affecting our operations. Anglo-Saxon America is a concept that refers to the part of the American continent that has English as its official or main language. Though Anglos and Anglo Americans had explored parts of the territory during Spanish colonial times (before 1821), they only began arriving and staying in much larger numbers, I know of no serious alternative to Anglo-American culture as the model; Anglo-American culture is self-critical, characterized by its striving for universality, has as its great strength the power of assimilation, and it is a fertile source of adaptation of what has been and still can be absorbed from other historical cultures. Join us in transforming the very nature of the industry to help create a safer, cleaner, smarter future. d. that these capacities can only be discovered retrospectively by their exercise. Ensuring we have the right mix of skills, experience and diversity at Board level that reflects the breadth of our business is critical to effective governance. What they end up with are leaders who are their mirror image: leaders who are themselves incomplete individuals and who seek to control others because they cannot control themselves, who seek the emasculation of autonomous individuals, who prize equality and not competition. 1899-1900. You cannot be an autonomous individual on your own, rather individuality requires the support of a Anglo-American culture in general, and family life in particular. It can be felt in almost every aspect of human life; music, literature, science, and philosophy are just a few examples. Anglo-American People from Moldova try to make it so that everyone will feel welcome in their homes. I will now introduce the rest of your Board, all of whom are present. Unit costs were impacted by the combination of very high inflation as well as lower volumes for the year as a whole. Measured against the global average, our overall figures are very high. The Board has recommended a final dividend of 74 US cents per share, in line with our 40% of underlying earnings payout policy, bringing total dividends for the year to Melting Pot Through our Sustainable Mining Plan, which is aligned to the UNs Sustainable Development Goals, Anglo American is committed to playing its part in addressing the climate change challenge, across our value chain.

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